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@rlemon do you still play D3 ?
Diablo 3
What's the shortcut key for Console window in chrome in Windows?
Ctrl + Shift + J
@MohamedAhmed Alt + F4
@littlepootis Thanks
F12 is much easier.
and makes my function keys feel useful again
1 hour later…
@KendallFrey oh wait, so it's more like wrapping syntax in binary rather than making something "clever" out of it, right?
@towc Not sure what that means, but it's an encoding of lambda calculus, not a derivative.
Read the PDF if you want to know anything about it.
I thought that you may be doing actual binary-based calculations rather than just being a representation
Well, both
Notably, the input and output are literally strings of bits
The PDF is a bit vague on I/O, and doesn't even mention output at all
But it's not too hard to guess
Where muh monadic peeps?
did somebody say monad
but it needs some community input on some of the API decisions
It uses observables internally and then exposes some streams to the application developer
So.... the big question is how to do that and smoothly make any observable library compatible
also important - tree shaking
I can stab in the dark about the matter - fantasyland spec is probably a good foundation
expose fantasyland streams for maximum compatibility
still raises many a question I can't answer
a noob like me would think that if the exposed streams are fantasyland compliant, then most.js and flyd could be used without needing an adapter to translate
but most and flyd work differently, so that could be a problem
@KendallFrey I disagree already :P
fucking Bully #1?
wth? Who is this guy
waaaay too many new/hipster indie games
eww yea
so I went through this... this must be someone who hasn't played anything before 2000 I guess
no Blizzard games on this list... no great arcade games on the list like Pacman/Centipede... bleh. I mean if it were called my favorite 100 games that would be more acceptable
but 100 greatest games of all time, no thank you.
Hey, is there a framework or something for parsing text (code) and formatting it appropriately?
for example the word "function" and everything between it and the next opening bracket should be, say, blue. and other key words (like var) could have one color, and the same word that follows the word var is colord when used elsewhere (say red) - a declared variable... I don't know. Something like that.

