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@AwalGarg lol
Hey guys, anyone know how I can configure webpack to use a loader based on what file a file is loaded from? I used raw-loader to load svg files into js to use with SVGCon, a react icon lib, but I also want to load svgs for use in CSS, but they need to be loaded with file-loader
That's a good question @Billy, have you posted it to the main site?
Nope, hoping I'm just missing something fairly obvious
Not sure how to google for it right now. Think I just need to sleep :p
1 hour later…
does anyone know anything about firebase
I am trying to create a rock paper scissor game and trying to figure out how to initiate game once there are two players logged in. I was thinking of having an input box to enter the players name, and then once they press submit, I use firebase.ref().push() and create data for each user. After that I would check to see if there are two players logged in by checking if the database has data filled in the root and a child node
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@henhen Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
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@henhen Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
By doing

          if(database.ref() && database.ref().child())
              code to initiate game...

but I am unsure if this would be  the correct way to do it
Can I create a string-like constructor like
new Bad("brad");
but the .prototype is different from new String()
what do you mean by "string-like"?
How can I update a firebase object variable upon reload. I know set() will replace everything, I just want to update 2 object variables within the object up page reload
a = new Bad("brad");
b = a+"44" // "brad44"
a.length //undefined
b.length //6
addRandom: function addRandom()
that's what I mean by "string-like" @David, we can concat a Bad() with a String(), a Bad() with a Bad(), but we can't get Bad()'s length
i have no idea what you're trying to do
do you just want to add a length attribute to it?
you can do that fairly easily :S
@LearnHowToBeTransparent What does Bad() return?
Looks like it's returning a function with a getter that returns a string
@monners RIGHT
i mean like JQuery, $("body") returns a $.fn.init, works like NodeList, prototype different from NodeList
So just add a length method to Bad that returns the length of the return value of the getter
it doesn't work, but i will research more before asking that Q again.
i can't explain it.
Lunch? What country are you in?
or just set the length in the constructor :S
@user2429266 man I tried in fiddle and your code work like a champ but when I put in my site it needs double click to remove grayscale, but i copied the source from my site and put again in fiddle again your code works as a champ, I don't know what is causing it.
dev.kis-com.ch/kiscom-stellt-sich-vor this is the link of site you will see the thumbnails on right hand side with position fixed after clicking on the peoples image
@PauloDosSantos Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Does someone here know why I'm not saving the checkboxes in the localstorage? codepen.io/DonnyBrooker/pen/XNJBVB
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@SusHill Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@user2429266 It didn't work on my site because the same class has a jquery action onclick
var content = $(this).attr('data-id');
which opens content of the people
anyone knows how to alias modules in plain node?
1 hour later…
good morning o/
I can tell it's monday morning when I manage to write super(this); :/
start your monday mornings with git log and git diff
@AmanVerma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey guys I had a quick question about the scope outside of the default exported object (but still within the es6 module file).
let outside = {}

