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@KendallFrey o shit
Scott works at apple?
@rlemon that is great man
my kids all get one as well, at their new schools here in MI
seriously cool
My daughter was disappointed that she couldnt install Steam on it :p
but yeah man they are so luck haha
I remember in elm I was in enrichment program for computers and we got these cool tablets
I mean just kids today in general
which were crap, but cool in the 90's
oh yeah I bet, that would be awesome 90s tech for sure
they were not really tablets
kinda crappy pcs designed for kids
but yea, cool af
I'm kinda jelly
Have any of you guys heard anything about Walmart Labs in Sunnyvale? Good things about the stack, etc? Recruiter is pinging me about it
Said it's react/node/happy.js but I want to learn more
happy? hapi?
hapijs.com lol I derped
@rlemon He do
rlemon, I pop in and out of here at totally random times, and no matter what you are always here
you must know things
tell me if I should work at walmart
$ uptime
  07:53:34 up 3 days, 13:57,  1 user,  load average: 0.38, 0.29, 0.41
something's causing network issues and I don't know if it's the uptime
Takes too long to resolve host.
@rlemon I love how everyone is astounded when they learn that someone does something other than what they're famous for
erik@royall:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
erik@royall:~$ cat /etc/resolve.conf
@KendallFrey I assumed he was a dj for a living
he's not that badass
I just heard an explosion
Warcraft Adventures was just leaked!
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans was a black comedy point-and-click adventure video game under development by Blizzard Entertainment, set in the Warcraft universe, and cancelled before its release. American company Animation Magic was out-sourced due to their experience in classical two-dimensional animation to produce the twenty-two minutes of fully animated sequences, the game's artwork, the coding of the engine and the implementation of the sound effects. Blizzard provided all the designs, the world backgrounds, sound recording and ensured storyline continuity. Four or five months after...
from god danged 1998!
I never thought I'd see it
Best IDE/editor if I'd like to have IntelliSense (with function JSDocs) like this? intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/user_images/…
anyone found a good way to do html-webpack-plugin and still get advantages of express.Router, variables being injected to the page
I'm trying to use a <textarea> to create a simple language and a code reader. It turns out that I can't break up a string into an array based off of the linebreaks.

I looked it up and got told to use String.prototype.match() to detect how many line breaks there are, but I can't do anything with that...

If I can't figure it out I will just use semicolons instead and the user would put a semicolon after every command, which is what a lot of languages do so fine by me. Except that I am trying to make this easy to code with.
$scope.product.unit[index].price_unit = 0;
$scope.product.unit[index].price_unit = 0;
is this proper way to assign value in array of object? [AngularJS]
Can somebody explain to me what this line does in JavaScript?

test = test || 0;
if test is null, then it will be set to 0
var a = b || 0;
if b is 4 for example, then a = 4
but if b is null then a = 0
@littlepootis you are still a kid, get out of the room
there is better than 8K HD AR out there
@pebble225 not null, falsey
my new internet :D
@Mosho NaN, whatever is is
@pebble225 Oh, thanks! :D
and its free <:
@Abhishrek is this jio?
NaN and null are the same concept
what does NaN have to do with it
I mean, NaN is falsey too
@SagarNaliyapara am in DC, this is my new houses free internet
@Abhishrek How you get so fast internet? Where I live, it's not much better than dialup (and it's supposed to be fast)
well I'll be back to land of Dialups soon though :(
@pebble225 hardly
@pebble225 no
null is a mistake that's commonly used when something expects an object but you don't have any. NaN is well-defined concept defined in the IEEE 754 standard.
1 hour later…
I'm completely new to Ember (coming from an Angular background). Is it worth it to watch a tutorial that dates back to 1.6, when the latest release is 2.8?
@Abhishrek why are you going back?
Is ReactJS really worth it. What is the advantage over AngularJS. Currently i am using Ionic.
@JaganC Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ohk , I am new to this Chat concept, will go through the Rules. Thanks mate
2 hours later…
what do you call something that is chosen randomly but then keeps that initial random value every time it is used?
var a = Math.random();

b = a + 3;
c = a * 3;

