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@root ctrl + k
4 spaces before each line
Hey guys
If you pasted already-indented code, the first line is likely the culprit.
i have some SQL that performs an aggregate function on some data, there isn't really an "id" that is associated with that data. I have a React component that renders these data, so I'm wondering what you'd use as the key prop in this case?
@ssube Acknowledged, but why and how is it than "faster" respectively better than other concepts. Manipulating the DOM is the same for everybody (which ultimately has to happen). Holding references to all nodes and stuff is pretty much standard
@jAndy batching
I can I read up something about that part?
@NathanJones you gotta make something up. Avoid using the index unless you know the risks.
So my brothers wedding pictures came back...
Guys can anybody recommend me good antivirus for personal use??
@jAndy there's a million articles about it, since it's so prevalent in games.
First picture I saw.. me drunk as shit
@Luggage not sure i do know the risks. Is there a possible collision problem?
The idea is that making many small changes at once and then refreshing the screen is faster than doing them one by one.
@ssube if there are a million, I'd ask for a suggestion even louder :P
@NathanJones Then don't use index. :)
@Learning None
smh jordan why
why did I dance
@Luggage well, i was asking. not sure if there actually is that risk.
jordan is savior to our memes; holy dank meme lord
I hate you, booze.
@SterlingArcher on rumspringa
@jAndy this old answer of mine has the basics
I am confused over antivirus because I have lots of virus in my laptop making my laptop very slow
@ssube I guess I understand that basic concept. How does react decide on "when" to render. User has to modify data and then call the "render" method himself right?
that is react in a nutshell?
@jAndy usually react responds to requestAnimationFrame or just an interval timer.
1 message moved to Trash can
@root Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@jAndy That's why all the state changes have to by async, the new state may not have been synced to the real (visible) DOM yet.
@Learning Stop downloading porn, then
@SterlingArcher I don't even want to see my bros wedding pics
Just tried the Ctrl-K @CapricaSix, do i highlight entire message?
Ha ha ha
I knew I was trashed.. but I didn't know I was so trashed I danced
three days of drinking + little to no food
Virus dont come from porn website only
@ssube wait what... react does comparisons as fast as rAF?
@jAndy but that allows them to batch changes, which includes discarding changes to a child when you know the parent will be recreated (and the children thrown away before the changes would be visible), so it can actually cut down on the number of changes
Statistically speaking you're more likely to get a virus from a religious website than porn
@jAndy no, react does its comparison and sync when rAF fires
or it can, it doesn't always
Forgot to mention, I earned my red wings saturday night, unintentionally... she told me her week had passed, but it was all a lie...
sounds battery draining?
I'm sorry
@ndugger I d/l a lot of porn to strengthen my immune system.
and from pen drives too of my friends :)
@jAndy it's much less battery intensive than doing things all the time
you wait for the frame to refresh, sync the elements once (with nothing happening in between that might force the browser to render immediately), then the browser renders after a few ms
Dont watch porn.its not good
Y'all are gonna be so jelly later
It can be..
@Learning thank you for your insight
Like so jelly
u have no idea
oooo that shop selling the power hammers is shutting down, so selling anvils!
I msg'd the guy... :crosses fingers:
@ssube I read your answer now even if its not really directly about react. My point here is, that all you explained to me what react does.. the experienced programmer did nonetheless before react was even created, or do I miss something? I mean, you would not redraw elements for every single change of.. data, events, position, whatnot
@ndugger oh my god
congrats I think
shit happens
Take it like a man
war paint
@jAndy if you're calling through jQuery, you (it) does make the changes all the way through every time, or it most likely does (the browser might try to fix that, but it can't do much).
Guys any recommendations please
@Learning Most of us don't use anti virus, because it's fake and causes more vulnerabilities than it protects against.
@Learning search google. try giving it information like what OS you are on.
@jAndy You can, without too much trouble, batch those yourself or you can grab React off the shelf with a very robust diff/dedupe/batch algorithm already built in.
