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@Abhishrek and that was a slow run. ;)
the Nginx web server is running inside a Docker container, really don't have much experience with tweaking it there
I have the following code wich is working,
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var fs = require('fs');
var https = require('https');
var llave = fs.readFileSync('./key.pem', 'utf8');
var certi = fs.readFileSync('./server.crt', 'utf8');
var credentials = {key: llave, cert: certi};

app.get('/encript', function (req, res) {
  var id = JSON.stringify(req.query).split(':')[0].substring(2,18);

var httpsServer = https.createServer(credentials, app).listen(8081);
How do i post json request to it ?
anyone knows where should i start looking for an answer ?
I'll go read that
look at the Headers and Body section in the document
you'll need to update your server with a POST request handler to receive it on the other end
@FilipDupanović I know a bit of Docker
@KarmaDoe bfy.tw/98uC It's not hard at all
right, so atm I have 4 CPUs and all the media is located in a host directory that's mounted to a data container that's shared with the web server
@taco how many CPUs can I allocate to Nginx for spinning up workers? do I get any IOPS increase if I botch the host directory and move all the media to the volume?
Hey guys
I'm restricted to NodeJS 4.6, I was wondering if it was possible to use generators ( ie; yield ) w/o Babel
hmm, I think you need Node.js 5, let me check
@FilipDupanović In Docker? Well, shit. I'm not sure.
you could probably test with something like DataDog's analytics
I vaguely remember someone from HP said you should go for 1/2 of the CPU count for best performances
@neet_jn yeah, you have generators (y)
@taco I have Google Analytics, but I really can't wait for the stats to come in
@FilipDupanović thank you
Status: Downloaded newer image for node:4.6
> (function *foo() { yield 'bar' })().next()
{ value: 'bar', done: false }
7 mins ago, by Luggage
https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/ says "mostly"
oh, I thought the list only tracked Node 5 and upwards
I started hating the page this summer, filtering a row takes 10 seconds to get the document updated on my m5
back to 0.10 if you turn on the "obsolete" checkbox
The harmony flag doesnt seem to be working for me
yield is unrecognized
node 4.6
I ran without any flags
and I just tried on 4.2 and it worked
$ node -v
$ node
> (function *foo() { yield 'bar' })().next()
{ value: 'bar', done: false }
@Luggage, btw, did you get your complicated wiz generator working with conditional yields?
yea, they always worked. That part is 'free' and part of being a generator
how'd you get the if this answer yield this component part working?
@KendallFrey webgl
yeah, that, let me look, I didn't know you can do gen.next(arg) to pass in arguments
so, yield (expression) returns the argument passed?
//     That's how async/await works. It's basically just:
let result = yield somePromise;

!!> g = (function *foo() { const a = yield 5; yield a; })().next(10); g.next()
@FilipDupanović "TypeError: (intermediate value)(...).next(...).next is not a function"
you can't chain.
@FilipDupanović "TypeError: g.next is not a function"
blawh, I'll try tomorrow with coffee
!!> g = (function *foo() { const a = yield 5; yield a; })(); [ g.next().value, g.next(10).value, g.next().value ]
@Luggage [5,"NaN"]
close enough
actually, the first one is always blank
you pass the result to the second next()
@Luggage [5,10,"undefined"]
I'll have to peek at the generator runtime output from Babel for async/await
looked at it once and was just TMI
there are a few options. one of them outputs a generator (which then can get transpiled into a case statement)
Hello :) Merry Christmas!
merry jsmas o/
trying to make an AND switch in infinifactory is proving difficult
@towc I've never done semitransparent rendering in 3D
Does anyone know what makes react bootstrap different from just regular bootstrap?
if I use cloudflare, does it affect nodeks and socketio ?
not really, you'll get the requests proxied from CloudFlare, but your application server won't really care
is there something specific that's concerning you?
Well not really, just new for socketio & nodejs concept
on client js, socket connect needs ip:port
how can I hide it from users ?
you'll want to point the WS URL to CloudFlare, since it'll manage your DNS settings
but otherwise, you don't need to do anything with your app
oh, except if you want to use HTTPS and WSS, then you'll want to put up another proxy infront of Node on the same host, to downgrade to HTTP and WS, something like Nginx
you don't want to handle crypto in Node, it's going to be painfully slow
how about using it htaccess way
rewrite rule
IP:5000 = chat.php
with Apache? I'm not really into it anymore
but yeah, you can leave the default ports in your sources and then proxy the incoming requests from CF wherever you need to
1 hour later…
Just lost the game :/
@TrojanByAccident Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello JS Room
Does anyone know what => means in JS? like the term so i can earch it up
arrow function syntax
or 'fat arrow'
or lambda expressions + js
@rlemon ok thanks.
@BenFortune omg new bot idea
:lemon sounds:
@rlemon What sounds are those, exactly?
think of the sound of sour
it's not that.
it's kinda like an avocado got busy with a grapefruit
o-okay, then...
On another note, what js script are each of you most proud of?
Hey guys I'm having an issue understanding how ctx.save() / restore works. Currently I can't get my spaceship to turn blue, though the opponent in the other canvas turns blue. I've checked the variables and there both set to true so both ships should be changing color..
var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

