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okeeeey, I'm making app that lets you set the route and order a taxi on nativescript+angular2+typescript. Just finished showing up the 5 closest cars in a mile, feeling like a god
time to sit over to designers mac, have to compile the app on ios there, thats why im doing all-nighter now :D
at the low level you're always going to need 2 event listeners, possibly more if you want the value to change on keypresses. Depending on your framework of choice you may be able to abstract it differently
Is there any lightweigth framework that could deal with this? When I have 3 fields it becomes nightmare (NET, VAT, GROSS)
have you adopted any kinds of conventions in your codebase? just deciding to use a flux-like data flow would simplify it greatly.
have a single value stored wherever you store your sources of truth
use that to drive the values displayed in your fields
and whenever a field is updated, emit an action that updates the source of truth by the correct amount
so if you change A, update the store by 1/2 the amount typed in A, if you change B update the store by the full amount stored in B
you could do that by dispatching an action, which triggers the store update, which would trigger a re-render of your fields
@romaninsh anything with two-way data-binding, like knockout.js
overkill if for two fields, but..
also this is pretty interesting solution but seems to be an overkill: xsanisty.com/project/calx2
Reactive Extensions would also be a valid choice.
rx.js ?
No jquery, if you can avoid it.
unless, maybe you need to support IE < 9
Which I hope not
Super light-weight, works similar to react. Just hook up your data relationships and call render as needed
Lol, "Bernie isn't ruling out 2020", says the article. So someone made this.
I can't see him winning based solely on the fact hell be 79
I have found github.com/pablobm/calculate.jquery also which can do One-Directional formulas, but not bi-directional ones.
No one wants a president half way to the grave
looks like i'll have to suck it up an do calculations manually. Thanks all and if there are any other interesting libraries i've missed , please suggest.
you really shouldn't need a library if this is just a small thing :S
@david, yeah, it's just there are lots of forms with exchange rates and i thought there would be a solution.
Not that anyone cares, but I was bored enough to build a partial floating-point adder circuit.
no, why?
aww, that sucks. old game
You make transitor-based circuits
like, lay down P and N traces.
so stuff at the sub-transistor level?
sounds neat
@rlemon I really don't understand why she didn't make him her VP?
yup. it is neat.
i thought i saw a non-flash port.. looking
assuming it supports different levels of doping for all the different applications
Does it do FETs?
no. just P, N, and traces.
er..i guess no.
what's the name of that NPNP circuit?
I don't know, what?
ah, yes, SCR
just the screenshots should give you an idea: jayisgames.com/review/engineer-of-the-people.php
I'm getting flashbacks of Wireworld
@phenomnomnominal cuz she's a snake?
that looks extremely nerdy
@KendallFrey I read rimworld
@rlemon you need professional help
@rlemon maybe, but she's not stupid
also, you totally should try Wireworld
I like how they chose a name that can be spelled with latin characters. I wonder if that was deliberate.
yea.. looks kinda similar.
I'm sure it's not
@phenomnomnominal depends on what you're testing her on
she clearly has a lock on technology
It's a cellular automaton, not a game
you should play dwarf fortress
yea, i don't mean the mechanics, but theme
@rlemon probably better than most grandmothers
@david I have. rimworld is beter
@phenomnomnominal most grandmothers don't have security clearance
Better = more fun because its' more visual, not more in depth
but getting closer
age/ignorance isn't an 'excuse' when it is part of your job
> PNP gates are just the opposite: current can only flow through the P-silicon "line" if there is no current to the N-silicon "latch".
most people with security clearance probably don't understand it either
ooh that's dissatisfying
more importantly, there has been no criminality proven.
@phenomnomnominal eh, you can continue down that road. someone in her position should have know what they were doing.
Remember that old "innocent until proven guilty" schtick
@Luggage Is there a game even remotely close to the depth of DF?
@Luggage lies. I've played both and rimworld has way too much rng
You're right, she was irresponsible
not that I know of, but rimworld is spiritually close, even if it's got 'too much rng' :)
The issue still shouldn't have overshadowed the whole election
yeah rimworld definitely captures the same game 'spirit'
but with your walls randomly exploding
just like real life
@rlemon LOL
Yeah kind of glad at this point the DNC screwed over Bernie
Definitely will be a restructuring on both sides
@Loktar they're saying DNC is basically done at this point
a 'new' establishment will be made, no one has faith in them
but these are just news outlets I'm reading ofc.
