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If you have a layout that makes more sense to build that way.
oh ok
quick question about that: why not surround the return expression with ()?
You can. I don't. It's valid as long as the return isn't all alone on a line.
my linter enforces it ;P
multilines must have ()
@Luggage @Loktar cool, thanks. i've learned a lot of react things today :)
There might be a reason to do that that I am unfamiliar with.
@Loktar babel strips it out anyway though
i've always omitted them :|
@bitten oh really?
I like the way it looks personally.
@Loktar when i was last looking into it, yeah
// I decided to stick with this style for now, but I still get this error:
SyntaxError: /home/nathanjones/Projects/student-profile/src/scripts/student-profile/js/components/overview/Contact.js: Unexpected token (62:18)
  60 |                 {hasAddress &&
  61 |                   <Address title={fullMailingAddress !== fullResidenceAddress ? 'Mailing Address' : 'Address'} address={fullMailingAddress} />
> 62 |                   {hasUniqueResidenceAddress &&
     |                   ^
  63 |                     <Address title='Residence Address' address={fullResidenceAddress} />
that is really tough to read
@bitten ah well yeah it transforms the jsx
so that makes sense
so i didn't see a reason to include them
put parens around the two addresses
or. maybe not.
writing jsx in itself is an abstraction anyway
{ condition && (
    <YourMum soFat={ true }>
) }
my favourite way
it's all about making it look pretty imo
@Loktar that's fair
I usually don't like useless parens, but in JSX, it really helps with readability
@ndugger yeah my exact thoughts, normally not a huge fan, just all about readability
<Address />
{blah && <Address />}
^ This is only valid inside another element directly. need to split it up.
that {} section is not inside a jsx element as far as it's concerned.
@ndugger this always looks awkward in jsx, with or without parens
but i agree that params here makes it more readable
Yeah, I used to hate the extra parens in JSX, but after writing a shit ton of it, I always use them
it helps a lot
not that I like this at all (the conditions for the vars) but why not this even
const title = fullMailingAddress !== fullResidenceAddress ? 'Mailing Address' : 'Address';
const address = fullMailingAddress !== fullResidenceAddress ? fullResidenceAddress : fullMailingAddress;

<Address title={title} address={address} />
not tested or anything, I just dont understand the need for spitting out the address in 2 diff places
you could always use the new ES6 rules around the do statement to do some cool stuff
protip: the atmosphere is never thin enough for an EVA
@Loktar bringing out the conditionals is always a good idea ^^
{ hasAddress && <Address /> }
{ (hasAddress && hasUniqueResidenceAddress) && <Address />}
@KendallFrey lol
or whatever.
@bitten lol I would probably do something like this actually
let title = 'Address';
let address = fullResidenceAddress

if (fullMailingAddress !== fullResidenceAddress) {
	 title = 'Mailing Address';
         address = fullMailingAddress;

 <Address title={title} address={address} />
@ndugger do be do.. how would you use it here?
> I wonder if I'm going slow enough to activate this antenna.... nnooope
@bitten babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-do-expressions look at the JSX Examples section
I hope you brought spares
usually only lose them on re-entry
god dammit youtube, stop showing me tai
@Loktar yeah, the intention here is quicker to understand
You know what I love even more than all of these jquery plugins? KNAWLEDGE
@Loktar it's him in front of his rented villa
like oo okay if they don't match then show the prefix
first one is harder to deduce
@ndugger that's quite nice
@Luggage @Loktar i'm starting to think the array of address components style is superior
whatever works for you. note that you'll need keys for them.
oh well if there are multiple then yea for sure
I looked at this as a very singular thing
@Loktar it can have >1 address, but only if mailing !== residence
i wouldn't for two, but meh. no good reason not to if you think it's readable.
oh right, yeah I read his code wrong anyway
there are 2 possibly eh?
@Luggage hmm...it's really 1 or 2, not any more than that, so the array of components style doesn't really do much for readability in this case imo
that makes a lot more sense
(fu @KendallFrey and your alot monster)
ohh.my.god @ndugger @SterlingArcher
let address2;

if (mailing !== billing) {
    address2 = <Address />;

