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@BenFortune ever did anything with the google voice api?
I wanna do one of those wall calendars / home hub things
but virtual keyboards are lame
@rlemon Not really, I scrapped everything I did after I found home-assistant.io
I have the NEST thermostat, some bluetooth plug adapter my mom bought me, and a bunch of rpi sensors/toys
thinking of doing a home computer I can talk too for the main level
I got my amazon echo, so looking to integrate a bunch of stuff
Mainly the hive thermostat and some motion sensors
I mostly would just like to be able to ask it to play music and give me recipes
hands free for the latter is a must
Thinking about honeywelluk.com so I can do temperature control per room, but it's expensive af
my house is too open for that
The echo is amazing, going to buy a few dots
would never work.
The old man in me creeps in with the echo
will never own one due to open mic
Yeah, scary stuff
have considered keeping cells in a box at home actually when not in use
But then you think, what about your mobile?
yeah exactly
@Loktar then you better get rid of your phone
PC mic, you never know what microsoft are doing with that
:( speech api is free for 0-60minutes a month
after an hour of audio processing you gotta pay
maybe I'll just tape my phone to the wall
your phone, by law, needs to be able to turn on the mic remotely without you knowing.
heh there are also vehicles too with that shit built in:?
like both of ours.
right. they are just cell phones.
my phones always listening
Once i own my truck I might rip out the mic
on-star, mbrace, etc
pretty sure my ps4 is (when on)
I really hate that shit honestly lol
can you disable it on the ps4?
because it sometimes fucks with me
I just don't have a headset plugged in when not using it
tries to execute a command it interpreted from a conversation I'm having
@Loktar my camera
I like that my car will call for help if it detects that it's filling with my blood
ooh the camera too right
@Luggage yeah but you don't need a mic for that
it will call automatically if it gets into an accident
well, it's part of the whole built-in cell phone thing
I won't rip out cell capabilities, just cut the mic wire
only thing my car does in an accident is free casket.
I am using google charts and have strings and numbers both in a column.

data.addColumn('number', 'Score');
but that mic is also used when i pair my personal phone. so.. no thankgs.
this gives me error becuz there are some string value
@Loktar put it on a switch
then you can turn it on and off
why eliminate it completely.
I'll prefer to keep the mic and just keep pushing my government to retain due process.
since that' has the added benefit of.. having due process
@rlemon ooh there you go
anyone worked on google charts?
then you can turn it on during car-sexy-time and really freak out the NSA
but only turn it on then
> wow, this guy like only bought the truck to hook up?
my kids can't even drink water in my truck
there aint no sex going on!
check my issue above
@Marcode777 - didn't realize you were using redux
rubber could have been the best movie ever made
LOL @rlemon
check his issue dude
jeeze @rlemon
@Boyz no
I was about to roll my eyes at a no food/drink policy.. but.. kids.
gotta keep pinging you because the audacity to not check his issue irks me
it was posted just for @rlemon to look at.
I'm sorry
I'm seeing dispatchers in there, is this redux?
if so, that's going to be a bit different
I'm "fixing" a bunch of broken devices.
read: re-flashing their emmc
shit takes 40 minutes per
that sucks
it's been a long day
'free posters'
you have to print them
@rlemon haha, that reminded me of the xbox advert that turned everyone's xbox one off
still getting error like ::

Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'DemoController' is not a function, got undefined
help me
@km8295 Where's your manners?
^ funny
> Task managers. But they are not cool anymore. We used them in like, 2015, then we used Makefiles, but now we wrap everything with Webpack.
Still yet to find a good webpack config that I can just use without having to configure it for a week
it's a good read, mocks the state of JS development and communities
but in a funny way
@rlemon That's basically why I don't write much besides vanilla Javascript. The JS landscape moves too fast
a good company won't tho
I'm a sysadmin now, not a developer
no really, if a company invests money in React. there has to be a very compelling reason to switch
so as a developer, you can rest assured that you probably will be writing in that stack for a while.
makes sense
twilio lookup fail. testing it and 5195550123 comes back as a legit number
555 0100-0199 are all reserved fictional
Ajax call on a page, fills a few dropdowns, the page does a submit to the server, what is the best way to keep the state of those ajax calls when the browser posts back
or a server-side session
then, what would the return request look like?
or sessionstorage, take your pick
ok I get what your saying
Many web apps just never reload from the server. all calls are 'ajax'.
god I hate writing es5
Why are you?
foo(function(a,b) => {

