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what have you been vaping?
120ml 3mg lambdas please
not so loud
Uh, anyone willing to help me with something?
!!welcome Sir
@Sir Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
All right then
@towc what are "chips" and "cards"?
the ones you eat and the ones you play with
chips as in computer chips. A combination of transistors that get an input and offer an output
and cards as the ones in turing machines
what does that have to do with a turing machine?
dude if you go to a poker place and start eating your chips you're going to get some weird looks
the example machine Turing proposed used a "tape", not cards.
yeah, no idea what a card is in that context
like a sd card, or compact flash
but the tape is basically just RAM. It has instructions and data.
or maybe he meant punch card?
This is going to sound a bit dumb. Consider this link. There is a hash (#) anchor link, but it redirects to an element (#comment-31586) with a completely different id. Why is this?
1 min ago, by towc
and cards as the ones in turing machines
probably meant punch cards
@SirCumference probably a bit of js
While technically we don't have infinite RAM like Turing's mythical infinite tape, our computers are turing-complete in every other way. Every way that matters.
@rlemon Is there any way I can get that target element?
pretty easy to translate the has to that as well
Problem is, I want to get the target element for anything being anchored
...that you didn't complete a sentence? I agree. :)
Crud, hit enter too early
In this case it's not as simple as finding the element with that id
then look up the 'onhashchange' event.
@SirCumference why not?
well, the element with that ID is exactly what the hash is about.. elaborate
Well, in that example I gave, the hash in the url isn't the same as the element being targeted
no it isn't
but it contains all relevant information for you to find that element
Whereas the url says "#comment31586_19384", the target element is "#comment-31586"
so parse the hash and pull out the id
@Luggage the way I learnt about turing machines, there was a tape, a way to observe the tape by seeing the current bit and changing which bit to see, and a set of cards. Each card would have 2 cases: if the current bit was 0, first case happened, otherwise, 2nd case happened. In each case, 3 pieces of data would be considered. first piece would indicate whether to write a 0 or a 1 to the current location, second would indicate whether to move left or right (again indicated by a 0 or a 1)..
and thirdly an indicator for which card to consider next
ohh. I didn't get as far as 'cards'.
!!> const id = "comment31586_19384".match(/^comment(\d+)_/)[1]; console.log(#comment-${id}); 'rlemon'
@rlemon "rlemon" Logged: "#comment-{id}"
@rlemon "rlemon" Logged: "#comment-31586"
@Luggage I'm probably using the wrong terminology, but I almost definitely remember that those were "cards"
maybe turing states?
A punched card or punch card is a piece of stiff paper that can be used to contain digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions. The information might be data for data processing applications or, in earlier examples, used to directly control automated machinery. The terms IBM card, or Hollerith card specifically refer to punched cards used in semiautomatic data processing. Punched cards were widely used through much of the 20th century in what became known as the data processing industry, where specialized and increasingly complex unit record machines...
@rlemon Right, so I've never dealt with hashes before and I'll probably sound like an idiot
Can you explain how to do this?
@towc It's a bit more general than that. Each step of computation performs an action, determined by the current internal state of the machine and the current symbol on the tape. The action is a combination of the new internal state for the machine, the new symbol to write to the tape, and the direction to move the tape.
@SirCumference it's just a url
he just did. but if you want to get the hash, it's in the window.location pbject
@rlemon not those
I want to get the target id
Which isn't in the url
We covered that, too. You know the format of the url and the format the IDs are in, so you can parse and make it
@KendallFrey oh yeah then, my "cards" are the legend for what to do based on "state" and the rest
@SirCumference get the hash, then using regular expressions collect the number you need and form the dom ID from that.
how do you make proposals for css?
A ring is traditional
border: 24karat solid gold;
border-radius: 50%;
border-value: calc(salary * 3months);
I never understood that rule
That's a really expensive ring
that rule is made up by people who sell rings
Well I get that much
That's the purpose of the 'rule', which was put out by diamond companies.
it's a sort of "what can you afford".
because, obviously, if you don't spend every last dime you can possible spend on a ring, proportional to your salary, you aren't really in love.
