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Whaaaaat!?!? Nice!
I have a less css rule "body" that is setting all font color within body to black. In my case I want the th tags in a table only to be white color. How can I achieve that?

I did try body { color: #fff; } but this sets all font in the website to white
@RyanKinal Yea. I do not know how my 2 yr old will handle it lol
@BrianJ th { color: #FFF; }
@Neal Haha I'm sure it will be fine :-D
By now, he's probably gotten used to handling little balls of rubber bands.
@RyanKinal We shall see...
@littlepootis ?
@BrianJ do you know what the word "body" means in that?
^ valid question
It means the whole body element, which I understand will set all font in body to white..but setting th {...font: #fff;} doesn't change the th table header color
hey guys!
ok, then maybe you mispoke when you said you used body { color: #fff; } and was suprised it changes all colors
@Kaboom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BrianJ Do you have any th tags in your code?
@Kaboom Hello o/
yes they are in the thead..like this
also: th {...font: #fff;} <-- wrong property. it's color.
made a thing with nodejs and goats: towc.uk/goat/300/200
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@BrianJ Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
i made a basic chat script for my workplace and added basic private message options by using #NAME: text and then it sends pm. is there a way I can make it so it shows the name like
That looks delicious.
@rlemon I lorempizzaed goats
@towc rlemon is afk: lunch
@Luggage that is what I have set, what I typed above is incorrect
@Kaboom Yes
ok wait th selector does work
@BrianJ well, 'inspect' the element and see what color is being allpied and form where. The browser will tell you what's up
I think I had thead > th {}
which wasn't working
@BrianJ because the is a direct child of tr
> is direct child
On mobile.
@BrianJ What lemon is saying is that ">" means "direct child"
So, that rule would mean "A th that is a direct child of a thead"
Which doesn't happen, because th only goes within a tr
> We do that every year or so, just wait for it, we are going to do assembly in the web in a year or two. :)
> No JavaScript frameworks were created during the writing of this article.
:-D :'(
Seriously, though, that article is part of what bothers me about modern web dev. To set up a basic modern web app, you need to learn and configure a fuckton of tools and libraries.
I found a great way to battle imposter syndrome. Browse the JavaScript tag
Not to mention learning them
@rlemon Hah. Fair enough.
okay so i need help making this..
@RyanKinal Yea, I have sympathy for noobs, but I also know of all these tools and like that I have these choices.
when you click their name, instead of showing the tag to send pm (#NAME:) show that
but still let them type a message to send after
not sure if theres a guide somewhere for this, not even sure what to call it
@Luggage I guess I just miss the wild west. It was simpler then. But more difficult. But simpler.
I think it's simple now. Webpack, babel and the rest do my work for me. All I have ot do it write some nice simple JS.
I got away from using libraries for my project and it's fine :)
you can do that, but I like to use other people's time to skip the boring bits.
and get to the other boring bits.
but not jquery.
@Luggage Well... sort of. You have to have node, npm, and a build system installed. Then you have to make sure your build is running your linter, and your transpiler, and CSS compiler (LESS, SASS, whatever), plus you have to be writing and running unit tests and end-to-end tests, because you can't be breaking stuff.
@Luggage LOL
i guess no one can help :c
I don't see a problem. A build step is a useful thing to have anyway.
you didn't give us anything we can help you with.
@Kaboom It's kind of a non-specific question
We don't have code to work with
We don't know how your chat system works
So... it's hard to help
you don't seem to have a problem, you instead are asking for something to be done... which is weird to ask of people in chat...
@Luggage Yeah, but why? I used to be able to write an HTML file, a couple JS files, and a CSS file and be done with it.
hmm ... true.
its a jquery and javascript based chat form
it loads data from a mysql db and refreshes it every 3 seconds with jquery
@Neal gj!
good job
@RyanKinal you still can. nothing stopping you.
the php is breaking down the string if it starts with # and finds the username between # and :
then stores as sender, touser, message, time
PSA; don't sign up for new insurance with a 1 day gap between that and your old one. They will default your loan
But you used to also not have a proper module system.
@Luggage And, for personal projects, I often do. But even being an experienced developer, I get thrown into a "modern" project, and have to deal with all this crap.
if its not a pm it foes to user "all"
@Kaboom you are making no sense
@SterlingArcher they took my truck bro for a 1 day insurance lapse 2 weeks ago
@Jhawins SterlingArcher is afk: swingin
Then I install the Angular2 quick start, and end up with 75 libraries installed before I even write any code.
monkey, its incredibly simple chat script.