god dammit brain
@Luggage old code
that's es5.5
@rlemon lol nice
argh, npm install on a project that uses npm shrinkwrap just made my VM inaccessible
100% cpu for 15 minutes now, can't SSH in
I ended up rewriting my logic for the spreading of the hours across multiple days and I ended up with the same thing. A function/loop thingy that's not breaking out when it should and confused as to where it's going wrong.
This works for a single person: paste.ofcode.org/YgebzYH4zWY5HDwc7YhYQU
Any more than 1, and it's putting everyone's hours on everyone else. I don't get it.
wtf npm.
excel :|
what is Node argon?
Just a codeword for the LTS version
@BenFortune thanks
wtf, linux, i thought you were multi-tasking. I can't believe I can't ssh into a box just becasue the cpu usage spiked
Think they're going to codename all the LTS versions
@Luggage Yes that is what I recommended to save that 1 post back from hell
@Luggage Always hated that, which is why I love VMs
@Waxi i don't see where in your code you are breaking out of the loop.
it is a VM
google cloud. I guess I need to reboot it..
@Luggage sorry ssh is not on a high priority thread
Maybe they only alotted one CPU to your VM
it is one cpu, but there are still threads
it's a test machine.
at least you didn't service sshd stop while remote into the machine
I might as well have
@KevinB That's what I'm asking...maybe I just need a return after my second if, like I did in the first one...damnit, let me try that.
... return won't stop a foreach
a) don't foreach
b) see a
I forEach().
I was looping through my arrays and then yall suggested to use forEach..wtf!
in this situation it is hurting him
if you need it to stop half way through, a foreach isn't the right tool.
I'm not advocating never forEach
Then I don't know what I should use or how to break out of nested forEachs lol
QEMU ftw
you can't break out of them. :p you could use .some or .every though. but... i'd probably just use a for.
I suggested forEach for the other loop. I'm not sure about the foreach on people as it's way too neste for me to find readable
off topic question... is there a specific name for testing that the same API call that can work for an admin would not work for a normal user if it is prohibited through a UI?
and break the code up a bit, functions maybe
like using fiddler
@KevinB Well that changes everything shit, I didn't know that.
for( const person of [{ name: 'joe', age: 42, children:[1,2,3]}, {name: 'rob', age: 30, children: [3,4,5]}, {name: 'peter', age: 100, children:[]}]) {
	for(const child of person.children ) {
		if( person.name === 'rob' ) continue poop;
    console.log(person.name, child);
// only lists joe
continue label breakouts ftw :D
&& person.action === 'slide'
@Waxi at least it doesn't really change much of the code.
@Waxi I told you this earlier
3 hours ago, by rlemon
returning in an array iterator will break out of the iterator function
3 hours ago, by rlemon
but not the loop
@Waxi I also said, first, to break that into two parts. I can't follow it. I don't think It'm stupid, but I can't follow it. MAybe you are much better than I
@rlemon Isn't that just a fancy way of doing break;?
@KendallFrey there are legitimate uses apparently for labels in js
I can't think of any
I'll look into continue, if not work, I'll look into .some and .every. I could break this into multiple functions, but it's just 1 giant function or something.
Sure, but that's not one of them :(
21 secs ago, by rlemon
I can't think of any
one giant function is a problem
@Waxi did you say it's affecting the wrong people?
It's just putting everyone's hours on everyone else.
how? if (compare(person.who, employee)) {
That's what I don't get! I had to assume it wasn't breaking out somewhere or something.
@rlemon I used one way back... I can't remember the exact case
I was breaking out of a loop or something
like a nested loop
you break out of the loop when you run out of hours.. NOT to control which person get affected.
the if (compare(person.who, employee)) { controls that... so..
Anybody ter to help??
If either of my ifs run, it needs to finish the code inside, and stop doing anything, no more cycling of timelines or people, just fuckin' stop so the next row in the Excel can do the function.
I think I've misunderstood how forEachs work, how to break loops, and what return even does lol.
1. .find() the right employee.
!!welcome raghunath
@raghunath Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
let person = people.find((person) => compare(person.who, employee)); //roughly
and verify that compare() works, becuase it sounds like it might not
@Luggage So .find is basically getAll
Because it's not like you're passing filtering params... ;P
compare() should be.
but if it was, the current code should work (if I am parsing it correctly)
I'm using @rlemon compare function lol. Let me test it again.
Yeah that psuedo code makes zero sense.
lol yeah
it does. You are mistaken. It's valid code and even uses his variable names
He named it shitty then.
How can .find just accept a callback lol
this assumes that compare() returns true only for one person.
Assuming you want to FIND something
Ohh I get it.
@Waxi I wrote a function?
The compare() functions works from what I can see: jsfiddle.net/obz6txra
.find is .compareAll/filter lol
ohh that pos
Am in programming contest wild card round-1. pls help out.i have to complete 10 question. just completed 3 question. I tried lot but didn't get solution provide me solution or logic...
in a contest -> you want us to help you cheat?
@Jhawins .compareAll and getAll that you mention are not JS. I have no idea what you are getting that from
.find returns the first value which results in true when firing the callback.
I tested the two real names I'm working with and they return false, so I don't think it's the compare function.
And instead of looping through my people, and then comparing their names, I should just find the name in people...
Most of them are getting help. so only....Browsing allowed @rlemon
> provide me solution
this is your assignment
please attempt it yourself.
@Waxi then how can it operate on the wrong person if all code is wrapped inside if (compare()) {} ? Are you sure you inserstand the problem fully?
I don't want it to do anything on the wrong person. It's looking at the names in my Excel, and if it finds the name in my people array, do something, otherwise skip the person in the array.
That's why I'm looping through every person, comparing their name to the file, and either doing shit or moving on.
