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Practically, a square is very different from an exponential. It's the difference between a slow-down with a larger input and a total failure with a larger input
Sorry, rephrase. Exponential functions != power functions.
TIL Rust regex engine is sane too. It looks very nice
@littlepootis do you need the link again?
I've been wanting to dive into learning Rust.
@thepiercingarrow No, they were in my notifications
Been waiting for it to mature, since I'd use it for game dev rather than anything sensible.
@Nimphious It looks a little too administrative, with all those declarations. I'm afraid it must not be very fun to code
Currently learning Nim, because why not.
disclaimer: I hesitated but didn't try anything in Rust, so I'm not qualified
@Nimphious Is Nim ready ? How are the standard libs ?
Not a clue. I only just started yesterday when someone made a comment about my nickname and referred to the language.
It was me :P
@Nimphious isn't nim a game explored in game theory?
three piles, take from the piles
Nim seems nice but that's not enough to make a successful language. Look at Go, it would have failed without the extraordinary good standard libs
Yeah it is, @thepiercingarrow.
I loved the look of Go when it was announced and it seemed to stagnate for a while, how is it now?
Nim compiles into C.
So you can just use the C libraries.
Brainfreeze compiles into Brainfuck.
It says that Nim compiler is written in Nim. That necessarily means that a Nim compiler came before it that wasn't written in Nim, right?
Yeah Nim can use any C library.
So you can just use the Brainfuck libraries.
@Neil bootstrapped compiler
@Nimphious I don't think Go stagnates. It's more and more used. It just isn't very flamboyant. It's simple, basic, effective but not brillant.
The compiled (Nim -> C) C sources are available on the website, though.
Right now Go would be my best candidate for my next personal big back-end project
@DenysSéguret No I mean, when it first came out there was a flurry of activity, and then nothing for a few months and since the language is no use to me until it can use DX/GL I moved on.
@Nimphious There are many bindings to open-gl, and many people use them (I never tried)
Yes, now there are. Way back then there weren't.
It looks like Nim has some nice features, but I still haven't figured out what Nim excels in
It feels like a cross between javascript, c++, and visual basic
I was going to say JS, C++ and Python
@thepiercingarrow yes, I still need help with keybase.io and PGP as well, just a few pointers
@Nimphious it is a bit like python too, isn't it?
@FilipDupanović Okay. Have you made a key yet?
@Mosho @MadaraUchiha @Zirak - I'm organizing the next JS IL meetup, any ideas for talks or speakers welcome
Yeah. Personally I dislike python's code style, so Nim is kind of rubbing against my coding style preferences.
@thepiercingarrow no, I didn't create a key yet
Probably just gonna drop it. Looks handy if you're into that though.
@thepiercingarrow I didn't quite get it whether it would be safe to use their PGP implementation to create the key in the browser, or should I rather trust my machine for that
@FilipDupanović Do you have the keybase CLI installed yet?
@Nimphious I don't mind python style, but this code feels a bit too much like c++
mmm I tried, got some complaints about fuse mount it tried to create in my container
Like c++ code if c++ adopted python indentation
@Neil Yeah I think it's trying to be a cleaner C++ coding experience with a GC.
tried the Windows client, but my computer crashed and I don't know how to report a bug, I'll have to ask them on GitHub (you have swear in that you will report any bugs if you choose to download the Windows installer, so that's also on my todo)
@Nimphious it probably is cleaner and I probably would try to learn it if I didn't already know c++
/me nods.
anyways, as an end user the service looked super awesome... but I only used PGP with secure apt (so everything is managed) and all this is new to me
@FilipDupanović What OS are you using right now?
I'm using Windows 10 and I have a Docker machine running in the TCE guest on my virtualbox hypervisor
hmm I heard that Windows 10 has a package manager. Have you tried getting keybase through that?
ohhh, that's a great idea! I'll take a look
d'oh... what was the name... "C" something
Windows 10 has a package manager?
chocolaty I think...
And you expect keybase to be in it? :P
@littlepootis Yeah - not that anyone uses it :P
Oh, chocolatey
@littlepootis yeah, sometimes they provide you with binaries for class-platform projects if you don't know how to setup VS and everything (I never do)
@littlepootis Well it was in homebrew, so... -_o_-
FFA, just like AUR
> Keybase just announced the Keybase filesystem, #1 on Hacker News!
