yeah, that's a toss up. You can do a cheap tablet, which is easy and pretty but harder to control and no input, or the touch screen which I assume is lower res.
if I didn't have some bits lying around, like the USB cable, it would have been a little more so they're pretty even in price
How can i calculate every user total_positive_point ,total_negative_point and remaining_points .
my expectation result:
user_id : '580da5653bd3cc5802f6c37c',
name : 'aaaa',
total_positive_point: 280,
total_negative_point: 2,...
I built the garden shed to clean room in the garage to clean room In the basement so I can finish my basement. So right now I can't really access my stuff proper to build anything like that (the trim)
So I want to make a /accept <username> command and a /reject one. I can't really do that without being a room owner. cM in room 15 said no, well, more just not yes. But I was wondering if you could tell me the id or the link to press to accept someone. Or what the flow is. Or whatever I need to know lol
@Luggage I had misplaced my hate for the Task Scheduler earlier. It didn't dawn on me that I couldn't run something that involved 'interactivity' without a user being logged on.
So I've been reading through MDN's Javascript and everything is going swell, but I came across this paragraph and I'm not sure what it's trying to tell me and/or what the takeaway is, if any.
"If an array is created using a literal in a top-level script, JavaScript interprets the array each time it evaluates the expression containing the array literal. In addition, a literal used in a function is created each time the function is called."
How can i calculate every user total_positive_point ,total_negative_point and remaining_points .
my expectation result:
user_id : '580da5653bd3cc5802f6c37c',
name : 'aaaa',
total_positive_point: 280,
total_negative_point: 2,...
Can anyone explain to me exactly whats going on in this line of code "const [a, b] = vote.get('pair');" for some context vote is a map made using immutable.js and it has pair property with an array of two items, so I know that its most likely applying the value of those two items to a and b, but its [a, b] some sort of anonymous array? for example else where in the code i see return [a],
I am new to ES6 and I have never seen anything like that in javascript and I just want to make sure i understand what I am looking at. Sorry if this sounds dumb.
Go watch your video yourself. I have lost patience with people thinking that they and a handful of nuts are the only ones that know the real universe's physics based on nothing but speculation.
there is 0 chance that all of mathematics and physics is conspiring to explain a world that is made up by the government and that math and physics also happens to help us build computers and airplanes.
How can I set a delay in every within this function?
function moveBlob() {
$('.square').click(function(e) {