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Still aint got a clue.. tried looking up more things on Promise and I'm stuggling to figure out how to implement it easily..
remove "easily" and you'll be that much closer to it
kidding a bit, promises in themselves are not the end of the world, but setting a transpiling environment to make full use of await or yield can prove difficult the first few times. maybe even after, not sure
that being said sorry for my non useful help, henceforth I'll be playing xcom2
Mostly race conditions is what I'm dealing with.. there is no .wait() function which would be great..
Was that from the reddit post today
Oh I scrolled up and it was
Basically nancy drew over here
Yo whats up
Trying to figure out how the hell php -s works
u brah
I'm so bored
I'm just waiting around for the hurricane to hit
i just learned about that today. it seems like its hella powerful
Yeah I wasn't too worried cuz I'm pretty far inland
But it looks like it went a little further west than it was supposed to
hunker down
Hopefully I won't die
I mean, I'd prolly miss you
I mean at worst it'll be feeder bands
But those can be pretty dangerous
@SterlingArcher apart from php -s localhost -t /public ?
Yeah I didn't know that. Found it out, not sure how to hook up the db though
would normally be managed through the script itself
or do you mean starting a mysql server?
or whatever sql variation?
right. depends on the db itself
mysqld normally starts mysql
mysql, mariadb specifically
You're supposed to copy and paste your php code into a form which uploads it to a shared server
Any other way of using php is foreign to me
oh wait, sorry irrelevant. the db server is elsewhere. not sure how to tie my local dev server to said db via php command line
that won't happen
you will target db through pdo/mysqli connection object
server doesn't really care about the db
I'm definitely missing something then.
Hey guys any advice on why javascript won't recognise console.log(something )
using ``
It's multiline but I read somewhere that it should work
@SterlingArcher how are you accessing the db?
meaning, in the script, how do you want to interact with it
@lix It should work. Can you show us the problematic code?
looks like a db config file is defined somewhere
sure thing @ken
dont judge lmao.
@lix And what happens?
syntax error: invalide decrement operand
are back ticks vanilla js?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it's been a long day... xD
@SterlingArcher can you paste the line containing the db object creation?
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier Yeah, it's a new feature
Look at the likes on this tweet: twitter.com/kendfrey/status/734197246829289472
they just keep coming -_-
Unfortunately I can't
can't or mayn't?
@KendallFrey that's... amusing
Like I'm fairly sure I'll lose any form of credibility I had managed to somewhat keep if I open a question about the above
Surely I don't have to install some random lib just to get this out in the console
@SterlingArcher so I'll just write down the assumptions I am having: you have a php -s server up, and a mariadb server instance running, and you get errors
Yeah, I need to inject the db params into my server somehow
@lix Can you make a fiddle?
sure thing kendall
takes a long... time...
if you make it from scratch
you can buy the kits, but that doesn't really count
ok. I think there is a little rectification to be had there tho, you inject those in the connection object @SterlingArcher. If you don't know where that is, because framework, then you'd need to localize the config file
gotta find me mysqli.json
any error messages?
careful, they may contain connection info
also yeah, room11 is a better guess :P
you have backticks in your string
@KendallFrey man I'm never getting a job.
I feel ya man
your backslashes are still messing with it I think
120k lines of php / javascript and I still fall for the noobiest stuff
ahaaaaa php version is wrong, that may be it
@KendallFrey made some ammendmants and it prints but as you said blackslashses causing problems
that was the reason
needed to upgrade PHP
@KendallFrey solution acquired
@SterlingArcher :/
don't pick on viola players
it's not their fault. most probably their parents
Nah, I only pick on guitar players
I give a bow for violists
oh the crushing puns
I'd make such a great dad
my foot is about to crush your anus
jokes on you, it's pre-crushed
orange crush?
@KendallFrey thanks for your time :-)
although I think you misspelled violonists there
I hate you all
aww thanks
social anxiety
same reason I'm not up at dah club
well that and three kids
gotten after a long night at the club? ^
never really liked the club, just thought I did
Hey there, is anyone familiar with the game 'Screeps' and could take a quick look at my code since it doesnt work :/
@user3220962 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ah, screeps.