export default {
  // reference outside in here somewhere
Does the variable outside make a mess in the global space in the overall app somehow? Does it cause problems in garbage collection? It's still local to that module file if I understand correct, so seems okay.
it's a module
so scope isn't global
it's ultimately a normal closure and all rules apply
Ah, right
thanks @Mosho !
Hello, I want to study dynamic animation in web, SVG and Canvas, which one should be first?
Get a book on animation in web.
It'll probably have chapters on both
I bought a book about SVG
SVG !== Canvas
good morning guys
Good morning guy.
is there a way to make a field set adapt to the width on it's content. It's content being a resizable ckeditor . If possible without javascript , only css
Thanks to you good people of the web :)
@zouza display: inline-block
@Sheepy this works only when growing the size :)
ot question: do you work on projects for your own/alone or in a team?
downsizing doesn't
@Sheepy and anyone else willing to help, i can create a fiddle
Anyone knows if there is a way to verify whether a specific call to WebSocket.prototype.send completed or not? Its return type is void and doesn't take any callback either. And WebSocket.prototype.onerror is too generic and can error for many cases.
Have you tried a try/catch?
Probably won't work like
It is async
@AwalGarg onerror's callback arg isn't specific enough?
It queues the data in a buffer, and the size of the buffer can be read via WebSocket.prototype.bufferedAmount, so I was thinking of polling that property every 2ms but that sounds hacky.
@FlorianMargaine no, it doesn't tell me which call to send failed.
yeah, there doesn't seem to be anything, so the only way I can see is using send() sequentially
@FlorianMargaine oh wait, aren't send calls queued sequentially?
@AwalGarg still, they return immediately, right?
@FlorianMargaine ofcourse, but we can poll that bufferedAmount property to check whether a send is active or not.
If all sends are guaranteed to be queued, then this solves my immediate usecase for now.
yeah, but you can't know which send is failing
@FlorianMargaine send -> wait till send completes -> send -> ...
3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
yeah, there doesn't seem to be anything, so the only way I can see is using send() sequentially
Right, I missed that
pinging @Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum ^ happen to know of a better solution?
here jsfiddle.net/reoh7j74/32 , although i can't get the horizontal resize to work for some reason :(
@Sheepy try to make the initial size 100 %
@Sheepy it is not working, it doesn't resize horizontally
@Sheepy i want for the fieldset when initially loaded to be set at 100 % width then downsize the ckeditor, the filed set doesnt seem to follow
I don't understand. Start at 100% width in my firefox and can fit the editor's width and height both way.
AFK: baby is crying in my lap
@zouza Try ALT+0, and see if you find something useful there. :(
@Sheepy weird . I tried it on my server it worked:) . Thanks
@Sheepy looks like for it to work you need to the set the max resize width :o
@AmanVerma and spend the rest of the week fixing your coworkers' screwups.
@Sheepy so yea, thank you, and good luck with the kid :)
@Sheepy oh you are a daddy now! congrats!
@Sheepy in your lap?
user image
will typescript be popular? I saw Angular2 implemented TS.
yes, for a few years
@Maurize LUL 0/
@Neoares \0
@FlorianMargaine on my lap. Hard to type.
but it is not convenient to use~ and it is from MicroSoft
So, the other day, I wrote '\o' instead of '\0' and spent minutes trying to figure out what's wrong.
@Jesse @AwalGarg disagrees with you
on the convenience thing
I agree, though.
what is the biggest advantage of TS?
@Jesse Inconvenient in comparison to what? JS? lol gg
maybe I need to touch it
@Jesse It tells you you lack discipline. JS doesn't.
yeah, I am lack discipline
Now see, if there was a TypeScript for English, it would have told you that your sentence above does not make sense and you need to learn how to speak properly.
so this is the biggest advantage? I remembered ExtJs.
strict MVC pattern.
It depends on your project's size, really. But honestly, I'd avoid using JS or any JS dialect at all in the first place. If it absolutely has to be JS, then I'd think of TS. If it is a small script on your webpage to make a button change color, then JS suffices. If your codebase is gonna be big and will need maintenance later on, TS will help.
can anyone point to best practices in handling login signup flow securely
@IntoTheWild Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg OK, Got it. I think Angular1 is awesome, when I tried angular 2, I found simple thing becomes complex.
@IntoTheWild best signup practices? use google or facebook's one click login.
@SaurabhShakyawar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi @SaurabhShakyawar!
npm install -g http-server says "Error: fetch failed with status code 503". Know any other good server ?
@Sheepy I don't think that's a good idea
since you're giving access to your data
I am actually creating a chart.js canvas, I want to fetch the charts based on drop down
@Sheepy hehehe :)
I have created single page charts, but I wanna this to be incorporated with drop down, any help ?
too many welcomes
can i ask angular related question here?
I have an array of structure like this

