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Fellow react using stackoverflow chat people. Is it common to use a container component to abstract away common logic? In this instance we have several components that only really work if there is a user loaded into the store, and rather than duplicating checking code everywhere I have advocated creating a <RequiresUser> component that checks if the user object is there, and if so renders its children. Like so: <RequireUser><Component /><RequireUser>
(react-redux wires up the user so we don't need to manually specify it in the props)
I have an array of arrays defined at the start of my page however further down I have created a function which takes in a property. This property is one the properties of the array. An example would be name. In a table, I use the onclick method to force this function which takes in name to sort the array. However the array cannot been seen within the function. I have tried removing var to make it a global array however I cannot seem to get it work. Wanting a dynamic sorting function on all heade
@connormcwood Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
makes sense @david, have a HOC that gets the data and passes props/sets up a context, renders an appropriate child tree where the components that require the user won't have to check whether a valid one exists or not
@connormcwood do you have access to the array when generating the table?
Yes however the buildTable is a separate function
removing var should allow the array to be global? The array data is filled up via Ajax
have you thought about binding the function to the array when you set the onclick handlers?
So I can create my own method regarding to the array?
const bound = propSort.bind(null, arr); bound('propertyName')
Do you know why my way isn't working?
A function should be able to access it right?
yeah, but maybe you can try a safer way of assigning it, something like self.foo = arr
I fixed it. Thanks for the help. I was passing it through a function called array so I thought the global array called array was getting filled however I was wrong. Made ajax success fill the array instead of carrying over via parameter
@FilipDupanović yeah there is but it's just for building
it's all very... predefined
Hey what's up guys, S...
just writing some javascript
what's up with you?
Writing some js as well.
I'm planting some beans on Mars
Hey @FilipDupanović Have you been here since last night (my time)?
~13 hours ago.
nah, I was travelling today
Mkay... how was that?
He accidentally ran over 32 people.
cool, slept through the whole ordeal :D
@littlepootis What? lol
@littlepootis the right guy started running across the street >.>
Writing code on a phone is very painful.
it's not too bad if you're using vim
I thought I had it hard... bar is closed and I need like 5 mins to get out to have a smoke
and have the right keyboard
@WATERYMEL0N Get a pad. Preferably a Windows. Convertible.
Yeah that would be good. But I can't buy anything...
I'm using hacker's keyboard. It makes typing much easier... ish.
At least get a phone stand with keyboard.
I can't buy anything...
Express.js is confusing.
Too much obsoleteness.
They change the parts like their undies.
"So baby pull me closer like the kid in my enclosure..." - Harambe
ahaha lol
you can try koa.js instead of Express if you're bored
what on earth is a "hacker's" keyboard?
@david one that has '|' for starters :D
@david Sounds like an Android keyboard that I once used.
one of those that don't make you reach through 3 pages for a bracket
oh i thought you meant a real keyboard
i just have a phone keyboard that looks like a regular keyboard, i think it's an option on the default :S
hacker's keyboard is a keyboard that turns of autocorrect and can appear on the screen when you want it to.
watermelon breaks into a store with his phone, leaves note: "I couldn't take it anymore, here's 15 bucks for the keyboard; your window broke my phone, so I took a laptop; here, have the keyboard as recompense"
Apple support requires a serial number so I can get help if I don't have my phone anymore -_-
I think you're meant to write it down somewhere :(
@SterlingArcher hmm that makes sense doesn't it?
