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@rlemon vertical takeoff?
@rlemon Was it symmetric?
never got the balance right
I use a throttle control mod for my shuttles
@AwalGarg now you're talking
nahh did the realistic way, with the empty shuttle stuck to the side of big orange
and engines tilted
watched a few youtubes on how to make it
clearly did something wrong.
May be slightly less realistic, but it makes for a much straighter flight
Did you see Scott's video on the asymmetric Atlas boosters?
@littlepootis I started it like 3 days ago or so and haven't got much time to work on it either, but the VM already works and supports first class functions too which is awesome! :D
you use i twice, overwriting the first. — rlemon 23 secs ago
don't care to check if the rest of the code is right
The parser works okay-ish too except that there is no precedence based parsing. Straight left-to-right parsing
Good Morning
Can anyone has integrated chase payment gateway?
The issue with angled thrust, like on a space shuttle, is that KSP will try to keep the ship "straight" according to the placement of the cockpit, not some arbitrary angle you need it to zero at.
If you could adjust that, it would work a lot better
@Luggage That's only a problem if you're trying to point in a specific direction relative to your velocity
This is "SAS" I am talking about, which you probably want to turn on at least a little.
Right. Exactly.
in a shuttle, you do.
On ascent to orbit. The nose isn't pointed straight. it's pointed away from the velocity vector at least a few degrees
but KSP's SAS wants to point it straight.
Ascent to orbit is the last place I'd be worried about that
I'm never pointed directly straight on ascent anyway
In a shuttle, it's the only place that matters. Once in orbit you use OMS instaed of the main engines
why does it matter?
because the engine in offset from the center of mass.
what does that have to do with ascent?
because KSP will flip your ship..
I just keep tapping "d" from launch till I exit the atmosphere then turn over
Build a stable ship
I can't tell where we are missing each other, here.
works out well
shut up Kendall
we're talking about a space shuttle with engines on one sid.e Tnot being stabel is the whoel point
I always want a stable ship
umm, are you just fucking with me?
no, are you?
What possible purpose does an unstable ship have?
yea, that.
@Luggage Did they build one?
ok, fuck off, not in the mood for this
> This end should point toward the ground if you want to go to space.
> If it starts pointing toward space you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today.
@KendallFrey so aliens can listen for free... but you and I cannot?
fuck off....
That'll be @towc.
Who's the guy that just whips up a canvas script and downloads a data url?
Man I sound like a hacker from the movies there.
brb tracking the killer's IP
with a vb app
a gui, more precisely
@Loktar I have never understood why people are complaining for being stupid
Have you been to the Earth, yet?
@Loktar pleb, elipsis tool > draw > select properties > border > thickness and stroke > remove mask > done
like, how much easier do you want it to be?!
@rlemon select circle.. click drag done
photoshop > all
@Luggage I didn't say that it's not a common behavior for earthlings, just stated that I have never understood it
yea but it is expensive.
I own it, but for students, might be worth learning GIMP
I pay $10 a month
@Loktar ummm, mspaint?
that's cheep.
dude, that's like two weeks allowance.
and if I had a student discount I could get it even cheaper.
@rlemon well then you pirate it duh.
That's what I did for like 12 years
same. then I bought it (the suit)
you owe them back-rent
now I use GIMP :D
Adobe makes it very easy to pirate their stuff.
on purpose I imagine
> She was asking for it. - Loktar
yeah I bought CS6 for $650
finally buys PS, switches to GIMP :D
ohh jesus, ours was like $1600 after taxes
why would you suffer through gimp is what I dont understand
it's so fucking bad lol
@Loktar I honestly don't mind it
it's a learning curve, but I'm now much more comfortable with GIMP than PS
I like Gimp.
er I mean I paid 650 for just photoshop cs6
not the entire suite
I still use paint.net
work bought the suit for me ... so I could edit business cards.
paint and paint.net have their place.
yeah my last job had it as well, now you can get it for $50 a month
if you're a student it's $20 a month
@Luggage paint doesn't
for the entire suite
yay my phone accessories arrive today and VR tomorrow
so hyped
@bitten don't understand what
sourcemaps as a whole is a shit technology
it is literally a flaming turd
@Mosho i just didn't see how it all related from that site?