@phenomnomnominal security clearances aren't candy
as a former TS clearance holder, there is a lot to it
and she had access to many special programs
I don't personally know anyone with a clearance who supported her actions, and who didn't want some sort of consequences.
@Loktar I get that
but now Trump has it too
I get that it is a big deal, and that she didn't do the right thing, and had terrible reasons, and was barely remorseful.
my hope is that Bernie inspired some 40-someodd go getter who is already in politics to make a run for the whitehouse in 2020
You mean Kanye?
Kate Brown 2020
> who is already in politics
^ that was the issue this time
Hi. I need to fix a strange bug with dynamically generated iframes. The iframe is loaded twice in firefox. It is a normal document.createElement('iframe') function. As soon as it is added to the dom it fires two requests.Why? And how to fix it?
would need to see code to tell you that
@user2429266 is it a zombie site?
Zombie sites usually implement double tap
        var element = _ce('iframe',{
          attr: {
        element.onload = function(){

        /*element.timeout_ = setTimeout(function(){
the _ce() function just fires setAttribute and createElement etc.
and you're saying it is making two requests inside of the iframe? or it is loading the iframe twice?
dumb imgur
two requests. If I create the iframe as plain text string and use to.innerHTML += iframe... It fires 4-5 times.^^
well you don't control inside the iframe
it's probably youtube
not inside. It requests the src twice.
I got three requests to the same domain on that, a 301 a 307 and then a 200
Camacho 2020
is that what you are seeing?
I have a function that removes some text from the body once a button is press and everything works but it checks for that text every time the button is pressed and after the 1st time since that text is gone, is throwing errors saying it can't find that in conole which I dont think is good.
are there code tags?
1 message moved to Trash can
@Tantrik Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
if (document.getElementsByTagName('li')) {
    console.log("elements now exist");
@user2429266 make a demo on jsfiddle, or take a screenie of your network tab when the requests have happened.
you are not giving us much to go on here
its firing that every time on button click and after the first time its basically useless and keeps saying that sm doesn't exist
best way to post a scree here?
ohh, I wasn't talking to you. I pinged another user. but you can take a screenie too if you like.
everyone take a screenie!
well thats a rad little site
oh LOL
98 95 vm?
if you look at it full size you'll see it's a very hasty copy and paste job
doesn't even line up
ohh I did, I just didn't pay much attention to the browser
the desktop icons amused me
so who wants to write documentation for robogist for me ?? huh? huh?? 😛
no takers?
I'm not entirely sure how webpack / babel / imports work but is there a way to get it to throw an error if a partial import (import { foo } from 'foo') fails?
anyone know how to stop it from looking for that element over and over? I only need it to happen when there is no LI element but no go
@Tantrik document.getElementsByTagName('li').length
doesnt it work without if I'm just trying to see if the element exists?
checks if the element simply exists right?
thanks :)
<< super noob
goddammit why is it so cold
@AwalGarg :|
Oh, it's the same for you.
Have fun
@littlepootis 13c isn't cold
that's tshirt weather
@rlemon Are you from Siberia that this is warm to you!?
@littlepootis Why is it so cold? Global warming.
Must be in the very north of Canada then @rlemon
@rlemon We are wearing three layers of clothes at 17'C :p
@bwoebi nahh, in the fall anything > 10 is good, in the spring anything > 2 is good.
summer is just like anywhere else, too hot.
winter is too cold.
@Sheepy how's the poop machine?
@rlemon summer is jst about right you mean
well, at least as long as T < 32°C, it's usually fine
That's what I call T-Shirt weather… from 22 to 32°C…
@rlemon Now he prefer to poops when I'm changing the diaper. He'd hold his poo for maybe two hours and cry for diaper, so that he can poop when I open the diaper.
he likes the fresh air
😃 mah man
The behaviour has been consistent for three days. I'm surprised he can learn so fast. It's just been three weeks. But it's not as stressful as parents' opinions...
he's a sponge. start teaching him js now
Yes! He really loves to watch my (dark themed) monitor!
I'm doing more Java than JS recently, but I guess that's good too XD
:calls social services:
are you exposing the little baby to java?