The point would be that I could post code on my website and it would automatically be colored in a pleasing way, for example. (would the code have to add "<span>" tags around everything I want colored differently? hm..)
Couldn't recall that the formatting is called syntax highlighting; now I quickly found what I was looking for, I think: highlightjs.org
yeah there are tons of plugins to do that
looks like you found something
yup, got it to work, too. with atom-one-dark.css style. I like it :) -- Now I just got to figure out what code is worth sharing in the first place :-D
haha nice
has anyone used the execSync module and had it return a <Buffer >
i'm running a subprocess that should return text but it is now returning something like <Buffer Ae 0f Cd ... >
nvm its just <Buffer>.toString()
2 hours later…
Hey! localStorage has an IP! How to get the IP of localStorage?
So I'm very lazy, hence I'll just ask without making very sure I've searched exhaustively but.. I want to have (or implement if I have to) a lower bound search on a pair of integers
naively, that would be an array who's keys are something like [(0,1)(0,2)]
of which the lower bound of (0,2) would be the index 0
then the value of that key, would be an object, such as {timestamp: 12345, value: "some string"}
@iain good afternoon~
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I think what the answer mean is each localStorage is tied to an origin, which may be an IP.
~ noon it is then ...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier If I get it correctly - something I am not confident in - you can sort the values by bound and then by key (in same comparator), then the first element of sorted result will be the lower bound's value.
Or filter it by bounds and then sort. May be more efficient because there are less checking and sorting.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent 0_0
@Sheepy I get a feeling that I don't understand "bound" and "comparator" in that sentence. Bound as in the actual index of the pair of integers?
Hi guys.
How does this work?
!!make round of coffee
@FilipDupanović That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: cake
var web = exports = module.exports = {};
@LearnHowToBeTransparent lolwut
works because you have module in the context when you're in a CommonJS environment
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Hmm. Can you give an example of input and desired output?
@WATERYMEL0N It sets module.exports to an empty object, then set exports to the same object, and then web.
And then, if you add a property to any of them, the other two will have it too. (Because there is only one object, just in three different names.)
okay. @littlepootis says you shouldn't assign to exports.
you can't assign to exports because it's reserved
module.exports is already assigned an empty object when the module is being evaluated
I saw something similar in the express.js source.
as a peer I would have no idea what web is supposed to mean
is it not possible to write continue statement inside ajax success function?
It's another name for module.exports.
It shows illegal use of continue statement
yeah, but what's the point?
@WATERYMEL0N I am not experienced in node, but I'd trust littlepootis on this matter.
^^ That.
great, why have one indirection when you can have several
I don't know what to do.
Do it or don't.
If it's working and you don't know what to do, don't change it. XD
I don't know why they're doing this: too much free time, odd guidelines, historical anecdote, who knows
If you are just exploring, then try them all out!
you don't need to do this in Node.js: module is going to be provided in the context, module.exports is already assigned
Is this better? var moduleexportsshortname = module.exports = {}?
@Sheepy True :)
@FilipDupanović Oh okay.
sorry, exports isn't reserved, export is
@Sheepy If you didn't know I'm that New Zealander called @shad0wk I changed my name and picture. We talked about sheep.
Ah. I remember shad0wk yes. And time zone, if I recall correctly. :)
@FilipDupanović What?
@Sheepy Yip.
but either way, I have no idea why they're using more than one reference to the same thing... Express is like... older than both of us combined (relative to the pace of things on the Internets)
@FilipDupanović I am not sure but it may be for backward compatibility reasons.
@Sheepy pseudocode style, this is what I am trying to achieve. Notwithstanding that it is invalid in any js angle possible, I think there are two distinct problems, creating the data structure and then searching it.
@Sheepy I am also thinking it's some historical anecdote put there by people that came from other environments or while things were still in flux
How should I do it?
just module.exports.foo = 'bar'
I can't use another name for module.exports?
like I said, Express is super old, I don't think Node.js was even in 0.1 at the time
the fooness is troll in that one
True, but it is the latest version.
TJ has had strong opinions enough that it caused a fork of Node.js in the community, but lucky for you it's all been settled by now
musta herd of the guy. writes a lot on main
TJ left JS for Go.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier not that guy.
TJ Holowaychuk.
regardless that you're on the latest release, things like these were written 5 years ago github.com/expressjs/express/blame/master/lib/…
one is much more hipster
@WATERYMEL0N The latest jQuery still has code that cater to not-so-new browsers.
For example Firefox has an ESR branch that is much less frequently updated for enterprise use.
Morning sunshines
The sun is setting this side of the Earth ._.
Hey.. Is this the correct room to discuss jQuery?
@SomenathSinha Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
if not, can someone point me to the right room?
Could someone help me out with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/41206672/…
@SomenathSinha Looks the me like the answer solves your question perfectly.
What are you having troubles with?
How's everyone's Sunday?
@AwalGarg It's still too early for me to comment on the quality of the Sunday.
But it seems promising.
@MadaraUchiha Yo. How is your new workplace going?
Pretty good.
Pace is faster than my last workplace, and I like it, still catching up :D
nice :)
@AwalGarg up too late
wow sunday morning jquery
Yeah, it's 3:30pm.
Hey.. can you help me out with another bit of a problem?
I have a JSON object
"listArr": [
"category": "fruits",
"value": [
"id": "127",
"catCount": "1",
"shop": "More",
"item": "Apples",
"qnty": "1",
"unit": "kg",
"price_based_on": "Kilos",
"mrp": "90.00",
"sellers_price": "90.00",
"last_updated_on": "2016-12-03"
"id": "128",
"catCount": "2",
"shop": "More",
"item": "Oranges (Nagpur)",
"qnty": "1",
"unit": "Piece",
"price_based_on": "Piece",
"mrp": "8.00",
"sellers_price": "8.00",
"last_updated_on": "2016-12-03"
value is undef
@SomenathSinha tell you superiors they should be sacked for using $
why should they be sacked for using $?
is this some coding principle I'm missing?
I'm extremely new to this, and learnt from a few books
so, have no superior..
firstly this is a js question
and secondly vanilla-js.com
3rdly is a right of passage in this room to be stripped of jquery
or cleansed
@SomenathSinha The general consensus of this room is that jQuery is, um, unnecessary, for many common usages.
@SuperUberDuper There's nothing wrong with using jQuery
Stop putting them down
Just because it's redundant for most usecases today doesn't mean it's harmful to use or that someone needs to be fired..
@SuperUberDuper to become a novice you have to publish a package to the registry; banishing jQuery is an ongoing global mission for clerics of the faith
@SomenathSinha Your problem is that listArr, an array, has no property value, so listArr.value is undefined, and undefined.length throws an error.
So I'm guessing, like @SuperUberDuper mentioned, than you've meant .listArr[0].value which would look for the value property on the first element in the array, rather than the array itself.
I have entirely too many "80% complete" projects now and I can't decide which one to complete first :|
@MadaraUchiha That reminds me. "Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!"
Does anyone know how i can escape '@' within a scala template?
I am trying to use the leaflet map library and the JS import has a @ in it and its giving me an error!
hey JS: Any solid encryption library you can recommend?
Thanks guys.. that solved the problem..
@PeeHaa what kind of encryption?
state-of-the-art md5
rot13 is way better
I use it to encrypt passwords
not to mention pig-latin
@towc AES 256 CTR with hmac
@PeeHaa by googling that you'll probably find an implementation you can copy-paste
yes which is the problem
Asking google recommendations is like
I cannot judge the quality / don't have time to properly review crypto solutions
also, does it have to be AES? There's a window.crypto, not sure what it uses
!!mdn crypto
@towc Something went on fire; status 403
Don't you people use crypto stuff in your projects?
I usually go with bcrypt and call it a day.
I never really had a reason to encrypt anything. Most of my projects have no back-end
fair enough
heh, good one
@PeeHaa I did for a while, then settled with bcrypt
work handles with JWT, the state of art their is well published ;D
@PeeHaa Do you want to encrypt in browser or node?
AES 256 CTR support with hmac (sha256) verification support
@Abhishrek node
Use randomletters encryption :P
@PeeHaa crypto should have support for both
    const hashed = crypto.createHash('sha256');