@littlepootis Yeah too bad it doesn't work on my machine... :/
Ignore greg's posts were #1 twice on HN
I have no idea how I'd setup an encrypted FS, especially not how to make exotic FSs and mounts work in Virtualbox
@FilipDupanović you don't have to worry about that yet. First go to keybase.io/langrisha
so it's safe to use their browser implementation to create a key?
There should be instructions for generating a key...
@FilipDupanović it is
ok, then that's one less thing to worry about
The guys that use postgres ,do you use pgadmin for starting/stopping server?
and what if I change my mind tomorrow? can I... deprecate keys and stuff?
you can just.. stop using them
@Paran0a yeah, there should also be an option to restart the service from the CLI
@littlepootis and how does that work with other users from keybase.io if I introduce a new key?
keybase is not different. It just stores the keys. It acts like a server. It's just good old PGP.
because I would eventually like to sit down and curate my own key and learn how to properly keep the master secure
bye, no power, battery down
rip in peace
bb @littlepootis o7
@littlepootis Does Steam count as a package manager?
yup, nice catch, think it does!
oh wow, it's back
\o/ there shall be light!!!
It's gone againm
@Sheepy Steam client, yeah
:'( why is crypto always so hard, when it should a part of each netizens personal hygiene?
3 mins ago, by little pootis
bye, no power, battery down
Bye bye!
@FilipDupanović Did you gen a key yet?
Wait. Pootis is gone?!
This never happens.
What do we do?
it's finding the mersenne primes for p and q :P
@littlepootis I thought you'd say it doesn't handle package dependency lol. In which case I'd continue to Microsoft's little package manager called Web Platform Installer.
@Nimphious Raise the alarm!
Wow 🎵 this emoj command is so useful
🎵 Do you hear the people sing? 🎵
@Nimphious dear customer, all system questions are currently put on hold until the pootis is back some pop music starts playing message repeats itself every now and then
🎵 Singing a song of angry men! 🎵
anyone free at the moment I have a small issue
@Hobolandjacob yeah?
@FilipDupanović Crypto are designed to protect dumb people from smart people. Very smart people. That's why it is hard.
🎵 It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again! 🎵
🎵 When the beating of your heart, echoes the beating of a drum... 🎵
@Sheepy yeah, but it's always optional... sort of thinking if it was mandatory and we practiced it more that the tools, specs, documentation could be more accessible for everyone by now
🎵 There is a life about to start, when tomorrow comes! 🎵
Anyone wanna sing with me?
@FilipDupanović It would be more accessible for everyone if people stopped using windows.
I don't know that one... can I try to chime in best I can?
@thepiercingarrow my variable will not increment jsfiddle.net/spz49tdL
🎵 the sun gonna shine, the winds gonna blow 🎵
🎵 that's everything I need to keep Steam happy 🎵
@thepiercingarrow im trying to make it so no matter how I call the function create(meme. ect)
mmm, I know about the book and saw the movie, but no, nothing about the musical
@FilipDupanović <sarcastic> You're obviously not a programmer. Source code is the best documentation. </sarcastic>
@Hobolandjacob What line number?
@thepiercingarrow 112 and below
@Sheepy Lol. Reminds me of a teacher I once knew... for the exam he gave us a 100 line Java Program with no comments and told us to finish the program (complete the missing part).
@Sheepy guess my biggest problem are the algorithms, their licensing and the fact I don't even posses the minimum knowledge from maths
@FilipDupanović Use Linux and learn Math. Get an AoPS account.
@thepiercingarrow dude I nailed that on ASM and saved a shitload of people on the final exam
AoPS account?
@FilipDupanović what?
@FilipDupanović aops.com
Awesome social media
@Hobolandjacob Um.. what is that code supposed to do?
@thepiercingarrow its pretty rough right now let me tidy it a bit real quick
@thepiercingarrow our final exam from our computer architecture course, the chunk of the score was 80 lines of code we wrote for some small ISA, 4 tiny lines you had to correct and you already pass the exam
@FilipDupanović Wait what?
@FilipDupanović Did you use node with postgre? If you did which driver did you use?
no, I haven't used any relation database in Node.js yet
@thepiercingarrow jsfiddle.net/spz49tdL/1 I put what I mean inside it
I wouldn't know... should there not be some client that's officially endorsed for Node.js?
Havent found an official one, but I did find few
The standard computer exam I took at the end of my secondary school is to write a board game. In two hours. With a plain text editor under DOS.
sounds fun
could you at least test?