@Waxi "name a more iconic duo"
:33794576 in fact I have next code: codepen.io/anon/pen/ZpgYQW?editors=1111
But not know right way to change only one property in state object. For example `this.state.deals[20].value2`
best anti virus on the web -- disable flash and use Chrome
careful though, wouldn't want a barbell to accidentally fall on you while working out
React, like any good library, doesn't do anything magical or anything you couldn't do. It just exists already and has been thoroughly tested and does it well.
I use AV just as a 'cover my ass' in case anythign goes wrong. I don't want to have to say I use nothing when I lose a bunch of medical records.
It's a known-good version to save you the trouble of batching by hand.
firewall offers better protection for most part.. what good is a virus if it cant communicate with its host? unless its a destructive virus
What if the virus disables the firewall?
misinformation overload
@Waxi shh hacker's haven't thought of that yet
our IT dept handles our AV here, no idea what this thing they have running is
@ndugger so what do you do when your pc is infected with virus
at home i use norton for free from my ISP
firewall's not a universal thing. You can bypass it. The whole firewall industry is about that
@Learning I don't get viruses
I'm officially a hacker, I know
@KevinB that's like anti-anti-virus
Thats not possible
@Learning Trust me; I have less viruses than people that use anti-virus.
@root look into insertion and evasion attacks, for starters
I use Avira at home.
disable flash, use a sensible/modern browser, be weary of your downloads, and don't open emails from strangers. there really isn't much to it
Just don't download shady shit
I hand inspect every packet that comes to my PC
you have to try to get viruses now, or work for a company being targeted
@ssube let's have quick example. We have a DOM with 10 elements live, now as of some event, 3 of these elements change (data, position, size, anything). React now, with it's batching, will notice all these changes and will not allow to update the DOM three times, but once. So far correct?
@jAndy The Game
@ssube or be a moron
From my experience, a popup blocker will stop most people from getting infected since that's where it usually starts.
I use avira on my mac because it was rated well for not slowing my shit down too much
@OctavianDamiean @OctavianDamiean
OMG ITS @OctavianDamiean
@Learning rm -rf
@jAndy changing 3 of 10 attributes on a single element might be a better example, but that's definitely the right idea.
hai y'all
@ssube So react indeed does overwrite the whole document.body HTML or even the whole document?
how's it been stranger
@SterlingArcher lol
yes ya'll?
@jAndy no no no
@OctavianDamiean wahhh I have to go to a meeting but hi!!!!
@jAndy nope, it works with the appendElements type calls to mutate many elements at once
Antivirus makes pc very slow
@Luggage They rate pretty high amongst their peers, and they have a free version which is nice.
potentially removing a whole branch from the DOM, making changes, then inserting it again so the changes are all drawn at once
use bitdefender
so it does access the live DOM also three times then
if three different elements are involved
@towc thanks for that suggestion
@jAndy no, that's the whole point.
Free version anti virus dont detect viruses like trojan horse
@rlemon I've been doing fine dude, got sucked in by life. I quit playing computer games and started doing shit :D
It makes the changes in the virtual DOM (just a bunch of state in memory) then syncs them all at once. That's batching.
@OctavianDamiean that's no fun
yea I know the concept now, just not "how" the replacing works in the end
@jAndy If you have your whole app in react and it's all 100% unoptimized, then react can 're-render' the whole app (that is.. re-calculate what the DOM should look like), but it only actually changes just those parts of the DOM that need it.
jQuery can't batch because it can't predict what you'll change next, it would have to save the last operation until the next one was made.
if three or 10 nodes changed, how it really updates the live DOM then
@jAndy it depends on which backend you're using, so which call it ends up making really doesn't matter.
any folks here use AWS Lambda + Node?
you can always buy pirated one for free
and with optimization, react knows which parts to not even re-calculate
> buy pirated one for free
@Learning don't be fucking around on those 2nd century AD websites then
sometimes you get what you pay for
@rlemon well, I don't know, this whole concept of dating girls and stuff like that is pretty neat actually :P
@OctavianDamiean I just got Holly into vidja games
couples battlestations :D
so, how have y'all been?
what are you guys up to?
nadda much
programming, gardening.
slaying ass and taking names
@ssube So I could describe it as javascript implemented pre-reflowing algorithm.
basically make the browser unemployed
For my UI lib in react, for all of the components that can change, I use a magical $onChange prop that you can pass in a callback for. What should I do for a form submission? $onChange for a form doesn't make sense...
