@Sir Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This is going to sound a bit dumb. Consider this link. There is a hash (#) anchor link, but it redirects to an element (#comment-31586) with a completely different id. Why is this?
While technically we don't have infinite RAM like Turing's mythical infinite tape, our computers are turing-complete in every other way. Every way that matters.
@Luggage the way I learnt about turing machines, there was a tape, a way to observe the tape by seeing the current bit and changing which bit to see, and a set of cards. Each card would have 2 cases: if the current bit was 0, first case happened, otherwise, 2nd case happened. In each case, 3 pieces of data would be considered. first piece would indicate whether to write a 0 or a 1 to the current location, second would indicate whether to move left or right (again indicated by a 0 or a 1)..
and thirdly an indicator for which card to consider next
A punched card or punch card is a piece of stiff paper that can be used to contain digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions. The information might be data for data processing applications or, in earlier examples, used to directly control automated machinery. The terms IBM card, or Hollerith card specifically refer to punched cards used in semiautomatic data processing.
Punched cards were widely used through much of the 20th century in what became known as the data processing industry, where specialized and increasingly complex unit record machines...
@towc It's a bit more general than that. Each step of computation performs an action, determined by the current internal state of the machine and the current symbol on the tape. The action is a combination of the new internal state for the machine, the new symbol to write to the tape, and the direction to move the tape.
~15 years trying to make everyone separate HTML, JS & CSS. And then suddenly everything went south and we’re writin… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/810885087214637057
that's usually just a way to prevent the form from actually submitting in the event the form submit doesn't prevent it. but it kills all graceful degradation.
we actually used two now that i think about it... we used a yeoman one and didn't like, it then rolled our own, then we switch to loopback which has it's own generator but we skipped using the generator and instead implemented it into our existing project
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a type of Canadian account for holding savings and investment assets. RRSPs have various tax advantages compared to investing outside of tax-preferred accounts. They were introduced in 1957 to promote savings for retirement by employees and self-employed people.
They must comply with a variety of restrictions stipulated in the Canadian Income Tax Act. Approved assets include savings accounts, guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), bonds, mortgage loans, mutual funds, income trusts, corporate shares, foreign currency and labour-sponsored funds....
my real goal: sell this place for 30%+ more than I payed for it, move to a 2-3 acre property outside of the city, open up shop making small programs / electronics / woodworking projects for spare cash + rrsp money