I earned the top rank, but even I wasn't able to finish that game.
ah! My ears!
we were working with some processor emulator... dunno what it was called, had some simple ISA, the editor and emulator were integrated; in the exam you had the code for a simple app, all you had to do was spot two obvious mistakes and add couple of instructions; was on our first year and I was kinda the only in class that did some programming prior to Uni; I finished early and the peeps from the caffeteria started SMSing and everyone that remained inside passed :P
@thepiercingarrow if you cant find it out thats fine ive just been stuck all day on it
@Hobolandjacob is this for a project?
I can't find out whats wrong..
@thepiercingarrow no its a free time thing and its the variable its just not saving I added html if that makes it better to understand you click the button and it goes it increments the number jsfiddle.net/spz49tdL/4
@thepiercingarrow I am very sorry for wasting your time I fixed it up here which shows if you click the button it will increment but it will not go past 1 jsfiddle.net/spz49tdL/7
@thepiercingarrow lol I cant get the variable to go past 1
@thepiercingarrow do you see the issue im talking about?
@Hobolandjacob Okay I fixed it
@thepiercingarrow Really how?
@thepiercingarrow could you send the link to the js fiddle ?
wait... I'm trying to guess my JSfiddle password
ok thanks :)
Should do it like this instead, @Hobolandjacob jsfiddle.net/cyLvs01y
Are you familiar with classes and the prototype inheritence style?
If my IDE compiles TypeScript for me, is it a good idea to try run an Angular2 app without Gulp or a server (for example gulp-webserver)?
@SomeGuy oh, you didn't know about shared libraries :)
I'm not familiar - Thanks for helping and thanks for the new link
@SvetanDimoff you mean like opening the local page from a browser?
@thepiercingarrow yay \o/ keybase.io/langrisha
you asked if I can do something for you when I complete my identity
@FilipDupanović Yeah I was curious whether you get your own invite links?
mhm, let me check!
@FilipDupanović Do you have the keybase CLI installed yet?
uhh, can't find anything in the UI on my account
nop, that's going to take me some time to get it working :(
okay. Well let me try something...
now that I'm using the web app... my key is stored somewhere in my user data on the client?
@FilipDupanović Its stored on their servers. You can request it from them whenever you want from whatever machine you want.
on their servers? yikes!
Don't worry everything is encrypted (I think)
I was wondering where the export button was :P
ok, at least I don't have to worry about loosing my key for the time being
@FilipDupanović Here decrypt this: pastebin.com/raw/JyMFExYM
@FilipDupanović Click 'edit', then click 'Export my private key from Keybase'
Rowling's new book is going to be a play. :(
I'm more into melting colors myself... can it be something else :P
@FilipDupanović Send me a message back? ;)
Can't wait for the next Dresden Files book man. Love me some wizzordree.
@FlorianMargaine I did not. I was stupid and thought I couldn't understand them, but failed to realize that the only reason I couldn't understand things was because I wasn't trying. Now, that's changed, which is good
@SomeGuy yay :)
@SomeGuy computers are stupid, it's just 0 and 1s
And look how far those 1s and 0s have gotten us!
once you get past this stage, things open up a lot more
and the next day you end up looking at kernel source because it's the only sane place to look for your bug
(and the bug is not there, but you know why stuff happens and you know how to fix it)
Haha I look forward to that
Open source is just such a brilliant concept
it's spreading \o/
@rlemon nah, i didn't.. just offered my upvote that's all
@SomeGuy yup, it's at this point that you start loving open source
And the internet! And Wikipedia!
If you avoid the shitty parts of the internet (places with comments sections, mainly :P), it's a wonderful community
He's a lover, not a fighter
"If you avoid all the places where you see what other people are saying, everyone on the internet seems like great company!"
@FlorianMargaine hey you want to read this shaffner.us/cs/papers/tarpit.pdf if you haven't already (I guess you have :|)
@Nimphious pretty much
I strongly believe there is a conspiracy coming from the OS community, to make people literate and promote collaboration
Another torrent site was taken down (kickasstorrents)... Meanwhile, the pirate back has been back up for a while :D
RIP KickassTorrents
BBL KickassTorrents
but the owner is not coming back :(
did the trial for the TPB dev ever even start?
No idea
Has the KAT guy been handed over to the feds yet?
@AwalGarg I think I remember reading it, not sure
@AwalGarg Whoa, 66 pages. Have you read it?
@Cerbrus as I understood, they're the ones that got to him (not a Polish task force)
> It also shows that Apple handed over personal details of Vaulin after the investigator cross-referenced an IP-address used for an iTunes transaction with an IP-address that was used to login to KAT’s Facebook account.