No, the browser still does it's job. It's still a layout engine and JS host.
@Luggage I understand, but normally browsers do these kinds of optimisation itself. The reflowing algorithms (decide, when and which elements really need a repaint/redraw).
so react does kind of that job beforehand
the browser still does that. All react does it let you describe the whoel layout and it'll only bother telling the DOM about what changed. Wether that needs an actual paint or what-not is still the browser's decision
Imagine we have [ 'luggage', 'jAndy', 'ssube' ] and want to make <ul> <li>luggage</li> ...</ul>.
I know the browsers still do that.. come one. All I'm saying is, instead of the browser has to handle like 18.000 reflows and potential repaints, it now only has to deal with.. a few
React gets our render() output and makes the 1 x <ul> and 3 x <li>s
lets keep the example on
the non react way was, to create a DocumentFragment, pull everything together and if you're finished, you call one appendChild (or whatnot) on live DOM
Later, we add a new user to the list and react calls our render() again. This time we return <ul> and 4x <li>s.
so how can react optimize that any further?
But react knows it already told the DOM about three of those and will do a single appendChild (or whatever the DOM method is)
@jAndy if you remove ten nodes, modify three of them, and append them back...
(I don't use React, I'm guessing)
yea already heard that, but .. just following the example. step by step:P
we can agree that on the basic initialisation and putting in the live DOM, react can't optimise anything up until that point right?
I don't know if react uses document fragments or how it batches/optimizes the actual writes to the DOM and don't particularly care. the point is I can re-describe as much of the page as I need to and react will remove all the redundant BS
yea, the initial render isn't likely ot be optimizable
so the example pretty much is useless, talking only about one node or element, because there can't be optimisations
we need at least two distinct nodes
I am describing the reconciliation process where react determines WHAT to change. I know very little about how it batches changes.
Only that it supposedly does.
@jAndy that's not wrong, but is a little drastic. Only certain calls force a reflow, so by controlling the order and batching, React can avoid those or (since state is async) put them in the best place.
Not only does it cut down on the total calls, it can fiddle with order and put the blocking calls at the end.
in some cases, like moving elements, it can use the key to do a move instead of a copy and replace
But I think it's important that you can use react well without knowing that.
in that sense, it's a lot like the diffing algorithm that git uses to detect a file being renamed (and consider how much better/shorter that diff is)
I just pounder with myself whether or not to really use react forth on, but to me at this point it looks more like, that if you're already aware of the beast (DOM) and you're doing all the techniques (avoid unnecessary reads and especially writes) you don't gain oh so much from it
the unexperienced user might earn a ton
I didn't learn anything from React and it doesn't do anything I couldn't write (I am writing a backend for it), it just covers all the little stuff I don't want to waste my time on.
Trying to out-optimize react is like using assembly. Sure.. you can make something better than a compiler sometimes, but just using the higher level language (c) will get you pretty good optimization 100% of the time without constant vigilance.
I wouldn't dare to compare react to C
yeah, React is the 90% that you usually need, prepackaged
that's an insult to Ritchie :p
Why use C when you could just use React?
@jAndy C isn't a good comparison, but immediate mode OpenGL vs batched OpenGL is. It's almost 1:1, actually.
If you've ever messed with that or any kind of large screen/matrix display sort of stuff, it's similar.
I was countering his argument that if you know the DOM you can outperform react.
I think you could, you'd just have to know it very, very well.
None of us could, certainly.
right.. and do that every damn time.
I guess I have to lookup some real world comparisons and scenarios before I can really make up my mind. Like direct DOM manipulation on data, geometry and node related stuff.
i'd rather have "decent automatic optimization 100% of the time" instead of "perfect hand-crafted optimization 1% of the time"
I understand thrashing and reflows fairly well, and in combination with an rAF, I could actually make the DOM suck less, but I don't think I could ever out perform React. I'm not that smart.