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@Kaboom Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@Jhawins who did?
i hit control k..
you didn't hit it correctly apparently
@Luggage The lender
ctrl + k
push harder
or softer
but like.. they were they the next day and physically took it? that's crazy
They jsut defaulted the loan with $270 remaining balance
here the state jsut fines you
Maybe he just doesn't use white space?
@Luggage I mean it took them 2 weeks
No need to use white space @RyanKinal
The state didn't even do anything lol
@Neal White space is soooo 2015
@RyanKinal bah. 2008
2000 - and late
anyone knows any good jquery library for scrolling a div ?
So I won't be able to get a loan for 7 years now I assume
@jagdish slimscroll
also, eww
Good thing I didn't want a house anyway...
@Jhawins gotta be something you can do to get it removed.
@jagdish jQuery? "Oh my god no, no one uses jQuery anymore. You should try learning React, it’s 2016." ~ hackernoon.com/…
@Luggage Lol like what? Wouldn't everyone just do that..
a... "jquery library" for scrolling a div. that doesn't make sense
then what to use ?@Neal
an actual default due to not paying is very differnt than some insurance thing on your last payment
@Luggage Same thing
@jagdish css? I am not sure what you mean...
The loan status went into default, payment due immediately and property repossessed.
I don't KNOW you can do anything about it, but it feels like it's worth looking into
Yeah the worst part is what if they come take my Challenger next lol
I didn't realize they could reposses if you were paying, anyway..
It's a different lender and I actually owe real money on that not some petty $200
@jagdish what do you mean 'scrolling a div'?
@AlexPodworny Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage if you violate other terms they can, and having current insurance is usually one
otherwise, if they float you a loan on a car without insurance, it's unsecured
Yeh the contract said "You promise to keep the property insured" and then later in the contract it said "The loan will be in default if you fail to keep any promise made to the creditor"
Hey guys.
yea, i get that, and I'm not denying that technically they have you
So they got me lol
Idk you know for sure I'll try. I'm just not optimistic :(
but that's usually the sort of clause you can negotiate, especially if you have a single payment left
How come ref behaves very strangely with video?
@ssube Sure would've been nice if they called or sent a letter to negotiate lol
i wants to scroll a div with some attributes like speed,play/pause.
I woke up with a different truck in the spot I parked in lol
but, if a computer made this decision and a human review, they could, potentially reverse it if it really was the very last payment and you had already solved the insurance issue the next day and all. You could also get some jerk tht won't budge.
@SeventhSon Shalom.
I'm looking for direction on this... tried a couple other groups with no luck.
How can I use CSS to style the selections for a dropdownlist? I know I can style each of the list items, but I want only a portion of the item to be styled ie: Choice (Desc) <--- where Desc is bold, for example, but choice is not?
the tow truck people are the mean ones and they've already made their money
Well yeah since they already have the truck they aren't interested in resolving anything. They want $1K extra and for me to pay storage fees
@ssube Yeah those guys
Not sure if this Q is relevant for this group, but tryign anyway!
@SeventhSon the :selected pseudo-selectors do that sort of thing, no?
I don't know.
@jagdish so you want to have an animation with controls that allow you to play, pause, etc. the animation?
I turned off auto-pay for the last few payments on my car, missed a payment due to being used to auto-pay and they politely called me.
at which time, i just paid off the balance.
yeah, but they treat different customer categories very differently
@SeventhSon support for styling a select vary wildly by browser last i checked. If you meant a drop down menu, then yeah you can style that like anything else...
@Luggage I wish these people would call or even send me a statement. There's been literally no communication from them in the 4 years I had the loan, never a single letter or anything
true, but if it had $270 left, yo'd think it would be below a threshold where they might not want to risk reposessing and costing themselves if you abaondon
@AlexPodworny yeah you got it right something like teleprompter....
guys :| US companies need to stop telling people who have a cold it's okay to come into work
@KevinB The style/spans get encoded when I try, so I end up with "Choice (<span style='font-weight: bold'>Desc</span>)"
why would you do that with a span...
@SeventhSon why can't you use span tags?
I'll do it any way you would like! : )
Anyone use a good Ajax lib? or is super-agent just "the way to go"?
@Luggage costing themselves? they end up with the assets and scrap is worth more than that
@corvid that' just US people. We don't believe in things we can't see.
@jagdish you could use greensock
@AlexPodworny because... option tags expect text?
It's a terrible sub-prime lender I got the loan alone when I turned 18. So. They are a bunch of crooks and will use whatever they can to fuck you over
@Neal Don't most people use the window fetch polyfill?
