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@KendallFrey I'm having trouble understanding something about my phone
how can it be 4g when I'm stationary?
If i use .then, i should nest all the following code, shouldn't i ?
fuck you
@rlemon /r/shittyaskscience
I knew you'd pull something like that
@BenFortune suuuuch a good sub
> The earth is moving so your phone is moving. You are just used to it so you don't notice. If you higher up like in the mountains you go slower so you sometimes get 2g or less. It's science yo.
You don't even need to go into the posts, the questions are amazing
According to Einstein, the surface of the Earth is constantly pushing us upwards. If you throw something, it isn't long before the surface rushes up to meet it.
> Does the five-second rule apply to soup? please hurry.
I can't keep up
there is too much going on
@rlemon They have pills for that.
it's meme overload
@ndugger ^^^
@rlemon I can't view that in the US due to copyright claims
it's like 3 dank memes per second
Q: How to convert javascript array to binary data and back for websocket?

DaveI want send this example array [{ id: 1, name: "test", position: [1234,850], //random position on the map points: 100 //example points }]; to my websocket server as binary data. At server side I want decode that binary data back into array, make changes and send back binary dat...

@Dave Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
if I'm reading correctly your actual question is how to convert the ArrayBuffer to your string again
> output is not Binary frame, is just string "[object ArrayBuffer]":
this is true because you're calling .toString() on the object when you attempt to display it
I no have .toString() in code. That screenshot is from Developer tools -> Network -> WS -> Frames, not from console.
@SterlingArcher LOL
@Dave you don't, the tools do
!!> ({}).toString()
@rlemon "[object Object]"
objects as strings are represented in an ugly way
"[object Type]"
the binary 'frame' is the arraybuffer
you want to read that frame, you read the points in the buffer
@SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=VfCYZ3pks48 @SterlingArcher :OOOOO
Should I be declaring variables, followed by functions, then everything else?
it's so lame you can't vote close on questions with bounties
@Waxi just be consistent
otherwise, it is preference.
(assuming you understand hoisting)
that was a ride
Sometimes I see functions without ()? If you're not passing parameters you don't need it?
@rlemon Right, you can't vote close on questions with bounties.
@Waxi When you see that, it means that you treat the function as an object, pass it around, return it, etc, without calling it.
@Waxi () calls a function. If you don't use (), guess what doesn't happen?
!!> var foo = function() {}; typeof foo; // no ()
@MadaraUchiha "function"
@Waxi this is only true when using new
otherwise you're just passing the named function itself.
Ah I didn't know you could do that.
rather, a reference too it
@rlemon They aren't exact duplicates
One's asking about a string, the other about object[]
@MadaraUchiha I'm aware, but when talking to OP in here it appears like he's confused about what data is contained in the arraybuffer
ones and zeros
When I use ab2str() I can't use JSON.parse()?
[SyntaxError: Unexpected token ]
and JSON.stringify

and console.log only return is string

what's the problem with the string?
isn't that the data you want?
I dont know what is problem that'w why I am here :D
back up and describe what you're trying to do
i want parse that string
you want to parse the json string?
as in turn it into an object?
const object = JSON.parse(str)
JSON.parse("string above"); = [SyntaxError: Unexpected token ]
then it is invalid json
fix that
string is good I think
It's not good if you have an unexpected token
I mean, are you even sure it is a string
Stop lying
because that json is valid
so you're parsing an object already, or we're not seeing part of the input
which would make sense about the error if it were an object
because it would be checking "[object ..]"
when I try console.log for example "some_var_conaint_that_string_above.mouseGlobalPosition" this log undefined
it is in an array?
{"maxX":1665,"minX":665,"maxY":1915,"minY":915}} <-- console.log(ab2str(message.binaryData))

[SyntaxError: Unexpected token ] <-- console.log(JSON.parse(ab2str(message.binaryData))

undefined <-- console.log(ab2str(message.binaryData).globalMousePosition);

"typeof ab2str(message.binaryData)" is string
is it only output from this func stackoverflow.com/questions/6965107/…
!!> JSON.parse('{"mouseGlobalPosition":{"x":617,"y":2448},"globalPosition": "x":1164,"y":1417},"radius": {"maxX":1665,"minX":665,"maxY":1915,"minY":915}}')
@rlemon "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
@rlemon "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected ',' or '}' after property value in object at line 1 column 64 of the JSON data"
> "globalPosition": "x":1164
@Dave ^
Missing an opening curly brace, seemingly
so your JSON is malformed
wait, isn't that mine?
yea that was just me
I thought you wrote out what his json was
the JSON string is valid, the object shows up proper
@ndugger I did, but it was multi line
I deleted too much
is it good
so that functions from link above bugging my json?
Seems to be; you must have a special character hidden somewhere in yours
I've attempted re-creating a gist of this code, at the moment the button click doesn't work until the second click.