return <div>
if address1 or address2 is undefined, no problem. It's still valid.
> Nobody wants to miss the dank new memes
Darwin discovered memes
!!s/win discovered/kins invented/
> meme theory
I fucking love it
> We also evolved to spread memes
> The Selfish Meme, by Richard Dankins
TIL Internet memes are a virus
This is actually really fascinating
It kind of explains some human psychology
SciShow is alright
she's actually pretty good of a presenter. the others.. eh
Hank, he's annoying
She's decent, but her voice drops off after each sentence.
She's monotone
yea not the best, but check out videos by the blonde dude
he's just too excited about things
ohh: github.com/naptha/tesseract.js tesseract.js. OCR in JS.
yes; it's not formatted
1 message moved to Trash can
@TeeSee Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Take out the ` and just indent 4 spaces (CTRL-K)
@CapricaSix You should say that.
const theHtml = document.children[0];
function screwThePage(htmlObject){
  for(var key in htmlObject){
but also yes, you're checking for textContent in a key, which is a string
@ndugger is textContent not a property of the subobjects from within Html?
i'm planning to make a new language
1 message moved to Trash can
@TheProHands Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
(class  {
    public number;
    public function main() {
	/* number ranged between 0 and 5 */
	alert(<0, 5, -1>);
	/* random number ranged between 0 and 100 */
        number = <0, 100, ??> cast Number;
@TheProHands Don't do it.
@TeeSee You're doing a for...in loop; the key you get from that is a string, and then you're trying to check for textContent in a string, so no...
We have too many languages already.
@ndugger Ohhhh gotcha. Yeah I'm trying to iterate through the actual objects
@Luggage Yes, I agree, but isn't it a good idea? It'll make works much short yet
Well, try again. I'm going home
Later alligators
cya thanks
//here\'s what i ended up going with
const hasAddress = !!fullMailingAddress || !!fullResidenceAddress;
const hasUniqueResidenceAddress = fullMailingAddress !== fullResidenceAddress;

let address1;
let address2;

if (hasAddress) {
  if (hasUniqueResidenceAddress) {
    address1 = <Address title='Mailing Address' address={fullMailingAddress} />;
    address2 = <Address title='Residence Address' address={fullResidenceAddress} />;
  } else {
    address1 = <Address title='Address' address={fullMailingAddress} />;
Why do u guys use const too much?
My v key broke :(
@Luggage thanks for your help
tips hat
@TheProHands Because const will warn you if you try to reassign a variable
Which you typically don't want to do
@monners Yes, but this wouldn't be so neccessary in this case
@TheProHands What do you mean? You're either going to reassign or you're not.
If you are, use let. If you're not, use const
Or what? What are you gonna do, huh? :)
@monners I'd not use let since it's new
I don't know?
anyone not seeing let highlighted like const and var in atom with the monokai seti syntax theme?
@TheProHands Well if you're not using the new syntax then you don't have a choice :P
@NathanJones works for me, but I use language-babel
@NathanJones monokai?? That makes my eyes bleed
ohh, wrong theme, nevermind
i'm using the JavaScript with JSX language setting
@monners what themes do you like?
@NathanJones brogrammer with hack font
@monners still not seeing let highlighted as it should be with brogrammer
One Dark with language-babel:
Trying to allow users to login using Google Sign-in button