@corvid Doesnt work in < IE10
@Neal it's definitely not the way to go. It's my least favorite lib.
@KevinB I understand. Is it not possible?
@ssube So what do you use?
@Luggage Well they can auction it and guarantee they get that $270
though, i am making assumption about @Jhawins payment habits. :)
yea, i guess. it just seems predatory for such a small amount after years of payment.
You can style options with css, just don't expect it to work everywhere.
They'd have to pay me after they auction it because it'll go for a little more than that lol
Just making the text bold might work everywhere though
those two sentences were reveresed due to issues.
I know I can style the list-items, but can particular words be bold, colored, etc?
@Luggage Well I got the loan when I turned 18... You can make assumptions for how well the payment history was for awhile.
not possible
Not great.. But no issues recent
Even so. The name of the place is Credit Acceptance. That says it all
@Neal we typically use a custom-rolled one that wraps XHR and fetch, but I've got a good one bookmarked somewhere.
@KevinB I don't understand why he can't use spans, maybe I missed something, isn't he just wanting to style some text within a list item?
superagent had a bunch of problems, though I don't remember what (it's been a year or so)
@ssube Let me know :-)
@AlexPodworny he's using the wrong words. by list item he means option within a select tag.
@ssube I am sure it has been updated since then.
you're boned. Even though they have no gain from putting something on your credit history, they probably don't care about customer service, either
er, so.. is the challenger also through the same people? and did it's insurance lapse?
oh I see, better to use a custom select box
@Neal npmjs.com/package/axios is the one I've been looking at, but haven't used much
@Luggage Same insurance... Different lender that I actually know personally from my home town, so probably won't get shafted like this. At worst they should fee me
@SeventhSon follow this guide for a custom, css only select: kyusuf.com/post/…
@ssube ooo I forgot about that one
Tho the contract uses the exact same verbiage so they can technically do whatever they please.
and if your insurnace is already fixed, amybe call and make sure you are in the clear?
@ssube But it does not support <IE10 :-(
so you know if you have to start parking across town
Might as well use the fetch shim
@Neal why would you?
@ssube I don't. My company does ;-P
@jagdish here is a video on how to use greensock with a tutorial on making playback controls: ihatetomatoes.net/module-1/…
@ssube Yea...
@jeffbonhag @stelian @ftrain Challenge accepted! https://t.co/LLqfxMyhr3
:-( oy
@AlexPodworny watching
does anybody know how to add an image on a canvas screenshot?
when I take the canvas screenshot it should apply an extra image over it
in javascript
Here is my current SIMPLE chat script code, or the basics of it anyways along with what I would like to do, can anyone help me? :) cdn.directwebsolutions.ca/assets/chat.txt
is it just me or is this stack overflow chat difficult to follow, compared to something like kiwi irc?
@AlexPodworny Marmalade!
@AlexStanese drawImage
here is the fiull code: http://pastebin.com/raw/SZK6msBq
you can see that he's loading somehove the text as logo.png
@rlemon I want the image to be drawn only on the screenshot
Write an extension
on the website i have the text as normal elements so I can apply a transition effect
You can listen for the screencap button. But that sounds iffy
or do the effects in Canvas
I can make the screenshot succesfully with cavas.toDataURL() but I don't know how to add the extra image. I don't understand how the developer added it on the example website : labs.nikrowell.com/lightsandmotion/ultraviolet
you draw it to the canvas with context.drawImage
ctx ftw
I don't write minified code, I let something else do that for me
new wolverine movie poster: instagram.com/p/BLLt1XZD4AN
jsfiddle.net/1k9L42mv if i will add new text here then what tags will be added ??
is it just me or are those little hand fingers really long
@jag any that you want. even none. just plain text even
@jagdish add new text, right click on it, inspect element
see what it adds
any ideas>
it's div inside div
common formatting hotkeys work as well, fyi
or fun fact, whatever you wanna call it
@rlemon context.drawImage will draw the image on canvas. I want it to be applied only ofn the screenshot as in the example: labs.nikrowell.com/lightsandmotion/ultraviolet
yea, and the screenshot is something you cannot tmk control in JS
read what I've suggested
listen for the button press, draw it to the canvas, let the screen grab happen, stop drawing it to the canvas
but honestly, sounds iffy. I'd sooner just embed the logo animation into the canvas stuff as well.
that is how he's doing here: http://pastebin.com/raw/SZK6msBq
dunno, not gonna sift through that obfuscated code sorry
I see that he's using normal elements with animation and on the end of the script he's loading logo.png that is exactly the text
a) it isn't a screenshot

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