First i need to check if the array with the one , two or three is exist or not. And i am checking length of array. If there is one available then i need to start with val[one][0].Then this value must be passed to the next four views this is because i am currently working on ionic framework.And in the fourth page there is question like "You completed operation on dog" and next question is "Do you want to take quiz on [cat](which is
just do
what is one?
its a key
typeof val[one] !== 'undefined'
i need logic how can i implement this @Jason
he told you
typeof val[one] !== 'undefined'
how can i take all the value one by one to four pages
@SurazKhanal Is this for your work or homework?
its for my practice project but i am unable to find any solution
@Jason Do you understand my question?
I don't quite understand your questions to be honest. Can you please dot point them?
It's great to see you are working on your practice project.
@AwalGarg for what?
Could anyone check if this is " npm install -g http-server" is working, its throwing an error for me and I think its because of the firewall policies. I don't have another machine to check against.
@FlyingGambit Hey, welcome to Node.js
there's is another package called express
"npm install -g express"
try that, it's better
When half the code in your answer is polyfills, and 80% of the remaining code is the OP's data, you may want to reconsider how you're structuring your answer. In other words, don't include the polyfills (Especially not in a <script> tag in the snippet's HTML field). Just link to them if you think it's really necessary. — Cerbrus 1 min ago
@Jason I am just npm to install packages needed for my angular js project, not using any nodeJs as a backened server. Do you think I would still need it ?
Too bitchy?
@FlyingGambit Yeah, in IT industries, they use this terminology "they are same shit", and they are same shit
What ? You can do a lot of things with node without express... Why tell people they must install it ?
Yeah of course
I think express is an overkill but at the moment, I just want my app running in localhost so i am gonna try installing express
@FlyingGambit It's not an overkill, haha..
npm ERR! fetch failed registry.npmjs.org/cookie/-/cookie-0.3.1.tgz
npm WARN retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: fetch failed with status code 503
I mean, haha... just haha...
omg this is a nightmare
is everyone getting the same error or is it just me ?
@FlyingGambit Is it your first time developing in angular?
@Jason Sadly yes
@FlyingGambit Nice
Angular JS has lot of tutorials, lots of different approaches, architecturing methods, too many tools. I am exhausted
@FlyingGambit then go sleep
@Jason can you please check if "npm install express" is working ? I am at work place and I have no way to make sure if its a problem with my computer
or network
@FlyingGambit Hey, let us rescue you from overtime work. We are a group of happy JS coders here.
Ok, instead of doing npm install -g express
1) create a folder
2) cd ./new-folder
3) npm install -S express
what's -S? --save?
yeah, I believe so @littlepootis I mean, I know --help is for help
@jason i have five states and five controller for them. The very first page gives an array like val[one][0]="dog",
val[three][0]="something" . The four pages are like survey asking a four question for each value from array. i need to take val[one][0] value at first and pass it to from second page to last page. The last page ask me to continue for another value from that array. If i click yes it redirects me to second page and continue with another value like val[one][1] and so on for all.
--help doesn't show -S either
npm i --help doesn't either
inb4 my first npm PR
@FlyingGambit I am helping you because I can see fire in your eyes. Your passion toward Angular.js and its open source community.
@littlepootis its npm --help
@Jason My eyes are tingling
@FlyingGambit Put some eye drops and let's do it bro. If this npm install issue does not kill you, you will only become stronger.
$ npm install -S express
[email protected] node_modules\express
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
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├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected] ([email protected])
├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected])
YEES.... Express is installed
now what do I do lol, how can i start the localhost ?
I will look it up in google
Twit this guy with your achievement of today man. It seems like he created Express.js
@FlyingGambit Oh... just find a way to host index.html using express
I'm sure you can even find code example for this on W3School or something
I think that's all you need
anything under public/ folder will be served
not sure if trolling...
@Jason Thanks, I will try that out
@FlyingGambit Welcome to JS chat, you can thank me later (probably in 2 month or so). That's how it works here.. =)..
hello i want a solution of selecting auto image if similar one is selected
there are 8 image which has small thumbnails if clicked in the big image the thumbnails should be auto colored like the big image. You can view the code in
@Jason please help me
@SurazKhanal Hey ohhh.....
you want to pass around states in Angular 1
that's pretty challenging
Sorry, I give up this time.. Too complicated.
@SurazKhanal What does your app do?
@SusHill It's not the first time I see this.
So much code. I can do it with a few lines.
Its a survey app
hi how can I click on a hidden element?
how can I fire onclick event when visibility is set to hidden?
@Maurize okay how can i achieve it ?
@Maurize I rewrote the question in order to explain myself better
the docs are about the onclick event
@Riccardo Mate just do element.click() and you are done
@SusHill auto image means calculating distance between cursor x,y and the images middle x,y. the lowest of all is the auto image
I mean how can i select both the image by clicking one of them
@user2429266 he was helping me with this yesterday but don't know where he has been today
Q: How to loop data in different views in ionic

Suraz KhanalI have five pages with different state. The first page contains object with the format { "good": { "good1": "good", "good2": "good", "good3": "good" }, "bad": { "bad1": "bad", "bad2": "bad", "bad3": "bad" }, "excellent": { "excellent1": "excellent", "ex...

