@KendallFrey sure, but I'm yet to figure out how, if you were to send circle information only to the vertex shader, and using a varying to send more to the shader
make a square sending varyings at 4 different positions within the vector, and set up a function in the fragment shader based on those 4 values to figure out the distance from each vertex and therefore determine whether they're in a circle or not?
next up, the way glsl handles things reminds me of guards (the | in haskell functions) and list comprehensions ( [ x | x <- [1..10], mod x 2 == 0 ] in haskell, for example)
@Knu well, tbh, if you did a alpha/beta/rc release, you would indeed probably do more than one, maybe that's why everyone is starting with a .0 or .1 suffix
don't forget, you can set distribution tags, they'll always point to the latest version
also @KendallFrey, I made my first actual mandelbrot implementation :D https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4lGSzh Never really wanted to be bothered with processing power on other languages, but glsl just fixes all of the issues
btw @KendallFrey, I just realized that when introducing concepts and saying "okay, let's say S is \wyx.y(wyx), then 2S1 (shorthand) is 5" is actually not shorthand, that's the same as saying (\21S.→2S1←)(\sz.s(s(z)))(\sz.s(z))(\wyx.y(wyx)), so that made me happy
"Embrace, extend, and extinguish", also known as "Embrace, extend, and exterminate", is a phrase that the U.S. Department of Justice found that was used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences to disadvantage its competitors.
== Origin ==
The strategy and phrase "embrace and extend" were first described outside Microsoft in a 1996 New York Times article titled "Tomorrow, the World Wide Web! Microsoft, the PC King, Wants to Reign Over...
I had a Netscape email account. One of the many extinguished victims.
@Knu so, fast-forward 30 years, LSF becomes profitable and some unknown dude gets pissed and writes an AI over the weekend to start a new microkernel OS and we enter a new cycle... is that the worst case scenario :P?
An Xmas update: baby is two months old and reliably sleeps 5 hours over the night. He now also demands lots of cradling. Like start grunting at 6am everyday until I cradle him.
I don't hate Win 10. I love the quarter snap, the new task manager, or the game bar. But high contrast still not work with win32, cannot uninstall Cotana or XBox, forced and unstable updates...
@FilipDupanović The worse part is it works with metro apps, so you get black setting windows and black calculators, but white windows explorers. Totally split personality. And worst, ms REMOVED colour config for win32.
I want to see multiple pages in ckeditor . Looks like the following image , I want to implement it in ckeditor .
I have come to know that there is a page break in html . I have added page break plugin in my ckeditor . But I can insert page break manually . I want to insert page break automati...
I have a tree structure data like
children: [
id: 54,
children: [
id: 154,
children []...
I am using Angular 2. As far as I know, change detection ki...
@user6582640 Depends on what caused the terminal to "sucks". You can switch Win 10's right click start menu (Win+F) to show PowerShell instead of traditional dos prompt, and you can install bash shell in developer mode.
1. If ':ipp:connectToIntuit' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module 2. If ':ipp:connectToIntuit' is a Web Component then add "CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA" to the '@NgModule.schema' of this component to suppress this messag
hi can anyone help me with this node error npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Versions of the jquery npm package older than 1.9.0 are patched versions that don't work in web browsers. Please upgrade to >=1.11.0.
how to to upgrade jquery version in npm package
I am getting this error while installing a package
A question on ios certificate generation, I ran this command openssl genrsa -des3 -out ios.key 2048 but its taking longer than expected, already waited for 30 mins. Anyone got any idea how much longer I have to wait ?
@Shubham Your problem is here, munch.js requires that old jquery version and it hasn't been updated for 4 years so it's unlikely that will change. You could always fork it and try to update the dependencies but at the same time it's just a warning, it might not even cause any problems.