But like they don't even really make rings that are 3 months of software developer salary
sure they do, just get a bigger diamond.
@Luggage can i just get one on an auction website?
Like they make them but the vast majority are less than like 10k
unless you make a lot more than I do, they have diamons that expensive.
@HatterisMad ohh, I don't buy into this thing at all..
Like a $20k ring would be ridiculous
so would a 10k ring.
or even a 5k
5-10k isn't as ridiculous
@rlemon Sigh...this is going to sound stupid, but is this correct?
@Luggage she wont know the difference between $500 and $3000 when it came from an auction :P
You still have a good variety of rings
I wouldn't buy a diamond anyway.
But if you wanna drop 20k on a ring, you'll have like 2 rings to choose from at any jewelry store
not a 'real' diamond, at least.
@rlemon var id = window.location.hash.match(/^comment(\d+)_/)[1]
@rlemon ....
@SirCumference looks okay
@david sup?
@rlemon I get nothing when using console.log(id);
impressive but why
@SirCumference debug it. logs window.location.hash to make sure that has what you want
then test the regex.
but "I get nothing" is useless to us.
@SirCumference ahh, yea do what luggage says
I didn't account for how .hash is returned
easy fix, check the console and see what you need to do
Always good advice.
@KevinB shh
Sigh...nvm, I'm an idiot
@david why not?
because it's a dark hole
are you now trying to think of ways to make the 'diamond' more of a traditional diamond cut shape?
@david dark hole?
nahh I was looking at /r/babyrhinogifs
is back at it
i'm more of a /r/babyelephantgifs guy myself
although rhinos are pretty cool too
babybigcatgifs is also nice
did you see the baby lion sitting on the otter?
that one
no but I saw the chimpanzee riding on a segway
ohh yea I've seen that
@KendallFrey mine are both still full lol
but you've used yours a lot more than me
fucking casual :)
I'm glad they went with normal batteries though rather than internal rechargeable
at least you never have to worry about the battery just being dead
I'd prefer high draw 18650's
and that thing though, where full battery doesn't mean anything
@Loktar why?
you mean non-replaceable rechargeable?
that's why Valve went that direction with the steam controller as well
that would suck
because one day they will just go bad
vive controllers have internal batteries
I should get rechargeables for them though
annoys me a bit but oh well
~15 years trying to make everyone separate HTML, JS & CSS. And then suddenly everything went south and we’re writin… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/810885087214637057
I feel the exact same way
I'm embracing the hotness, but damn
@rlemon just be careful still
we went the route of inline css
even writing onClick={ is fucking painful for me right now
it ended up being super shitty for maintenance reasons
@Loktar yea I'm still avoiding inline styles.
went back to just using classnames/external styles
className= is fine for me
I think some people just went a little too nutty
@bitten yeah I didn't get that one
that's usually just a way to prevent the form from actually submitting in the event the form submit doesn't prevent it. but it kills all graceful degradation.
we are using external style sheets, but they're still scoped to components with a little hash thing so it's basically inline
also it's kinda an aesthetic complaint. shipping your css with your components is what people have been wanted to do for ages, haven't they?
@KevinB nothing is going to be graceful about react
I think it's to prevent third party code from refreshing the page
@david yeah I just use BEM naming
with the root name being the component
I use bootstrap 😀
@bitten yeah but there are still some gotchas
mostly with specifity
inlining fucks it up
do you mean like selector specificity?
to do anything custom is sort of a pain, you have to pass a style prop to restyle
yeah basically since no selector can override style="stuff"
I mean I know some libraries do it differently
yeah, i've never inlined css w React
and actually make style sheets... but why not just use a className and external sheet in the first place then
!!afk ⚾️ ⚾️ -> [ | | | | | | | ]
also one complaint I have about react are the needless containers
since components must return one containing element
so you see a lot of needless divs, or spans
yeah that's annoying
no one cares about the actual generated markup anymore
why can't we return an array of react elements
^ right?!