Seems like we already talked about this?
sorry for that but i still in problem
@Jason My server is up and running, yay , thanks
▒▓█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░. ▓█▓▒
^ completely allowed here
No worries, make sure to keep hitting F5 whenever you make changes
as glorious and cool async/await is, I must critique the error handling. It basically forces you to spam try/catch which really is the last thing anybody wants.
it's missing a awaitexception keyword
@jAndy You can have some go-style (err, val) pretty code this way: bit.ly/2eENkNz
I was being sarcastic :P
@jAndy Just checking - you know errors and throws are automatically bubbled up with async/await, right?
yes, that allows you to catch errors with try/catch
that's not what I meant. I mean, async function foo() { return functionWhichMightThrow(); } returns a rejected promise automatically. You don't need try catch here.
that wipes 50% of the tears people have for try/catching.
I don't know if anybody rely on that in real world scenarios.. most likely you're going to use try/catch to make it a 100%
... no
Oh shit its already friday
code.facebook.com/posts/1840075619545360/… Who thought it was a good idea to text align on right
@AwalGarg so you can't decide within the async function without try/catch? You have to return the promise?
When the async function returns a value, the promise will be resolved with the returned value. When the async function throws an exception or some value, the promise will be rejected with the thrown value.
@jAndy can't decide what? and yes, async functions always return promises. if you return a non-promise value, it is wrapped in a promise.
within an async function you call await somePromise. somePromise will fail by calling it's reject handler, what will await return now?
in babel repl I receive a "VM276:33 Uncaught (in promise)" error
@jAndy the entire calling function will reject. like in a regular function x, you call another function y, and y throws, then x throws as well.
function opt() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        setTimeout(function() {

async function foo() {
  const res = await opt();
  if (res) console.log('result: ', res);
  else console.log('oh oh...: ',res);

picking up on your example, when you call reject instead of resolve in the promise, how do you handle that within foo() ?
without try/catch
you don't need to handle it explicitly. if opt rejects, foo will reject too
I'm not so happy with a strange "Uncaught (in promise)" error thrown
It is the exact same thing as what happens in regular functions:
function opt() { throw 'foo'; }
function foo() { let x = opt(); }
@jAndy ^ now do you dislike the error this logs too?
well not exactly. Calling a reject method might be intentionally within a promise chain, but not necessarily meant to halt execution right?
or will a call to reject throw internally in any case?
No. Calling reject is definitely meant to halt the execution of the entire chain.
that's not what I mean
like this example
function req() {
  return new Promise(( res, rej ) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      rej( 'the game' );
    }, 1000);