// what do I call `a`?
trying to find good names for the array containing simplex noise corner data
@towc Seed?
it would, but it's more like an array of values that act as "dummy data"
mathematically it's the same as a seed, true
still looking at webstaff.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/simplexnoise.pdf . The values in p[] must be completely random, right? I'm failing to understand if there's a pattern
or whether I can generate them at runtime
when I do b = a = "foo";, is b a reference to the literal or holds a copy of it? If the latter, why is it different than pointers to references of objects?
Wrote that some time ago, can't vouch for the clarity of the explanation at the end
I did read to an identical thread on SO. This doesn't explain my question
I understand how it works within a function.
Read on, I get to talking about js in general
I think
ok, this is definitely simplex noise, but something's fundamentally wrong: codepen.io/towc/pen/…
must be skewing weirdly
and I also guess I'm supposed to layer the noises on top of each other
@Zirak Nice post. I get the idea about the passed-by-reference vs. passed-by-value fallacy and that it's all about mutable vs immutable data and how 4 is always a 4 in memory and you don't change it. But I still can't wrap my head around why for example name = username = "Bob" results in name being a copy of the variable, instead of a reference (I know how you spoke about the concept that there're no references, just literals)
@SvetanDimoff Yet it's not a copy
!!> var a = b = {}; a.foo = 4; b.foo
@Zirak 4
Right. This works with objects. Doesn't work with strings
@SvetanDimoff It's also not about immutable vs. mutable data. It's about not having the concept of a pointer in the language
@SvetanDimoff There's another reason for that, lemme find the question
But strings are immutable.
Maybe their integer indices are, but the rest of a string isn't
Q: Why are JavaScript primitives not instanceof Object?

Gary ChangToday I happened to have too much time to kill and I played a bit with the Node (v0.10.13) command line: > 1 instanceof Object false > (1).__proto__ {} > (1).__proto__ instanceof Object true > (1).__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype true Now, according to MDN, what instanceof does is: ...

