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I don't know if you're going to win that battle friend.
google is skynet
they may already, but you don't need to keep giving them information
Embrace it. They spy in very convenient ways.
> Welp guys already have cancer might as well keep smoking
Use protonmail
if you disable google analytics and don't use gmail and google search I think you are pretty safe
@William no
Why do you think you're that interesting? Unless you're discussing nuclear warheads I don't think Google cares enough.
Oct 5 at 13:30, by Kendall Frey
@rlemon https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/55wzlr/what_was_your_holy_shit_were_‌​living_in_the_future/d8egtk9
i'm 1337
Oct 5 at 13:30, by Kendall Frey
This is why I'm ok with Google stalking me
^^^ exactly.
I feel the same way
google stalking me has thus far benefited me
so, okay
Now the government, they can go to hell
thinks government and google won't share information
I never said that.
I know. I did. Impersonificating you
I didn't even think it.
my blind jabs at humor, if you wish
That's actually pretty scary.
on hold 32 minutes now
If you're connected to the web, assume your shit isn't private.
doesn't google release stats on who requests what info and what info is given quarterly?
@Waxi sorry, no
@KevinB No, the government forbids that kind of thing.
I refrain from going on the interwebs while poopin
Why no? You're sending data over networks you can't control. How secure can that ever be?
@Waxi Pretty secure if you encrypt it
I'm no security expert, but I reckon if they want to decrypt something of yours, they will.
I don't think you understand how encryption works
@KendallFrey Or he's eluding to most of our encryption methods being backdoored lol
Probably not that one tho
It's naive to think your information is secure is all I'm saying.
I do think the government can access our google accounts but I believe the encryption is failry secure
for other things
@William The question is; Can Google access our governments accounts
Damn, those hundreds of millions of suckers banking on the web. If only they knew.
Improper semi-colons all day
sometimes i wish i grew up without the internet
I did, it was alright. More sticks.
Sometimes I wish I grew up as a protein.
I remember as a kid seeing a computer in a museum and they weren't showcasing the computer, but rather the 56k connection, aka the internet.
some of us had slower connections than that
I had 4kbps
I remember having a 14.4
same here
the 56k upgrade was a big deal
I have a 9600 baud modem somewhere still :/
was an external
connected via serial
@Loktar ha, we use them for work
I should take a picture
Gotta make the dial-up sound as your ringtone.
I remember downloading a mod for Unreal, SF.. can't remember what that even means now
but it took 48 hours
250mb iirc
we still have clients without broadband access
dialup support and shit
oh yeah I bet
fun fun think about fun
it's the same in MI too
especially up north
however a ton of people are just going to satellite (which is shitty)
it's like half of Iowa doesn't have internet
how's the elm community / ecosystem like? Anybody gave it a shot in here? I'm particularly interested in how easy it is to use vanilla js libs with it
hard to find elm users, although it seems to be rather popular :/
@KendallFrey I'm so glad there is a 'modern' rover on the moon
@DanM. that would suggest the opposite :p
is that japanese or chinese
japan has a rover on the moon
seems like a waste of mony
most space stuff seems like a waste of $
Who was making the internet balloons? Wasn't that Google? What happened with that?
exploring unknown is always criticised, but has almost always given us advancements in unrelated fields.
think about how much we've learned from deep sea exploration
and gained in unrelated fields like medical and biochemistry
@William Neil deGrasse Tyson has a lot to say to you.
Science loves space exploration cause it takes us farther away from religion.
well that's just untrue.
Can science and religion coexist? It doesn't seem like it.
Science loves space exploration because it gives us a LOT more data to work with.
Astronauts, cosmonauts, and spaceflight participants have observed their religions while in space; sometimes publicly, sometimes privately. Religious adherence in outer space poses unique challenges and opportunities for practitioners. Space travelers have reported profound changes in the way they view their faith related to the overview effect, while some secular groups have criticized the use of government spacecraft for religious activities by astronauts. == Apollo 8 Genesis Reading == On Christmas Eve, 1968 astronauts Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, and Frank Borman read from the Book of Genesis...
@Loktar yup, that's why I find it so weird. I guess people are interested in it, but didn't get their hands on it yet.
@William I agree man
@Waxi Yes
most of the people who have been in space have been religious
We know what we need to about the moon
lets focus on something that matters
Oh neat you put a remote control car on the moon... BORING
@Loktar I guess you're not really a fan of computers then
lololol hahaha Yeah space exploration is getting old is my only point. There is a reason obama stopped it.
@KendallFrey what are they putting one on the moon?
another one?
@rlemon The more I know!
call me when when they focus on putting men on Mars
That's what I'm interested in
The point is, we wouldn't have computers without people spending money on science that didn't seem to be useful
@Loktar well there are two competitors for that now, NASA and SpaceX
@KendallFrey wtf is that straw man dude
just saying that RC cars on the moon is so 1988
also the more people who independently land on the moon the more competition and drive we have to explore space.
@Loktar Doesn't mean we can't learn new things
it's the browser race, but with nations / companies and space.
men on mars is unrealistic though minimal atmosphere no water
open source space exploration then
Lets start mining some shit, like that asteroid
@William USA already did.
@William Men on the Moon is even more unrealistic. NO atmosphere and water.