> “Records provided by Apple showed that [email protected] conducted an iTunes transaction using IP Address on or about July 31, 2015. The same IP Address was used on the same day to login into the KAT Facebook,” the complaint reads.
@Cerbrus I think so, yes
Is it a "read word for word" kind of paper or a "skim through for the general concepts" kind?
Evidence based on IP addresses... A little flimsy
@SomeGuy I think I'll start the actual podcatcher this weekend
@SomeGuy lol I think you have some exaggerated opinion about me skimming over things :P I can read properly too, I promise!
@SomeGuy I read the introductory paragraph and it's great... going to read it just in case I ever end up on a huge project where few people really understand everything that's going on
I think I got all the basics down to get the basic functionality of this thing
@AwalGarg Haha, I was asking which you think I should do. No judgement about how you do things :p
And I don't assume you skim everything. You couldn't get away with that
@GNi33 Sweet!
Open source, yes?
I don't want people to take my code and do stuff with it
I've been told by one person that devours books that he basically skims only for the parts that describe novel ideas... he buys like a ton of books every time he travels and boasts a huge library and I asked him because I wondered when does he get to read all of that
Maybe you could even put on the Play Store. I think you'd be surprised at how well it can do
of course it will be open source
and if it turns out to be good, who knows, maybe it'll end up in the play store as well
I will need to read up a lot about Android UX though
@FilipDupanović Yeah, a friend of mine who reads a ton is the same way. I've got nothing against skimming, but it's not suitable for everything for me, so it's nice to know what people think
because let's be honest, if your app works fine, this is the most important part about it
@GNi33 For sure
No one's downloading a solid ugly app over a solid beautiful app, though :P
@GNi33 you got to the design docs right? design.google.com/resources
all my test apps look like crap right now, but that wasn't the point of writing them
f power cuts
but I'll try hard on this one
I'll probably just use a openly available podcast directory first, before writing the server
because I'll need to write adapters anyways, I don't want it to be limited to a private server
That's the best book on reading books I've ever read.
> SomeGuy marked it as to-read, May 20, 2015
Oh, you marked it as to-read.
I'm not surprised
Of course I have :P
Finding good books and courses is a fun pastime for me!
@GNi33 Sounds fair
@littlepootis Yep. Reading and taking courses is so much more work
Finding them is exciting, on the other hand :P
I realized at one point that I was spending more time on just looking at course syllabuses than I was spending actually studying for them. I've since stopped actively looking
that's still a gray area for me, how the server will work and so on. But I'm sure there are openly available services that let you manage your podcasts, so I'll build a client to that, hook it up on a Adapter and hopefully it'll be easy enough to write several clients then
As someone who has read the first chapters of a few thousand books, I can relate.
Hey guys any pro of git in the hood?
I get by with knowing 2% of Git :P
haha, pretty much, yeah
You could probably help me
I need to completly rebase a branch
from my master
@FlorianMargaine I'll really need to brush up my PHP game, general concepts, handling of big projects and so on. Have you got any reading / course recommendations for me?
@SomeGuy oh I see you want more courses to look at. try ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/… and cs224d.stanford.edu :D
But however I try I always ended up with some of my file no identical as the one on my master
@Baldráni and I'm out. I avoid that like the freaking plague
@Baldráni that's supposed to happen if you made changes on your branch, since you diverged off of master
@AwalGarg Haha, nice, thanks. Not taking the bait, though :P
Yeah but I've done some great bullshit on that branch and since it's is the one linked to my dev env I need it to be clean :(
@GNi33 Check Hangouts?
just got your message
but it'll take a little time for me to respond, meeting in < 5 min
@Baldráni so just git rebase?
So any possibility to completly copy the state of a branch to a branch already existing (which is above)
@GNi33 Sure, no problem
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well rebase actually is not really rebasing it still keep the changement done
@Baldráni guess the easiest would be to squash all your changes since you forked of master and then rebase with that single commit
@Baldráni as in, check out a single file from another branch? You can do that.
@AwalGarg Are those courses you're currently taking, though?
but you'd lose the history...
@Baldráni rebase just puts the delta on top of the tip, it should do what you want, but for your question yes, you can just check out parts of a branch into another branch checkout has a folder option.
