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try/catch, as with statements for instance, has a big impact in scope chains
but I'm not deep enough into that topic any more to judge how hard the impact for the average try/catch is. To my knowledge, it pretty much screws every optimizing code, has to duplicate the whole stack and stuff..
which was the reason why it was always best to not just "try/catch" your whole code :p
Guys, I didn't follow the news recently but the buzz relative to yarn came to me, and the need is obvious. Do you use it ? Any cons ?
Doesn't work sometimes.
yarn doesn't always work ?
What happens ? Bugs in the yarn client ?
Global installs almost never work
Guys how can i target a div like this <div aria-describedby="dlgAddFile" aria-labelledby="ui-id-1"> via css please ?
@DenysSéguret No support for private modules
I tried this div[aria-describedby="dlgAddFile"]{
Did not work
@jAndy not really an issue since turbofan
@BenjaminGruenbaum when the data is completely transmitted?
wrapper = document.getElementsByName(name);
checkboxes = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("checkbox");
TypeError: wrapper.getElementsByClassName is not a function

Haven't worked with JS for a long time, any Ideas how I can solve this? I bet it's some basic stuff I forgot over time..
Hey guys i have an problem i have an img that when i click it will show an div and i wanted that it would be closing if i click outside the div so i used document.click with hide in it but the problem is i found now (after 4 days of stressing why it doesnt work) that when i click on the img it triggers the document.click
is there a way for me to fix this problem ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum seems so.. at least jsperf can barely measure a difference even with deep scopes and several try catch clauses
@TechTreeDev getElementsByName returns a Node List, not a Node
how on earth is that possible
So it doesn't have a getElementsByName method
@MadaraUchiha Hm, is there a known workaround for this? (Thanks, by the way^^)
@TechTreeDev What do you expect to happen when you used getElementsByName(name)?
You wanted the first one? The last one? The 3rd from the last?
@MadaraUchiha Actually, I need all of them, and every is containing a checkbox and a label, and i want to (de)select all the checkboxes based on the name, which is the common topic (from DB)
@TechTreeDev So essentially, you want every .checkbox under every [name="someName"], and you want to do an action on each of them, correct?
let checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll(`[name="${name}"] .checkbox`);
The `` string template literal is ES6
`foo ${bar} baz` is the same as "foo " + bar + " baz"
@MadaraUchiha Thanky you very much, it works perfectly. Never heard of this method before
srry for the spam
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@Jrprogrammeur Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
thnx for deleting
@AwalGarg as in - an ack?
The state of Michigan really jammed marijuana smokers. It was supposed to be on the ballot to be voted on, but after we turned in more than enough signatures to get it on the ballot, the state passed a law saying signatures older than 180 days are no good. They did this AFTER everything was collected, only giving people like a month to collect over 200,000 signatures that were suddenly deemed no good, such bullshit.
Instead of 6 states voting, there is only 5 now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes
You need to send an "I got this" from the other side, but be careful of generals.
in PHP, 1 hour ago, by Jimbo
I thought JS actually stood for JokeScript?
@BenjaminGruenbaum But the browser does get an ack on the TCP level from the server regardless, right? So it does know when each send completes. Why not expose it?
@Jimbo Like PHP stands for "Plenty of Horrible Practices", right?
@Jimbo so nobody also laughed at your joke in there?
Or does it just keep sending data from all sends sequentially without any data boundary in between?
Or "Persistently Horrendous Programming"
@Cerbrus "Pretty High Programmers"
@AwalGarg I have an idea but it's hacky.
You can check bufferedAmount after you send and see when it hits zero again.
5 hours ago, by Awal Garg
It queues the data in a buffer, and the size of the buffer can be read via WebSocket.prototype.bufferedAmount, so I was thinking of polling that property every 2ms but that sounds hacky.
Yup, so that's what I have for now :P
oh lol
The fact it's not exposed isn't surprising though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are sends atleast guaranteed to be sequential? i.e., if I do two send calls in a line, can I assume that the second call's data doesn't begin transferring until the first one is completed?
Even unix send is hacky in this regard - there is no obvious way to know when tcp is done - you have to "go deeper".
@AwalGarg probably not
Basically, try to wait for send in a unix socket - it's the same effective problem - there are buffering issues and other small stuff. You can't just do something like keep a promise per data written and then resolve it after you got the ack that'd be too expensive.
@AwalGarg you know what, I think it's guaranteed that they'll arrive in the order sent but I'm not sure they'll be sent in the order of send calls.
There is a good chance they are - lemme check the spec
You know what, it just wouldn't make sense if the order of data was not guaranteed
(From a single client, and unlike http clients that sometimes like to open several connections)
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, I understand that intuitively but I need some proof :P
@AwalGarg it uses the term "queueing" in the spec to describe it
Can you solve this?
in SOBotics, 12 mins ago, by Petter Friberg
Office Hours Problem:
Your CS361 Professor is very popular during office hours, but sadly has a tiny office. Empirical studies have shown that in that office, there is room for about 3 students to chat comfortably. Those 3 students have various questions for the professor, which take various amounts of time. The professor has one whiteboard on which to demonstrate solutions to the student(s), and can write up the answer to one question at a time. Once a student’s question(s) are satisfied (the student can randomly decide to ask more than one question while he/she has the prof's attention),
That implies order.
p.s. deleted so question, recently
@LearnHowToBeTransparent what about it?
That's not an actual question
because it said `problem`, so i think there must be an answer
i can't parse it, i thought you can
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, that's good news then. Would there also be a way to avoid polling bufferedAmount? Some message padding trick maybe? I know socket.io pads messages but it also makes the server reply with an ack and the padding :|
@bitten Tough crowd today!
@Jimbo the cute face didn't soften the blow? :p
@Jimbo JS actually stands for "Jimbo Sucks"!!!
@Cerbrus Actually it's a recursive acronym "Please Help! PHP!"
I like it
"Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! Please Help! ..."
hi PHP room!
@DaveRandom Just to illustrate the insanity of getting into php... You'll never get out, unless you break.
@PeeHaa didn't come?
You rang?
Mornings sall
@OliverSalzburg tweeted
morning, cats
how do you deal with if/else in jsx? i can't seem to find an elegant way, this is the best i have (lines 8-10)
@corvid afternoon, dogs
@OliverSalzburg Great minds
@bitten you can use do expressions
@AwalGarg note that it's not really an ack
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, just regular websocket message
@corvid i remember ndugger talking about them, might actually suit this case
they're usually very useful in React render expressions and kinda meh anywhere else, imo
maybe the whole switch could be reworked, i just wanted to omit certain elements on the homepage view
@SterlingArcher hello
So the bright side of using meteor: I finally get to use ES6 features since it's standard
"Operating system can't be found", usually indication of a hardware problem, more than likely the harddrive, right?
@Waxi Yup
@Waxi yes, something is most likely up with your hard drive
Either way, you're screwed
Haha ok figured that, thanks!
Good luck :-)
@Waxi check the settings in your bios, if the hard drive is detected then you're definitely screwed
@SterlingArcher on the not so great side: it's meteor
@SterlingArcher how are you liking it?
@bitten Good idea!
@BenjaminGruenbaum unfortunately due to politics and drama in the project, I haven't been given a task yet so I haven't written a single line of code yet :/
@SterlingArcher that's nice, change jobs
tl;dr I was brought on to replace the UI lead currently, but they are... subtle. Their code isn't documented, and they don't know I'm supposed to be the UI so they treat me as an "appentice"
Basically the lack of giving me tasks, the obviously undocumented code looks like they are fighting to create job security on the project
stackoverflow.com/questions/40467250/… <-- What's the point of doing (0, _moment2.default)();? I've seen it before, but that does it achieve?
@Cerbrus zirak covered it in the chat last week
I must not have been paying attention.
it means it's executed in the global scope
one sec
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have to be very careful. Either I take over and rock the project, or the politics win and the project fails, and it becomes my fault, or I quit because of the politics. It's not a good situation, but it is quite the opportunity to make a name for myself here. It's the biggest contract we have, and this is my first opportunity to become a team leader
@SterlingArcher Starting owning it. Don't let those suckas get in your way.
(0, _moment2.default)() immediately executes a function called _moment2.default passing 0 as the parameter — François Wahl 26 secs ago
No no no
That's my plan. I wont let 2 bad eggs ruin SNC for me. This company is incredible and I want to build a career here
!!hack at this or start fresh
@rlemon hack at this
Dear god, someone upvoted that comment by Francois.
@ParnasreeChowdhury Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The above working fine
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@ParnasreeChowdhury Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
ok sorry I am posting it again
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@ParnasreeChowdhury Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@SterlingArcher good luck
I am hitting ctrl+k but its not formatting the code
I am not so familiar with the chat yet , I think I am unable to get my answer here , I should leave
@ParnasreeChowdhury Hit it first, then paste your code in, not after.
                          jQuery(function($) {


     //The above working fine , but if I am doing something like following

    function myfunc()

//Its throwing a typerror: $ is undefined
//I just want to know why so ?
if $ is undefined, either jQuery isn't loaded or you're trying to use jQuery before it's loaded
Or don't use myFunc() until the document is ready. Are you trying to run it outside the above ready function?
How can I be sure that the jquery is loaded first ?
I already called the jquery file at top of my file
@ParnasreeChowdhury Put all your logic into $(document).ready(function(){ /** your logic **/ });
<option value="WORK">{{Res.WorkAddress}} {{(selectedAddress === 'WORK' && !defaultValue) ? '(Preferred)' : ''}}</option>
@ParnasreeChowdhury yeah, you're right. jquery was loaded first. my tip: call jquery file on top, use jquery bottom. never use $(document).ready(function(){/*your logic*/}). hard to debug.
@Waxi and @user2429266

