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they're only nice if you use aux, though... they have about a 450ms delay if you use bluetooth
I'm using aux and have them set up for l/r stereo via a splitter, so it works great
Is the Red Bull cordless?
@ndugger looks usable, but the desk is shit
No, I think it's wood.
I mean the size
@ndugger love the desk dude.
you nose is basically touching the screen and there is nowhere to rest your elbows
How big is your nose?
that desk looks like it goes up and down. That's nice
And you rest your elbows when using g a keyboard? Weird.
It was described as a 'bench', which may explain the size.
@tereško your chair doesn't have armrests?
@Shmiddty sure, but I am using those only when I lay/lean back
sounds like your keyboard is too far forward
1 min ago, by rlemon
And you rest your elbows when using g a keyboard? Weird.
Sometimes I rest my wrists on the edge of the desk.... But not often.
sorry, I am not a fan of T-Rex stance for working with PC
my elbows rest on my armrest, and my wrists rest on my desk
and my fingers rest on the keys
and my butt rests on the seat
ok, enough arguing about desks
that chassis had a dual chamber design (IIRC)
how was the building experience in that, @ndugger?
@tereško It's 8ft long; I only showed a very small part of iot
did you mean "it" or "internet of things"
@Shmiddty armrest?
the other one is on lay-away
My elbows float in the air.
Why do they need support.
so every day is arm day?
Leg day actually.
@rlemon because I'm a lazy schmuck
@rlemon mostly, to still retain some use of them, when you are 60
@tereško yes
@tereško so not using them is saving them? You could just exercise
@ndugger you cant answer with "yes", when question has "or"
prove it
Standing desk posture means nothing 'rests'
And is better for me
yeah, well, I get around the city in foot or on bicycle
I dont need some hipster desk to "not rest"
lol, sure bud
being more productive and healthier isn't being a hipster
good 'ol Bobby Lemon
made himself bionic arms
he covers them with jeggings
and has his own pot farm
you're so salty about life
you should get a partner or something
standing desks don't make you more productive
ohhhhh but they do
many case studies have proven it
10% on average
same way as the latest homeopathic remedy does not make your balds sport go away
alright, continue to live under your rock of ignorance
make me
3 mins ago, by ndugger
prove it
I like desks that I can stand or sit at because sometimes I get tired of sitting
27 secs ago, by ndugger
make me
@ndugger , who are you aiming those at ?
@Shmiddty I have a drafting chair for when I just don't feel like standing
after a few years of standing tho, I find I don't often use it
ok, I think I will just go to sleep
my laptop bag goes on it
I'm not like lock kneed standing in one place, you listen to music, you spread out your work area, you move around
it's more enjoyable
I might have a pic of my work desk
it's not great if you spend most of your time coding
I do
honestly, it might not be for everyone, I get that
but moving + coding isn't that hard
you get used to it
@DaveS welcome to 2014
yo dawg
so @rlemon are you going to smuggle me out of the US when the revolution begins?
you can come stay with me man
but you gotta find a job asap
this ain't no gravy train
how long until your bomb shelter is done?
7 more days
I knew I had a pic
earlier today we were doing this on slack :D
and the that fucking insanity will be over
both screens to the left I work on almost daily.
desk is a mess tho
I should clean it ..
when I had a standing/sitting desk, I spent maybe 20% of the time standing
I kinda expect on 8th of November to see "Trump eats kittens" and "Clinton donates to animal shelter" exclusives on CNN
you don't eat kittens?
they're delicious
see I spend maybe 10% of the time sitting
I tend to sit for a few minutes if I'm on the phone
the 2nd American Revolution is at the door
I can just bet there will be some 4chan/8chan psi-op going on around that time
*knock knock*
or several
@Shmiddty who's there
@rlemon Mildly dissatisfied American
@TristanWiley maybe just undo my pr and implement it yourself? I can give you stand-alone version that works just fine. I tried to piggy back on your MO, and I think that might be it.
(Mildly dissatisfied American who?)
Mildly dissatisfied American who?