    const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
    const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-ctr', hashed.digest(), iv);
    const ciphertext = cipher.update(whatever);
coolio tnx
Anybody here plays Diablo 3 {cc @rlemon}, I just started playing it. So soothing!
@PeeHaa FYI it uses OpenSSL under the hood afaik
It's the best we have sadly... (ignoring libre obviously here)
module.exports = function(grunt) {

		pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
		concat: {
			scripts: {
				src: ["src/assets/js/**/*.js"],
				dest: "dist/js/bundle.js"
			css: {
				src: ["src/assets/css/**/*.css"],
				dest: "dist/css/bundle.css"
		uglify: {
			files: {
				'dist/bundle.min.js': ['<%= concat.scripts.dest %>']


	grunt.registerTask("default", ["concat", "uglify"]);
Can anybody please tell why uglify always says: "No files created" ?
do you have anyything in src/assets/js/**/*.js?
Yes right now it's jquery-mobile.js & app.js
Both are concatenated and placed in dist/js/bundle.js
But i don't know why uglify cannot minify that file :/
@misha130 Am I missing something?
not sure
pass it properties to tell it minify it? and give it the bundle.js manually?
@misha130 Firstly the bundle.js doesn't exist
It is created by the "concat" task
anyone with socket io and nodejs ?
yes but where its supposed to be after concat
@misha130 It is created in "dis/js/bundle.js"
and it works
@user3304007 I've worked with a bit. Maybe i could help you
@littlepootis I wonder what its like to drink like a "Cool Dudewa"
Does anyone else knows?
Wow the best science project for kids :D
@Abhishrek Have you tried Transistor?
@Sheepy for? Can't see which message you linked it
The Diablo 3 one :)
An Isometric action game with programming theme. Not exactly like Diablo, though. No grinding, and the story is more delicate.
Oh okay :D
For now I'll just play Diablo and How to make cordova sane ;)
Can you help me with JPOS
@Loktar omg how do you not know who Nerd³ is?
Admittedly he and I share a preference for games, but I think the list is pretty good
@KendallFrey so maybe the aliens ignore us because we've only got one star. They probably hang out in the 4 or 5 star solar systems. I wonder how we can up our ranking.
@rlemon in game or in real life?
Hey guys, I'm having some trouble using requestAnimationFrame and a method that draws a triangle
Rather than redrawing a triangle it's giving me unexpected results
` var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

var side = 40;

var h = side * (Math.sqrt(3) / 2);

//This holds where the triangle should be
ctx.translate(300 + this.speed, 400 + this.speed);


ctx.moveTo(0, -h / 2);
ctx.lineTo(-side / 2, h / 2);
ctx.lineTo(side / 2, h / 2);
ctx.lineTo(0, -h / 2);

ctx.strokeStyle = "white";


this.speed += 0.1;
I've tried a few different things such as adding 0.1 to the translate to try and get new triangles to be drawn but it just gives me the above and doesn't move, in the console below I can see that it is correctly being called as it's ouputting the new speed number each time.
Any ideas?
@lix I think you need to save and restore the transform in each loop, to reset previous loop's translation.
@Sheepy If I open this as a question would you mind throwing a sample together? thanks for the reply mate :)
Q: HTML5 translate method, how to reset to default?