Basically iMessage is ruining my android experience because my family keeps saying my phone is shit because they don't understand that their phones won't recognize a non-iphone anymore and I miss all the group chats
I can give you mine if you want but not sur ewhy
group chats work on my phone
hmm let me ask my bro
Group chats work fine with any phone I haven't contact before, but old phones that knew mine as iPhone? It's all fucked
ahh that makes sense
yeah giving you my serial wouldn't help
The only fix that might not even work is telling my entire family to erase my contact, and delete every single thread with that number in it.
there should be a way to reset it with you sending out a message to their phoen
They'd string me up if I asked them to do that... all I get is "android is shit" "get your iphone back"
Apple won't fix it -- why would they? Make it easier to move away from apple? They'd lose money
well you are screwed then
i'm calling apple to see if there is a fix
Verizon won't let me switch back -- it's been over a month since I've had the phone. Maybe they'd change their mind if I threatened to switch carriers.
i'm on apple support let's see what happens-
Kewl, thanks
less then 10 mins
I'll be here
my 2 cents but at&t let's you switch easier with sims although there coverage isn't as consistent
Yeah i really like verizon.. have had them for almost a decade now
this might work haven't talked to chat yet
Tried it -- I have no # associated, and now it won't send me texts
so i'm going to switch the sim from my iphone to my android phone to try and reproduce your issue
what is the exact issue I'm going to try and reproduce it
Group chats that have talked to my old iphone can't group chat me
I can text people normally, but group chats don't send me anything.. the occasional text.. but for example, my moms phone wont send me anything unless it's not a group
do newly created groups work?
only with phones I haven't talked to before
i'd suggest creating a second identity
maybe buy some glasses and a wig
call yourself 'Sterling Android'
and leave your past behind
So, apple made something incompatible with everything else?
lol more likely I'll switch back
@SterlingArcher You're locked in.
that's some stockholm levels of beta cuck bullshit
you should fight them! stand up for your right to choose
Good luck with that
@SterlingArcher so I can't reproduce your problem with my 2 iphones and android phone not sure why
doesn't mean it doesn't exist
might be just lucky
buy a second hand shitty iphone, and set it up to automatically forward the group imessages it gets to your android device
@david your joking right?
okay i'm going home yall behave now
@david have you done this forwarding before
on the bright side iphones get better battery life in my experience
if you do switch back
export default function base64URLEncode (str) {
  return str.toString('base64')
          .replace(/\+/g, '-')
          .replace(/\//g, '_')
          .replace(/=/g, '');
Is there a prettier way to write this ?
doubt it if it works don't mess with it
what do you want less regular expressions
@SterlingArcher finally got an apple rep
r u still there
He switched back
yeah right like he had enough time to do that he told me he no longer had the iphone originally
@SterlingArcher what happens when you use the code?
i want to add get image title through class name and then append one div with title value
like this : <div class="field-content"><a href="/content/gazpacho"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://final.foodizshare.com/sites/default/files/styles/video_560_360/publi‌​c/videos/thumbnails/1029/thumbnail-1029_0000.jpg?itok=usjtv4EA" width="560" height="315" alt="Gazpacho" title="Gazpacho"></a><div class="strip-box"><a href="/content/microwave-meyer-lemon-curd">Salmorejo (Spanish Tomato Soup)</a></div></div>
want to get image title value first "Gazpacho"
then append this title value with a div
"<div class="strip-box"><a href="/content/microwave-meyer-lemon-curd">Salmorejo (Spanish Tomato Soup)</a></div></div>"
i have a question
about jquery
go ahead
i'll try my bes
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@PureRhymerOrganization Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
<li style="background-image: url("q.jpg")">