Ok I am checking it
what is wrong with this expression ?
Or better... Not all logic but all function calls.
Define your functions outside of doc.ready but work with them only inside of doc.ready.
never do that. hard to debug.
what is hard to debug?
^ my expression
but I don't know what else can I do
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Why hard to debug? What if he sets the async attribute to the Jquerys script tag? That way he needs some kind of document.ready function.
I am new on AngularJS
you can't understand when you declare a variable inside $.ready and you type the name of the var in the console it said undefined oh shit you can't trace the value/change it to debug. better include jquery top, jquery code bottom. that's easier to debug
never use async attribute with JQuery. JQuery is fast to load. use async and be surprised.
debugging shouldn't rely on you being able to see inside of the function scopes, you can alter the code and use the debugging tools to do that
^ but I am not using jQuery :|
@Mathematics They weren't talking about your code lol.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent That shouldn't be a big problem if you go with an OOP way.
you're mixing two different stories here
@ssube @BenFortune @SterlingArcher If you get the dark yeti SD, holler.
let me bring in a third.. once upon a game...
@Waxi I didn't had any code, it's just a expression
All my functions are object orientated and defined within anonymous functions etc. And they have own error, debug handler and use_strict set.
and it didn't had jQuery in it
@Trasiva Always see people in chat asking for that
it's only AngulaRJs
@Trasiva will do, but I won't be grinding that today. I'm grinding for high magical essences. I wanna awaken Vanessa tomorrow (is tomorrrow fire day?)
Yeah tomorrow.
if you won't stop then I will not vote Trump !
I need like, 5 more high essences
Wait no.. 10 :(
@BenFortune dark yeti is Ifrit fusion material. If you get access to a dungeon, you get that yeti, and awaken it asap to get it over with
@jAndy I If you mean me. I don't think I'm mixing two different things. As soon as you code object orientated you have what was called as hard to debug anyway. And OOP is the way to write good code in my opinion.
lol... now this is getting really messy or really trolly
@user2429266 no he was me
Thank You.
@rlemon I watched a lot of videos of Rimworld and decided it's way more complicated than I thought it would be nor am I willing to invest time into learning a new game. I'm still trying to get into hardmode in Terraria lol.
your loss
@rlemon I got it btw. Also I hate it already you asshole
You said it was fun
it is :D
you died a bunch and ragequit?
Yes. And that was the easy campaign thing
you should watch someone play it
the learning curve to get a 'working' colony isn't that bad
I really should. I'm doing it wrong
1-2 hours of youtube
1st everybody starved the first winter
once you get the basics of how to keep everyone alive then the game gets really fun
@SterlingArcher When's water? Wanna awaken my Dagora
Got it to 5* last night
2nd a fire burned down my little village
water is wednesday. I'll be awakening mine too
It looks like a fun game, just gonna take some commitment.
3rd I wanted to move a prisoner and it escaped
That was enough "fun" for one night so I cried myself to sleep
But my priority is vanessa. I runed her with violent and revenge runes, so she has a 22% chance for an extra turn, 15% chance to counter attack, and if her normal attack kills, she gets an additional turn
I've seen her strike 6 times in a row and slaughter them lol awakened.. she'll just be even more powerful
@PeeHaa check that out, first thing I did was build a few bedrooms (the colourful rooms) then the fridge, then the power management, then the farms
well, I planted the farms as soon as I had a bedroom, but didn't enclose them till after power
notice how everything is inner connected with vents
so I can temp control my entire colony
@rlemon factorio ?
Fun games are fun
@SusHill I'm here if you need help.
@rlemon eeewwww
@user2429266 I need help too
@Mathematics you couldn't identify the game, you have zero say
@Mathematics lol. We all need help^^
@rlemon Oh that's a thing?
Well give it another go later today when I am brave enough
@Mathematics ps: I neverd worked with angular.js
@BenFortune are you trolling the Arena for glory points yet?
@PeeHaa things you need to monitor -> temp (hot and cold), food, mood( cleanliness, relationships, health, 'joy activities', pets, etc), and general colonist traits
@SterlingArcher A bit yeah
@ParnasreeChowdhury Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@BenFortune do it constantly, especially your rivals. Glory points get you great shit
And gems
Think my arena score is 1100 or soemthing
It's my priority to always make sure I have 0 arena invitations
@rlemon I think that is part of the problem. There is just so much to ruin their day

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