        if (this.localGame.getOpponenetSpaceship().getHealth() > 0) {

        //render the spaceships onto the canvas using there co-ordinates
        if (this.localGame.getPlayerSpaceship().getHealth() > 0) {
this.renderSpaceShip = function (ctx) {

        var ctx = ctx;

        var side = this.side;

        var h = side * (Math.sqrt(3) / 2);


        if (this.protection) {
            ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
        } else {
            ctx.strokeStyle = "white";

        //This holds where the triangle should be
        ctx.translate(this.x, this.y);
        ctx.rotate(this.direction + Math.PI / 2);

        ctx.moveTo(0, -h / 2);
        ctx.lineTo(-side / 2, h / 2);
I've tried a load of things but for some reason I can't only make one or the other spaceship (whichever is called first) turn blue in my canvas :/
@lix make a fiddle
I'm not sure how you'd make a game loop inside of a fiddle :o
actually I'm lying, sec
@rlemon That's scary I watched that 20 minutes ago ;o
trending videos trend
@Mosho I'm not going to make a fiddle, it'd take forever to actually make one. I'm presuming my problem lys in the use of save and restore
I'm (and many others who might help) not going to take a look without one
try to isolate the problem
creating minimal examples helps a lot, which is why we recommend them
No I understand, It's just having to program a collision and a game loop with a canvas layer in jsfiddle would take some time :/
no, isolating the problem would take some time, you don't have to re-create the entire program to do so
and I'd guess a good 60% of the time isolating it, solves it.
Yeah your right actually, It's not the save that#s doing it.. for some reason the if statement never actually chooses blue :o
So the statement is true but for some unknown reason still fails if (this.protection === true)
Like how can It fail that statement when it's returning true in the browser
@lix What IDE are you using?
Visual Studio
@lix Ah, I have no experience with Visual Studio, so sadly, I can't help you
I mean I'm testing the variable in chrome, so I'm presuming it's nothing linked to my IDE?
@lix Well, if the statement returns true in the browser, than it could have something to do with the IDE
if( console.log(this.protection), this.protection ) {

@TrojanByAccident that makes little sense
if (this.protection === true) {
            ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
        } else {
I wrote that to check in the browser and it shows as loggin as true
true or 'true'
@rlemon Why is that? If the browser returns a statement as true, and the IDE reports otherwise, wouldn't that be a problem with the IDE?
wait do I need to be using implicit checking?
@TrojanByAccident who said it was doing something in the IDE?
@lix probably not
maybe, but probably not
const p = this.protection;
if(p) { ctx.strokeStyle = 'blue'; }
try running this
@rlemon I thought @lix did? maybe I was misunderstanding
those are some odd results puu.sh/t2d8X/5873af3c07.png
shedding some light on the situation tho
now look why the value is toggling
I did a console.log from within my canvas.js that shows as being true
but the instance within the localGame.js is returning false
Is there a way of me seeing if I have multiple instances of an object flying around in my code?
I have no idea as to why these two are showing differently
write less sloppy code?
dang it can't get typescript to work with web pack :(
its throwing me type errors from files not even required
@lix amazing
@littlepootis thanks dude
Both of the references show true now, but still no color change at all :/
and the browser still doesn't like my if statement... what on earth
there is nothing wrong with the if statement
if the value is truthy, it will pass
you didn't break javascript
something else is the problem. either the value isn't true, or what you're doing in the block isn't what you think you want to do
I'm guessing on the latter? remove the if statement. just set the colour. see if it does anything
Ahh your right the color hasn't changed
now investigate that
mine's better anyways
I just tried working backwards and it seems it's drawing the second ship as white even without save and restore
Hey, what is chat used for? Why should I use it?
@Jacob Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon I made a fiddle jsfiddle.net/z90vkgga/2
can you see anything immediately wrong? even in there it won't show the second triangle
@Jacob dank memes
A strong realization you suck at coding in comparison to others.
it is there
just not on screen
initial canvas is like 100 * 300 ?
something like that
ahh yeah your right
but that's good It means the code for the spaceship is working as intended something else must be causing the bug
Does anyone else understand his question ?
Q: Json multiple array of objects

shrisai7I'm new to json, I want to accept array of objects. My json format var my=[ { "name":"A", "size":39, "imports":[ "B", "C", ] } how to accept dynamically.Please help me

