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my dad left me when I was like 2 years.. and I hate my mother... haven't talked her last I was forced to go to countryside.. i live with my uncle in the city.. life sucks..
could be worse
@cswl tough break, man.
@cswl usa?
No, a shitty 4th world country
tough sorry dude
my uncle was in a similar situation and just joined the military had a pretty good life in my opinion
It's a lot worse. but I don't want to talk about it..
It takes a lot of willpower to shape the kind of person you want to become when you are not encouraged to be that person
@Neil my uncle was on the streets when he joined the military
never graduated high school
@cswl just don't let your circumstances become an excuse for your life
I think I will end up on the streets soon,,
does your country have a military?
@William I honestly think that is the biggest factor against you growing up in an unfavorable environment is that you decide that your life is shit because of it, and so you embrace it
@cswl so do something about it. Do you have a job?
I am rebuilding a legacy PHP application using nodejs and I choose sailsjs after about a week of exploration. Everything was fine until I realised that in sails you only have access to session variables in your controllers. Thus, I cannot make dynamic connections with the model.

The legacy up uses PHP session global variables to connect to different postgresql databases after authentication and I can't seem to find a work around on the web. I have seen similar questions on sails around the web. Any node/sails/database geeks around?
@ArrowHead Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
long story
@ArrowHead Wat? Rebuilding a legacy app doesn't mean you take over the architecture 1:1, it just means you implement the same functionality.
node is async php really isn't
try to read, but failed
you do it very different
What behaviour are you trying to replicate that is forcing you down this path @ArrowHead?
@RoelvanUden agree
Have you considered alternative implementations?
@Neil No, best I could get is labor I guess..
omg I started learning Nim yesterday
@Nimphious dynamic database connections depending on the cureent user
@cswl okay, what can you do? what do you want to do? and are there any opportunities around you?
@littlepootis what is Nim?
!wiki Nim
@cswl that is fine. You can get a better one later
Hah, I'd never heard of that language before. Now I have to learn it. Thanks a lot guys :P
@RoelvanUden I am not trying to replicate old architecture, that is why i am looking for new solutions! read the last part of my question
@cswl: You have an internet connection and you're choosing to use it here of all places, which implies you're either interested in learning or have already learned about JS and/or other programming languages. Which means you have or will soon have a marketable skill you can use to make money over the internet through freelancing or a remote hire.
I've also tried freelance/remote but with no luck.
I do on-site contract work. And it's going good. I have a long term client though.
I did some freelance years ago but getting underbid by third worlders sucks when trying to eat/rent in a first world country.
If you're already there, @cswl, you have an advantage over myself already in that regard :P
I can underbid those 3rd worldes so I got that going for me.
I think if a language have support of Apache and Spring...it could be major language.
the key is 3rd part tools
You can write CGI programs with Nim, it basically compiles to C and then produces a static binary.
I learn new stuffs about JS everyday.. but I haven't coded any thing useful in it..
I don't know what Spring is.
@cswl Force yourself to write something useful.
@littlepootis Spring is what happens before Summer
every java programmer knows Spring
Oh, Java's spring.
@cswl: Make a list of simple features that require JS to perform, like lazy loading images, JS form validation, dynamic content loading, etc, then step it up and find a small project that exists in the wild to replicate for yourself as an exercise, rinse and repeat until you're making your own CMS or something.
Start small, scale up.
There's loads to learn and plenty of ways what you learn can be useful.
Also, for bonus points, when you master a topic, answer other people's questions about it on SO. ;)
Or make something you find useful. An app for example.
That too.
When you run into one of those "man I wish _ existed" moments, make it yourself!.
Is there a convention for "named" positional arguments? As in, $elem.clone(/*keepData=*/ true)
I'm good with html/css , the problem is everyone considers it as something extremly simple. So noone needs someone with skill in it. That's why i started to learn JS a bit more
That's because HTML/CSS is mere structuring/display rules.
@Paran0a I do not think it is simple;?
Great for designer work, not so great as sole skill set for a programmer
I often get stuck with trying to get positioning right
I'm not really into front end.. Right now I'm just reading githubs of tc39, node-eps, babel stage zero.. and trying the new stuffs..
To be brutally honest, reading that is useless at everyday work. Interesting, sure, but not especially useful.
You want to make money, but you're shying away from front-end, and instead diving into open source/voulenteer initiatives?
@RoelvanUden do you mean javascript is useless?
@Jesse the spec
@Jesse No, reading Babel's sources is useless.
@JanDvorak But once it "clicks" it's really easy.
4 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
Is there a convention for "named" positional arguments? As in, $elem.clone(/*keepData=*/ true)
@cswl Also, when a large portion of most userbases aren't even close to supporting >ES6, why focus on that when learning the basics will be far more useful for you?
If I didn't have a job and I need one quick i'd just learn php.
Reading most library sources is entirely useless. Start building something, and learn from things that use those libraries. A library is just for consuming for most people, knowing how it works internally is fascinating and can help you contribute, that that's not what you do in everyday work (for most people).
the most boring thing is reading javascript code written by another one.
I wouldn't be learning some obsecure js projects
I meant trying new features of es201*... I'm not reading the codes..
everyone have a style
REDDIT?? ewww
I try out the new examples there..
@cswl: Ignore the new features of JS, focus on the current features. Most of the new features are quality of life stuff, performance improvements, refinements to JS in general, most of them won't even make sense to you as to why they're important if you don't know JS already.
If you're only just starting out, diving straight into babel or ES2016 or whatever isn't going to help you.
Good advice
Any idea why my matchmaker client is sending undefined data to my server?
Some assignment or reference has gone bust somewhere, JS has a great debugger, follow the code and find out where the undefined shows up.
Seriously V8/debugging is my favourite thing about JS. It's so powerful.
How do I use the debugger with Node.js? I don't debug my code often
I know a fair amount of JS already.. just haven't done anything useful.. I have written lots of small example stuffs..
with node --debug www
@cswl: Knowing snippets is not the same as being able to craft working applications. Try make something that's not just a unit test or a 12-line proof of concept.
Node 7 supposedly has node --inspect or something like that, that gives you a URL to open in chrome and debug from there
Ooh really? Neat.
I don't remember the exact flag
There's node 7?
But that feature will be there
Node 7 wasn't released yet
@MadaraUchiha they're integrating node inspector?
--inspect --debug-brk
There have been Node 7 builds since April by the look of it.
@FlorianMargaine No, remote debugging, I think
So yes, "there's node 7" ;)
debug-brk will break on first line..
@FlorianMargaine yeah, that is what I am using, very useful
@FlorianMargaine I know what node inspector is
It's not the same as remote debugging that you can open in a separate browser window or even on a different machine
(Even though node inspector has that feature, that's not the default)
When I debug client.js I get TypeError: Math.Random is not a function
srry gtg I'll bring it up later
@MadaraUchiha I thought the default was opening in a browser window
@RowanHarley That's because Math.Random is not a function. Math.random is.
@FlorianMargaine I might be mistaken then.
@MadaraUchiha I think so, node-inspector raison-d'etre is a debugger in blink
@MadaraUchiha Possibly relevant: medium.com/@paul_irish/…
Is it just me, the project I'm working on, or is jQueryUI as bad as I think it is?
specifically, the drag&drop mechanism
@JanDvorak jQueryUI is probably worse than you think.
@FlorianMargaine yup, it's a web-based debug client
I mean, it's still better than nothing, I think. Not sure though.
@JanDvorak Nothing is usually preferable
mmm, other than that, node --debug starts the debugger, node debug connects the built-in debug client with a process
hope the built-in web debugger will be faster than node-inspector ~.~
Excellent. I've met a bug where if you clone an element with draggable children and set it to keep data and attributes, trying to drag the cloned children moves the originals instead.
27 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
Is there a convention for "named" positional arguments? As in, $elem.clone(/*keepData=*/ true)
@Jesse Me or the language? :P
@JanDvorak nothing I'm aware of in JS, unfortunately, except going with objects
I can't change the method signature, it's built into jQuery
options object, like Ruby
e.g. $elem.clone({keepData: true}), with $elem.prototype.clone = function({keepData})
@JanDvorak then no convention
My current idea is to: clone the element with data and events; remove droppable; add it back
maybe iterate the object properties to get the values and call the function... should get the values in order they were assigned I think
how on earth do you guys deal with JavaScript's asynchronisation ? :/
@Nimphious I am learning
no I am not specifically asking for timeout function just an opinion
@Mathematics callbacks, promises, generators, async functions
@Jesse Me also.
lots of internals are now returning promises (e.g. fetch())
I have checkboxes list that add more to UI and then I need to click more to get more and more and so on....