I've been told this is because I have nested click events. But if I take out the first click event the table data can't be retrieved..
Holy shit, I'm getting an award at work
Maybe a non breaking space that we can't see
it's hard to debug because what you're showing us is fine
I can't reproduce it
oh sweet it's coming with a bonus too!
Buy a new watch
holy shit I totally could
this returning my bugged json string
function ab2str(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf)); }
Get a watch with a meme face as the background
none of this fancy gems and shit
just trollfaces and pepe
@Dave don't use it
I don't want a hate-watch though
Oh that's right, I forgot pepe was racist
func what I using before is more horrable:

function ArrayBufferToString(buffer) {
return BinaryToString(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.apply(new Uint8Array(buffer))));

function StringToArrayBuffer(string) {
return StringToUint8Array(string).buffer;

function BinaryToString(binary) {
var error;

try {
return decodeURIComponent(escape(binary));
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
if (error instanceof URIError) {
return binary;
} else {
throw error;
function StringToBinary(string) {
@SterlingArcher do you even read your pings?
34 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfCYZ3pks48 @SterlingArcher :OOOOO
@SterlingArcher watch the meme video
no, watch mine
it's better
jesus christ one meme at a time
!!s/(?=o)/died /
@KendallFrey jesus christ died one meme at a time (source)
nicely done
JWST being moved to a new stand.
while we wait...
dammit I googled "jesus meme"
@KendallFrey this is wild
Hey guys
Anyone with React router experience?
Who wants to speak up about using react-router before knowing what they are getting into? anyone? No one?
popularmechanics.com/space/rockets/a23183/spacex-sniped-rocket more spaceX stuff. @KendallFrey now it was a sniper
I need to use it on a page that's loaded using the file:// protocol
using the normal path for the url doesn't work
@rlemon uh huh
so instead of this: file://path/to/dir/index.html/page
I need it to be file://path/to/dir/index.html#page or similar
@Luggage yes
then i don't know.
ah wait
no I'm not using HashHistory atm
I'll check that
@rlemon lol crazy
@Luggage I think that's not going to help
because it's still going to do: example.com/#/some/path
well, that's how you use urls with # in them in react-router
that / right after .com is what breaks it
yeah, this is quite an odd usecase
.com? your exmaple didn't have that
in this: example.com/#/some/path
file:// urls are going to be a problem. Why are you using them?
Don't talk about his ex-maple
can you ignore "Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop" in react?
I need to load the app inside of a webview without using any web server
@bitten don't ignore it
@Luggage i'm just wrapping each letter of a one word title in spans like {props.title.split('').map(letter => <span>{letter}</span>)}
@bitten you can. But it would help with perf if you can give them a key that will be the same should the element represent the same data again
just use the index as hte key if you need to
Don't use the index. It doesn't help anything.
Just confuses things further. Let it auto key if you're going to do that lol
it gets rid of the error, and if you don't plan to re-order it won't hurt
so i can just do <span key={letter}>{letter}</span>?
getting rid or the warning so you know if you missed one by accident is a help
lolnope they must be uniue.. of course
Yeah you can use a letter like that.
It's not going to make a difference tho in that case lol
@KendallFrey quick regexp
letter isn't unique for him, evidently
@Jhawins i wanted to try and "give them a key that will be the same" but it gave me a "they must be unique"
I want to match fb://page/123456768909 and extract the number
in a huge string
Yeah definitely must be unique..
It will just use the later one and not render the original if there's a duplicate.
therefor.. index. But this is not to be used if you plan to re-order. It's no better than the auto-key.
In your case it's just a span lmao
Use the index like Luggage said.
I concede.
then {props.title.split('').map((letter, key) => <span key={key}>{letter}</span>)} it will be
Just know it's not suggested for a reason. If you plan to re-order or add/remove you might want a more 'proper' key.
for performance reasons.
Just don't use Date.now or something totally random.. some people do that haha
uuid() :)
@Luggage i was wondering why it needed it.. it's just span elements react
it wants it whenever you pass an array as one of the children
It assumes that if you do that, you are outputing tht results of a .map(), or similar, and may re-order
and it needs a key to do that efficiently
@rlemon \d+$ maybe?
@rlemon what have you tried? :)
@Luggage /fb:\/\/page\/(\d+)/g
@bitten Have you read the page on Reconciliation in React?
@Jhawins nope
I didn't really care.
@Luggage ah okay
@bitten needs to be found in respect to the surroundings
That explains it
do you know if it's possible to insert the # before the normal url path?
@Lukas you are XY probleming.
sorry for interrupting your conversation
Make it work the way it was intended to work.
@bitten medium.com/@robinpokorny/… Here's a page on using the index as a key also, in case you want to fully understand this conversation :P
    <div />
    <div />
// mycomponent will get { children: [ <div />, <div /> ] }
    {items.map(item => (<div />))}
// Mycomponent gets { children: [ [ <div />, ... ] ] }  note the inner array. this is when it asks for a key.
Angular JS: I have a div that has a css transition attached to the ng-hide class. I want to handle the transition end event and execute a function at that time.
The fact that it doesn't warn about a missing key for the outer-most children, is just for convenience. It assumes they aren't going to change and need a key.
@Luggage thanks
i don't know why :33249751 went over my head a bit
why does children get an inner array?
1 message moved to Trash can
@10100111001 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
because items.map returns an array
    <span />
    {items.map(item => (<div />))}
// { children: [ <span />, [ <div />, ... ] ] }
maybe that is more clear.
$animate.on("add", document.getElementById("quiz-item-result"), function(element, phase) {
	if (phase === "close") {
		scope.showResult = false;
$animate.on("remove", document.getElementById("quiz-item-result"), function(element, phase) {
	if (phase === "close") {
ahh yeah i understand
the first child is an array from map
Can someone correct my interpretation of what this code does?
My understanding is that.. 1)it finds all buttons with class progress-button 2)then for each of this buttons it instantiates a ProgressButton object using the button reference from call to .slice. 3.Then it sets the interval of the progress bar on the button click. 4.finally it sets a timeout of 200ms
[].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'button.progress-button' ) ).forEach( function( bttn ) {
                new ProgressButton( bttn, {
                    callback : function( instance ) {
                        var progress = 0,
                            interval = setInterval( function() {
                                progress = Math.min( progress + Math.random() * 0.1, 1 );
                                instance._setProgress( progress );