@ssube but immediate mode OpenGL vs batched OpenGL is. Yes, that comes close. Anyway, how does all the browsers reflowing optimisations come into play here? I know how much sick shit Chrome at least optimizes in DOM rendering and reflows already
And you can always control some small corner of rht DOM outside of react if you had a special case.
I know these are two different approaches
but at the end.. it's all about how often the browsers C/C++ implementation needs to call repaint
@jAndy even with the tricks Chrome can do, there are still certain calls that (in the spec) must return accurate data immediately (synchronously). Those break any optimizations the browser is trying to do as soon as you call one of them.
in whatever underlaying OS API
Since React only provides a one-way API, you can't ever do that.
It removes an entire category of force-drawing calls from play.
If you have good code that interacts sensibly with the DOM, React won't be any faster. If you have the typical jQuery spaghetti, React will be tremendously faster.
Yea there we can agree 100%
it's a much smaller surface area that prevents some obvious mistakes, allowing the same optimizations to be performed much more aggressively
And react lets you get away with a moderate amount of recalculating more of the (virtual)DOM than you really need without getting too slow, since it doesn't re-do changes to the real DOM that don't need to be.
And it's this "user-space" side of things that I like.
I'm kind of curious how good or bad a kinda "backflip buffer" would work on a DOM in modern implementations. I'm sure react and angular guys experiemented with that too
like I said, there's no magic and nothing new, it's just more of the best practices condensed down
like holding the whole DOM in a shadow DOM and switch these when necessary
I need life advice. A friend was supposed to allow me to sleep in his appartment tomorrow when I would get into London. Turns out he has a cold and is now in bed a lot, we certainly wouldn't manage to have dinner or have me shown around. I have things to do in London regardless.
Is it a very bad idea not to plan to stay anywhere, and go to a party hoping to hook up with someone and have a place to sleep in that way?
@jAndy that's not unlike what they do, but since copies are expensive, a simple backbuffer style doesn't work.
> "hey baby.. got a nice bed?"
@towc yes, that's a very bad plan. Putting out so you have a place to stay is a... whole thing.
You really don't want to get into that.
not hook up in the sense of have someone to sleep with. But maybe rather get very friendly with a group of students and explaining that I do need a place to sleep
ok, couch surfing and hooking up with people to get a roof are ENTIRELY different things
if the students end up being a single girl, that's another story
@towc you want to sexless inkeep someone?
couch surfing is a little shady but not that bad
you're not going to get far with your javascript coding abilities in that department
work on a new gameplan
There shouldn't be an age limit on trick-or-treating.
@towc i have friends that do that -- just trust your intuition, if your London trip is part of your life direction, then the universe will look after you. However, it might be safe to speak with a couple AirBnB hosts anyways - those that have instant book, just give them a heads up and explain that you *might* need a place to crash.
I came down to Austin for a business trip and decided to never return back home to Philly - everything worked out great.
@Waxi find a group of mentally challenged adult and go with them
> hey baby, check out codepen.io/towc, I'll go get us some drinks :winks:
@rlemon I got mad skillz, m8
@Luggage You're never too old to enjoy candy, which is the basis for going out right?!
I am old enough to afford a lethal amount of candy.
the good shit, too
> This professional hacker certificate looks good on me, but it would look better on the floor next to your bed.
@Luggage that's actually so deep
@ssube fuck off already :P
Maybe people feel uncomfortable giving someone candy that is old enough to drive themselves to the store and buy some.
That's one of the reasons they feel uncomfortable.
> we should go back to your place so I can check you out for a a hw based polymorphic dos based rootkit, baby
I give 1 piece to adults
and kids get handfuls
'are you sitting on an F5 key, cus that ass is refreshing'
@Luggage lol exactly
I thought about brewing beer/cider for the adults.
you can just go to the store and buy a damn bag for $2.99
but I got lazy
maybe next year
I think I'm going to hand out leaves instead of candy. Having thoroughly compared them, I don't like the leaves as much.