jQuery("ul > li").attr("background-image").text();

can it get the text of background image?
@PureRhymerOrganization it wont work
@PureRhymerOrganization $("ul>li").attr("background-image") will not work because "background-image" is not an attribute
its a style
@FlyingGambit ahh i see but how can make it work?
ahh i see so is there no other way to get the q.jpg in background-image?
@PureRhymerOrganization .css("background-image")
that should get you q.jpg
Good Morning!
oh tnx flying
is this mysql query bad for some reasons?
'INSERT events SET user = ?, title = ?, desc = ?'
@PureRhymerOrganization in the fiddle I tested , this is what I got back "url("https://fiddle.jshell.net/_display/q.jpg")"
I get errors
Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc = '56'' at line 1
I am not sure if I am using some strange word or something... stackoverflow.com/a/19991766/5638869
not pro at SQL but INSERT INTO table ?
tried, same error
I am using node.js
'INSERT INTO events SET user = ?, title = ?, desc = ?' .... does it give error for this ?
I tried put double quotes without luck
in the link I posted they solve by surrounding by backticks
I will try with this now
How about using it this way instead
UPDATE events
SET user='?', title='?'
WHERE someUniquieID=12313;
after surrounding by backticks worked
now I am investigating...
maybe desc refers also to sort stuff?
and is a particular word?
@neoDev its for sorting the result
@neoDev its a keyword
yes, I confirm that was the word: only rurrounding that word does the trick
do you suggest to change it into descr, or keep the backticks?
does it make any difference for security?
@neoDev Don't know about security, but I certainly would not recommend using a keyword as column name
^ Btw I have hardly used SQL in my life, so don't know
it makes sense
I prefix my table, column names with something.
1 hour later…
at the beginning, when the user loads the page, I need to show data from database
does it make more sense receive it by making the user doing a GET request or
a POST request?
i.sstatic.net/suILy.png who uploads screenshots as .docx?
it depends of the situation to use GET or POST
@rlemon: Your answer got accepted :D
assume that it's for seeing user's profile, use GET with id as param.
on the page itself, ensure that the profile owner only sees additional options like eg "edit"
or when searching for a specific user, you need a form, whose data is sent as POST
however, i tend to keep pagings with GET
i am passing the data in the initial GET request, via twig
ah twig. that's a nice HTML template tool
had fun with that
just tried some haskell type aliasing on java ...
@Cerbrus you already got one hat! :)
!! afk getting coffee
@KarelG Coffee pot responded 418.
@JonahSloan KarelG is afk: getting coffee
heh that april fool
did that with the local system here at work before
everyone got 418'ed
sys admin got flooded with issue requests
le me was not at work. Had holiday
I love js
is so cool
!!> Array(16).join([]/[]).replace(/NN/g, ' N').slice(0, 44) + ' Bat' + ([]/[]) + '!'
@Cerbrus "Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Batman!"
@Cerbrus "Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BatNaN!"
just discovered something when crawling mdn for some document events
gotcha put a bookmarklet at co-worker :D
@MadaraUchiha I forgot the name of this cartoon - Do you know it?
@Maurize Ren and Stimpy
Although that's the (not nearly as good) adult version
that designmode is awesome
Hii all
@Coder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
need a help from all of ypu
PS, if someone wants to play with that design mode. Here's a bookmarklet
i have a multidatepicker of jquarry
javascript:(function(){document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on';})()
that made the page full editable lol
i opend that picker on button click
but it makes my button text value ""
I have a button when i intllize datepicker on that button my text show empty
is there any solution for this
check the event handling function
i have tried a lot on goole
but unable to find this
what is a reasonable max chars length for a post title?
how much characters allows SO in questions titles?
for example
@neoDev maxlength="300"
and for content?
no limits?
Just make it short and concise, no tags.
btw can I ask you one thing about bodyparser?
today I readed an answer you created
I wonder if there are hacks against it
What do you mean?
I set the limit
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({limit: '0.001mb', extended: true}));
and I do sanitizer
and validation (allowing few characters)
but I am still vulnerable
I feel it
I mean there are known security issues that I can solve or not?
Are you storing it in a database?
One that supports prepared statements?
connection.query('INSERT INTO events SET user = ?, title = ?, descr = ?',
[clean_user, clean_title, clean_descr],
function(err, results){

console.log('Query results:', results);
responseObj['success'] = true;
console.log('Error while performing the database query:', err);
responseObj['error'] = 'Invalid query';

you aren't validating the fields before using the queries
send a db query if the fields aren't null or empty eg
app.post('/', function(req, res){

var responseObj = {};

var user = req.body.user;
var title = req.body.title;
var descr = req.body.descr;

// prevent XSS
var clean_user = sanitizer.sanitize(user);
var clean_title = sanitizer.sanitize(title);
var clean_descr = sanitizer.sanitize(descr);