Okay I've partly solved my issue!
calling stroke style inside of my render function for asteroids causes my other render statement to act as exspected
and I solved it, by changing removing a stroke and using strokeRect() instead, though I have no idea why this solved my issue
@rlemon thanks for the tips, sorry to be a nuisance :/
he who wakes up early falls into the hole himself
It's annoying when I find a question that most likely already has an answer, but I can't flag it as such, because the person that asked the previous question didn't accept the answer, and the answer has no upvotes(although it may be useful)
I'm more annoyed when someone closes a question as a dupe, because that's all he cares about, even though the stated problem in the two questions is unrelated
here, 400k and 40k user cannot read questions stackoverflow.com/questions/41310050/…
@FilipDupanović I've seen that happen before
completely ignore the fact the OP had issues related to Babel, 40k user answers at the bottom not even addressing the problem
both perform a CV
Man I'm just running into problems today
@FilipDupanović \o
@lix o/
@FilipDupanović Yeah :/
I think it's time for a good old tea break
Question - when you upvote a question/answer, does it get bumped?
@lix That sounds odd when it's 01:15 here
@TrojanByAccident uhh I think so, yes
yeah dude It's 06:15 here in engalnd
I've been up all night coding
I guess that's why olden questions pop up on our feeds
@FilipDupanović Hmm
That's another annoying thing then
what, no .zZ yet @lix?
when I find an old answer that's really good but I don't want to bump it
not in like 17 hours
@lix I've been up year coding
buwahaha :D
@TrojanByAccident like a whole year straight?
@lix what's your secret? polyphasic sleeping?
@lix No, it was a joke
There was a segment of about a week when I went without sleep to work on code, though
jfc! you're gonna get sick doing that
DSPD and Anxiety from not having enough time to finish stuff for uni
!!urban dspd
@FilipDupanović DSPD DSPD = Die (a) Slow Painful Death
!!wiki dspd
Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), also known as delayed sleep phase syndrome or delayed sleep phase type, and in the 2014 revision of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3), delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, is a chronic dysregulation of a person's circadian rhythm (biological clock), compared to the general population and relative to societal norms. The disorder affects the timing of sleep, peak period of alertness, the core body temperature rhythm, and hormonal and other daily cycles. People with DSPD generally fall asleep some hours after midnight and have difficulty...
Delayed sleep phase disorder
o wait caprica got it
Sleep is for the weak
@TrojanByAccident jokes aside, sleep makes you smarter and stronger as a human.
can it not be mediated by eating pasta?
@lix Who ever said I was human?
on a side note,
I, er, You just lost The Game
@FilipDupanović It's rare to have it continue when your an adult, I was diagnosed when I was younger and it's never stopped so far.
the rent is $20k per month :/?
yeah :-(
damn, just need to make $140k before taxes
I'm currently trying to figure out how I write some nodejs code that doesn't halt other functions :/
Yeah, for 140k a year rent you could get a super duper nice house here in the uk
you can get a two story house, with a big courtyard, a shack for vehicles and livestock and a granary for about €7500 in Serbia
I'm presuming I'd need to make a callback so that the execution of the rest of my server carrys on
(countryside, though)
but you live in serbia dude
that or a generator or a chain of promises
whats more annoying is that all the tutorials I'm looking at for callbacks talk about filereaders and shit
I just want it to wait 4s before issuing my second emit
I'm in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but yeah I was in Serbia at the countryside with a guy from east UK and he said he could own half of the village if he sold his house on the market
We have to solve a script error without the script
Q: Identify which causes the Page unresponsive (or) Page not responding due to long running scripts

Vignesh KumarI have my asp.net application in visual studio 2013. It's all functionality working quite smoothly except one page. We are using no external scripts in these pages. While running this page in chrome, I ma getting error message as The Page(s) become unresponsive. While running in IE, I ma g...