WingbladeSince HTML5's translate-method moves the origin of drawing relatively to its former origin apparently. (when I use ctx.translate(20,20) twice in a row I get the same result as when I use ctx.translate(40,40)) Well now the problem is I'd like to reset the origin of drawing to its original position...

@lix If you open a question, please make sure it's 100% clear: a. What you're trying to accomplish, b. What you currently have, c. Why what you currently have doesn't accomplish what you're trying.
I was hoping to move my triangle around the canvas using translate as it's a spaceship
@MadaraUchiha I'll keep that in mind :-)
@lix There's some really nice examples here you can study as well for how to animate stuff on canvas
including links to videos of talks
@ivarni thanks :D
@Sheepy your a boss! It worked after saving and restoring! also @irvarni I'm watching a talk now about coldwar this looks great
No way. My baby is the real boss. He has been demanding lots of overtime recently. >_<
@Sheepy Lots of sleepness nights ey?
Night is ok now. But hourly nursing in the evening is something new...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Sorry I don't understand why (0,1) is the lower bound of (1,1000). Can you explain a bit more?
@Sheepy ha. hahaha. haha.
yeah indeed it's (1,0)
that moment where you change the sample data to be more wide covering, but forget to check your example at the same time
So I get a bug-report for a mobile feature, ask "what kind of phone did you use?" and the reply is "iPhone"...
This is going to take a while
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Hmm... I still don't get how it is supposed to work Q.Q
1 hour later…
@ivarni why? its not like with each iteration of the iphone it changes or gets new features.... just the same phone each time
@HatterisMad Different iPhone supports different iOS, which supports different Safari. And Safari's feature support, well, can change a lot from version to version.
That's in addition to resolution differences which may affect layout.
@Sheepy it was a joke
@Sheepy making fun of how shit iphone versions are
@MadaraUchiha I saw, a sad day indeed
wat a tragedy
1 hour later…
lastpass has the worst bug ever
it lets chrome autofill its own extension's fields
what the fuck
@Mosho i want a picture
what picture
here is a picture of kittens
anyone good with mongodb?
@Mosho hmm I see that is a problem
i'm trying to execute an update or replace to a doc with a lower property value than the one i want to insert. but only once there are N docs in the DB
or N docs of that type.
What are you actually trying to do?
say i have a number of cars with a name and a price.
i want to start updating the lowest priced car in the DB once there are more than N cars.
so if N == 5, once there are 5 cars with prices [3,4,5,6,7], adding a car with price 8 would replace 3, but adding a car with price 3 or 2 would do nothing.
what service should I use for integration tests with webdriverio?
I just want something that runs the tests
can't seem to find anything
and don't want to write the node program that does it myself...
@AlexBollbach sort.
how can I change identity in git before pushing to Github?
ok sort...
from terminal
1 hour later…
wth, neither scroll-behavior: smooth nor window.scrollTo get me smooth scrolling on Chrome 55... what is a dude supposed to do?
yeah I have browserstack but I need a server to call it
as a part of CI
our current CI doesn't seem to be able to do it by itself
like something cheap-o you can just inflate?
Heroku should do just fine, you just need Node.js in your environment
yeah I thought about that
there was that starred one that gives you ephemeral instances for free with 512M RAM, but I can't remember the name
do you have a Docker host running on your CI... mayhaps just better that you spin up a container
I have a question. Because functions inherit from objects, does that mean that we can change the function's code? Are functions mutable?
best take a look at the specs ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/…
maybe you can get somewhere with the Function constructor
ah ok
I only skimmed, but looks like you can only get the body and create a new one
and re-assign it... not exactly what your looking for, but it's been done before
cuz i need to make a function
which changes the function passed as a parameter
its not like i have a choice whether to or not
Write a function that generates a new function that does what you want
@MasterBob oh yes, you do
doesn't look like you can update the function body >.>
@littlepootis i really don't, the function depends on certain variables at the time of calling
that sounds like bad design to me
oh well
who knows what my company is doing
ok thx bye

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