Still unclear. For now I'll just stick with the "copy" hypothesis
@SvetanDimoff Let's talk it out
The copy hypothesis isn't true, though. Some symptoms may seem true, but that's not how the language works.
Apparently we aren't :(
@Zirak I understand the string isn't mutable. But still, when you change b in a = b = 5
a should change as well, whether 5 is mutable or not. I understand the block of memory has changed now. But still. It makes sense for it to work
What do you mean by changing b? Doing b = 10?
why is a still going to be a 5?
That won't change a even in a language with pointers because you're simply giving b a new value
Variables are placeholders for values. References are values too! (and they are first class!). Variables (declared via let and var) are mutable. Values they hold might or might not be mutable.
@Zirak Right. But works for objects
The variable b, the place in memory which b stands in
No it doesn't, in objects you change a property of b
When you have a = b = {} and you do b = 7, the value of a doesn't change
a = b = {id: 1}
Hold on a sec, please
Even two secs
The fact that so many people find this confusing tells me that this copy-of-reference thing was a bad idea. The way C++/Rust etc. do it seems to be intuitive to more number of people for whatever reason.
Pointers are really, really confusing
On the one hand they point to values, on the other hand they are values.
What I mean is that when you do b.id = 2, a references the same object, same block of memory.
Right, but you're not re-assigning b, you're accessing a property of b
That's also true. Didn't occur to me, LOL
Imagining that a and b are pointers, if they point to 0x123 then when accessing the variables you simply follow the pointer. However, if you just wanted to assign a new variable to one of them, they'll simply point somewhere else.
You have no syntax in js saying "change the value pointed by that pointer" as you do in C-like languages, you have no de-ref, no *a
There's no notion of pointers, there's the value of those pointers
@Zirak I was referring to references though, not pointing at pointers (pun not intended in the first part, then I realized and intentionally added pun on the second part).
Same thing
Except that refeerence can't be reassigned or be null and some other shit
It basically transparently behaves as an alias to the variable binding. No * to deref etc., which IME most people find easy to understand.
So, in a = b = "foo", both variables point at the same block of memory, right? I don't know what we're debating anymore
@SvetanDimoff nope, that only applies to an array
var a = 2; var b = a; b++; //a = 2 This is the "reference copy" theory on SO
Huh? b === 3 at the end
Sorry, meant a. Edited
That's because you're re-assigning b
b++ is b = b + 1
literals (like strings and numbers) are interned (mostly?), so technically they do point to the same block of memory. I am not sure that's the way you'd like to look at it, though.
hey, @SvetanDimoff it seems like you are new to JS
don't worry about a = 1; b=2; a=b;
I'm confused
Don't worry too much about it
:D managed
still need to stack them up
@towc Congrats!
the naming or anything in the code still sucks
@SvetanDimoff A lot of Javascript developers aren't doing javascript anyways, they do angular but nowadays they've moved to react
thing is I don't even know where to start re-writing
they used to do jQuery
!!> Promise.resolve({then(){ console.log('gotta love duck typing'); }})
@AwalGarg Maximum execution time exceeded
@SvetanDimoff Here is a famous quote from inventor of jQuery
and it still leaves directional artifacts, unlike all of the articles said :/
"Now people are blessed with magic of jQuery, they can learn jQuery instead of Javascript" _ Jake Weary
@Jason I wouldn't say that, it's good to understand the language
@Jason eh? They still use js, the language, the mechanisms
@Zirak Hey, true that
It's important to learn language itself
I think Isormorphic development is not fun
I haven't done it before (extensively) and I feel like it will lead to structural hell
what do you reckon?
@Jason not when done with JS, atleast.
I'd probably just roll out separate server (not isormorphic at all)
or use Backend as Service
if I really don't want to build backend
@AwalGarg Can you even build isormorphic without javascript?
isomorphic isn't about web browsers only, but sure. emscripten, wasm, haskell/elm etc.
ohhh.. So, Elm's basically haskell.
Okay, with the risk of repeating myself with the same question, when we do a = b = 2; b++;, what's exactly going on? Why does a log 2 still, when b, the variable it points to, has been incremented by 1?
It's the same as a = b = 2; b = 3
var a = b = 2;
b = b + 1
Fair enough. I understand that
It still makes sense for a to be 3 at that point
I understand b reassigns itself to itself + 1
++ is syntactic sugar
So why would a change?
You're putting a new value in the variable b
@SvetanDimoff ++ is not syntactic sugar
It really is
And a points to b. So it makes sense for it to match
No, a does not point to b
Consider a = b = 2; c = b++;
It's equivalent to:
But you say "value copy" of a variable is a fallacy...
a = b = 2;
c = b;
b = b + 1;
and not
a = b = 2;
c = b = b + 1;
@littlepootis elm has structural typing, haskell doesn't (or atleast I don't think it does. /me looks at haskell records). but you can mostly very easily copy paste haskell code in elm code or vice versa and have things work with minimal changes. otherwise elm does offer a lot of what haskell does. it is not really general purpose though.
@SvetanDimoff But we managed to agree that a = b = 3; b = 5 doesn't and can't change a
It's really the same behaviour in all languages everywhere
When you change variables, you put new values in them
If the variables are pointers, you have special syntax to change the values they point to
Oh, I think I get it. now. You make them point to the same block of memory and then you reassign b it later, so b points elsewhere, whereas ais still a reference to that initial memory block
Hello !
It's the exact same behaviour as in C
I want to know whether any stack available for Blogger questions ?
@SvetanDimoff I'm assuming you have some experience in C. Are you surprised that int a = b = 4; b = 5 doesn't change a?
And to address objects, js' property access can be seen as the arrow operator, it de-refs for you
At declaration time they point at the same place in memory, then we reassign b, but a is still left pointing at 4.
So, yeah, it doesn't change it
Think of JavaScript variables as pointing to things in memory. When you assign a value to them, they point to it in the memory. Now, there are two kinds of values: mutable and immutable. Immutable values (primitives) can be pointed to by different variables, but they can't be modified. When you assign something to a variable, you're just changing what it points to. When you do a++, it's almost equivalent to a = a + 1, which points to whatever a + 1 evaluates to.
It's not a matter of immutable vs. mutable, it's a matter of either assigning values to variables, or accessing properties.
I just made the mistake of assuming that a points to b and that it would point to the new chunk of memory b was assigned to
Objects behave a bit differently. They're stored in memory too, but they can, unlike primitives, be modified. So, when you a = b = {}, they point to the same object in memory, and so modifications to properties of a reflect in b.
if you do a = b = {id: 1} and then assign b to a diff object, a won't reflect it
I know that changed properties would be reflected on
@SvetanDimoff yes
Also, you can check if two variables point to the same object using ===.
It works similar to python's is.
>>> 1 is 1
>>> 1+1 is 2
>>> 1000 is 1000
>>> 999 + 1 is 1000
@AwalGarg what even is that?
python repl
Python being greedy and pre-assigning memory to first X numbers? Wha? -1 not enough inclusive. Excluded.
>>> id(999 + 1)
>>> id(1000)
>>> id(1 + 1)
>>> id(2)
Q: How to create .gitignore file