I forgot about it.
well i think the issue isnt about the game but about the javascript code i try to run :p
Hi guys.
Sup @littlepootis.
oh man... I gotta get my kids playing this
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier nope, I meant what I said
@Shane I'm making this game that will soon be playable skyfight.herokuapp.com
don't have time for them myself, but I'm looking for something to get my 10 yr old into development
omg omg omg This page was literally written for you @SterlingArcher mit.edu/~jcb/jokes/viola.html
@KendallFrey That's what I thought :p being a violonist myself, I was just putting some oil on some imaginary fire...
TIL inductive charging has been around since the freaking 90s
So has VR
@SterlingArcher viola
@Shane Hmmmmm, Scratch?
I've been using Tynker, but been looking for a game
he really just wants to play games, so... I figure there has to be a way to work with it
Ahh, right, coding games. smart.
fighting it is exhausting, been doing that for 5 years now
But sometimes you can't force a child to do something that child doesn't want to do.
I remember when he was 3... FELL ON THE FLOOR, because he was screaming "I want to win" as loud as he could while playing Mario cart
it's not about forcing, it's about not letting him do anything else, haha
I hate mario cart.
Soooo theoretically, with a large enough coil and power source... you could use resonate coupling to turn your garage into a wireless charger for a car battery
No more plugs for electric cars :O
My 10 year old uses jsfiddle and flash
@SterlingArcher + cancer for EVERYBODY!!!
flash? is your kid william?
I'm a 14 year old.
@SterlingArcher Just realize That's also turning your garage into a giant microwave. So... yeah.
@ton.yeung her ;)
@shad0wk and you're here... in a js chatroom
that's not a bad thing
I'd kill for that in 4 years
I'm having a break, from making my game.
yeah, 30 is a difficult age
see I'd be cool with that
not necessarily cool with asking for another $10 for clash of clans because he blew it all on troop production
that's where I hit the kill switch
@KendallFrey resonant coupling is like how tesla coils work, and QI chargers.
daddy's got bills
Can you not be near a tesla coil when it's on? (without touching it, obvi)
@Shane yep.
I didn't think it emitted and microwaves or carcinogens
it's hard to prime the pump, but once he's oriented he'll be a freight train, he's smart
I think a microwave is basically a higher power version of an inductive charger
I don't think so tbh
Resonant inductive coupling or electrodynamic induction is the near field wireless transmission of electrical energy between two magnetically coupled coils that are part of resonant circuits tuned to resonate at the same frequency. This process occurs in a resonant transformer, an electrical component which consists of two high Q coils wound on the same core with capacitors connected across the windings to make two coupled LC circuits. Resonant transformers are widely used in radio circuits as bandpass filters, and in switching power supplies. Resonant inductive coupling is also being used ...
we had him in this "Spirit of math" after school thing and he was working on stuff that was intimidating to a lot of adults and holding his own... just can't get him to understand delayed gratification
So, that's why I can charge my phone by putting it in a microwave.
he's smart enough for it to pay off, I just need him to understand the value of it
Unless a microwave uses resonant inductive coupling, in which, you really could charge your phone by microwaving it lol
in3 seconds
@SterlingArcher Ah, I guess the resonance isn't emphasized as much in microwaves
trust me long enough to experience it for himself
@SterlingArcher I'm 99% sure you could charge your phone using the output of a microwave
You'd need a special charger though
he just got into chess, pretty excited about that, he's obsessed
@KendallFrey yeah, so essentially, you put a transformer plate in your garage, and turn it on with like a pressure plate when your car is on it, and boom. Couple the frequency and you have a high energy output wireless car charger!
What happened to the javascript room, this isn't the mircrowave room.
I need to patent this shit
and a faraday cage if you're putting you phone in the microwave
this happens all the time, it will come back
@SterlingArcher high energy output = microwave
even electromagnetic energy?