req().then(res => {
  console.log('res is: ', res);
}, err => {
  console.log('whoops: ', err);
calling reject in the promise will cause the rejected handler to fire, but it won't throw
like literally throw;
You say that is no difference at all?
You are over-thinking this. In an async function, awaiting a rejected promise is equivalent to throwing in a regular function (or calling another function which throws). As simple as that. Add to the fact that async functions always return promises, rejected or resolved. they can't throw in the main thread.
so this ""Uncaught (in promise)"" is just a Babel thing then?
But that behavior is also specced (@BenjaminGruenbaum wrote that spec, btw) and node and chrome do the same thing.
So if you don't like that error, fight benji
he made everyone do that :)
it seems way off if it won't be the case in a non-babel-translated async function
but I guess there are..... reasons
hey is there really no way to monitor click on a disabled button?
@ShobhitSrivastava Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ShobhitSrivastava Add a transparent div over the button ? Or simply don't use the disabled property but your own class
morning, room. does anyone know of any js-based condition builder, preferably one abstract enough that could be used for odata? odata has one, but it doesn't look like it supports nested conditions
@DenysSéguret Cna't do it with parent element. Doesn't work. Guess I'll have to use a disabled class
@ShobhitSrivastava jsfiddle.net/Lsd7ur2m/1
but that seems really ugly
@jAndy Haha.. That's super ugly! We call such attempts as "JUGAAD" in India. Thanks though :)
even tho it is ugly, I can't think of another option
since a disabled element is like pointer-events none on topmost level
yeah. using a class is the only clean option I guess
You can enhance the above example by laying that tester div just over the position of the disabled element. That way we don't screw the entire site which might have inputs
@jAndy that was my transparent div suggestion
interesting that a it still recognizes pointer events from a child node
But if a button should handle clicks, then it's not really disabled and thus a class makes sense
is a HTMLButtonElement allowed to have childNodes by spec?
<button> can have rich content, yes
in fact... no
make that div a span for purity
Just thought of another question for the upcoming elections regarding mjölnir owners answering obvious dupes.
@Cerbrus what would be your answer ?
Close it as duplicate, possibly prod the high rep user
I've answered obvious duplicates more than once (sometimes as wiki for no rep), because I had wasted several minutes looking for the proper QA for closing and only found trash. I don't think closing as a duplicate of a shitty QA is really helpfull.
I'm not sure what the official stance on it is, but I'd probably ask the user to put some effort in closing it.
I added a slight note to the meta answer/question
@jAndy what do you mean?
when in doubt I always mean the game
@jAndy are you in the browser or node?
on babel repl
@AwalGarg what do you mean complete? At what point is it complete?
@jAndy you can do window.addEventListener("unhandledRejection", e => { throw e; }) and get the same behavior, but in the browser it makes no difference
I just had the argument with Awal if typical promise chains and reject handlers are "the same" as throwing an exception in relation to the calling stack
which root was, how to to handle a deliberately call to a reject handler within an async / await statement
without using try/catch
@jAndy you'd use try/catch, we also experimented with a lot of alternatives in node core such as an object. The problem is try/catch doesn't let you filter exceptions yet.
Can you still do stuff like
const foo = await bar();
foo.catch(err => log(err));
my first thought was, shouldn't there actual be another keyword alongside await
what is the current spec for await when the awaited promise calls it's reject handler?
@BenFortune No.
foo is no longer a Promise. it doesn't have a catch method.
foo is the value.
You must use try/catch
try {
  const foo = await bar();
} catch(err) {
which was the beginning of all the discussion
it's not the greatest thing to force people in spamming try/catch statements
Fair enough
@jAndy The idea is to have you program the way you would with sync, only with async values.
You'd use return/throw in sync code, and resolve/reject in Promise code
fully aware
This returns things back to the return/throw state of mind.
You can always use .catch() on the result of the async function, by the way.
async function foo() {
  const baz = await bar();
  return baz.something;

foo().catch(err => log(err));
that was actually a part of confusion to me. it seems everybody is using a try/catch block within the async function, are you supposed to not do that and instead go for the .catch() handler on the returned promise?
or can't you catch all kind of exceptions that way
@jAndy Well, you could do that
Or you could also do something like this:
async function foo() { ... }
async function higherLevel {
  try {
    await foo();
  } catch(err) {
As long as it's awaited
I just think.. that using a hard try/catch block is horrible overkill for that matter
if we can handle any exception "function based", that should be the way to go
@jAndy That's the beauty, async functions complement promises, not replace them
You can pick and choose which you use for each case, based on your preference.
the problem with foo().catch(err => log(err)); seems to be, that it will only catch called reject handlers no?
would that also kick in if there is a true exception?
@jAndy There are no "true" exceptions within an async function.
lost me
async function foo() {
  throw new Error("whoops");

console.log(foo()); // Promise
what if I call throw; on purpose within a promise
@jAndy Rejection.
Promises are throw safe and return safe, it's one of their best features.
oh alright.. didn't know that really. But then I'm wondering even more why people would even consider using try/catch
@jAndy Because it looks similar to how sync does it.
or does a try/catch within an async functions does not have the same implications as it would have in normal scopes
@jAndy What are the implications it has in normal scopes?
like the need for the interpretor to enclose the hole scope in another scope
Ah, well, I don't know the interpreter that intimately
@BenjaminGruenbaum might ^
at least that was the case in ES5

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