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why are you surprised?
er, beeswing is a corn kernel husk.
for anyone who doesn't know
literally debugging
@Miron while there isn't a topic to discuss, many of the people here know each other well so there's plenty of off topic chat
i didn't even know corn kernels had husks
wtf? I thought it was the wing of a bee. I'm so confused.
when you process corn, there is a skin that flakes off.
it goes everywhere
so.. corn wings.
what happens when you compile corn
@SterlingArcher at least i don't say IT DOESN'T WORK
corn can't fly you fucking mong
they call them beeswings. I don't question it
@LearnHowToBeTransparent props to you
Maybe you should. I think they've been screwing with you
@SterlingArcher You get a kernel panic.
I'm eating sunflower seeds you fuck off with those puns
Come on that was too easy
You've seen that famous question about compiling C++ right?
> The process generates dust, one type being what are called "bees wings" – a light, flaky part of the corn that binds the kernels to the cob.
Q: Why is this program erroneously rejected by three C++ compilers?

James McNellisI am having some difficulty compiling a C++ program that I've written. This program is very simple and, to the best of my knowledge, conforms to all the rules set forth in the C++ Standard. I've read over the entirety of ISO/IEC 14882:2003 twice to be sure. The program is as follows: Here i...

@rlemon ohhh yeah those
yea they are a bitch
like, you know when you get popcorn stuck in your teeth?
don't even talk about it
Do you want all Stack Overflow sites (not stack exchange) will share reputation, question bans (NOT question)? +1 or -1. On Area 51 people are creating SO in X language.
times that by sawmill sawdust amounts of crap
oh~ I can't get help from anybody here
you have to ask a question first
or again, maybe it was missed
how to use r.js on windows to compile requirejs project?
@KendallFrey just ordered my soil moisture sensors.
gonna build a aquaponics system to grow potatoes and filter my indoor pond
and make cool graphs.
it has started
Writing Code in MS Paint
I can't get right rgb code
to paint the C++ hello world
background is rgb(255, 255, 255)
BM∂6(¸ˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ‌​ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇzÅˇ.䡡ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ
foreground is rgb(0,0,0)
not real
used jquery to make this picture
$(".question-hyperlink").text("It doesn't work!")
@LearnHowToBeTransparent paste this into the console while on the chat gist.githubusercontent.com/rlemon/9d9ef8640c44c936a1b6/raw/…
Anyone here use node.js?
YES! not me.
Umm I have server.js code that listens to localhost
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
is there a way to change that ^^ so i can listen to skyfight.herokuapp.com
now i am not here anymore. try this english test: ioe.go.vn (use google translate to translate all to english)
const {PORT = 3000} = process.env;
you want to redirect to that url?
yes please
when i run npm start
My code says when a player connects and disconnects
but only on localhost
I'm confused.
'use strict';

const express = require('express');
const SocketServer = require('ws').Server;
const path = require('path');

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
const INDEX = path.join(__dirname, 'index.html');

const server = express()
  .use((req, res) => res.sendFile(INDEX) )
  .listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Listening on ${ PORT }`));

const wss = new SocketServer({ server });

wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
  console.log('Client connected');
  ws.on('close', () => console.log('Client disconnected'));
so you want?
to not listen to localhost:3000.
I would like to listen to this website skyfight.herokuapp.com
so deploy it to heroku?
I have deployed it to heroku
so I can't run npm start?
you can locally
yeah, at localhost, is there a way to listen to the site?
maybe I'm drunk? I don't get what you're asking
I would like to see when someone connects and disconnects
so you want to monitor you heroku app locally?
Cool, thank you so much!!!!!
Sorry for not making sense.
it's okay, I'm drunk.
well, buzzed
so I'm not sure if it is you or me
It's me.
Well, thanks for helping, i'll be going now, cya. thanks.
have a good night
anyone know why i get '404 resource not found' when i move my js script from index.html to 'x'.js ?
my js script is making an ajax call, works fine when it's placed in index, however, when i try to save space and put the code in a js file, gives me '404 resource not found' in url: '@Url.Action("AatroxSpells", "Home")',
Cause that's not a url.
You are using something on the server to render that url
how do i fix?
move it back to index.html
see what url it actually calls
and put that in your x.js
along with every other things that is rendered into the JS in the index.html
We had been using legacy jQuery website. Schema was running up and great, until we decided to port to AngularJS for multiple reasons (which don't need to be detailed). And our schema markup was blown. Google cannot read it. Servers go dizzy on pre-rendering for google bots. People who have been in similar scenarios, what would be the ideal course of action you would take?
how do i put ajax in js file?
!!> isNaN('3243')
@towc false
how is a string a number...
my jquery code include ajax, but when i put it in a js file, the ajax is worthless
@AdanRamirez google XMLHttpRequest
Hey guys
How can i get the client url?
wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
  console.log('Client connected');
  ws.on('close', () => console.log('Client disconnected'));
ws is the client
is there somting like ws.url
holy shiet
there is a lot
choose one :D
I don't see object as you do
ahh, okay, thanks found it
okay thanks it's here ws.upgradeReq["url"]
bye cya thanks.
Hope all are doing fine.
Actually I have got a series of records in my index page with respective "hide"link on each record. Then problem is when I click the respective link it hides the record but moves to the top of the page, how do I stop this? any suggestions are most welcome.<td class="col-1"><%= link_to "Hide", {controller: "rak361s", action: "hide", id: rak361, method: :put},{:style=>"color:#ccc;"} %></td>
1 hour later…
@SomeGuy Happy Birthday! (Do I remember right?)
if a repo has travis ci
and I have write access
can I trigger a check without creating PR, but with new code?
@Sheepy You don't, haha
My birthday was back in August
@rlemon I've already watched that video like 5 times. Hilarious :D
Can someone please reply on stackoverflow.com/questions/39866721/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are there any news on RegExp.escape? I’m once again in the situation where I could use it ^_^"
i didn't realise gitlab's community edition included CI
@Mosho what's a check in this context?
@bitten Yup, though I'd recommend strider-cd.github.io
@BenFortune appreciate it, although i'm going to go for something with a bit more of a history and a large community behind it as this is a big client
for smaller projects, i'll keep it in mind. thanks!
gitlab CE doesn't have pull/merge requests?
Hi ppl, just a quick question is there a way to call ajax to the same page without returning the full html of that page ?
@bitten Sure it does
@BenFortune ohh it's "approve merge requests"
@Baldrani wat?
left column is CE, right is EE
@elsololobo Is there a way to call in Ajax a page with HTML and not return the HTML ?
so you just can't set merge requests to only be accepted once x amount of people verify it
ah now i know what you mean, but sorry i have no idea :P
never had such requirement
@BenFortune That’s a shame, thanks for the link.
@Baldráni Can't you just ignore the returned HTML?
@Sheepy I need to return a value from the php :/
@KendallFrey Hmm yeah... well that must have been from more lies from kaine... hmm i really thought he will do well
@MuhammadYaseen Seems like someone already did
is it just me or debugging angular's setup is a fucking mess
@tereško It's not just you, but mostly, yes
Angular is actually pretty simple after you've worked with it for 6 years
hey i have an xslt file which renders a xml file i have. now i moved the xslt and the icons to a different location. the xml which is generated by an application has href to the stylesheet. the problem is the image src is just "image1.png" which does not resolve
@JitinVP94 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JitinVP94 And you're bringing this to the JavaScript room, why?
i want to use javascript in the xslt to correct the src of images
is it possible?
I have adjacency matrix in JS. It contains data bout which furniture parts can be added.
What is the best way to test adding different parts to this matrix?
I added several matrix stubs, but they are quite simple, like 3x3 3x4 4x3, 4x4 matrix stubs.
But the real app is gonna have like 25x25 fields. And there are 10 different parts
morning everyone
blini to you too
How to simplify testing and test adding each different part? Any ideas?
I'm not terribly sure what you are trying to accomplish, to be honest. Start with what you know won't work? IE, adding an item that is bigger than the size of the matrix
@OliverSalzburg Thanks for the reply but I was unable to find the solution.
What I am asking is more like a tutorial or a theory, how to test matrix of fields
But I guess there is no such thing
A: Setting window.location or window.open in AngularJS gives "access is denied" in IE 11

Elizabeth KilsonSaving text in a local file in Internet Explorer 10 It looks like IE blocks window.open on blobs, but implemented their own functions for opening and saving blobs. Instead try if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob); } else { ...