Hi all. Anyone have any good object diff scripts?
If anyone is in Tokyo I'm giving a talk in the 19th
@Neal as in - jsondiff?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure. Yes.
cc @Loktar
already own it, got it when bundlestars had it cheap
thanks for the heads up though, that's a good price
@BenjaminGruenbaum basically I am trying to get rid of using Backbone Models, but I still want to know when sections of the data change.
@MadaraUchiha Akihabara is awesome
Also, food in Japan is amazing.
@Neal use mobx, and react.
It's like backbone models and views, except it works right.
It's also very simple, the code base is a day's read.
@BenjaminGruenbaum aye, it is
Have you been to the 7 story electronics mall?
Japan is awesome, and the food is so good.
What seriously struck me is how clean and tidy everything is, even in the less touristic areas
@Zirak oh crazy. I'm not super surprised, they were trying to compete with redis, but it's rare a project actually dies that hard.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What is the diff btw using that and Redux etc?
@MadaraUchiha yeah, there are like 10 7 story electronics malls, spent a lot of time testing headphones
@Neal I would not use redux
@BenjaminGruenbaum That was not my Q ;-)
Reading the mobx tuts
ny one thr ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ahh so jealous
@AbhiAdr You're not 12 and this isn't MSN, how about some actual English?
okey my bad
@AbhiAdr asl?
@BenFortune ;-P
@AbhiAdr yo dawg hw u doooon?
im gud
@Neal asl ? means
@AbhiAdr Google it.
You are the one using MSN txt speech
says the guy who cannot google anything
Fuck you guys :(
@rlemon BUUUURN
@BenFortune fk u gs*
@littlepootis hi , i am fine how about you .
@AbhiAdr imma roamin wit ma homie sellin pot wbu
@ton.yeung LOL it did not used to be.
@ton.yeung GSAP does it better
@rlemon and react motion tries to do it slightly better too
i want to try es6 but , i dont know how to set up ..
@AbhiAdr itz ez m8 hackernoon.com/…
@AbhiAdr It is available in most common browsers now natively
thanks i will try that @littlepootis
erm. good luck.
@ton.yeung gsap is really nice
GSAP also just transforms the style attribute for the most part
so you have a lot more freedom than with transitions
Does GSAP work with canvas?
you can use the timing functions
@BenjaminGruenbaum How do I update a mobx observable using all of the data from the API?
@Neal you just assign to it, it defines a setter.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ya but I dont want to do a for ... of loop after it has been set initially
unless I am misunderatanding?
i can do mobXObject = newData?
    class Foo {
       @observable someServerObject;

    // later
    var f = new Foo();
    f.someServerObject = await fetch("/someApi").then(x => x.json());
and can do that every second to get new data?
we poll the server every second
don't poll?
but pushing data into an observable every second is a pretty slow rate
@ssube we need to poll to get updates... :-|
It is a "live" session where a client and person on the phone go through and do updates
anyone here good with translate? Getting some strange behavior on the DOM, and I think manually doing the transform matrix math might be overkill
@Neal you can't push (or use a library that does both)?
regardless, 1/second is slow enough even redux could handle it just fine
@ssube legacy code. I can only change the client side code, the other side is a different team
I am stuck with the api updates
Blah I cannot get async to work
darn you webpack!
  "presets": ["es2015", "react", "stage-1"],
  "plugins": ["transform-async-to-generator", "transform-decorators-legacy"]
But I get this:
> 36:5 error Parsing error: Unexpected character '@'
can you post where you put the @?
class Application {
    @observable status;
ta da
Is that coffeescript or something?