                                if( progress === 1 ) {
We've got a shit ton of angular questions lately, interesting
@rlemon looks right to me
@Zirak someone said that school's started
@Jhawins so in my case, i am not reordering the elements.. having the array index as the key is therefore safe
@bitten Yeah, assuming you never modify or sort your source data object in any way
And that it doesn't become a new one.
With indexes matching up to completely different things lol
@Jhawins well the render cycle will run again, just with a new title
Right and it will not re-key the elements
It will create a new set of elements with the same keys, then compare them against the old one
I mean end-result yes it is going to work fine.
@Jhawins so let's say the title was "hello" and then it's "hullo"
if you add a new item in the middle, some components may get new props and componentWillReceiveProps will be fired, but it's the same instnacen that was used for ANOTHER item in the past.
That's a risk with using an index.
hm okay
The Medium article explains this pretty well I thought
@BrianJ no. 200 is the interval time between callbacks. it runs the function in the setInterval call 5 times per second
if it's a stateless component, it's very safe.
in my instance it is really just a static title, although i can see how it can stack up
YEah totally safe. Do it
@BrianJ 1000 / 200 = 5 (it updates the progress display 5x per sec
@Luggage yes, it's stateless
Just don't think you can always do that lol
it's just a header component that receives a header and a subtitle
Say for example you were showing rows of user accounts. You key the rows to the user ID.
Then one of the user's name gets updated (but nothing else)
This is where having proper unique keys would be beneficial
and possibly mandatory
if your components don't handle prop changes properly
All React will end up doing (assuming nothing else nutty going on structure-wise) is replacing the text for that user's username and keeping all other rows the same. And it can very quickly find the affected row
@BrianJ there is no timeout
"same component type, same key.. might be the same, ask shouldComponentUpdate()"
yeah okay
thanks guys
hugs React
@doug65536 ah ok that makes more sense
so does it only call this function on the button clicked or for every button of that class?
what exactly triggers the function? In my mind it makes each one of the buttons a ProgressButton but doesn't actually listen for a click.
@BrianJ [].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'button.progress-button' ) ) essentially takes the element collection and makes an array of elements. then it creates a ProgressButton for each array element, and sets up a separate handler for each button, which when clicked, sets up a 5x/sec update interval for that button
sorry for ding spam :D
@BrianJ my interpretation is that the button calls callback when the user clicks that button. I could be wrong, but that is almost certainly what it does
"sorry for ding spam" dings again
you're right. :(
@doug65536 ding
that ding lets me no I'm loved :P
looks like a fake progress bar
*know rookie mistake on my part
why would a button call a callback other than when it is clicked
@doug65536 ok starting to get a more complete picture, what I was doing incorrectly is setting a click handler for button of this type on a table body. Then again adding this code within the click handler
fake progress bars are like fake food. fine for demonstration purposes, but no one wants to eat a wax pear.
so it looks like there is a click handler already in this slice code?
@rlemon haha good analogy
that moment when you visit a white background'd page and see all the crap on your monitor ... I should clean my monitors.
@doug65536 so for example I could replace the code inside the callback function with an AJAX post?
@rlemon dark theme ftw
and the instance parameter is a reference to that button clicked? @doug65536
note that there are two phases for an ajax post: the upload, and the response download. xhr.upload has progress event, and xhr has progress event
@BrianJ yes but bttn is accessible in the closure. use instance for better efficiency
I didn't write that thing. I'm speculating
ok I'm wondering then about the 200 parameter that calls the callback 5 times. If I place an AJAX post within that it will be called 5 times?
or I could just set it to ,0
no that 200ms means 200ms between callbacks. it essentially adds a fake random amount of progress 5x per second
