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can i ask any question
@KendallFrey what if you're having above average sex
Wifey is down to 800 calories a day. We're having lots of sex. She's getting skinnier.
@SeventhSon Your wife is going to die eating 800 calories a day.
800 calories a day doesn't sound healthy
She's been doing it for over a month and hasn't died yet.
Her body is going to enter a state where it stores fats and eats muscle.
I am new javascript learner have any suggestion for me ?
But she did lose 7 pounds.
Is she on a chain in the basement, by chance?
@Trasiva That isn't a thing
@SeventhSon those aren't healthy pounds
Your body goes into starvation mode, clinging to fat cells, and burns more muscle than fat
@SterlingArcher That isn't a thing
@Meredith It's called starvation response.
You are seriously misunderstanding what that is
That's what my PT taught me in our nutrition session
well, as soon as we start attaching computers to our nervous system, we'll be able to fix that mistake.
It just makes you lethargic so that you burn fewer calories a day
It's fine. There's not any other way for her to lose weight. She tried 1500 a day for two months and didn't lose anything. Using MyFitnessPal for tracking.
That's literally all it is
@SterlingArcher You're assuming she's not burning stored fat
She's active as hell.
You're not gonna start losing muscle if you're still 300lb
I'm just going to fast all my pounds away. Go cold turkey.
If you're 300lb and try to lose weight
You should lose muscle
You don't want elephant legs when you weigh 150 lbs
I do.
I have elephant legs
Like you'll look like squidward in that one episode
I want to crush a watermelon with my thighs
Well, gotta get back to work. Thanks for answering my question about selectors.
I want to be the watermelon
I used to be the best jumper in school
you think fat people have that much extra muscle?
> You like Krabby Patties don't you Meredith?
@Luggage Only in their legs
i am happy with you mr sex http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/31845300#31845300
Bye poof
Jesus this entire room could be ShitSOChatSays
@mikeTheLiar tag it by room with a hashtag
@SterlingArcher that's a good idea
Nobody likes your knockoff twitter
I'm still trying to figure out a standardized format
@ndugger eat 10 hundred dicks
I will
2 days ago, by Sterling Archer
Eat a lemon you thin privileged fuck
Not my proudest quote
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Jul 12 at 20:37, by Kendall Frey
ffs now I have "steve harvey penis" in my search history
Jun 8 at 21:07, by William
wtf that is the fbi office
Damn. Vet has surgery tonight. Date with the gym is back on
Oh for fucks sake. Rogue emailed me
@SterlingArcher Do not do it.
I had a tinder match ask me if I was on team mystic, and I told her team rocket, and she never responded to me
@ndugger Clearly no sense of humour, it's a match!
I very much so have a sense of humour; it just happens to be dark and dry
In all seriousness though, if she can't take a joke, she's not worth dealing with.
yes, there is a "like your mum's _" joke in there
It's 4:20
I'm gonna go murder my lungs at the gym now
!!afk rebecca black
!!afk So it'll be Friday Friday everybody's ready for the weekend weekend.
Friday here already.
I have some big libraries that I include with webpack with multiple endpoints. Instead of packing those libraries for each endpoint I use them in, is there a way to dynamically import them from a single source?
@phenomnomnominal 10 minutes!
@jakebird451 u wot?
do you mean something like require, jake?
@bitten I have a few large included libraries in my project. These libraries are replicated for every endpoint I specify in webpack.
elaborate on "replicated"?
and where do you import these libraries from?
so far the so docs look pretty useless
@jakebird451 create a separate libraries bundle
@bitten webpack places these libraries in each of the compiled files it makes
@phenomnomnominal oh
@phenomnomnominal yeah this
@phenomnomnominal That sounds neat
hey i'm trying to convert subscriptionListeners:{[id] : {[id] : {(event:TrebuchetMessageEvent):void}[]}} = {}; to ES6 a bit confused its originally in typescript I didn't write the code so am confused what its declaring
make a lib.js file from this
it's also nice because your libraries are less likely to change than your application code, so it'll tend to be more cacheable
jQuery Language -> Promises -> has an example for adding a done handler, a separate for adding a fail handler, a 3rd for progress, another for .then, holy shit that could have all been done with 1 example
i was going to recommend externals to you @jakebird451 webpack.github.io/docs/library-and-externals.html#examples
> externals allows you to specify dependencies for your library that are not resolved by webpack, but become dependencies of the output
Has anyone worked with Express.js much?
@ZachSaucier Sup?
We're trying to get sockets properly set up and having some troubles with access of other modules
so we initialize the socket in a server.js where the server and app are also started
How do I allow modules to send and receive things from the client?
Well, your server.js module can export the socket, and other modules can require() it.
(A socket or an abstraction for a socket, you get the point)
So where's the problem?
so each client has to do that if they want to talk with a client?
A socket is usually a single connection, yes.
You can make a SocketPool abstraction or something similar.
Express actually has a package to handle sockets with routes similarly to how HTTP connections are handled.
You can look into that.
I use socket.io. It works.
I'm not in love with it or anything, but I set it up according to instructions and I never needed to mess with it.
assuming you meant websockets.
if not.. um.. ignore me.
We're using it
Python has a request module that causes GET and POST requests to return a "request" object that has a "history" method
Do we have anything similar for JS?
That can give me "A list of Response objects from the history of the Request. Any redirect responses will end up here. The list is sorted from the oldest to the most recent request." ?
@ZachSaucier see this repo github.com/komali2/langBattle it's noobish but it does exactly what you're describing
Omg. stackoverflow.com/a/20734957/2590119 "may not work if multiple redirects" that's what I have. That's what I need!
How can I grab the location of all of them!
Where are the regulars here that use arch linux. I have questions!

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