"sir please calm down, we have no idea what you're talking about"
Well, if I can't use chloroform to put him to sleep (may I?), then using Java to keep him awake during the day sounds like a good fallback plan.
learn him some haskell if you want him to sleep
that should have been obvious
@rlemon incoming: can't construct infinite type
@bwoebi $($)
@rlemon :-)
@joshhunt what's a 'partial import'?
sorry partial isn't the correct word. like this: import { member } from "module-name";
member import is the correct name I think?
I don't really know how webpack works but I assume it would know if member was not defined when it compiles
ohh. hm. it might not be an error, just 'undefined'.
webpack cares that module-name exists, but then it's just plain destructuring after that (this is an educated guess, I don't know for certain)
yeah I think I'll have to look into it a bit more, it's caught me out a few times with mis-types
I wonder if a non-compiled import would fail?
that form of import doesn't work when not compiled (not even in node) and you use a require() instad
so, no. it won't catch it
require('module-name').member won't fail unless the root export is not defined.
there were talks of it coming in node v7 but I guess that never happened: github.com/nodejs/help/issues/53
I guess they are just waiting for v8 to implement it
node IS v8.
What the bug says is V8 is waiting for the spec to finalise, which is understandable. Firefox implemented let and const early and was stuck between old spec and final spec.
er.. or do you mean node version 8?
no I meant V8, you were right to scold me :D I thought node was built using V8 but its not the same thing is it?
it is built on v8, yes.
I didn't mean to scold, but to imply that node just takes v8 and adds node APIs, not adds new JS features, typically
I'd say "require" is at the level of a new language feature. Does V8 have it?
it's just an api. It's a function.
Ok. True.
As in, you can make require() entirely in JS.
and i think it is
Yeah... with blocking ajax request if I recall correctly.
ah yup thats what I thought, I was just meaning the hold up is on V8's end not Node choosing to enable it or whatever
Do you guys reckon it's even possible to get a development job that isn't 9-5 these days
get a remote job in a different time zone
problem solved
That's actually a pretty rad idea
@rlemon right, then it becomes 6:30-5
Source: fml
No word of a lie this job application that I'm looking at states: Dog kennels for dog lovers coming soon.
@KendallFrey 8-5 isn't so bad
I'm still up at 6
you work remote. I could do it
No, that's standard work hours for devs at my company
shower at noon
or when compiling
But because I work on the team with offshore devs, we have our daily standup at 6:45 right now
I'd probably sleep till 8 if I could
I'd prefer to American times if I'm being honest, waking up at like 12/1 would suit me well
if I could I'd work from home 4 hours and work 4 hours
go to work from 8-12, work from home 1-5
jesus christ aws is easy
Ahhh fuck, problem.
isn't it
So from a security standpoint, weigh in on this bitch
Repository hosted on server in my office. Need VPN to get in. Server is now hosted on AWS. Safer to create a VPN tunnel from AWS to this firewalled repo or move the repo to AWS so it's behind that security and doesn't require a VPN at all?
Also welcome to the RO team dude, well deserved
@SterlingArcher bro, you using robogist yet? it's all the rage dude
:looks around nervously:
Have no idea what robogist is
you haven't tried robogist yet?
I thought you were on top of trends dude!
it saved @Loktar's marriage
fuck you both I don't like not knowing obvious jokes D:
cat was all like DUDE, and he was all like "robogist", and they were all like 👄
Swear to god I will build a canadian wall and make you pay for it
@Loktar jesus omg
yesterday, by Trasiva
user image
y rho
first thing I questioned: why is our wall wood and yours cement?
As a web developer do I need to know about crm's as entry level with degree?
As a mid level developer: what the fuck is a crm
^ lol
yeah dude you're good not knowing about CRM
customer shit
like a cms, but instead of content you're managing customers and accounts
I mean it doesnt hurt of course, just some buzzword you can talk about
That's what I thought I just double took when this job application just bolted on " 1 years exp using any crm"
we use maximizer
it was okay
now they made it online and requires ie
Developers who interface with clients are just consultants because they can actually speak properly and in front of people
@SterlingArcher no it is a management system
Can it manage my foot in your ass
like account deets, customer info, etc.