you just hang yourself with PHP :'(
gimmicky, but could be kinda cool
React is doing something weird again...
no it's not
> My knife just cut me again. Stupid knife.
It does it to me all the time.
@Luggage it should have known to stop when the carrot did, and not when it hit the bone.
I do say that about my knife, it's super sharp and I suck at cutting sushi
@ssube can i take you up on your offer sean?
well not me personally, a coworker. he wants to set up a gitlab runner
this is behaving somewhat inconsistently and I don't know why
what is the expected behavior?
If the input is blurred, it should hide the choice box unless the mouse is within the choice box
I see why it's happening, just not a good way to solve it.
> I got an Amazon Echo.
"ALEXA SHUT THE FUCK UP" is a recognized command.
lol noice.
cc @BenFortune
@rlemon Literally the first thing I tried, she says "that's not very nice"
that thread makes me realise how much I take for grated
like internet ordering. I can literally buy anything I can think of online for a reasonable price and have it delivered to my home.
@rlemon I get 2 hour delivery with prime now, it's fucking incredible
soon they'll fly that shit too you
> Like using limewire to download limewire pro
they made a Dr Claw action figure
not how I imagined his face at all..
I'm now on the fun committee at work lol
god dammit I love the future
Are you mad they're not growing ears of corn?
> Ears carved into apple cellulose impregnated with living human cells.
The fuck
get it? :D
@SterlingArcher "Fridays are now known as Rebecca Days"
@SterlingArcher so made
@rlemon "human cells can thrive on the fibrous structures of plants" that's a weird thought
So we've reached a point where we can just find some fruit in the approximate shape of an organ we need and then inject it with human-juice.
Make sweet love to it
goes banana shopping
@Luggage it's a metaphor. eaves dropping is a sin, so we're giving apples ears
This is why I'm ok with Google stalking me
@rlemon wow, that was biblical af
@KendallFrey ohh god yes
the drive time calculator is surprisingly accurate
^^^^ so much this
I know exactly how long it will take to get too and from work daily
and I don't even have to ask
I've never used it
it's just there when I go to check the weather for the day
My wow moment was recently actually, and with iOS10
(the card is below weather)
One thing was kinda annoying
It knows when your phone is connected to your car, and when it disconnects, it puts a placemark on your map of where your car is so you know where you parked
the thing I don't get is, google knows where I am, and where I'm going, and what time I need to be there without me telling it, BUT THEY STILL SHOW ME ADS FOR SHIT I LITERALLY JUST FUCKING PURCHASED
@SterlingArcher that's actually pretty neat
god dammit google.
I googled the ID number on one of my ICs. It thought I meant a flight number.
@KendallFrey targeted searches
after a while it'll link you to digi first
Couple hours later I get a notification that British Airlines flight 728 has arrived
gee thanks
I've had the "leave now" thing. Also, while putting gas in a loaner car, i wanted to know the tank size to esimate how much gas i needed to put in to fill it half way, so i asked my phone "what is the fuel tank size of a blah blah" and it spoke back the correct answer. Just a very specific question that surprised me when it worked.
@SterlingArcher android just sees that you stopped moving
and marks your park position
my phone has helped me find my car a few times in parking lots
@rlemon yeah this >:(
My phone also has a "driving mode" that can auto-send a text when it knows I'm driving
@rlemon haha. i told my girlfriend to look up this castle in Germany, it showed up as an advert in her instagram feed the next day
that's the closest i've gotten to the future
I don't adblock
it's very noticeable
buy something on Amazon, hour later it's half my ads
yeah it's annoying
use Privacy Badger if you want
Estimated battery usage: 1 day 6 hours
+1 samsung
I'm against ad blocking
I can't think of a "future" moment for me other than putting on VR for the first time.
then you can just whitelist everything but a few of those services
what about targeting or retargeting?
I don't mind them targetting ads, I'd rather see shit I enjoy than random crap
I just wish Google would be better about that
@rlemon people are adblocking imgur now because they're having malicious ad storms
they would be more effective
I'm not going on imgur again on my browser till its fixed
@rlemon For sure, but I'd rather see shit I enjoy and don't own, and I'm sure advertisers would too.
@SterlingArcher block flash, don't run weird extensions
@KendallFrey ohh yea
50 secs ago, by rlemon
they would be more effective
like that shifty extension that makes your chat all dark
Don't "block Flash", just use a browser that doesn't install it by default
I'm using chrome you waffle
disable flash
@SterlingArcher Stop, you waffle
any site that's good uses <video> now
> I digitally signed the paperwork to buy a house on my phone...while pooping.
greetings, I need a hint how to "glue" a div on a background image. I created a little fiddle to show you what I mean: jsfiddle.net/k50hLha3
I rather mean "fixed"
You know: different screen resolutions - different position of the smartphone screen
Yeah, thinking about how we actually sent a bunch of guys TO ANOTHER CELESTIAL BODY is really crazy
and that was 50 years ago
@KendallFrey they have internet in space?!
@bitten oh yes
@Maurize if your background image doesn't scale then it's just a static width and height
@Maurize don't center the background
give it static positioning based on your viewarea
thanks, this is helpful. Good hint.
@Maurize or you could set your background image size to 100%, to always be the same width as your viewport, then use viewport width's in your css
@bitten good solution. I like the idea with the viewport.
? What is the best way to learn React, Redux, etc, be it s book/course, free/paid?
@onebree by using it
@onebree practice
yeah, build something with it
TIL notch tried to commit suicide long before Minecraft was a thing.
I mean, for rails, there is a popular Rails Tutorial that walks you through building a twitter-like app. Is there anything similar for react/redux?
Quick tutorials on creating a todo list don't stick with me
@KendallFrey damn, i didn't know that either
@onebree figure out task for yourself and just build it
You all don't know of a course or book?
practice is the best teacher
thanks, I guess?
I love answering a question providing a better solution than 3 people that posted the same answer
React sucks, Redux sucks, Angular sucks, don't waste time. And don't lose the game.
I need to learn react/redux for work.
Not any time soon... but sometime soon

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