//console.log(clean_user, clean_title, clean_descr);

if(clean_user && /^[a-zA-Z0-9\ ]+$/.test(clean_user)){
if(clean_title && /^[a-zA-Z0-9\ \-\(\)]+$/.test(clean_title)){
if(clean_descr && /^[a-zA-Z0-9\s\.\,\:\!\?\-\(\)\[\]]+$/.test(clean_descr)){
@KarelG That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
are you new in programming ?
try to use methods / functions often (makes the code easier to read)
how much is this vulnerable?
a lot?
@neoDev totally
sql query can be manipulated
@Maurize It's a prepared statement.
yeah just saw this
but that regex test... doesn't the sanitize do that job already?
well played chat, well played: i.imgur.com/xteL5yD.png
You'd expect it lol. What library is that?
@KarelG I was trying to allow only few characters for now
@Maurize what do you mean?
@ben what library
do I need something better?
I'm asking what library it is.
Or are you rolling your own?
I found in a post on SO
it was a question about prevent injections and prepared statements
Q: Preventing SQL injection in Node.js

funseikiIs it possible to prevent SQL injections in Node.js (preferably with a module) in the same way that PHP had Prepared Statements that protected against them. If so, how? If not, what are some examples that might bypass the code I've provided (see below). Some Context: I'm making a web applica...

How can we manipulate the new tab in webextensions api
@Bharat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenFortune what happens if I only use:
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({limit: '0.001mb', extended: true}));
and not also raw and json?
those are not limited?
Depends on how you're sending your data.
even if I send data properly attackers can send any data
does it make sense if I res.end({}) other formats I am not using (raw and json)?
That has nothing to do with body parser.
it is handling the post for node now
Incoming data only.
so if somebody sends GB of data in json or raw?
what the server does at the moment?
i'm not a fan of this statement style
connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [userId], function(err, results) {
  // ...
Why not?
this is from the exmple
function hoisting
I usually promisify it and add a disposer pattern anyway.
if he would comprehend that :P
I am not getting it
I would like to create a public repository, would you be interested to collaborate?
that library uses another one for escaping sql strings
I know this is work but I must use eval function. How can I do ? — Emrah 1 min ago
Great, getting downvoted...
that library isn't escaping the queries correctly. It uses [\0\b\t\n\r\x1a\"\'\\]
so vulnerable?
yeah, check the js file yourself (see link here above)
yes am reading it
@KarelG What's wrong with that?
@BenFortune isn't it bit chilly today ?
@Mathematics Not really.
It was far colder a couple weeks ago
@KarelG can you show an example of hack against that?
What is this? Malware 101?
Hats? Uhm, yeah.
%0|%0 🍴💣
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@BenFortune yeah, that was much colder
I must use eval function because of this is the main question. — Emrah 33 secs ago
This is getting annoying xD
looking for some good video tutorial for SVG/d3
@Mathematics Then you're probably looking for YouTube
This is from the Math chat room
Oh and did you know Physicists determined the best time to cook pasta to keep all the sugars ? It's called the Euler-Macaroni constant
@OliverSalzburg looked at youtube already... can't find anything impressive
even nothing on pluralsight
maybe I ma just looking for a single tut video which video do the advance demo
Found some old CSS and just want to clear something up... what used to be background-image: linear-gradient(top, #e8e7e7, #f1f0f0); should now use background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e8e7e7, #f1f0f0); right?
gradient syntax just completely overwhelms me
Does the first one still work?
Not in latest Chrome
Or I'd be comparing them.. but I suppose I can try to find a browser that support both
Chrome. Breaking backwards compatibility since forever
@ivarni Yes.
I don't think there are any graphical browsers that is not guilty of breaking backward compatibility.
Great, thanks
Making a blind PR now since I don't know how this legacy mammoth used to look
Recently, they added a new rule to fieldsets: min-width: -webkit-min-content;
That broke our app.
Took us a day to figure out what changed.
@Mathematics Have you tried reading the documentation and looking at the examples?
<linear-gradient()> = linear-gradient( [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list> )
( grabbed from MDN)
Yeah, that article didn't do a very good job explaining what the old syntax meant, or I didn't do a very good job understanding it
I can't really rewrite something from one syntax to another without understand what the old syntax used to do
If you want to learn about outdated stuff, why not check w3schools?
nice one :)
I'd have to edit my hosts file first though
That's dedication
that name bugs me
some people thinks that it's from the same org as w3.org :|
"Some" people is an understatement...

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