LucaI need to add some rules to my .gitignore file, however, I can't find it in my project folder. Isn't it created automatically by Xcode? If not, what command allows me to create one?

this is hilarious
{"code":200,"data":{"title":"Hello Modal","content":"Hello content!","footer":"<button class=\"btn btn-info\">info...<\/button>"}} to use this, does this code look correct: pastebin.com/JkYzPgJh
Why am I able to console.log() a variable w/ the var keyword, before it was declared. I get undefined. But still, somehow var attached it to the scope and it's available before it's been assigned
@SvetanDimoff variable hoisting
@littlepootis It's like Tron!
Q: JavaScript function order: why does it matter?

Chris TolworthyOriginal Question: JSHint complains when my JavaScript calls a function that is defined further down the page than the call to it. However, my page is for a game, and no functions are called until the whole thing has downloaded. So why does the order functions appear in my code matter? EDIT: I ...

@Zirak yes!
So after much avoiding and procrastination of all sorts, I finally gave in and bought an android device. The question is, should I trust it enought to log into my main account or not?
It's a matter of covenience, it always is.
Personally I'm not too afraid, but understand the dilemma. It's always a convenience vs. privacy scale.
@Zirak how about Gmail or github account?
@littlepootis It's not hoisted. var has been used. Or do they get hoisted as well?
the declaration is hoisted, not the definition
Okay, I see now. So, since both function declaration and variable declarations (also definitions when var hasn't been used) are hoisted, which one ends up at the top?
does it matter?
Not really
Android would suck without being logged into my google account.
Mostly a WTF moment and not a real technical question but I have a phonegap android app published in g play - uses Crosswalk. It loads via jquery some data from the server and it worked just fine for almost a year until a few days ago that the event listeners on the remotely loaded elements' buttons stopped working. The click event stopped firing for some reason. No modifications no nothing. How is this even possible?
that uses a webview, right? did it start failing on all devices?
Yes and the strangest of all is that it stopped working even when I use phonegap serve to test it locally in chrome. The exact same copy.
something must have been updated somewhere in the line..
No. However when the new content is loaded after clicking on the "Load More" button the events are registered and firing properly on all elements as expected. Even the old ones.
Lots of birthdays
On my birthday, I get a new president :(
What made me curious about this is the fact that it just stopped firing the events.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what router, if any, do you use?
@Luggage you'd probably expect me to say something smart like ubiquiti or a well known model like 880l but I use what my ISP gave me (a netgear router) and it works beautifully.
er.. I meant JS router.
@Luggage oh lmao
npm install routes
ok, that doesn't look dissimmilar to wha tI am currently using (router-recognizer). I'm looking for a good library (or pattern) for pre-fetching data. My old KO viewmodels (ko component for the 'page') all had a refreshData() async method that was resolved before mounting
I can roll my own, but I really like relay's way up fethcing and updating, but don't want relay.
unless i find something that really strikes me as useful,l i'll just be making a component to wrap around all pages that'll do that step. turn { id: 123} from the router into { user: User {} }
That was an example assuming something like /users/:id -> <ViewUserComponent user={user} />
@rlemon equilibrium was nice, would definitely watch more movies like that, independently of how straight forward the plot was
Q: Show the filtered items jquery

Tilak rajI am using jquery .filter() to filter certain products inside my page.The Dom structure looks like this <body> <ul class='.products'> <li class='product' data-company="something" data-shape="cake" data-flavour="something"></li> . . . . . <li class='produc...

@Tilakraj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
still can't seem to be able to figure out the gradient at any point of the simplex noise :/
@Tilakraj those <li> are the items in "filteredProducts" ?
It looks like you are hiding and then showing <ul class='.products'> instead of it's children, the <li>'s
@Luggage do i have do my process again to get the ones that are not present in filteredProducts ,just so i can hide them , isn't there any way to just show the ones present inside the variable?
there is. the .parent() part makes it look lik you are showing the <ul>, though
I might be wrong, I can't run the code, only read it.
yes that's what is happening
ul is getting shown
which ultimately shows the whole
even if i remove the parent part
i cant seem to get any result then
TIL that 1 ohm is equal to 1 kg·m^2 / s^3·A^2
physics is like a cheese doodle
it gets orange shit everywhere?
if that's what you think
posted on September 10, 2016 by Axel Rauschmayer