how can I get promise returned from UI changes or even a callback
there is no way in JS to find out when a UI change is completed
Just start data binding already.
Stop worrying yourself with little details.
mmm, might get a bit fugly with DOM elements because you simply have to pass a callback that resolves the promise
TIL you cannot destroy draggable you didn't create - with a massive stack trace
@Mathematics oh, there are also libraries for composing async events, like reactivex.io/rxjs/manual/overview.html
Thanks let me have a look
you can do something like Rx.Observable.fromEvent(targetElement, eventType).subscribe((event) => {;})
meta.stackoverflow.com/a/328234/1835379 Not sure if troll, but I'd live to see him back up those claims.
("SO should go for a decentralized P2P database")
Yea right.
@MadaraUchiha I was debugging the wrong script. Is it possible to debug html files?
Debug HTML? That makes no sense.
@RowanHarley what environment are you in? browser, Node.js?
A bar is burning to the ground and a team of firefighters rush in to put out the fire. When they get inside they see an Irishman passed out from smoke inhalation. They drag him out of the bar and eventually the Irishman comes to. The firefighter says "you were there, how did this whole thing get started?!" The Irishman responds "I don't know it was burning when I walked in"
@FilipDupanović golf claps aren't allowed
Mujo steals all of Suljo's brandy and the police arrive: "- Mujo, where's Suljo's brandy? - Gone, I sold it. - And where's the money? - Drank it all at the bar"
In view
<sometag subtitle="{{time.start}} - {{time.end}}"> </sometag>
First its loading fine now i want to update it
so in controller after an http request i am using

