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Yea, I get it thinking it was the good stuff...newp.
I finally, finally got good poutine downtown the other day.
Like, how can you put melted cheddar cheese on that instead of squeaky wisconsin cheese curds?
pretty sure I told everybody, but that was a few beers in, so I'm not sure
@ssube You said you got into a good guild, right?
Sagittarius | Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

There is a time and place for everything, except for your loud and incompetent scat singing.
@Trasiva it's not great, but I'm getting some number/week, at least.
@ssube That's not awful, ifrit farming easy that way.
I'm actually not sure how many, let me retract that.
I should be able to buy both sets of ifrit runes this week, if I'm on attack all week (we've been adding people, so sometimes you aren't always).
Yea, the guild I'm in has pretty high standards, but I'm still getting my 10/war as they win so I'm not complaining. It's just nice to be in a group where I can bounce ideas and get some help when need be.
I'm not too worried about it anyways 'cause I need Vero for my cleanser.
Once I get Vero, dragons should become a moderate cake walk.
@rlemon sorry!!!!
@TristanWiley rlemon is afk: Lunch
@BenFortune Daemonata
!!afk lunch
@SterlingArcher That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: afk, all
@SterlingArcher hey bb
you home dude?
at work
office, not home
Noice, was awesome seeing you dude, even if it was just for dinner
ok i really gotta go, im starving
go go go
Learning on reactJS:
"A component can do more than just read its own state. A component can also change its own state.

A component changes its state by calling the function this.setState.