I really like the way EJS templates work, because the meta-syntax (loops, if-then-else, etc.) is just JavaScript. This blog post describes ideas for improving their syntax. EJS templates This is an example of an EJS template: <ul> <% for(var i=0; i<supplies.length; i++) {%> <li><%= supplies[i] %></li> <% } %> </ul> I see t

Something I noticed last night
Fidelity investments is the only Google result for Fidelity
On page 1 anyway. For me.
There's 3 ads for Fidelity and 1 actual result (which is Fidelity) lmao. Bet that's expensive
anyone for some angular bashing?
@rlemon Aye, either python or node
ended up using 2 different part of the noise map for direction and strength
not really behaving like a window map
@BenFortune what node lib? J5?
so, I need to write an application to various universities (including cambridge, but shouldn't make the 5 universities know what any of the other 4 are). This sounds shitty, but I don't really know why. Anyone mind quickly reading through? pastebin.com/ZzKvYjpP
@AwalGarg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
lol, in the official introduction to perl:
> One thing you'll notice about programming is that you'll make mistakes;
oh gosh, they're funny XD
> As you can see, perl thought it was dealing with an octal number, but then along came an 8, which stopped it from making sense, so perl quite rightly complained.
I'm having some difficulty measuring the resistance of a wire coil with a multimeter. It seems higher than it should be. Is there such a thing as a multimeter using short pulses of voltage (rather than a steady DC voltage) to measure resistance, which would be stifled by the inductance of the coil?
hmm, that's probably not it
I tried again and it showed ~zero
@KendallFrey what happened wire? How many wraps? Inner diameter?
Egic industry has gotten very good at estimating it
Er.. what gauge
Jesus auto correct
yeah I know none of that stuff
just that it's a coil
I don't think that's my problem right now
I'm trying to figure out how to run this motor that I have
I think it's a stepper, but I don't know
I googled the number on the back, and all I got was a website which calls itself "Your source for hard-to-find computer equipment"
I guess they're right
From what I googled it looks like a bipolar stepper, but resistances across the terminals are unusually high or infinite, which isn't what I'd expect
I think it was manufactured exclusively as part of a barcode scanner, not for general usage
Vue-masters here?
@SemyonVyskubov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I creating component in a vue-file, the problem is that this is always undefined, whenever I try to call it.
even in `export default` methods... have no clue how to:
1) access elements via this.$el
2) make any property to be accessible outside (in other component). I even found out how to access component's data, but they're not binding to template of other component
Now i'm pretty sure my multimeter's broken, at least the ammeter
the ammeter sometimes has a separate fuse
@Luggage Well, it "works" but the measurements don't match on different settings
the <20mA and <200mA settings show 10K and 100K times higher than I think they should
be careful turning it down too low. this might not be a concern on modern meters, but you can blow some by turning the ammeter lower than the current you pass through
@KendallFrey picture?
my wifi card is so fucked
On a related note, I'm looking for recommendations for a new wifi card
@rlemon ^
well you need to know how many phases it is so you can get the right controller
also, you need a controller
I was hoping to just build my own
According to Google, bipolar steppers are pretty simple
unipolars didn't look much harder
still need the timing chip
because you need to get the phase timing right to drive the motor
Isn't it just as simple as pulsing each step one after the other?
with a fixed delay in between
@KendallFrey with a transistor array yes
I wonder if there's an internal microcontroller
The multimeter says there's ~30KΩ between red and black, and everything else is disconnected
that's not what I'd expect from a couple coils
just wondering did a massive recalc happened today?
Why? did you see the same cat twice?
I am not sure, but it seems Iv gained some reputation suddenly
probably some doc beta recalc
> It’ll probably take us a week or two to get this system implemented; expect an announcement when the rollout begins.
That's probably it.
They just forgot the announcement.
click this to see if it tells you:
now I am sure that's a recalc
because the rep on meta doesn't match the one on SO
they didn't sync the change yet
nvm one of my questions was deleted (wrongly)
which had a massive bounty
I wish that that kind of thing would turn up in your notifications
Just wondering, isn't that a huge security fault?
@rlemon @KendallFrey ... others wanna game today?
what game
any game :D
dammit @Abhishrek :P
I downranked a bazillion because of filthy casuals
As usual, some fantastic new features
@rlemon J5 or onoff
You can write directly to the gpio though, /sys/class/gpio/gpio${pin}/value
2 hours later…
@SterlingArcher viralspots.com/…

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