I don't have a punch line. fuck you
@Shmiddty you have this marvelous opportunity to vote for mupper or criminal ... enjoy
well, he has other options
they just won't carry anything
there's actually about 30 options for president
there are two that people will talk about, 10 more that will do shit for their party (how I understand it) and 18 more that will just continue to be nobody
if I was american, I would just vote for Jill Stein
I'd write in, if I lived in a state that allowed it
I might write-in Bernie
specifically, "Fuck you, Bernie"
here is the kicker: if Sanders was was the candidate, there would not be this "close race" situation
but the guy just have up
ok .. no .. that's not fair
he didn't give up, he was isolated out of the race, and was not known during the early vote period
the fact he got so big is actually quite impressive
he was royally fucked over by DNC and just took the "less embarising way out"
@rlemon Sure thing, I've been super busy applying to colleges recently so I haven't had time to work on it myself at all. The community has done most of it recently.
he made a promise from the start, he could say "I go back on my word" and run as an independent or stick to his guns and support hillary when he lost the nomination.
if anything he acted like himself the entire time, and that's why people liked him
@TristanWiley I hear Toronto University is the place to be
also Mizzou
@TristanWiley I didn't look too close at your MutationObserver, I just stuck the function call in it
I highly suspect that is the cause
Tbh I didn't know we had a MutationObserver
because otherwise it is almost 1:1 with how I implemented it with Dark Theme
btw, do you have Dark Theme on? can you disable your script for a second
my collapse should be working for you now
I don't use Dark Theme tbh, no offense haha
:( bastard
I used to on all my computers then I got a new one and stopped haha
I'm going to work on making it opt-in for almost everything
including the dark aspect. so if you just want the JS bits you can
Feel free to look at my extension, someone added a Options page.
I have an options page, I just don't like how the api works
so I've neglected to do anything with it
I want to make it so you can create and modify your own theme
I learned how to do it a while ago, but it was a bitch of a api where everything MUST be async and why?
Lmao true
so I rage quit on the options page
That's the first thing I'm going to work on when I get done with my shit. Themes for my extension
but now have to add it back (it's still in the permissions)
I have a half baked extension that hotloads gists
you feed it a gist id and it loads it to pages that match a regexp
For anyone curious, this is my extension On Github, updated more and here it is on the Chrome store.
actually quite useful, but there are bugs to fix before I release it
Oh sweet
I seriously think we should combine extensions haha, but we are both control freaks.
I wanted to make a Stylish-type plugin but use github to host the content
loading gists seemed like the perfect solution
I'll probably cherry pick from your extension and re-write the commands/features I like :D I'll credit you don't worry
the entire 'dark theme' started that way
Wowww lol
That's fine haha
Oliver made it, I changed it a bunch to the point where I forked it then started my own project
he's still credited in all the docs/store
Can I take your theme and modify it and put it on my extension? Or try to at least?
no, but I can show you how to do it
I'm glad to do that
That sounds better haha
that way you write it your way and are happy with how it looks
Yeah, the whole MutationObserver shit confused me when I first looked
Although I didn't really know JS then
Hah, hah... Not like I do now
mine has two sides to it, the extension loads all the css, which is just a bunch of overrides. and then I have a mutation observer feeding off to like 10 different parsers
...sure Giphy... sure
that controls everything else.
What does the MO actually do? In theory can't you just override a bunch of CSS stuff?
I parse the messages as they hit the DOM
so I can change things.
the MutationObserver is like an event listener for DOM changes
simplest explanation I can give.
I understand MOs, I just don't know why you have to use them?
example: #f00 in my theme this changes to have a red underline.
I parse the message body for hex colour codes and replace them with a span that underlines the code with the colour
I need to edit the dom for that, I can't just use css
Because in theory whenever a new message comes doesn't it have some class and if you override that class then it changes the message?
yes, but the css can't parse the body of the message
it also can't replace elements
in theory I could read the websocket information and just use that
but I'd have to track down the nodes in the chat anyways
so why not just deal with them
Yeah, I understand now
But if I just wanted to change the site to look different I wouldn't need a MO. I think. Right?
I mean, I'll still use it. Just curious.
Actually. Making it so people can simply change the chat bubble colors would be a.) Easy and b.) cool
chat bubble?
what is that?
Like, this message
It's like .mine .messages in CSS
yea I thought about doing an editor as well
I'd need to take all the rules I use, make a form for them, and save them in localstorage
but localstorage is tiny
How tiny?
and chromeStorage is smaller

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