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oh, true
oh wait no
is it?
8 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
so v = integral(t^-6)?
I think something went wrong here
9 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
dv/dt = v^-6
sounds right
doesn't that mean that the integral on dv is actually the integ( 1/v^-6 ) dv?
so it would be integ( v^6 ) dv?
that's also not right
The answer will definitely not be more than v = t^3
I would instincitvely agree with you, but why?
v = t^3 corresponds to every part of the snowball picking up snow at all times
v = t^2 is the contact patch increasing linearly with time
it's also less than that
ok so, if dy/dx = f'(y), we need to make the subject x, right?
y = v, x = t
that's what we have right now
and we're trying to obtain an f(x) so we can use it as something to multiply in the chain rule
We don't need a chain rule
we only have one function
we need a chainrule to relate radius with time, by using volume as a medium
but sure, I'm ok with just knowing the volume, obv the radius will grow at a curt of that
I think it's easiest to completely forget about radius until we have volume nailed down
then it's trivial to convert
and in the meantime you don't agree that dv/dt = v^-6
let's set v=1 at t=0
which is what we got by changing rs with vs in the 2a formula
the derivative of the function at that point will be 1
at v=2 the derivative will be 2^-6
I think we have a log growth
approx .015625
it's an exponential growth of the derivative
not exponential
which does mean a log growth of the function, I guess?
I have no idea
@KendallFrey ever watch toxic timewaster?
he does some impressive builds.
not yet
I think I might have it
illuminate me
oh yeah, enlighten
hang on I'm googling for the derivative of 1/x
so the dx/dy is -x^-2
yeah that's not what I'm thinking of
might be right though
maybe it was the integral of 1/x that I'm remembering
nvm (yes it is)
Anyone know of a good mindmapping/prototyping program for visually mocking up directory structures?
@monners | tree
install tree obv. Or are you looking for web solutions?
the integral of v^-6 would be ln(v^-5), right?
@KendallFrey no
only 1/x follows the ln(x) rule
or rather, something in a / (b + cx)
integ v^-6 is (1/5)*v^-5
yeah alright
what are you trying to do?
i wish I knew
I think we need @BenjaminGruenbaum's guidance
He'd make quick work of this
so dt/dv = v^6
2 hours ago, by towc
does the famous snowball rolling on a snowy hill's radius grow exponentially at a very slow exponentiation constant, assuming the hill's slope is constant, the snowball has already reached terminal velocity (aka it has constant speed, which is plausible, although unrealistic as the terminal speed gets smaller and smaller)? (a^(bx) with a fairly small b compared to a, where a is a function of the initial radius of the snowball)
2 hours ago? wut
this isn't ok
So by flipping the derivative it should be easy
25 mins ago, by towc
doesn't that mean that the integral on dv is actually the integ( 1/v^-6 ) dv?
I thought you had good reasons for that being false :P
Most of the time I didn't know what either of us was talking about
// the properties in the results object are not getting passed to my
// Overview component. Anyone know a good way to pass those props?
  .then(results => {
    <Router history={hashHistory}>
      <Route path="/">
      	<IndexRoute {...results} component={Overview} />
and now that's positive and increasing (as it's the same as integ( v^6 ) which is (v^7)/7 )
so t = v^5, right?
it's an integral, so you increment the exponent
no, it's a derivative
3 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
so dt/dv = v^6
oh wait
then v = t^-5
and r^3 = t^-5
i like turtles
@NathanJones that looks okay?
what happens if you log it out?
so dr/dt = t^(-15)?
that sounds very very weird
@NathanJones make sure you have transform-object-assign
yeah that's not right at all
are we actually saying that the radius of a snowball down a hill grows by the 15th root (approx ) of the distance travelled?
it would be nifty
we're backtracking and checking our math
@bitten there's lots of stuff in the props Object (like history, location, params, etc), but my own props aren't there
yeah, let's do that
I probably need to go to sleep soon
@towc Is that through the app store?
@monners that's linux
we know that v < t^2
and v > t
Oh, looking for a macOS solution
@KendallFrey why?
@monners macOS has bash, that should work too. Install the tree dependency
because t^2 corresponds to a linearly increasing contact width
@KendallFrey when did we decide the the contact width was linearly increasing?
s/the the/the
is there a snazy way to search the window object.. or any object for a specific string having no idea where that string might exist?
@captainrad yes, but if you need to do that, the code structure is bad
real bad
look into for...in loops
it's not my code
@captainrad then the author should reconsider his life choices. Unless you're trying to debug it
I want to know where if at all my userid is being stored
debugging indeed
@bitten i'm not using transform-object-assign, but i am using babel presets es2015, react, stage-0
@Zirak movie challenge. youtube.com/watch?v=5G0j_Huv2Fg
@captainrad if it is, it's likely not in the window object. If it is at all in a global object, you can do deep searches with for...in on the window, otherwise you need to globalize every object and variable
which you can do manually with breakpoints
Yeah I was just using window as an example
as long as you have access to the object, yes, you can
look into for...in
main site's down
aaaand it's back up
function search(obj, key) {
  for (const prop of obj) {
    if (typeof prop === "string" && prop === key) {
      console.log('found it');
    } else if (typeof prop === "object") {
      search(prop, key);
untested ofc.
and apparently using jsfiddle as an editor made my indentation terrible :/
wait, that isn't right... shit
@rlemon "ba" also means "no"
the idea is kinda there tho. work with it
It's very confusing.
unfortunately I wont even know the key but I suppose I can tinker with it.