How can I listen to 'data-onsuccess' event with jQuery? I am using system.js, and the 'data-onsuccess="onSignIn"' does not have access to my onsignin function in my system js module. But when I place onSignIn as a function in an inline script it works.
@NathanJones Testing now
> // bindy bindy
@Luggage What font is that?
Anonymous Pro, I think
that's what my stylesheet says
idk why that bugs me
let is red, but const is purple and stands out more
oh, nvm. language-babel fixed it
don't use let
language babel broke a few things in some color schemes. that's why i'm stuck on one dark
@Luggage did you have to change any settings to get js files to use language-babel by default?
mm.. i think. lemme see
maybe not. i don't see anything.
it can. i don't recall what I did, but it was simple and google told me
oh, wait, it was another plugin. i just disabled it.
What's nice is that it'll respect your .babelrc and use whatever babel pluings you have configured
so if babel supports it, it won't be a syntax error in atom
@Luggage what are you using to get those error notifications?
in atom you'll want linter and linter-eslint
Now with cow-powers
then install eslint from npm and configure a .eslintrc. do you already use eslint?
installing linter-eslint in atom just froze my linux dev machine :(
let works fine for me
Using react package for JSX language support
yea, that works fine as long as you don't add additional unsupported syntax
like decorators, etc.
@NathanJones What version of Atom are you on?
@monners 1.10.2
anyone sign up for atom telemetry?
What is?
Yeah, I found it. no.
i did out of a sense of naive idealism
Hello, I have a question about React
It's a library with a handful of React components that are already programmed with some nice behavior and a lot of props for customization
I would like to use React Widgets in my own project, but I want to change some of the behaviors on the widgets it provides
For example, in the DropdownList component: jquense.github.io/react-widgets/docs/#/dropdownlist?_k=pi3bxx
Fork the repo and change the component you want to modify
Wrap the component, if you can.
What's the best way of wrapping the component?
heh I used that same component a year or so ago
the dropdown specifically
Depends on the type of behavior you want to change
Or just read the docs, it'd likely that you can change a bunch of stuff
The behavior I want to change is in this file: github.com/jquense/react-widgets/blob/master/src/…
I want to change the behaviors implemented in the handleKeyPressand handleKeyDown functions, which are bound as props to one of the internal components in the render function
I know that this isn't the right place to ask for exactly how to make the changes I want to make, but I'm interested in if there are any good approaches for trying to change the behavior implemented in those functions without necessarily forking the project myself
Although you are right, forking the project might be the best way to go
if that event isn't exposed, you might have to fork
or submit a PR exposing the api you want.
is a .eslintrc file required for linting to work in atom?
Fair enough
@NathanJones or work at all, yes
Thanks for the advice!
@Nathan: The eslint page says, "Configuration Files - use a JavaScript, JSON or YAML file to specify configuration information for an entire directory and all of its subdirectories. This can be in the form of an .eslintrc.* file or an eslintConfig field in a package.json file, both of which ESLint will look for and read automatically, or you can specify a configuration file on the command line."
@Kevin ty
@Luggage are you using eslint-plugin-react?
No problem :)
My parserOptions might be redundant since i am using babel-parser, now
If I had to guess, I suspect that the command line tools create and modify a .eslintrc file for you, but I'm not sure about that.
npm install eslint babel-eslint eslint-plugin-react --save-dev
apm install linter linter-eslint
curl gist.githubusercontent.com/luggage66/… -o .eslintrc
@Luggage awesome, thanks!
prepare to have your feelings hurt when that complains about your code
@NathanJones is it working for you?
@Luggage yep. i'm using my lint messages to keep track of which properties I've add to propTypes
so it's already really useful
I'm surprised I don't have more wrong with my code, tbh
node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js  src
see it all.
> ✖ 160 problems (29 errors, 131 warnings)
or if windows: node node_modules\eslint\bin\eslint.js src
that's more like it
not bad. i had a lot more
Now.. those are the recommended rules. You can turn more on and some off.
I'm using your eslint rule set
yeah, i'll probably look for more to turn on
right. I am using recommended + I turn a few down to warnings
if i ever moved to typescript, would the type signatures in ts replace propTypes?
I don't think so. React won't have access to that info as far as I know.
but maybe there is a way to auto-generate proptypes from that...
(warning, I'm not a TS user, I may be just plain wrong)
you'd probably have to create an interface for your component's class
and implement that
github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/4833 sounds like there's not much use for it
yea, now that i think about it, not much use
they both solve the same problem.
but you'd still want propTypes for code you export for consumption by others
if if you ever drop TS, you'd suddenly be lacking that.
they create a closure. Some people here (e.g. BenjaminGruenbaum) use arrow functions in render methods and it's a rule not everyone agrees with.
argh, stop deleting things
ack, sorry
> onError={() => this.onError()} why are arrow functions discouraged in JSX props?
is what i asked
Good. Now future archeologists won't be confused.
@NathanJones Because it adds extra work for the garbage collector. I'm pretty on the fence about this though. The alternative is... obtuse.
Same as with using .bind
Trouble is, not using .bind or arrow functions can lead to some pretty repetitive partial application methods, or a whole bunch of constructor boilerplate bindings
Sorry if I am disturbing anyone.
But please can somebody help me out on this ?
@VikasGautam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage @monners so do you think it's safe to remove the react/jsx-no-bind rule in eslint?
I saw some babel plugin that promised to fix that. It would cache the bound functions. It wasn't stable, though.
It's 'safe' as you can just turn it back on if you change your mind.
I have all the rules turned on, so.. you can choose to disable some. no worries.
@NathanJones We use it at my org, but we're still kinda up in the air about it. It smells of pre-optimization to me
I turned it to warning.
er.. maybe i turned it off in the client.. nope, warning.
I do it, though.
Sometimes idgaf
Like, if you're using the same method for 5+ events and the only difference is the arguments, I think using bind is much more readable than writing partial application methods for each event
But if it's only two or three, fuck it. Just write the methods. At least then they're more descriptive
That being said, i'm not sure if partial application methods even fixes the problem, or just tricks the linter
Google seems to say the nyan cat is ModuleManager's doing
i jsut hurt my back sneezing. getting old sucks

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