you should think about updating the sheet to give each person a unique identifier other than name
I couldn't, this file is given to me by HR and all I have is names. I could introduce a step to attach an ID to them, but I'm trying to do what the last person did.
I'd introduce a step to give them an ID
rlemon all of them completed nearly 7 to 8......all getting help from friends and completing.. Pls help out.
@raghunath why?
that won't fix thing if he doesn't even know why his code operates on all records..
have you even attempted it? if so, post that
@Luggage yea but in general, it's a good idea
he needs to figure out where shit is going wrong and stop guessing
then he can stop using the atrocious name matching code I wrote
we'll need to use that to assign the ids
names are the only input
I just cringe at the idea of using non-standard name inputs as an identifier
makes me uneasy
yea, me too.
OK, so let's back up on the concept here. I have a list of names, sometimes repeating, and then I have another list of unique names. Historically I've just nested the two loops when trying to match, but maybe that's not helping my cause.
lesser time too.....help out.
I take it I should just .find() the name instead?
@raghunath you can post what you've done to solve the problem and ask specific questions about your code or you can move on. we're not a homework service.
.find() is what you are logically rying to do. You are trying to operate on only ONE row in the people array, right?
but if your loop and compare isn't working, then somethign else is wrong.
so.. converting to .find won't fix that.
Just a urgent help am asking.... am working on another question. thats y i posted this question due to less time.....
// this should work as fine as a .find
people.forEach((person) => {
    if (compare(person.who, employee)) {
As a So member, u can help ur friends to move high.
@raghunath We are not going to help you do a 'contest' or homework. Please stop asking.
2 mins ago, by rlemon
@raghunath you can post what you've done to solve the problem and ask specific questions about your code or you can move on. we're not a homework service.
Ok @rlemon..
If I console.log the persron.who and employee inside that if statement, I'll get exact matches, the exact amount I'm expected...nothing gets mixed up. So I've eliminated that being the problem I believe.
It's my forEach on the peron's timeline that's getting screwy. It's doing that for everyone and not just the match above.
@Waxi I often find it helpful to try to reproduce the issue with a minimal set of data. make two fake data lists and write a fiddle with your logic
often I solve my own issue while making the demo
@raghunath I don't recommend anyone move while high.
@Luggage You name things according to what they do right? Are you still following?
@KendallFrey unless it is to the sofa
@Jhawins typically, yes.
lol some people
!!afk work!
ok @KendallFrey
@KendallFrey do everything high
I'll rewrite this again, with bare minimum data...see if I get the same results.
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: dank memes
// @Waxi
// returns he number of hours that were unable to be applied. Hopefully 0.
// mutates the provided timeline
function adjustTimeline(timeline, ptoHours, startDate) {
or have it throw an exception, or whatever you want
woo Atom!
kind of surprised that people like sublime text so much
I honestly prefer brackets to sublime text, as an IDE
I'm not
ST is great
but then I'm barely a dev, so...
ST is faaaassstttttt
I switched from Sublime Text to brackets, then brackets to Atom once it came out of beta
sure, it's much better than most things out there, but surely not better than brackets
I mean, did sublime seriously run faster than brackets for you?
also, brackets was very focused on intuitiveness, while still keeping a fair deal of features
@towc I've never had a performance issue with any editor that wasn't java based or for .net
sublime has a lot of features, but really confusing for me
sure, you could argue vim us so much less intuitive, but at least you're forced to look at a manual or docs to find a correct answer, rather than kind of try and kind of get something working
i wish sublime had ligatures support...
would you consider sublime to have more features than vim actually?
they both support plugins
I mean, adding plugins to vim is much easier than adding plugins to sublime...
@rlemon why u deleted. wait i ill post the code which i tried.....Initial logic am not able to get
but then sublime has much more to being with
@raghunath because you're spamming
and vim still is top on text editing, while sublime may work better as an IDE par se...
when I was your age I liked Dreamweaver
VSCode <3
googles dreamweaver
it's like ultra-ms, right?
well, in ms style anyway
I'm lost, why did those flags get accepted?
user is spamming cross room asking for someone to do his homework
I'd say I hate ms style, but then I can't think of very good reasons..
@rlemon when I was your age I liked Microsoft Frontpad (the free version of frontpage.... dot dot dot)
@towc macromedia (flash) made it
so, no, not MS style.
Well that's great, wrote everything into my jsfiddle and it works as expected...hmmm.
@taco I used frontpage
remember, we were both usign computers when this crap came out :D
I'm not that young
@Waxi jsfiddle.net/yopfj169/1 //my vresion.
of just the timeline part..
@rlemon well, google images is showing me a crowded buttony menu with a bad combination of layout and individual design of components
that's basically MS style
@Luggage Man wtf, you make it look so easy....let me absorb this.
oh wait, dreamweaver is the one with easy server emulation, right?
if that's the one, then I see why can many people like it
@KendallFrey yup, the spaceX conspiracies are afoot
@Waxi note that a traditional loop would be fine and it would let you cancel the loop as soon as you hit 0, but I opted for forEach to show that you don't really NEED to exit the loop early. What's a few wasted nanoseconds among friends?
How can an exported function be promised correctly in a variable definition, so nested callbacks are not necesary ?
@Luggage @SterlingArcher's best time
export function foo() {
  return new Promise( ( resolve, reject) => {
Guys, ReactCSSTransitionGroup is irritating.
tried that, but somehow i can't get it to work
ill see if i can get some code
The reason I run circles around SJW attacks on me is not that I'm eloquent, it's because I simply state the obvious.
var exec = require('child_process').exec;