Only adults know you went out of your way to give out big candy bars, little kids don't give a shit unless they're little shits.
and we have plenty
@rlemon Rum Pumpkins (like rum balls)
@Waxi if you want to dress up and are an adult, go to a bar.
@ssube Almost as bad as the guy that gives out toothbrushes or floss.
@Loktar you gonna show neighbourhood dominance tonight? full snickers and cans of soda?
@Luggage Yeah you're right, cause that's where all the half-naked nurses and devils will be.
meh, I'm not giving them liquor or dope. Getting a few leaves will teach them to grow up bitter, like I did, and that's how you get a work ethic.
> that's right, The BROWNS ARE IN TOWN!
@rlemon nah i wont even be home
walking with the kids
@Waxi yes. get you some crotch-candy.
going to leave a bowl out
first kid will steal it all
but like, if you were at a bar enjoying life with a couple of friends and someone happened to hop into the conversation and they seem like a nice person, and at the end he'd tell you that he doesn't actually know where to sleep and is in town to meet a company for a job, would you be offended or inclined to maybe allow them to come in? Or maybe just point directions towards some other alternative?
@ssube lol
he will then race to our house next year
@Luggage Haha yeahhh boi.
setup motion sensors with a camera flash
don't take a picture or anything
@towc most people will defer long enough to slip out of the conversation. It's not reliable.
scarecrow with a fake camera
@rlemon I have a camera
a real security one
yea but to freak the kids out
@ssube not for one group, but if I try enough of them
I'm the sort of person who goes to a show and ends up making friends and sometimes throwing an after party, but it's not something I rely on.
@towc doesn't really matter
I actually have 2 now
morals aside, what if I got someone drunk and offered to help them back to their place?
@towc no way i'd let a stranger sleep at my place like that.
I'm gonna buy a drone, dress it up in costume, and fly it around getting candy....yeah I'm 1337.
I want to buy a camera system
only to catch the jackass who lets their dog crap on everyones lawns
does browser scope no longer work on jsPerf?
@towc check availability of places and have a backup plan. then you'll be under less pressure and less creepy about it, at least.
just check into a hostel or something
@Waxi or just snatch candy from children with the drone
@Luggage I do have backup plans, that's not an issue. Even just sleeping at a mall will be ok in the end
if it's only one night, who cares
@Luggage Fuck it, I'll start snatching children and make them work for me.
Also, do you really want to spend a party scoping out likely people to chat up to get a place to sleep? That doesn't sound fun.
Someone gonna be walking down the street and see a couple of power rangers being carried into the night sky.
Dress the drone as a bat...that'd be sick.
@Waxi I legally have to leave this conversation, now.
@towc yeah, if it's obvious that you're trying to find somebody to tag along with, you won't
@Luggage LOL
@ssube sure
@Luggage it would be an interesting experience
save that experience for after you are really homeless.
@towc not really
I mean, I guess that probably a lot of the people 30y ago did it often, but now not many do anymore?
that makes it interesting
Someone trying to get hobos drunk and take them home?
the opposite.
@Waxi wait wut no
@Luggage I'm vintage
@towc if you're guessing, you don't know those sort of people, or how they feel about it.
he trying to get non-hobos drunk so they take HIM home.
Go ask a couple people who have spent time homeless how they enjoyed it.
@ssube I'm still talking about 1 nights
@Luggage Why?
Well, it sounds like you made up your mind.
Have fun, don't be too creepy.
well, the plan was to do it unless there were very strong arguments against it
is that possible
in other words, don't do anything you think of doing
@towc which have been presented.
There are very, very strong arguments against going home with a bunch of strangers or sleeping in a public place.
@ssube the only argument I see is "it's unlikely you'll manage"
I remember reading a story / watching a video about a 'homeless' guy in New York (I think) that was slaying massive amounts of tail. He'd live with his current girl for a little bit, get some clothes, shower, proper hump and dump, before he hit the streets again.
not least of which being "you have a 90% chance of getting the shit kicked out of you for drugs"

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