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$10 a month for photoshop is nothing
Jetbrains too
for personal, I wouldn't pay -- for work, meh, it's a write off
@KendallFrey how does a spectroscope tell if a photon changed direction??
especially from a star that is a couple of lightyears away
the photon still reached us
if photons were changing direction, we'd see them coming from different directions
if we had photons coming from random directions, we couldn't form images of galaxies
gfycat.com/ShamefulTeemingKarakul man people get super creative with this stuff.
We can form images of galaxies
proof by contradiction
well.. creative / talented with recreating things with garbage and scraps
@KendallFrey there are theories which can explain the Hubble effect with the scattering I just linked. Of course there is more behind such, for instance a very homogen field of intergalactic plasma.
@Martin have you tried Atom?
@tereško whats better about it than sublime?
It's slow and has multi monitor issues on windows :p
@Luggage Trump is going to win
@jAndy But basically, they're not very good theories.
@KendallFrey that might be very true, all I'm complaining about is that people fail to understand, that most of "science" is just theories which are interpretations of effects and data, not the truth
I just think that the Hubble effect is a prime example
You can't put incomparable theories on the same plane
Remember Occam's Razor
Sure, there are geocentric theories of the solar system
And they work
That doesn't mean they are worthy of consideration
but then again.. scroll back up where I mentioned the irregular galaxies. "Mainstream" theories can't explain so many crucial things it's disgusting
so is claiming that students are being taught that theories are truths... they're just theories..
@jAndy Is there a theory with a good explanation for irregular galaxies?
checkout "Arp's Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies"
Arp was close co-worker of Hubble
That doesn't sound like a theory to me
@KendallFrey yes indeed, same story. "Plasmaverse" theory which pretty much says the intergalactic field is pretty much filled with homogen plasma and those irregular galaxies for instance are just electromagnetic / plasma effects
but I would have to write a few chapters to explain about that
I don't even care if those theories are utter bullshit, I just care that "current models" which are teached at every college, can't explain really
What would you prefer instead?
We're very aware that we can't explain everything.
all of the theories be taught?
more truth at colleges at first
"more truth" is a statement that raises a red flag
All of this because NASA lied to me.
and not acting like "its this way", don't doubt it or you will be a conspiracy theorist
But only an idiot would sacrifice explaining a lot of things for a theory that explains a few things.
@Waxi Even your parents lied to you, sir.
you teach the best theory, but also teach the definition of a thoery and how to disprove it.
stop lieing to yourself
that's science.
that's how it should be
There's nothing wrong with working on a bad theory, as long as you don't claim it understands more than it does.
String theory used to be such a "bad theory"
It's since had a lot of changes, and is worth philosophizing over, at least.
-1 * -1 == 1
> The Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments attempted to measure the change in speed of light due to Earth’s assumed motion through space. After measuring in every possible different direction in various locations they failed to detect any significant change whatsoever, again proving the stationary geocentric model.
omg hahahahaha
or proving relativity
@ssube I thought we were safe :( reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/5ax9a9/…
module.exports = function (args, cb) {

  A().then(B()).then(function () {}).catch(function (error) {});

How could i invoke the callback in that scenario ?=
I'll go read more API's
Promise.prototype.finally = function(finCallback) {
  return this.then(val => {
    return val;
  }).catch(err => {
    throw err;
Or smth
"but finally is like .then but with execution guarantee"
Not my words tho.
what is wrong with chaining another then?
@KarmaDoe finally is the final execution
unless your program takes a dump
.final is an exception
It often goes for a dump
or 2
!!afk dump dump flump
@MadaraUchiha That calls finCallback twice if it raises the first time
I think
i can just invoke it like
.then(function () {
if you don't need any arguments you can just pass the reference .then( cb );
@copy That's true
I need .then(fn1, fn2)
@jAndy but it is defined as a function that needs arguments
@KarmaDoe You can, with .then(cb) but then you forfeit using the value
Besides, why do you even have a callback when you're using promises?
They're two abstractions for the same problem
@MadaraUchiha The callback is to pass it over
@KarmaDoe what's the issue with that, you can just access whatever result gets passed into it by then()
"Pass it over"?
web service request -> endpoint handler -> main service -> service admin -> database connection -> callback -> response.
-> java
@KarmaDoe Did you know that you can return a Promise from a function?
Then you can call .then() on the result of that function?
module.exports = function (args) {

  return A().then(B()).then(function () {}).catch(function (error) {});