No... Javascript...
Any idea @BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@Loktar ya
I am trying to get it all set up
class Application {
    @observable status;
    constructor (options) {
        this.failedTries = 0;
        this.routeState = null;
        this.options = options;
        this.pollTimeout = null;
        this.isMounted = false;

    start ({ router }) {
        this.router = router;
        this.status = await this.pollStatusApi();
Then wouldn't you need @observable(status)?
as per @BenjaminGruenbaum
Oh... can you use a decorator on the constructor? Never seen that done before
@corvid No.
This only started when I added the await stuff @BenjaminGruenbaum
cc @Loktar
@Neal swap the plugin order
@ssube I tried that.
hmm one sec
nope same issue @ssube
but decorators were working before you started using async?
also start ({ router }) { ... await can't possibly work
async start({router}) { ... await
@ssube But it is not returning anything.
@Neal yes it is. If you're awaiting anything, you have to return a promise.
It's impossible to await otherwise.
ReactJS question..I debugged an action and see that it is receiving the value it's passed. But when I try to access that value via props it doesn't show.
Isn't this the correct syntax?
<Label colorIndex="grey-1">{this.props.App_Name}</Label>
syntax, yes.
I removed the awaits. Still getting the ` 36:5 error Parsing error: Unexpected character '@'` blah. it worked before i futzed with await...
I've used both together with just Babel and with TS+Babel
ok let me do some more debugging then
Like @KendallFrey a stack doesn't work here, you need something on the heap that lives as long as the longest living closure (simple ref counting could work).
I'd probably go with implementing it at the scope-object level. You already have the "scope inheritance" there, the `get` and `set` operations are the same.
nice typo :P
Why is the componentWillLeave method not firing in this code?
@SterlingArcher remember
If you ever start to feel bad about something just remember people try to pick up chicks by vaping
The ref counting is a bit weird, but I can see how to sort of implement everything else. It'll be better if you're in a garbage collected language (lemme guess, rust?)
@Neal try putting the decorators before the async the babel config
@Luggage I removed async
not using it.
What're you stuck at?
Still cannot get the decorators to work when they did before.
mine does and order matters
@Neal decorators are ES2016 right?
just randomly throwing that out half paying attention
actually i'm using a differnt transform
mine work, but I'm not on babel 5 or whatever
@Loktar Yea. I have it in my babelrc. it was working fine till I started playing with await
["transform-async-to-module-method", {
    "module": "bluebird",
    "method": "coroutine"
im on babel 6
@Loktar yep
@Loktar don't think so. They're nowhere near standard yet.
ugh. stop. I not using async. I am tring to using decorators
and it is failing.
yeah I was basing it on this
  "presets": ["es2015", "react", "stage-1"],
not sure if another preset was needed
@ssube stage 2. that's not nowhere.
lol just ignore me I'm in a meeting on a call as well, I shouldnt have said anything haha
@Loktar do they hear the pings? ;)
huh, babel (the repl) seems to silently ignore decorators
it seems my plugin got uninstalled accidentally
blah still doesnt work
@rlemon how the fuck
there is a power generator in the switch
blah it seems eslint was the thing that was breaking it.... BLAH
> power-generating wireless switch
@littlepootis it's a thing. They get just enough "power" when you push the button to send a quick burst over a not-always-on protocol, like BLE or zigbee.
how can es-lint break it?
doesn't know to parse splats and you aren't paying attention to which tool the error is in
"parser": "babel-eslint",
then, what babel understand, eslint understands.
How stupid am I for thinking the switch powered all of them?
@littlepootis 8/10 :)
@littlepootis @rlemon they have them now and you can tear one apart
they aren't cheap, though. Not sure why
So at Mach 3.2 the engines only provide 20% of thrust.
Til India's Mars orbiter mission cost less than The Martian
@Zirak yes it is indeed rust and I decided to not use any unsafe blocks either so I am basically playing a masochist right now :(

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