@captainrad as long as you know something like the regexp pattern to identify a general key, you'll be ok
key is your userID if that wasn't clear
it's not the property name
correct.. but it likley wont say userID
oh ok
@rlemon can you const prop in a for...of?
why does that make sense? You're constantly reassigning it...
in a new block
and afaik the thing becomes const prop; for( prop of ...
why don't you go try it out
if you're using it it must work, but I'm really confused by the semantics
because you're thinking about a classic for(;;) which must preserve the scope of the initialized variables.
so you have to use let
for...ofs introduce a new scope then?
in every iteration, it is a new 'block' yes
although this is not reassigned?
oh wait
because this is still function scoped tmk
@towc We know it's less than linear
At this point I'd be tempted to write a simulation and use trial and error to find a function that fits the data
@bitten ohh, passing props to the Route gets stored in this.props.route, i was expecting it to be in this.props
@towc because it's as the sqrt of r, which is less than linear
im trying to use this bootply.com/PMDIAzc1Qo but i don't know what is the problem exactly and it doesn't give any error
i fiddle it here
I'm probably too tired to understand at this point
If I'm bored I'll write a simulation
right now I need to work on getting to Duna
ping me if you do
@towc 3>
damn everything
MJ isn't working at all
I don't want to calculate the dV of an interplanetary rocket by hand
there's something we completely missed I think
dv/dt is not just 2a
if you think of a 2d version, that would mean that the only "v" added is a single point, which is no value at all
it's actually the arc of the circle with underscribed by dw, where w is angular speed
or rather, as you can't apply the method of the width of the path, you're going to resort to depth taken, which is all in the 2d case, so the rate of increase of the volume on distance is linear according to that
"you can't apply the method of the width of the path"
I don't get why not
which means that to extrapolate this to the 3d case, the dv/dt is actually the new area being exposed to snow, which is a lunar slice of the sphere, as you also need to consider that the depth of the path is changing at different points of the width
@KendallFrey the path has no width
which dimension are you removing?
if you're thinking of a circle rolling down a hill, it's almost the same
@KendallFrey the ball is moving from top-left to bottom-right in this view
that's easy
you agree that in that case, dv/dt is a constant value, right?
area of the circle increases linearly with time
and we have only considered the depth in this case, because the width didn't matter
in the 3d case, we need to consider both width and depth, and we've only considered width
that's because depth is a constant we can ignore
I think
depth is a constant in both 2D and 3D
but we can't ignore it in the 2d case, can we?
you just did
1 min ago, by towc
you agree that in that case, dv/dt is a constant value, right?
that value is the depth
yes, so we didn't ignore it
Yes, we did, because we're talking proprtionality here
O(2x) = O(x)
while we're ignoring it in the 3d case. Or at least, considering it only for calculating the semi-circumference
@KendallFrey ok, but semantically it still has a meaning
and it has the same meaning in 3d
it's the same in both cases. set it to 1 for simplicity's sake
just like we can't use a single point in 2d, we can't use a single line in 3d
but we can use both those things
we need to use an area in 3d just like we used an arc in 2d
an arc?
When did that show up
in 2d, saying that the volume accumulated by the snowball is the same as the volume missing from the path, is the same as saying that the volume added is the same as the new line of the circle exposed to the snow layer
the new line is infinitesimally small, sure, but not a dot, it's still a line
the line is the arc inscribed by dw
w = angular speed
the path width concept is pretty solid in my head
if you don't change the rules of the game, it works
@KendallFrey yes, but the depth taken from the ball changes at different points in the path, doesn't it?
the path isn't right-angled
Not according to what I've been talking about so far
If you want to make it that way, go ahead
exactly, which is why what we've done so far is wrong
but it's a completely different case
the cross section of the path is --u--, not --|_|--
your idea works if the snowball ends up being a cilinder
but then the volume formula is completely different
Is there a good reason for saying that? Because that's not what I was picturing, and that's not how snow works
@KendallFrey you leave a u-shaped path, don't you?
hang on a second
it's the same
@towc I was picturing a flat contact patch, or equivalently, the ball picking up all the snow it touches, all the way to the ground
@towc actually no not quite
@KendallFrey oh. Then what we did would work. You can still make that into a sphere and still have it be physically accurate because of the distribution of mass that we don't need to account for in detail, so...
I was simplifying by assuming that the snow continuously is absorbed into the sphere so that it stays a sphere
that's fine
practically that means snow teleporting to the top of the ball :P
again, that's approximately true because of the redistribution of mass
I'm pretty sure modeling the pickup area as a circular segment instead of a rectangle makes this problem quite a bit more complicated
it's different kinds of snow, but the snowball tumbling down a hill can still act like that, so that's not an issue
@KendallFrey yeah, you'd have that lunar slice of the sphere rather than just the line
which isn't directly proportional to the speed afaik, so it would be slightly different maths
in PHP, 34 secs ago, by Wes
if you have php/webstorm 2016 or better an eap, can you test if this js works? http://i.imgur.com/pLZvpi6.gif http://pastebin.com/ix3xJebV
ty :P
I mean, I can literally make a simulation in JS in 5 minutes and plot it..
but right now what I need is sleep
I have WinGHCi open now
oh, not actual simulations, we just know the basic formulas, and we can make time intervals small enough to make approximate the continous result
aaaaand I'm gone
numerical integration

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