does the famous snowball rolling on a snowy hill's radius grow exponentially at a very slow exponentiation constant, assuming the hill's slope is constant, the snowball has already reached terminal velocity (aka it has constant speed, which is plausible, although unrealistic as the terminal speed gets smaller and smaller)? (a^(bx) with a fairly small b compared to a, where a is a function of the initial radius of the snowball)
// the properties in the results object are not getting passed to my
// Overview component. Anyone know a good way to pass those props?
.then(results => {
<Router history={hashHistory}>
<Route path="/">
<IndexRoute {...results} component={Overview} />
@captainrad if it is, it's likely not in the window object. If it is at all in a global object, you can do deep searches with on the window, otherwise you need to globalize every object and variable
if you think of a 2d version, that would mean that the only "v" added is a single point, which is no value at all
it's actually the arc of the circle with underscribed by dw, where w is angular speed
or rather, as you can't apply the method of the width of the path, you're going to resort to depth taken, which is all in the 2d case, so the rate of increase of the volume on distance is linear according to that
which means that to extrapolate this to the 3d case, the dv/dt is actually the new area being exposed to snow, which is a lunar slice of the sphere, as you also need to consider that the depth of the path is changing at different points of the width
in 2d, saying that the volume accumulated by the snowball is the same as the volume missing from the path, is the same as saying that the volume added is the same as the new line of the circle exposed to the snow layer
the new line is infinitesimally small, sure, but not a dot, it's still a line
@KendallFrey oh. Then what we did would work. You can still make that into a sphere and still have it be physically accurate because of the distribution of mass that we don't need to account for in detail, so...