return [ <This />, <That /> ]
would be sweet
I would love that so much
you could write a plugin? i mean it's just sugar
I mean I really enjoy react but imo true web components are the way
if it returns an array, just wrap it in a component :,)
give them some sort of auto updating state/prop management and it's my dream
with the shadow dom, oh man
also also isn't it like, not about html/css but about like what the things do? like the separation of concerns rather than separation of jsx
@Loktar heh it would be nice, put even more sugar on top of mobx :p
ah yeah mobx + real web components
perfect match
So glad mobx seems to be catching on
I honestly hated redux glad there is a somewhat popular alternative
@thomasfuchs file format isn't the proper separation of concerns, features are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZNIQOO2sfA
this guy said what i was trying to express heh
i had never deployed an app with redux but it did feel like there was a lot of boilerplate, and made me think react is more complicated than it is
yeah that was my complaint redux even though everyone claims is so easy seemed overly complex
and you need a redux-* library for anything
it was a bit overwhelming
lol yeah
I really liked reflux
but it felt like it was dying a bit, only reason we switched
reflux was/is dead simple, but mobx is even simpler
reflux was sweet, that was just the basic flux but each action dispatched itself?
yeah, and one store
yeah there were no sep dispatchers
@Loktar oh right, i feel like it's still alive?
@bitten you could have mult stores
and they could listen to eachother (in reflux)
er unless you meant redux
oh yeah, thought you were still talking about redux :$
haha well reflux came first! lol
reflux came really really early
yeah and it was the best imo, there were a shitload of options right after FB announced flux it seemed
i was going to use it but then got a job at an angular shop and just didn't have time to learn 2 frameworks
ah that sucks
hah basically no time to learn angular + anything else :p
I know you dislike redux, but the redux-saga thing looks pretty cool
that's how I felt anywya when I worked at my last job with angular
i like the idea behind it
@david i was about to bring up saga
but again, tons of boilerplate
@david yeah I mean I know redux can't be bad since so many use it, just wasn't for me really
haven't heard of saga though
yeah angular was pretty intense... it controlled EVERYTHING so you had to read soooo much
and learn so much new terminology
and generators were also a new concept when i was looking into it so again that just added to the overwhelming bit
annoyed the hell out of me, like fucking transclusion
just all the stuff I didn't care to know, it didn't feel like JS to me
yeah, generators is still pretty fresh
does anyone actually use generators anymore?
i haven't heard/seen them in a year or so now
yeah transclusion! they killed that in angular 2 though didn't they?
oh no idea I haven't kept up with it at all
went react and never looked back lol
I like generators. They're just hard to get going at the moment because you need to transpile AND include the regenerator runtime
last I used was angular 1.3
we used one once, didn't like what it created, so we scrapped it and did it ourselves.
I used some 2.0 during a 2 week contract job, i won't be using it again
@Loktar tl;dr if interested youtu.be/…
just redux middleware with generators, and some magic that i don't understand c:
I really like the idea behind generators and the whole async/await business
then saved the boilerplate in a repo for reuse... but never reused it
i think we're talking about two different kidns of generators
function * vs a cli that creates a project
im talking about function*
o do you mean like yeoman? if that's the correct project
yeah I never used those...
it seemed like i was giving away control of one of the most important parts of starting a project
we actually used two now that i think about it... we used a yeoman one and didn't like, it then rolled our own, then we switch to loopback which has it's own generator but we skipped using the generator and instead implemented it into our existing project
@Loktar could you see mobx being used in game dev?
o_O how often do you spin up new projects?
that was all the same project
and jsut so happens to be the only node.js project we have
well... only important one anyway
i have a few socket.io + angular or bootstrap dashboards
connecting to sap
i don't know if it's fast enough either but just curious
@bitten heh idk
idk I think it might be slow personally, but would be interesting
I mean it's totally dependent on the type of game
I bet checkers/board games, ect. or any turn based game would work really well
yeah, i guess i am wondering more about html5/canvas games
seems like it's solving a lot of the same problems
idk would be cool to try it actually
@Loktar that was the scale i was wondering about
i don't know much about game dev but i had a not original idea for a game and tempted to try
might as well try it
would be interested to see honestly
that's one of the things that appealed to me about redux-sagas
they seemed quite well suited to describing game state transitions
@david really?
