but.. if that is unavailble, then extracting the coords on the server but sending in a smaller and more efficient method than your earlier trials might still work.
perhaps, look for an existing format that IS understood by JS.
@misha130 the problem is actually not the data size, but how to use it. If you decompress it, you get back a blob. He seeks a solution to work with that blob to create shapes
if i have a string that's 43kish characters, it's much smaller than the other string that contains that many coordinates which each coordinate is like 8-15 charactrers
@alebianco Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
We understand. If you refuse to send a scaled version, or make your own binary format, than go search for a pre-made library to parse/read the MSSQL data from JS.
SELECT TOP 1000 [Id] ,[NAME] ,LEN([GEOM].STAsBinary()) AS BinaryLength ,LEN([GEOM].STAsText()) AS CoordLength ,[GEOM].MakeValid().STNumPoints() AS CoordinateCount ,[GEOM].STAsBinary() AS BinaryString ,[GEOM].STAsText() AS TextString FROM [MAF_Tiger].[dbo].[STATEs] ORDER BY NAME
My personal plan:
* Read from SQL Server, get coords
* Scale the detail to what the client needs
* Write in another binary format
* Cache on server to prevent need to re-scale every request
* Send to client
* read binary into coords on clients
> The process of drawing in WebGL involves using JavaScript to generate the information that specifies where and how these triangles will be created, and how they will look (colour, shades, textures, etc). This information is then fed to the GPU, which processes it, and returns a view of the scene. Next we will look in more detail at how this last bit happens.
This information is then fed to the GPU, which processes it, and returns a view of the scene.
And if you use canvas, you will be far beyond acceptable lag case, the best would be to use webworkers with canvas otherwise your page will lag / freeze and might take forever to render on a mobile device.