// This is the entire code you need in order to make NodeLists iterable yourself
NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function*() {
for(var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) yield this[i];
ECMAScript (or ES) is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262 and ISO/IEC 16262. It was based on JavaScript, which now tracks ECMAScript. It is commonly used for client-side scripting on the World Wide Web. Other implementations of ECMAScript include JScript and ActionScript.
== History ==
The ECMAScript specification is a standardized specification of a scripting language developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape; initially it was named Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally JavaScript. In December 1995, Sun Microsystems and Netscape announ...
That seems to say that it's over a year old.
I could have sworn they had been screwing around with this for at least a year and a half.
Admittedly I mostly remember the class based stuff. And what's the deal with ES7? We have shite adoption of ES6 and they are already saying 2016 is the year of ES7 with only 4 months left of it?
@Vap0r The fact the code I mentioned doesn't work in Edge isn't ES6, it's about the DOM which is the spec of how you interact with the document (your HTML)
NodeList isn't implemented in JavaScript nor is it supported in a lot of JS environments - like Node - it's a part of the DOM.
The DOM has iterable NodeLists for a shorter duration, and implements take longer with it.
@Vap0r yes, it would, and in fact that's how rlemon polyfilled it -by just telling it "behave like an array".
@rlemon the import syntax is built into engines, actually importing other stuff is out of scope for the spec and it's in the module loader spec. The JS bits are done.
Node even has an almost-done proposal for it and there was a huge .mjs debate a while back - now the standards body (ES) is making subtle changes to promise you'll be able to easily determine if a file is a module or not - so we won't have to compromise on .mjs files.
@Vap0r [] is an empty array literal, Array is a built in function - Array(3) creates an array of size 3 and no elements - [3] creates an array with one element - the number 3.
I think you need to be overly pedantic to be a good programmer :P
ugh, company sells me a 'multi-touch industrial all-in-one computer' but has no multi-touch drivers. offers an arrangement of OSs of which Linux is possible so I get them to load 64bit ubuntu ---- three different models.. none have multi-touch drivers working and all randomly freeze.
like old school freeze. pc unresponsive, screen stuck at last position.
as part of my game project, I'm gonna put together the dialogue system before the actual visuals, then throw blessed in front and make a text adventure engine, I think
When anyone else asks how to do something that you can't do in a browser, we say "use a server for that part". this is no different except that the server process may need higher level access to do some tasks (like restart). That is the risk, right there, not that it's a web app
@Vap0r you risk is "yet another vector for someone else to execute code you don't want them to execute".
if you convert it to a desktop app, you no longer have an http server sitting there with end points that could cause harm if ever exposed to an open network.
Yeah pretty much, we have a management interface meant for choosing what displays on each kiosk, I want to add basic functions to this management interface
But yea.. treat it like it was exposed to the internet even if it's not. That means making sure that all the parts communicating are up-to-date with security pathches, you authenticate, etc.
so, you have an rpi that basically opens a web browser and navigates to a page. you want a separate management page to be able to restart and perform other similar tasks on the rpi?
@Oleander right, but which promise spec? The Promises/A+ specification defines that promises detect each other by using then and so does the ECMAScript Spec (step 8)
It's the attacks you don't understand that are the problem. They may exploit a fault in openssl or nginx, or IIS or apache before it even hits your code
@Oleander If you want to detect what's a promise based on it behaving like one then checking then is the only viaable choice - but it is often much better to just Promise.resolve whatever it is you're getting.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So what you mean is that; the spec doesn't allow the to verify wherever an object is a promise or not so the only way is to test one part, i.e .resolve and hope that the rest works as well?
Dumb question - what's the problem with elevated permissions in RPC if he controls what's on the network and can communicate in an encrypted manner anyway? @Luggage
@Oleander not at all, I mean that Promise.resolve and a lot of other spec items already use then to test these things - so if you use Promise.resolve(maybeAPromise) in your code it will automatically return a promise that resolves to the internal promise's value anyway if it's a promise and just the value itself if it's not.
@Oleander If the passed object has a then that is a function but behaves in a way that is not like the regular then - then in that edge case I've never ever seen IRL - that can happen.
I've never seen this in 3 years of bluebird and in 2 years of speaking in conferences, passing workshops and writing promise related code for bluebird, Q and Node.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm building a logger that intercepts calls to objects using Proxies in ES6. So obj.sayHello("Linus") would yield "obj.sayHello('Linus') => 'Hello Linus'";
@BenjaminGruenbaum In those cases where the function returns a promise I would instead like to intercept the call and print the resolve value instead of the return value. That is; "x = obj.sayHello('Linus'); if x.promise? then x.then( print result );";
@Oleander There is nothing that keeps anyone from adding toString to an object but that doesn't stop you from printing it to a log which converts it to a string.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But they could, and they do. I mean, I understand what you mean. A user shouldn't implement then on a random object, and I agree. But that's not the reality.
I totally get the desire to "be sure", but since everyone else just uses the presence of a .then(), then that becomes the right way, even if it wasn't the spec.
Right, and a lot of things are possible but will never happen. It is possible an opossum will be the next vice president - but it will not be the case.
@Luggage Yeah, and I think I've to expand on checking the existence of functions that should be there right now as there doesn't seam to be a more relabile (spelling?) way.
@BenjaminGruenbaum My problem with your answer was that it looked like an deduction proof. The existence of .then on object will result in object being a Promise. What you ment is that it's likley, that object is a Promise as the community doesn't implement these randomly, which is an induction proof
@Luggage I'm trying to log the call stack in an application during testing. I currently have a deadlock somewhere and the current trace wont tell me much so is implementing something of my own using ES6 decorators (@log) and proxies
To make a long story short, I'm implementing transaction functionality for multiply asyc operations which requires me to make promises lazy. I'm doing this by implementing a proxy around the Promise library and defining what functions that will invoke the lazy promise. I.e promise.timeout(x) will return another lazy promise while promise.fire().then invokes it
If you want to run async operations in batch - you could do Promise.setScheduler and bluebird and tell it to schedule everything on whatever terms you want - but taking control of execution timing from the code itself is a recipe for bugs.
@Oleander you can't make this work by breaking then because that will break how code is ordered.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That would introduce the halting problem. What if it doesn't return anything? Then I should have printed a line before calling the promise