this.setState takes two arguments: an object that will update the component's state, and a callback. You basically never need the callback."
Would the callback be for asynchronous operations such as an AJAX call?
whatever you may need to happen once the state is updated.
since setState calls are async
@Vap0r The callback will be called once the state have been fully changed
That can happen at any point in the future, so yes, asynchronous.
@TristanWiley pft. No love
<3 sorry rlemon
@MadaraUchiha thanks I needed a parrot
I had to go to class
What situations would cause the state change to take longer than say... immediately?
@Loktar You need a parrot?
not anymore
I did though
@Loktar Not anymore?
@Loktar You did, huh?
lmao :p touche
@Vap0r Any async action in JavaScript never happens "immediately" not even setTimeout(() => {...}, 0)
@MadaraUchiha fair enough. Thanks!
Anything that, say, blocks the event loop (which could range from a long loop to a heavy reflow in the browser), will cause an async action to wait longer
On a more practical note, I think that .setState() does more than just setting the state
It has internal implications in React
@rlemon if you want to PR it on my repo you can :) otherwise I'll do it when I get home or let the original person do it.
And so, it's asynchronous in nature.
@TristanWiley I'll have to check out the rest of the code to make sure it jives, also add in a check so dark theme doesn't double up on it.
I just added it to dark theme.
Awesome :)
Yeah, this extension has come a long way. I literally made it so Carl from 15 wouldn't get pissed at all my gifs and could /collapse the chat
I've been meaning to add more to dark theme. Collapse is one of them.
Slack does some stuff right.
We could just combine our extensions ;)
I'm way too much of a control freak.
add theming to my SO-Chat-Commander and have a super awesome extension lol
Yeah, me too. That's fair
Started a thing, xbenjii.co.uk/i/gaavw
How do you auth?
Neat. Thanks.
My smart thermostat just updated itself and gave me like a 4 "page" rant about a new feature. Weird.
Walked past it and noticed a bunch of text.
I love mine
I keep thinking about getting one. I have a reprogramable one though that came with the apartment.
Mines okay. I dislike the smart heat up crap
I set it to 23, it's 22 now, why in the fuck do you insist in heating to 23 over 3 hours.
There should be a "screw you, fast heat" option.
That energy save bs isn't what I want in a Canadian winter.
That and there is a relay issue. One/ten it doesn't kick on the furnace. I need to address that before the cold sets in.
Hi all, ppl!
Kinda non-programmistic question here but, after few interview and all this questions about prototypes, scopes etc (its okay with answering for me), why everybody asking it? it it really helps to rate person knowledge?
@DanilGholtsman Because they want to know you understand the programming language?
I guess ppl should ask about mvc/mvvm, patterns and stuff, ajax/websockets but, huh, nothing like that
Because those are concepts, they want to know you know the language
@BenFortune @rlemon but its kinda, idk, simple stuff, like for 1st grade student ._.
who use js ofc
but is there some good resourses for case studying?
because I got few offers and I gonna change work soon but, huh, I am more like backend developer than front
@TristanWiley more like spicey
@BenFortune @rlemon thats the problem, I know some basics, so ppl think, well, okay, he knows something, but I suck in architecture
they dont know it
@ssube @Trasiva finally beat the scenario last night, and unlocked the Rift :)
so, can somebody tell me is there some good case studying resources for javascript coders?
@SterlingArcher Now you need a real team to beat it, and some good people, lol.
wanna try something but cant make up a task
@Trasiva right? I need good wind/water mons. 90% of my best hitters are fire
@DanilGholtsman Make an operating system in JavaScript
@SterlingArcher Doesn't matter for R1, he's unaligned.
@SterlingArcher Tell me you used this weekend's all attribute to get Bella or something.
@copy haha, nice one
I didn't find a single bella dungeon
@copy single thread OS
@littlepootis Hey, it's me, you know who! I would like to give you fifty million dollars!
Does anyone see any issue with this in memory leak?
Should I run for moderator again this year?
Make JavaScript Great Again!
@SterlingArcher yes
@Trasiva he was actually hanging out of the car yelling "I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton" and "ran himself over"
bjb is my Hillary
Is it possible to run yourself over tho
@Loktar Related
@littlepootis with booze, anything is possible
In all fairness, I lost last years election because I ran under my Sterling Archer persona. — Sterling Archer 32 secs ago
@SterlingArcher got dick?
@DanilGholtsman copy.sh/v86
copy does crazy shit
You think people will get the sarcasm?
I lost last election because it was rigged by crooked stack overflow. — ndugger 14 secs ago
Currently I'm making a multiplayer game
But I'm bad at making games
@copy get more better
or just pay me :D
I can pay you 15 pesos per hour
well, I have 0 pesos now, so that seems like an improvement
pay me in girly giggles
I did get two phone/online screenings from local companies today, though, to do so I can interview there.
@ndugger which company do you work at so I can either apply, not, or warn you first? :P
@ssube Workfront; there are hardly ever any MN positions open, so I don't think that would be an issue
We have a ton of Utah positions open, though
if I happen to apply for a devops position there, I'll let you know, but they haven't come up in any searches
Alright. Good luck
it would be weird to walk into a place and find out somebody I know already works there
like, without knowing first, yknow?
I thrive on the awkward memes
Depends on the person.
meme me up seany
on another note, if you run across any Transmission-hosted drinking nights at bars around here (places like Psycho Suzie's), you should consider stopping by
"Dad? they said you were dead..."
it's a couple DJs who go around and place pretty chill music and they have drinks, did a thing for Halloween at suzie's (suzy's?), it was nifty
should inline all current videos as well as newly posted ones
tested with a few different styles of youtube link
Guys, when i do
var isProgrammer = true;
what is stored in isProgrammer? Reference which points to value "true" in memory?
or actual value of "true"
the value
with booleans and numbers only
@ssube Then the tutorial here
strings store a read-only reference, objects store a mutable reference
is wrong
"In the code snippet we checked to see if the two references pointed to the same value using === and the result was true.

Check the beginning please
yes, it's wrong
Depends on the implementation
> A variable in JavaScript is simply a label that references a value in memory somewhere. These values can be primitives like strings, numbers, and booleans.
primitives are not reference types, that's the defining difference
I know I know
that paragraph was especially weak
most of the graphs are misleading
Gosh and this was referenced by some nice sompany
When he says this: "A variable in JavaScript is simply a label that references a value in memory somewhere. "
as advised readin
!!should I make a coffee or drink water
@rlemon You should make a coffee
> Sometimes for performance reasons, or because you just plain prefer the style, JavaScript provides a this keyword that allows you to reuse a function object in different scopes depending on how it was called.
not even slightly what this is for
@ssube Let's not dive there I was merely confused by first
what is it for?
besides confusing noobs
confusing other people
In C when you do int x=5;
5 is stored directly
JS usually does that
where is resides
'directly' as in the stack?
with JS boolean
I thought it was same
some variables, if they're created in a very particular way, will be the equivalent of Java's boxed primitives
but for the most part, JS will use the simple version for anything other than objects
I am not refereing to references
I know that
The language JavaScript doesn't define how a variable should be stored
refering to primitive variables
like in that article
:( in the beginning
gosh that article had me confused
you should give up on reading
you could write a legal, valid JS runtime that does what the article describes
it would just be a poor choice, because always-boxed primitives are rather slow
I see so I assume primitives are directly stored
most of the time
the guy doesn't also talk about copy semantics
with primitive values
JS doesn't have those :,)
@copy what are your semantics?
This section is basically trash

