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Then don't use Clipboard api.
well, I am using clipboard from the electron api which works fine, but doesn't work on web.
Perhaps there's a difference between electron and the web
how could there ever be any difference? You mean I can't access from the file system directly on the web?
that was sarcasm
does this seem stupid?
thanks stackoverflow
for posting the whole code
love you very much
Gists do that.
1 message moved to Trash
Just like last time.
Include a . after url.
Why didn't the behavior change since you last tried? Ohh, I don't know.
what last time?
literally the first time
oh well, forget it
maybe that was someone else in recent history. If so, sorry.
@rlemon I never knew I wanted this in my life.
So, what's the question? Looks like that class doesn't do much.
@BenFortune looks incredible
Also it might have a bug. this.method never gets set to 'POST'
new QueryBuilder().Query("SomeObject").Include("123").Execute().then( ...); seems like a verbose API
no no
I noticed that
I am just asking if this is a good approach
You're sending me mixed signals. :)
I've been using repositories
up until now
Some type of query builder object can be a good approach, but I don't feel this example is.
thought maybe this query builder would be nice, just wanted to hear opinions
anything in particular?
The api is ambiguous. You call .Include() for both querying and posting new values?
Is my above interpretation of using the API correct?
Its supposed to filter
based on this object
rather than to add it
I am hoping to implement that in the backend
you POST to filter?
I sometimes have these cases where I want to GET but its an object and I won't to have a body
won't to = want to?
I know its not meant for it, but its comfortable sometimes
let me rephrase
I want to query the server for stuff but I have "A BUNCH OF STUFF TO SEND"
OK, gotcha.
@misha130 ref to that querybuilder lib ?
so I don't want to serialize this all in to a querystring
link to that library (open source ?)
i'm just curious
I am building it right now
oh, you're developing it
for node.js ?
1. You CAN put a body on a GET. It's not really standard, but you can. 2. A long query sting is not that bad. I do it for filters. 3. IF you want to use POST, at least make the URL indicate that it's a search. POSTing to /someObject is usually how to create new ones.
nvm, found the answer by the code itself
I am not developing a library its just my own code
I think I'll serialize it
public Include(inc: string | Object): this {
    this.method = 'GET';
    if (typeof inc === 'string') {
        this.queryString += 'id=' + inc + '&';
    else if (typeof inc === 'object') {
        this.queryString === JSON.stringify(inc);
    return this;
that's what I do. but make sure you url-encode it, too.
is this a correct interpretation of usage?
9 mins ago, by Luggage
new QueryBuilder().Query("SomeObject").Include("123").Execute().then( ...); seems like a verbose API
well obviously without the new, but yes
not obvious: class QueryBuilder
classes are created with new.
ok.. how about this api instead:
api.SomeObject.find({ some: 'criteria' }).then(...);
ya know that you can chain your params in one variable ?
like id=1,2,3
spares you id=1&id=2 ect
use split
yea thats also a problem
I am saying there is only 1 id
but you can include multiple times
you can check it
@Luggage this is what I have currently
and I find it kind of limiting
what if I want to add pagination to the get
well, in my example, the get is for a known single instance, the find woudl be what you paginate
if (idParam.indexOf(',') === -1) // one query
else // chain query with idParam.split(',')
    query: { ... },
    orderBy: [...],
    limit: 10,
    offset: 20
This is closer to what I use.
the query, in that example is just key: value pairs, like I expect you want. not like a where clause. That's for the server to make.
@SterlingArcher @ndugger too soon
so I am doing Query<SomeObject>().Include(...).OrderBy(function).Limit(10).Offset(2)
well, is it really worth it
that' fine but the .include() for for single IDs and multi-result queries is the part I find confusing
@KendallFrey dammit, spilled my coffee
I didn't fully developed it yet
its fine I can see the problem that @KarelG mentioned
I am just trying to figure out if its really better than what you posted
How do I make webpack compile my scss files?
using my webpack config? it's already configured. just include them
require() them, i mean
@Luggage I'm trying to build from scratch because I realized I didn't understand enough about what was going on.
need scss loader don't you?
I would assume. I've seen a couple things say
"npm i sass-loader css-loader style-loader" is that accurate or too much crap?
that's right, but do you know what they all do?
Not really. Let me look...
sass-loader -> processes sass (duh)
css-loader -> does webpacky things to css (like lookup dependencies, what webpack does to JS)
style-loader -> makes it so that when you require() a css (or scsss) file it'll make a <style> tag and inject it
@rlemon Happy Friday!!! @FlorianMargaine rebecca.blackFriday
Oh ok! That makes a bunch of sense. All the tutorials kept talking about downloading something else to make it a separate file but since I wasn't understanding the <style> tag injection it flew over my head.
from my webconfig:
{ test: /\.scss$/, loader: 'style?-singleton!css?-minimize&modules!sass'},
// sass -> css (modules) -> style
removing all options, it's just:
{ test: /\.scss$/, loader: 'style!css!sass'},
right, if you wnted a file out of it instead of injecting into <style> then replace style-loader with file-loader
@Luggage and all this you learned from experience?
No, I read the docs.
Or was there some resource/book you used?
Fair enough. lol
in reactjs if i'm doing
for (key in this.state)  // it always says key is undefined..

even though, once can do this with any object
for (key in obj)  // always works
why can't i do
for key in this.state  ???
Not enough question marks.
ha ha ha.. yeah it is a weird issue.. i thought it should be treated as an object just like any other
check for hasOwn
for .. in does all enumerable properties. own or not.
so what's the best way to loop over properties in this.state ?
I assumed that would work...
I find it odd that it does not. does it fail in a simple fiddle?
Is this.state an object?
if yes, can you JSON.stringify it and paste it here?
just checked and a console.log on react this.state just shows that it is an object
dude my daughter is going to be so pumped to get this as a christmas gift
that guy shared his svg file for wasdkeyboards.com
so I got her the full set, she has a ducky shine
no i haven't tried it on a simple fiddle.. i can try it though
yes, this.state is an object
@Joe why not
 		Object.keys( this.state ).forEach( ( key ) =>{
			console.log( key );
i tried that
Object.keys only does own properties. Might not matter, but just a note.
Don't abuse map
poor map
oh yeah mybad
i wanted to remove some properties if they don't match certain criteria, remove both the key and the value
does anyone know an online site for some quick java statement check ?
that was my initial piece of code
@Luggage first time i see that :P
that page is quite hidden
  for(key in this.state){
      if (!this.state[key].startsWith('f_')){
        delete this.state[key];
don't delete from state that way.
no modifying state directly. only through this.setState().
i tried to copy into another object and send that object..
but key is always undefined in that for statement
i agree.. i put var newObj = this.state and tried the same thing, key is undefined
reproduce in fiddle. We all believe you but can't help without seeing it.
because var newObj = this.state does nothing.
alright, will do that..
Either you'll be able to reproduce the problem in a fiddle and we'll help or you can't, in which case it lies somewhere else, in how you set state
@Luggage i tried it as well and it didn't work
which is why i suggested object.keys
if oyu have a fiddle, i can tell you WHY it doesn't work
Fuck. So I'm a dirty reposter?
so dirty
@rlemon Well, there goes my day.
@Trasiva rlemon is afk: i.imgur.com/qw10XeE.gifv

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