Oh, why would a developer need to do that
no, but I'm sure if you lube up we'll be cool
Seems more.. PM material?
@SterlingArcher they build the system...
I can't keep staring too many rlemon comments otherwise I'll probably get in trouble
I get scared sometimes when I think you work with rockets.
But hell whats one more for the good old meme wall
If it puts your mind at ease I've been working meetings since 9am, spent 12 minutes relaxing to shovel chipotle down my throat, more meetings till 5, then an AWS security keynote, and now I'm working on an EC2 instance for work
So I'm a bit... disheveled
I'm pretty sad I never found out about SO chatrooms until in the last year of my degree
tl;dr fuck you im exhausted
I had an awesome day, did a bunch for work, got TWO extensions updated/published and then went to the gym and worked on the gains (or losses, as it may be)
@lix well... you'll be offended soon enough so be prepped for that
now I'm relaxing, having a beer, and getting ready for bed
I haven't gotten to the gym since I started this project... because I keep having to bring work home :/
@SterlingArcher how can anyone offend someone with 7k hours in dota
2 weeks... I feel horrible I just want to getgainz
@lix you'll fit in nicely, nerd
casual af
please stop me
@SterlingArcher whatever old man
@SterlingArcher for a while it was tough, because I hadn't been for so long I needed quite a bit of recovery (my fault, I was trying to work out like I did before)
so twice a week for like a month+
now we're working on getting my left side back in working order so I can go back to what I enjoy
@rlemon I just need time man.. this project is figuratively killing me
seriously. not using an arm for anything (weight wise) for a year plus fucked me more than I expected
my left shoulder, which never sustained an injury, is royally fucked.
lotta fatigue
it's like I got a rotator cuff injury, but I never did.
one set in and my left shoulder is almost numb and has little strength
Q: Should I be applying to everything that will get me more xp or just applying to things I might actually be interested in ?
you can apply and not take a job
that is always an option
The latter. If you're interested in your work, and you like your job, you'll go above and beyond and end up getting more experience
Do you reckon I could apply for jobs in the hopes to secure the position on completion of my degree?
it doesn't hurt to sit down with everyone, but only take something you feel you will enjoy doing imo
unless you need food, and like now.
then take w/e and get something better later
I don't really actually have a money problem like at all really, I'm just intrested in progressing as fast as possible
I've considered just going solo and making projects from home and trying a startup but I think I'll lose out on xp along the way
then contribute to open source and apply to companies that appeal to you
but contributing to open source will be key
people be critical af
got any open source stuff I could look into?
open source projects I could show literally got me the edge in my first big boy job application
I've browsed github general a few time and it looks hard to find things to make meaningful contributions too
it's the new upcoming thing
everyone will be using it
like jQuery + google + facebook
god I hate you
is this a meme or for real?
no, it's a project I put out today (months ago, but never worked)
it's a userscript/style manager
github.com/RUJodan/SourceUndead not really complete or good... but it's got some good async practices in it
Actually this looks pretty fun!
Kinda like a puush for code
I'm not a fan of games programming
Well fuck you too >:(
!!afk chipotle and beer is fighting back
@SterlingArcher tl;dr robogist lets you give a gist id and have it inject all the .js and .css files in that gist
@rlemon so how can I start helping out on your repo?
so you can inject shit simple and have it persist across pcs (with a google login to the browser)
@lix think of ideas? test it? write docs? idk, I was mostly joking
it isn't a project that will help you
Just had my most humble defeat in the diaper changing battle. Had to wash my windcheater afterwards.
"windcheater" = "windbreaker" if anyone else was confused
I was just thinking maybe it'd be a good startpoint
not a correction, they are both the same thing **
might not help but I feel like at least I can talk to you about stuff
dark theme probably needs more help github.com/rlemon/se-chat-dark-theme-plus
Yeah. After mom forcefully took him away I started to research battle plan on Google. But Google just shrugs and says it'll get worse.
Cool I'll clone both
@Sheepy only till they can wipe their own ass. then they get better, then worse again, then better for a while, then worse for a while, then you're old, they're your age now, and you get grand kids. and they're perfect because when they get gross you can give them back.
I thought of something cool a little while ago, if there was some way you could integrate stackoverflow notifications to be sent to discord as it's becoming more trendy

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