I get that
But how do i call for the result ?
var fn = require('whatever');

  .then(function(result) { return doSomethingWith(result); });
Like that ^
=> not supported
Whatever, so replace it with function(result) { ... }
It's just sugar anyway.
.then( doSomethingWith.bind( null, result );
na... forget that :P
result should be already defined ?
resolve, reject, result ?
@KarmaDoe If your exported function returns a Promise for a result
The result will be available in .then()
In this particular case, no, it won't. Because in the example, the last .then() in the chain doesn't return anything
But in a real world example, you would do something like this:
Unhandled rejection ReferenceError: result is not defined
function selectFromDb(table) {
  return connectToDb(someDb)
    .then(function(connection) {
      return connection.select(table);
In this case, because I returned connection.select(table), calling .then() on the result of selectFromDb() will have that value.
What would you call the action shared by require and import? Would importation be accurate?
i handle db connections differently
with direct nesting
so i get something like :
   query A
and i would like something like:
load? request?

A // define it
B // define it
register maybe?
require, and import
(and use for YUI)
YUI still exists?
ppl do maintain stuff you know :)
Keep it native.
it's not like everyone can work on ES7
Support for windows XP was terminated.
April 8, 2014
for the general public yes
Pfft. If you can't support ES7 you're not a good company
> And on the 9th day, god said "Let there be transpilers!"
I never claimed to be a good company
Do I have to be a good company?
what a disgusting mess. RPS decompiled Rimworld, read some of the relationship code, added their own comments, changed the variables and added in local bits, and made it seem like he's a sexist idiot.
wild ride to read tho
I mean, wasn't the whole point correct though?
The relationship stuff varied based on gender?
@SterlingArcher I am not egocentric. I do know there are others that are not as fortunate as us.
@Lalaland no the point was it is stateless, and he did actual research and based it on real world number (granted, you can't 1:1 irl with 5-6 variables)
@rlemon rimworld is fun tho
ANYWAY :) register, importation, load and request
the article picked it apart making it seem like these were his personal beliefs and a system he put in place to make these outcomes on purpose
Does anyone know where is the source for this module: npmjs.com/package/react-addons-css-transition-group? I can't find it in the react repo (which is linked on the right as "source")
also, alluded to any real stateness in relationships on rimworld.
he's changing the code, based on feedback he's been given, which is how these things should work.
when he was developing the game he cited a few credible sources on what numbers to use
the RPS article is a mess, not that his code is perfect, but the article is a mess
@KarmaDoe rimworld is excellent. right now KSP > rimworld > all else :D
oh nvm, wtf, seriously... github.com/facebook/react/blob/… they are dynamically generated -_-
@rlemon i should give it a go at hard settings
Someone got a concise definition of "usage" for a README? (so that I can differentiate it from examples)
This lady wanted to tell me of a story how she came home one day from work and her male and female dogs were 'stuck together', so she freaked out, grabbed a towel with some ice, and held the knot so they could become free.
I mean is it related to synopsis of man?
very biblical of me
@rlemon hah rock paper shotgun?
yea man
I haven't been to that POS site in years
they create so many controversies
I sub to /r/rimworld
@AwalGarg /src/addons/transitions/ReactCSSTransitionGroup.js
I had no idea it was going on till today
they called him for an interview, he said only if they didn't edit what he said, they refused and made it seem like he was being a prick about it
> Man searching for toilet stumbles across 49,000 year-old evidence of earliest human settlement in Australia
if you want to find anything in react code, clone the report and search for "@providesModule SomeName
@Luggage no, that's part of the "react" package. that file is then required by the dynamically generated package...
in todays game "journalism", no way in hell I'd let them alter my quotes
ok, then I don't know
@SterlingArcher So... did he find it?
@Loktar man, is there any good sites for game publications today?
@rlemon idk man I sometimes will look at a pc gamer article
/m/d/f/react-uikit (pack ↩☡) cat node_modules/react-addons-css-transition-group/index.js
module.exports = require('react/lib/ReactCSSTransitionGroup');
@Luggage ^
but even then they aren't perfect
they have gotten shittier as well
it's mostly about youtubers now man
I don't understand wtf kind of people are working on this
yea.. that's the file I was talking about