jfc, is that smt produced by ASP.NET?
@FilipDupanović I was always told that serbia is a horrible place, though googling pictures it looks alright
How do you format code in chat?
ctrl + k
var foo = bar();
Some interesting code:
var date1 = new Date('0000', '00', '00');
var date2 = new Date('1111', '11', '11');
Somehow both report their date as being in December
and the first says its year is 1899
@TrojanByAccident It's a feature.
@JonahSloan Why, though?
I'm very confused
@TrojanByAccident Have you tried this ?
new Date('-9999', '99', '99');
!!> new Date('-9999', '99', '99');
@FlyingGambit "-009991-07-08T04:00:00.000Z"
???? Wed Jul 08 -9991
new Date('-9999', '-99', '-99');
^ Tue Jun 23 -10008
Alright, I'm done trying to figure this out. Gn all
I find that weird
@TrojanByAccident Gn
A negative year makes no sense.
Then how would I represent a date in BC ?
Use positive numbers?
@All hi
@SamSam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JonahSloan "Date objects are based on a time value that is the number of milliseconds since 1 January, 1970 UTC."
@FlyingGambit I'll make my own Date object.
!!> new Date('0000', '00', '00')
@FlyingGambit "1899-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
@FilipDupanović with rent at $20k/mo, they wouldn't rent to you unless you made ~$750k per year
!!> new Date('0000', '00', '-1')
@FlyingGambit "1899-12-30T05:00:00.000Z"
time before time began
@Shmiddty That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Shmiddty "Tue Dec 27 2016 02:22:55 GMT-0500 (EST)"
clearly I need to go to sleep now
@TrojanByAccident I ended up asking a question on that stackoverflow.com/questions/41340836/…
Just came back for a sec, but yeah, saw your question :P
And its no error either, tested in chrome and FF
!!> new Date('-9991', '-6', '-8');
@TrojanByAccident "-009992-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
^ I don't get why the year changes
thats because of -6 and -8
!!> new Date(0);
@FlyingGambit "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
@FlyingGambit Ah, yeah, lol.
@CapricaSix ???
Okay, here's the confusing thing. Read these dates.
!!> new Date(0);
@TrojanByAccident "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
!!> new Date(1);
@TrojanByAccident "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z"
!!> new Date(2);
@TrojanByAccident "1970-01-01T00:00:00.002Z"
!!> new Date(3);
@TrojanByAccident "1970-01-01T00:00:00.003Z"
!!> new Date(-1);
@TrojanByAccident "1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"
now I'm more confused
But it is correct
it accepts milliseconds as parameter, so here 1,2,3 are miliseconds
check the value of each before the Z
according to chrome, new Date(1) is Wed Dec 31 1969 00:00:00
as well as new Date(2) new Date(3), etc
and new Date(-1) reports as Wed Dec 31 1969 18:59:59
!!> new Date(666);
@TrojanByAccident "1970-01-01T00:00:00.666Z"
@TrojanByAccident mine shows the right date
!!> new Date(6, 6, 6);
@TrojanByAccident "1906-07-06T04:00:00.000Z"
@FlyingGambit interesting. look at the date above, though.
> 1906
try passing a string
!!> new Date("6","6","6")
@FlyingGambit "1906-07-06T04:00:00.000Z"
This is driving me crazy
!!> new Date(true);
we really should not be spamming here
@TrojanByAccident "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z"
true is as good as 1
!!> new Date(false);
@TrojanByAccident "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
true = 1 and false = 0
@FlyingGambit true. maybe we should make new room?
@FlyingGambit Actually, I think 1 === true && 0 === false, but true doesn't really equal 1, and false doesn't really equal 0
@FlyingGambit Wait, it won't have the bot, though, will it? Or is it site-wide?
it will have the bot
<-- n00b
Alright can't find the trashbin
Maybe we could use the sandbox?
yes sandbox, forgot the name :D
I was googling for SO chat trashbin
Q: Why does Date accept negative values?

Flying GambitAs per MDN "Date objects are based on a time value that is the number of milliseconds since 1 January, 1970 UTC." Then why does it accept negative values ? Even if it did shouldn't negative value mean values before Jan 1, 1970 ? new Date('0000', '00', '-1'); // "1899-12-30T05:00:00.000Z" n...

@KendallFrey I thought you said 2d webgl semitransparency was trivial :P I am asking about 2d only
@CapricaSix thanks mate
@KendallFrey unless whenever I say webgl you hear 3d, and whenever I say 2d you hear .getContext( '2d' ), which I guess would make sense
1 hour later…
@lix nah, they just faced 3 mass exterminations in the last century alone and they're about the most displaced nation; the politicians and impoverished are a mess, same goes for every state in the region, but the urbanites in Belgrade and other towns are wonderful people
god black mirror is so awkward
I've been watching this episode for like 2 days
@Shmiddty aye, I was thinking $140k/mo before taxes, but I can imagine SF is way worse
@Mosho wuuuut it's amazing
@FilipDupanović damm thats a lot to go through
@FlyingGambit You're mixing up lots of things in that question. You got +ve, -ve, string, octal. You just need to read the doc (or spec) for each case and accept the Date object as it is.
And don't forget timezone. It matters.
how do I not clear everything that was in the previous webgl frame?
frame 1: draw a triangle at pos, say, 0, 0
frame 2: draw a triangle at pos, say, 412314132, 132532334.
After drawing on frame 2, everything from frame1 is gone...

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