benefit of isomorphic is a single code base, benefit of the other methods is you're not limited to any one tech @AlexGamboa. I don't think there really is a solid answer, it depends on your stack, ect.
for example if your rendering from PHP you can't really do isomorphic
Hey guys, quick question. I'm building an agent-based demographic simulation. Persons objects are stored in personArraywhich will contain well over 100 000 elements. As people die, they are no longer useful to the simulation. I was wondering if there is any performance advantages to actually removing them from personArray? And if so, would it be useful to shift the empty index they live behind so that personArraystays dense. Thanks.
I'll have to read up on it. Kind of new at programming and haven't used sets yet. Can you give me a quick overview of the main differences between sets and arrays.
The third option is a Map; also unordered, each item is stored by some unique key. That's useful if you frequently need to look-up items, as opposed to checking if an item is in a set, or iterating over the whole array/set.
If you use someObj[dynamicProperty] a lot, you probably need a Map.
The biggest advantage so far of a Map over a dynamic object, is that dynamic object keys can only be strings (or Symbols, which are irrelevant for you at this point)
If you want to use, for example, a Person object as key, you can't.
@MadaraUchiha humm... interesting. It really doesn't matter what order every Person is stored. But I do need to look for items in the whole set/array/map that meet certain criteria and do something to or with them. That is, I don't think I will need to look-up a specific Person, but I will need to frequently find all the ones that are male, or between 30 and 40 years old etc... and then change some of their properties values.
let limitedPeopleSet = new Set();
for (let person of peopleSet) {
if (/* some condition applies */) {
// do stuff with limitedPeopleSet
@NathanJones Never really saw the need, hello.txt and Hello.txt are different files
Which do you take when the user asks for hello.txt? Which for Hello.txt?
@MadaraUchiha this server is for serving static content for a 3rd party product whose code has references to Hello.txt but shipped a file named hello.txt
I'm trying to serve static files with nginx, and I've already tried adding ~* to the location option, but that doesn't seem to work with what I'm trying to do: serve files with case-insensitivity. Right now, I get a 404 if the case of the URL doesn't match the file's name in the file system.
@MadaraUchiha so how would I do this, in a set:
for (var i = 0; i < personArray.length; i++) {
if (personArray[i].hasMalaria === true) {
personArray[i].isAlive = false
we had a site built on windows, that was very inconsistent in file name usage. we did a simple find/replace of all urls goign to our asset subdomain and made them all lowercase, then did the same within the folder that contained those files
@BoltClock hey I'm looking for a clear way for a parent element to take the height of the child when the child is absolutely positioned - right now I got display:table but I'm looking for a cleaner way
@NathanJones Do I agree with his methods? No, but at the same time the power vacuum in Iraq made way for ISIS to form. Particularly with how big of a joke the Iraqi army was (probably still is, haven't been there in years).
Right, and again, I'm not condoning what he did. I'm just simply stating that the only reason ISIS got their foothold in Iraq was because there was an absence of complete authority in Iraq that was willing to prevent them from gaining steam.
I'd like to create a single page within browser extension, allowing users to edit objects - can you recommend some "simple" and "minimal" js framework for rendering and interacting with it? I've never worked with any except for angular.
i need help with require()'s design. i have a js file that defines a proto, but itself requires other stuff. is it fine doing var Proto = require("myproto.js")(stuff1, stuff2, stuff3); var p = new Proto(1,2,3); or are there better options?
so, I have this thing where I want to make a whole server from scratch using nodejs (with maybe fs), from directory management to smtp servers. How bad of an idea is that?
In Typescript, why do people use the private access modifier in the constructor for dependency injection? I know it's a shortcut for setting the property, but why is it needed exactly, how does it work?
@Wes Elaborate, pretty please! They're making the property unaccessible for other classes? I don't think that's their primary reason for doing it. It's some sort of a shortcut hack