@Loktar I've even noticed a decline in the quality of steam reviews
react/lib/* modules are located all over the place in react code. just gotta find them by the @providesModule
@Luggage wtf is the point of creating separate packages for what is already in the main package?
got me
react code is messy and wierd. react-native is part of the same codebase, too
It might not be included in a default bundle and the npm package is just for future separation or something..
and it'll be in "react with addons"
how to find a module in react: github.com/facebook/react/…
It seems babel, react and webpack are part of a high-profile conspiracy against JS development. they have all these stupid fucked up small issues with them that make it difficult to deviate even a little bit from what their "getting started" guide says which is good only to print hello world and make todo apps.
linking glib2.0 from last year in gcc3 from a decade or so ago is easier than this crap
btw @AwalGarg, do you have a protonmail account? Or a non google/ms mail?
clever :P
@SterlingArcher hahahahahaha
@KendallFrey hrgnnnn
I want a bird mod
@rlemon It rubs the lotion on its skin
@towc I don't understand the email. alien zone what again?
@KendallFrey gizmodo.com/…
I want this mod
@Trasiva finally got lizardman. Now I need to awaken his bitch ass, 4* him, and awaken Iron and I got me Argen
@SterlingArcher Trasiva is afk: dump dump flump
@ClimbsRocks you are the living rendition of @Zirak's avatar :D and I love it
@rlemon LOL I love this video
does that feel good?
@Loktar "you're drunk" "OF COURSE I AM!"
haha yea
@rlemon it's a bit creepy too
could be the start of a porno.
> "that's really fucking weird looking man, does that feel good?"
@Loktar youtube.com/watch?v=ir2XqpmKo0I&feature=youtu.be no this is a start to a porno
LOL wtf
idk man, that vid gets me
@KendallFrey played factorio lately?
kk, the game is about to be literally unplayable for you
bullets travel faster than lasers
@towc You seem to have gone too deep into this. Deeper than whats sane/useful. Do you need help?
needed dramatic effects
no, wanted to share :P
you were interested last time. Things are happening. I'm probably going to get out soon, but you might still get something out of it
@room: Our very own @towc needs help getting out of the l33tHaXor syndrome. Please ping him with well wishes and hope that he recovers soon. cc @FlorianMargaine @Zirak @littlepootis @SomeGuy
fuck off already :P
thought you wanted to know about it
@rlemon waaaat
@AwalGarg (@towc) waaaaaat
it's still about the magic rk. He's just taking the piss now
@Zirak stackoverflow.com/users/3823857/climbsrocks --- I clicked on his website, actually kinda cool what he did/is doing prestonparry.com/articles/openSourcedFacialHair
@towc Don't get me wrong - I am happy to see you interested in these things, and also that you wish to share them with me - but what you are currently going into is bullshit. Operating systems don't compile themselves, and using mbr as entry point for userland programs makes zero sense. Whosoever is getting you into this is either just trolling you, or is on cocaine.
probably on cocaine
I already told you that I have no idea what most of that means
@rlemon That is legit impressive
@towc is this all coming from your new mentor who claims the rootkit?
a friend. why'd you say a mentor?
you're working under him correct? he's teaching you new things correct?
quick question, if i want to use flatmap in codepen or jsfiddle.. what library should i include?
@towc Legit question here: Is the CIA using satellites to irradiate our testicles?
@KendallFrey what are these doo dads
@rlemon I'm learning from him, that doesn't mean he's teaching me
@Zirak most definitely
@towc kinda does actually
I'm learning from you too, @rlemon
but you're not teaching me
sure I am
@rlemon You're going to need to be a touch more wildly specific.
well, by that logic then, sure, he's teaching me
the squares in front of the radiator (above and below) which appear to hold components
@AwalGarg you can talk to him yourself :P Or ask one of your minions to do it if you consider it a waste of time
@SterlingArcher Spoken by the (former) irradiator himself
@Zirak dude you wanna talk to towc's friend as my representative?!
@towc fwiw, I don't have a tor instance ready.
@AwalGarg How can I represent anything, I'm currently eating a banana
@Zirak but the key difference is we get to keep our testicles in a jar on the mantle
@Zirak hmmm banana
@rlemon fuck if I know
@Zirak that's fairly representative already of what we do together
good for nothing kendall.
you should just uninstall KSP and go home
ooooo speaking of home
!!afk tome hime
@SterlingArcher If you want a suggestion? Go ahead and 4* him, but don't bother with the awakening portion until you have the other three for the fusion.
@AwalGarg You are my love my angel why you treat me like potato?

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