What did you think microwaves were made of?
energon cubes
I can't think of a smart ass answer
Microwaves are EM waves with a wavelength on the order of centimetres
> The fields used are predominantly non-radiative, near fields (sometimes called evanescent waves), as all hardware is kept well within the 1/4 wavelength distance they radiate little energy from the transmitter to infinity.
The JavaScript room has died, it is now the microwave/eletronics room.
@KendallFrey EM huh? did not know that... how do they heat things?
So if you calibrate it correctly, the cancer will be minimum
Yeah, I figure that's because of the lower frequency
IDK what frequency these charger use
@Shane They push the electrons in the food around
Firewaves, are simpler.
hmm, ok
A great demonstration of this is by cutting a grape in half and letting the two halves touch slightly
the microwaves push electrons back and forth between the halves
causing a grapegasm
but they all have to go through the small spot where they're touching
and you get a good old fashioned electric arc
not sure I follow why
^ I was thinking with an arc having the plates touch wouldn't be an issue
*why they have to go through the point of contact
@SterlingArcher did you ever go on a date with someone that has a kid? I think I just got another date and she has a daughter. I don't think it bothers me, but I'm curious if it would have bothered you in my shoes
@Shane because the air is too high resistance
ok, right
@shad0wk please tell me those orange spots are goldfish crackers
@ndugger doesn't bother me, bothers my family
I don't think my family would care
@KendallFrey Nope, it's soup, of the tomato variety.
My sister dated a guy with 3 kids, and while he was a scumbag, my family was pretty vocal about how dating somebody with kids wasn't a good idea etc etc
@ndugger - only thing I'll say about kids guys... and I mean this because I have 2 of my own and a stepchild... do not underestimate that
that's sacred turf
Another interesting thing about microwaves is that molten glass absorbs microwaves, but solid glass doesn't
If you like her, and like the kid, and the kid likes you who tf cares
proceed conciously
all I'm saying, it's a big deal
Yeah, I understand
so if you melt a bit of glass in the microwave, that spot will get hotter but the rest of the glass stays cool
k, cool
it's good if you are actually cool with it
just know you can't be #1, if you're ok with that.. you will be very important to her and the kid
and that's great... really
I think I am, but I don't think I'll know for sure until later
@Shane That's always a good idea for any date
@KendallFrey anything to do with molten glass atoms being superheated so the atoms are moving faster (heat = energy) and yadda yadda yadda absorb microwaves because frequency of atoms..?
@SterlingArcher I actually have no idea, damn
Did I just ask a good science question? :D
kind of
you might even be right
@KendallFrey - difference when there's a kid involved is there's another person where the type of relationship doesn't favor or care about what you want necessarily
Sweet, I was worried that didn't make any sense
I think energy gaps get smaller the more energy you have
I put glass in my microwave and it doesn't melt; science is clearly broken
If you put molten glass in your microwave, it absorbs your microwave
@ndugger that's because it's not already melted
glass will melt my microwave?
molten glass will probably fuck it up, I think he's probably right about that
@ndugger make sure you put foil inside before you press start
Good idea
loosely packed, and wet
wet with gasoline
with a hampster, just don't forget to duct tape it
@KendallFrey Hey I made a video of why is glass transparent in movie maker, for school.
with a handful of matches
man you know this guy is smart, he ticked off an entire tumbler list.. glasses, books, presentation material
all this video needed was some spanish rap music and he could of gone mega viral
what, the sixty symbols video?
sixty symbols is already well-known
aye :D
If glass is transparent, why did harambe die?
yeah I noticed as I was writing hence the weak "mega"
user image
@KendallFrey :D
@SterlingArcher that's dank
professional grade photo editing extreme +
@SterlingArcher Dude I said "might"
@ndugger Because dicks needed to be out.
god don't ruin the dank
It's not dank
@littlepootis wow
that's so uncalled for, pootits
@rlemon Jo away!
bye cya guys.
@SterlingArcher mmm yea
original original
fuck that's so original

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