References Everywhere
A variable in JavaScript is simply a label that references a value in memory somewhere. These values can be primitives like strings, numbers, and booleans. They can also be objects or functions.
@Shmiddty Huh?
@GiorgiMoniava it definitely doesn't match how any modern JS runtime behaves.
unless copy knows of a secret magical one that I do not
@ssube I see, no I agree that section didn't make sense to me either
it says like boolean references true somewhere in memory
3 mins ago, by Giorgi Moniava
the guy doesn't also talk about copy semantics
you could claim that it references some memory, but typically you would just say that the boolean is that memory
it's definitely not a reference in the traditional C-style & sense
@ssube in C if I do int x = 5; 5 is stored inside where x resides
there is no reference
er is it same in JS
or any additional lay
JS typically does the same thing
for primitiveS?
@ssube OK thanks I see
Just curious, why do you care? Are you trying to figure out the semantics from a user's point of view or implement a JS 'engine'?
booleans, numbers, and strings are primitives (unless you new Number or new String) and are stored more-or-less the same as in C
@copy What are your semantics?
objects (including functions, arrays, etc) are a whole different set of things, behave much like pointers in C, and can be stored any way you could imagine
@ssube I see, thanks
@ssube Yeah thanks thats the kind of idea I had
numbers do change between int32 and float64 depending on what you put in them, though
By Jove we've had this exact discussion a week ago
booleans I think just do their thing
@Zirak I dunno, pizza?
@Luggage Just trying to figure out how stuff works
@copy if/when/the time when you already did write a language, make sure to add a 🍕 operator, plz
OK, thanks for the help guys, good luck
ew, olives
@ssube A "black box containing 01F 355" operator?
culater maybe
@SterlingArcher Olives are delicious, dont hate
@Zirak it hasn't loaded, but I think it will be bad
Luggage has olives as well
oh, it loaded, it's bad
@copy correct
@copy and I have the same lorempizza
it's the pizza character
is it because we're the same person? maybe.
at least mine was just bits of olive, not whole ones. I can deal.
if Shmiddty and copy are the same person, which one is the original?
@Shmiddty id = (req.params.id + 'salt').split('').map(c=>c.charCodeAt(0)).join('');
you both fall into the same modulo for my match array
@ssube Shmiddty is the copy, only copy is the real copy
@ssube Maybe neither
@copy Indubitably, my dear self.
Both could be fabricated, both could be clones.
you could both be cylons
it's happened before (and might happen again)
Would you look at that, caucasian females with raven hair
You don't need to fear your Cylon overlords
A conspiracy is afoot
@Zirak you're supposed to look at their faces
...afoot shouldn't be a thing, same with ajar
a-foot makes perfect sense
@ssube What is this, 1836?
it isn't?!
something is happening, you're out doing it, walking around, a foot
on your feet making things happen
ajar means fuck all
sure it does, ajar -> open
And yet!
!!define ajar
!!define afoot
because you open a jar
@Zirak afoot On foot. (means of locomotion, walking)
@Zirak [ajar](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=41069) Slightly turned or opened.
The door was standing ajar.‎
that is one detailed pizza emoticon...
@rlemon but jars are best known for being difficult to open
@Luggage When I was 4 and imagined the future, this is what I envisioned.
@ssube bro, do you even twist?
only in bed
@ssube It's the patriarchy oppressing you
@ssube a counter-clockwise swirl?
That's my move..
man, npm-shrinkwrap is pissing me off.. might be time to check out 'yarn'
so far it's been good
I'm 90% sure the cream is bad
we have a few projects using yarn already, it's in the node images, seems to work
'in the node images'?
our node docker images
so any of our projects can use it, a few are, and it seems to work
it's definitely much faster
npm install on my project causes the server to peg the cpu and won't even let me ssh back in. I have to delete the npm-shrinkwrap.json to install.. It might be solvable, but I haven't really looked too deeply, yet
@rlemon @copy WHOA thats freaking great
I take all credit
.. for linking you
thats the level ._____.
is there some magic sublime plugin that would allow me to get man style mdn entries?
the mdn one just opens the browser for me
I can never remember argument order for lesser used dom methods.
@rlemon That would be quite useful
MDN always redirects me to the German page, which are mostly empty
maybe I'll take a stab at a sublime plugin

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