I wouldn't mind driving a RC car around on the moon.
yeah men on mars will totally happen
Sounds fun
@rlemon proof
I'd rather see all of our focus on that, or even building a base on the moon
its not completely open source
they've opened up space travel to private organizations, which means space is no longer a government only thing.
@Loktar Neil also has some things to say to you
that is/was huge
@KendallFrey remember when he died lol?
nah landing men on the moon was huge
even the first rovers for sure
@Loktar Japan is planning on a lunar base. they need to lick a few starting steps first.
it's still exciting with Mars
but I don't get excited over moon rovers anymore
North Korea on the moon now that is exciting
mankind isn't united in space flight. so other nations doing what USA did first is kinda required until unification.
NDGT doesn't think we're going to Mars any time soon because the government doesn't have any incentive to go, and private corporations would have too little ROI to go.
yeah, which is unfortunate
the ROI is the continuation of the human species.
oh definitely
but you can't quantify that with money :/
@KendallFrey Obama and Elon both wanna be there by 2030ish
+1 on the moon base, but the excuse is mars is a better atmosphere for a base.
haha I was sort of trolling, space and space things are cool
so we can hope for 2040
but robots on the moon now are boring to me :p
@Loktar until you get a chance to go there yourself :D
^ fixed
The way he says it, corporations have to work toward the quarterly report, whereas governments can work toward the distant future of the country
first we send the robots, then we send the bases, then we send the water, then we send the people
Too bad the government only works toward the next election cycle
@rlemon well they need to start sending that shit now! I'm only getting older.
I'll donate my desk chair to start
@Loktar again, not united in space travel. USA might not have interest in that but Japan clearly does.
right now they're starting their space program a little later
if everyone was on the same team, shit we'd be on mars already (people)
yeah I know, doesn't change the fact that I'm annoyed with overall progress and moon robots.
Neil wants the Chinese to "leak" reports of military bases on Mars, so that the US government will have some incentive to go.
I don't want excuses
I want results
2 hours of my life wasted because they couldn't tell me they rented the place monday, when I confirmed yesterday.
tell your next leader you want to share space innovations with other nations then.
I'm 100% for unification of space travel
that shit needs to happen eventually.
The problem is, the people who are with you on that don't have the power to make it happen
imagine if Russia and USAs rocket designs in the hands of nations who don't mind breaking bank to make it happen.
ohh the dream.
Imagine if the mars lander found oil
ohh, and there wasn't any wars going on
@Loktar lol. war for mars #1
I'm young enough that I think I'll be able to afford a trip to orbit within my lifetime.
If mars has oil, the USA will be at war with mars
@ton.yeung rocket design in the USA is different than rocket design in Russia, but both work and both have merits.
@Loktar honestly, that would be SUPER exciting because it would mean there was once organic life
@Loktar That would be important, and for reasons far beyond any economic or political effect.
It would be important for all the things :P
@ton.yeung They don't go to orbit, at least not that I heard.
and we would get our asses there
They're also expensive
Oil dependency is so 2016.
@ton.yeung they're all slightly different tmk, but russia has this cluster system that USA couldn't figure out
I think spaceX is trying it
and USA did a poc, but never rolled witht hem
I think it's crazy that they're openly saying anyone going to Mars is going for life, no return trip.
@Waxi why lie
Yeah actually transporting oil from Mars would be far too expensive to be useful, in the foreseeable future
it's a very high chance you'll not be returning.
oil on mars would mean better chance of establishing a self-sustaining manufacturing capability on mars
@rlemon yeah
yea, don't be exposed to the sun
sun exposure in space is also bad for you
we made these fancy suits.
@rlemon not many people know about this one but India did a mars orbiter, and they did it on a budget en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Orbiter_Mission
@Rohmer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ton.yeung inside of the space ship (and given duration of the trip) the bigger concern isn't exposure to solar radiation
We need to practice on the damn moon.
@ton.yeung oh that's great then, glad it got around
@Rohmer Was that the one that used mostly solid fuel rockets?
yes, and supplies.
it will be not impossible, but difficult, to keep everyone healthy and happy on the trip to mars. also assuming we're sending a BUNCH of people like in elons proposal
not like the martian
@ton.yeung Nah, a trip to Mars is less than a year, worst case. Humans have been in space longer than that.
7mo in space is still going to suck
re: atrophy
@KendallFrey i think fastest in the musk proposal was 90 days
the humans who have been in space for a year didn't exactly skip off the ship.
@rlemon Yeah, we're studying the shit out of that though.
ohh yea, which is why I just said it would be difficult.
what is node-gyp
native bindings
for node?
for addons
@rlemon It does help that Mars has 1/3g gravity
isit for writing node extensions / apps in lower level languases?
it's for writing modules that require hardware bindings
in javascript or other languages
read the github page
my gyp wont install
it says binding not found
!!> ()=>1
@Tobi "()=>1"
what does her name even mean
/me shakes head
everyone should watch BSG
like.. required watching for all humans
Cosmos should be a required watching
Open up yo mind to waterbears
BSG became tedious
that season with the trial
@SterlingArcher tardigrades are bad-fucking ass
force-watched that
They can survive space because their freaking DNA evolved a shield
@SterlingArcher is what what you are when you swim
everbody party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to both of you
!!afk touring an apartment bc fuck work apparently
family guy is required watching
I liked family guy for the first few seasons
then it got old.
family guy is stupid

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