you would not have setInterval for ajax progress
so in my case I had done this which I see is incorrect now:
that's pseudocode by the way, my working code is on another laptop
xhr will fire progress event on the xhr's upload when sending the post, and after the post is sent, it'll fire the xhr's progress event during the download
when it feels like it
implementation dependent afaik
I think my approach tomorrow will be remove the outer click listener, cut from "//Get the selected row data" line down to the end of the ajax post, then paste that inside the callback function and remove the param ,200
that should work right?
replacing this with instance where I grab the table row
@doug65536 how about this change? jsbin.com/kukopuraba/edit?html,js,output
if the button posts the row then it should do the ajax in the progressbutton callback function. if the post is large, then it would be worthwhile to wire up a progress handler, otherwise, just set the progress to 100% when the ajax succeeds, and set the progress to zero before the ajax (so it works if they click it again). perhaps disable the button before the ajax, and enable it after success/error
why slice then forEach?? just foreach the queryselectorall. [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('button.progress-button'), function(bttn) {
hmm looks better
if you are using jquery already, why bother with even that? $('button.progress-button').each(function() { var bttn = this; ...
or, $('button.progress-button').each(function(i, bttn) { ...
ok then something along the lines of this?
if you're using modern stuff, Array.from(nodelist)
you can also spread nodelists
may need to add an iterator
yeah, remove the clearInterval(interval); calls
success probably doesn't need two calls to _stop
oh yeah just seen that my bad
the 1 parameter to stop might be setting it to 100% already. not sure
yeah it seems like that from the live demo
check documentation for whatever that is
documentation is sparse yo
that looks pretty correct now
it seems from the original code I should still be setting the interval?
oh, one last thing. you might want to disable the button so they can't spam click it
the interval just fakes some random progress over time
oh ok
yeah disable while its posting
good idea
$(instance).prop('disabled', true) before the ajax and ...false); on success and error
ok so this is looking a lot better than 10 mins ago
how about this?
looks like it works
yeah I'm gonna translate it over to the working code in the morning
can I have your direct phone number in case it doesn't work? :P
dial 0, ask the operator for doug65536
ringing you at 7am like..you told me this would work
now all the pc monitors around me are broken
has anyone else here ever noticed that Atom gets bloaty on linux after few days like one or two
it's 2016. all the editors are bloaty
I can sleep easy now, thanks @doug65536
Wirth's law is a computing adage which states that software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster. The law is named after Niklaus Wirth, who discussed it in 1995. Wirth attributed the saying to Martin Reiser, who, in the preface to his book on the Oberon System, wrote: "The hope is that the progress in hardware will cure all software ills. However, a critical observer may observe that software manages to outgrow hardware in size and sluggishness." Other observers had noted this for some time before; indeed the trend was becoming obvious as early as 1987. The law was restated...
@BrianJ np
good news for us programmers :P
I remember when Visual C 6.0 ran like lightning. try VS2015, a 3.5GHz haswell is not even close to how vc6 ran on my 66MHz pentium
I'm still not sure about the interval param, it seems that is needed to create a ProgressButton?
no it is not. that is part of the demo only. it fakes some random progress 5x per sec. it checks for the % going over 100% and calls stop
oh I see that, so it's just a var?
look at what the interval callback does: make up a random number, add that to the progress, update the progress display, see if it went past 100%, and call stop
didn't know you could create two vars like.. var progress = 0, interval = ..
yeah I see that now
this code should be fine then
cool out and thanks
why is Caprica Six saying HAMMERTIME every time I say something?
Probably something about your pants
ohh well
I guess I said too much in a short period. I'll stfu
good, mornings.

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