@JanDvorak Its a loooooot of files :(
@SomeGuy It's not like he has a choice
the second one is, yes, @SomeGuy
Btw, have you ever done an Operating Systems course? cc: @littlepootis
You can also just cherry pick the commits - if you do that for all the commits and land them cleanly that'd just be a rebase.
@SomeGuy I have
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hoo thats an idea I havent tried
@SomeGuy I don't like doing courses, so I read books.
@Baldráni do you want to discard a branch and move the branch pointer to wherever master is?
I have studied minor stuff about operating systems. minor because if I say major, benji is gonna start asking questions :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haha, I was asking them since I wanted them to accompany me :P
But cherry pick the last comit of master would leave intact the files changed on my branch which are not changed on the master
But I've written a program that's technically an OS.
@JanDvorak Yup
@AwalGarg And you don't want that?
But I dont want to erase it
@GNi33 uh... "Clean Code"?
Benjamin asking questions is probably the best time this room has!
I still want to keep the history
@SomeGuy well, I don't wanna take the bait either, for now :P
You could create a new branch just to serve as a handle to the commits you didn't use
@FlorianMargaine yeah, got that on my reading list. Anything PHP specific but "read up on design patterns"?
what shall I do to have such input box cash.me$Wikipedia
@GNi33 design patterns suck
@FlorianMargaine no
well... sorta
@JanDvorak hum but what if I just want to completly clean my branch
I gues I could go back to the last clean commit eventuallu
@littlepootis I'll go for that one
@Baldráni well, if you take a bit to rebase and tidy up your commits from the master HEAD you forked from, may make rebasing to the new HEAD a bit easier
@littlepootis Link?
@Baldráni git jesus
@littlepootis The one I'm looking at would basically involve reading the textbook and following the assignments anyway ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/…
There aren't any videos
@littlepootis I'll go for that one
@littlepootis git jesus does not exist. Did you mean: - git save-my-soul
git: 'jesus' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
You'll have to wait three days
@littlepootis Nice, thanks
just wanna clear your branch? rm -rf .git && git init
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you have any textbook recommendations, btw?
I'm probably going to use Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum
@JanDvorak Dear user, Git is currently busy handling other requests from users that want the same thing as you, please wait
@SomeGuy Read the other book too.
teh Minix book!
And the one on Organization and that book on Networks.
They're AMAZING.
@FilipDupanović yeah the Minix book
Hahaha, I've read Computer Networks already
It's soooooo good.
Which is why I was excited when I saw that he had one on OSs
@SomeGuy which one was that? I opened some, read a chapter on Aloha network, didn't understand anything :P
Um, thanks, Ho Chi Minh University of Tech.
@littlepootis You really think I should read both? Isn't that a bit pointless?
Well I just git reset --hard to the last commit making sense
For now, my plan is to just read Tanenbaum's book and refer OSDev's wiki as needed and possibly do the OCW courses assignments
lots of nice links to published material already, gonna be a nice day
@SomeGuy It's not really pointless. After reading the minix book, you'll be able to implement your own *nix.
The other book is kinda general, theory-oriented.
Alright. I'll keep it in mind
Oh, also, the third edition's hardcopy of the minix book I own has full source code too.
@SomeGuy yep
Scientists think that they may have found the reason and therefore possibly a cure for OCD behavior
It's an excess of a specific receptor
Won't ordinary sedatives do that?
@Neil got the article? where are the neurons involved projected from?
and I wonder when the meds will be safe for administration... how long has it been since we discovered a cure for autistic behavior... 3-5 years is it now?
any idea how to make a input box like that
not available in my country...
Can't even use proxy to see it..
square website?
@GandalftheWhite it's nothing fancy, remove border, use same input bg as container bg and you're set
^ yeah, the classic approach, as long as you mind ARIA and clients for certain platforms
Has anyone used normalizr with redux? Any caveats in it?
@CSᵠ @FilipDupanović My question is not that. When you enter text in the textbox then the size expands and the font size decreases
with every input
how to do that
Hii is there a method to get fixed no of elements from an array ?
array = [0,1,2,3,4,......,199];
i want to get 10 of them...from same distance like keys :- 0th , 20th,40th,...200th
THis is an example only
Make one.
Where to start ?
or filter
@GandalftheWhite try with css
Q: Documentation Has Entered Public Beta

Kevin MontroseThe big expansion we started on so many months ago, Documentation, is finally out of private beta! Take a moment and read the blog announcement Also go and play with Documentation for a bit, read through the help pages, and take the tour. Anywhere you see a glowing blue dot, you can click to g...

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