I found a snake game example somewhere... let me see if i can dig it up
well i was going to do play around over the break, so i'll let you know how i get on @Loktar :p
by state do you mean state management state?
as in the state of a game, character, et al?
that's it there, snake with redux-sagas
@david It's no secret that that style of state management works really well for games
i immediately turned the speed up (well down)
yeah it starts way too slow
It's just kind of slow, and performance is actually important in games
thanks for this though david
Or at least it was slow because it wasn't really supported in "fast" languages
@Meredith i'm steady at 60fps on this example, and i have a v modest pc (if you are using the codepen as an example that is)
I'm not convinced that it's too slow
I mean, it's snake
You might have to sacrifice using immutable objects, but you can still just not mutate them
(outside of the reducers i mean)
yeah it's not battlefield but idk it's refreshing to see these ideas applied to arcade games
But my point is that you can actually use redux for games now because javascript is fast enough to handle it
I mean you could have used it (or something similar) with haskell
@SterlingArcher congrats man!
(not my brother)
btw, what's yall's retirement plan? Did you all start putting money in it quite early?
I bought a house
I'll pay it off, and sell it and buy a bigger house outside of the city
@rlemon Is it made of cards?
fair enough
that's my retirement plan
my retirement plan is to not spend all the money i make
what age did you buy it? If it's not too personal, of course
damn, nice
i'm 31 and haven't got a house yet :(
auckland prices are retarded atm
actually they're the opposite of retarded, but you know what i mean
same here.
I'm almost tempted to ask you if you're older than 28, but I guess I know the answer... I swear you look younger
I just got lucky with some money
well, not 'lucky', I worked for it
but I lived in a dirt hole and like 75% of my income could go to savings
@towc 30
oh wow, congrats
@rlemon You're older than me?!!
My life is a lie.
1986 brother
87 was an average vintage, obviously
'90s kid, huh
My birthday is 10/9/87
My theme song is The Final Countdown!
is your credit card pin number also in sequence?
No, but my mother's maiden name is...
in mm-dd-yy
I turn 30 next year. Scary
@monners and you could pass away on 6/5/43 at 20:59 and be a meme?
@monners end of your life
@monners things I've observed, my eyebrows are growing longer and turning grey, and my ear lobes now need grooming
did anyone have a retirement plan before they were 30?
@Loktar Heh, at least I don't have kids
@bitten me
like mentioned above
(not just the house, I do have RRSP's)
i didn't know if you were just saying it :3
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a type of Canadian account for holding savings and investment assets. RRSPs have various tax advantages compared to investing outside of tax-preferred accounts. They were introduced in 1957 to promote savings for retirement by employees and self-employed people. They must comply with a variety of restrictions stipulated in the Canadian Income Tax Act. Approved assets include savings accounts, guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), bonds, mortgage loans, mutual funds, income trusts, corporate shares, foreign currency and labour-sponsored funds....
for the non-canadians. ^
@monners imo it's better to have them young
if you plan on it, lol easy for me to say now
@Loktar what's your plan?
retirement, that is
I'll be like 44 when my youngest is 20
@towc work forever
man, I skipped a ten
@Loktar :D my parents had my sister at 24 as well
I was like, YOU WERE 14??! playa!
@rlemon haha
that was a weird 5 seconds
started at 19
i imagine it will shift when i get to retirement age
@Loktar and i think it'll turn out that everyone does this
@Loktar mom had my brother at 18, me at 20. now I'm probably not going to have kids till I'm like 35
@Loktar as a joke or as a sob reality?
I'm setting a new standard in the lemon family
@towc eh mix of both I guess. I imagine I will just continue working because I suck at saving for retirement
@rlemon it's a good thing that you are a guy as your sperm stays legit for almost ever
but hopefully I won't have to full time
@rlemon haha nice
yea my mom had me when I was 20
my real goal: sell this place for 30%+ more than I payed for it, move to a 2-3 acre property outside of the city, open up shop making small programs / electronics / woodworking projects for spare cash + rrsp money

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