module.exports = {

  Decrypt: function (text) {
    return new promise(function (resolve, reject) {

      exec( 'asyncStuff(text)', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
        console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
        console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);
          if (error !== null) {
              console.log('exec error: ' + error);
          } else {
I'm doing something wrong, can't figure out what tho
@Luggage Where can I donate? You're seriously saving my ass big time.
Define something wrong
then i call it.

Not working as expected
@Waxi $150 / hour.
var foo = Dec.Decrypt('text');
@KarmaDoe wrong
So it rejects? It resolves the wrong values? It throws an error?
Dang you're pricey, but it's worth it!
Ill get you output.
@BenFortune could be storing the promise
@KarmaDoe What are you doing with foo after?
using it as a variable
{ _bitField: 0,
_fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
_rejectionHandler0: undefined,
_progressHandler0: undefined,
_promise0: undefined,
_receiver0: undefined,
_settledValue: undefined }
Okay, wrong
this is output when calling the variable
@KarmaDoe that thar's a promise
taking foo home and making sweet love.
yea you're using promises wrong
@Luggage lol
A: How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?

Benjamin GruenbaumIf you're using promises, this answer is for you. This means AngularJS, jQuery (with deferred), native XHR's replacement (fetch), EmberJS, BackboneJS's save or any node library that returns promises. Your code should be something along the lines of this: function foo() { var data; // o...

check out what .then is on a promise
ohh, i know this one
a function?
it's actually a potato
my second guess

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