$scope.time.start = time1;$scope.time.start = time2; but its not updating value
Its in angularjs
You guys probably think you got it good where you work. . You don't have any idea how great my job is by comparison. Out of the blue, the one and only account that I and my Web applications are allowed to use just got blocked. .. fml
@FilipDupanović Browser. Sorry for late reply
@PraveenKumar just a guess, but try using only start and end. No time objects
@RowanHarley you can validate the HTML document on validator.w3.org then
ok, I'll try it
otherwise, there are libraries that run in Node.js and on the web that can validate/beautify/minify HTML; on the client you'd have to get the raw text/html response
Ok, I've used that link to fix my error's but I'm still getting the same result
Should I be have different repository's for the client and the server?
you are, of course, at the liberty to organize your package sources as you see fit, including extracting new packages out of them, but usually the client and server sources are collocated in the same package, under separate paths
hmm... Wonder why it's sending undefined to the server then
what's your development setup like? usually, you'd configure npm run start to build your client sources, run the development server, setup some HTTP proxy like browsersync.io, all in one go
Hi all. getting this error in angularjs ionic when trying to call service Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module eduboldapp due to:
[$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $urlRouteProvider
Ok, so after looking through the client and adding some console.log()'s to my code, I found that the problem is coming from ws.send(). The Uint8Array seems fine! Only problem is, I still don't know how to fix ``ws.send()`
@SunilSinghRawat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
meh, you seem to be struggling with the WS protocol for a long time... have you considered using some sort of library that might help you with managing the WS I/O?
Following is my app.js file:
angular.module('eduboldapp', ['ionic'])

.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
// for form inputs)

// Don't remove this line unless you know what you are doing. It stops the viewport
// from snapping when text inputs are focused. Ionic handles this internally for
anybody can guide please..its urgent for me
@SunilSinghRawat please don't post unformatted code
ok, sure
plz help if you can..
I'm asking you to back up your claims. I'm asking you to improve your answer. That is not bullying. — Cerbrus 55 mins ago
I'm doing a back up now... relax.... — Steve Paesani 39 mins ago
Is he really that... dense? Or is he just trolling there? o.O
I am in big trouble..
assist me
@Cerbrus what is he even on about?
@SunilSinghRawat can't help you with this one, sorry
Apparently SO should use a distributed P2P database system
I asked him to back up those claims
you should really try to put up a live demo of this to people try it or at least post formatted code in a pastebin or something like that. Makes the barrier for people that could help you smaller to actually help you out
and what the hell has yacy to do with all this?
ok don not get angry budy.. cool
I really didn't
just trying to give you tips on how you could get help easier, that's all
ok thanks you so much..
@GNi33 I have no idea. That Steve guy seems to be just angry
Can someone please give me a hand here?
I need the white background div to take 100% of the height to the bottom.
I paid someone to build my client side (I'm not a CSS guy)...
How can I do that?
Another one of his gems
@gdoron What white background div?
@Cerbrus I want the the black "free hand red circle" to be white as well.
@gdoron will I need to register to get to the site we're talking about here?
Ohh, sorry, yes, that's because we are still in stealth mode.
any way around that?
hmm, anyone here good with SQL?
@GNi33 just put something in the registeration form. or login with your social account. I'll delete your account later if you want.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm sir.
If you want, I can disable the auth thing for a minute.
One sec.
nah, I can just register, no problem
@gdoron right, I have a User table and users have aliases, I want to create a view of the user table that converts the UserIdentifier column to the the "best" alias, where "best" means an email if one of the aliases is an email (contains @ is a good enough heuristic) otherwise the one with the maximal ID.
@GNi33 Just published without it, will take a second.
So for the question, two tables UserAlias which contains First and Second and UserEvent which contains UserIdentifier and EventId and that's it.
@GNi33 site is ready.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I haven't ate for +- 24 hours except a few peanuts. Can you email me the question? I'll take a look right after lunch. grdoron--- at--- gmail---- com
@gdoron it's exactly what I wrote here above.
@BenjaminGruenbaum OK, hard to even read, hungry as hell. Will get back to you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum we need to go live with our beta today, so... I'm... dead.
this could get a little hard without flexbox
@GNi33 I tried with flexbox, but it seems to break the entire layout of the website.
yeah, we would need to change some markup for this too
why is this so important?
I'd say it's more than fine to make the search - container that sets the white background just encapsulate your actual search results
31783272 I don't mind changing the markup.
It's important because it looks bad.
I don't think so, but okay
Ok, so I've been working on improving my code for a while to try fix the ws.send() not working, but I've been unsuccessful! I can't see anything wrong with my code!
Well, our designer agreed with you.
Thank you for your time and effort!
hehe, alright
when i am implementing wookmark jquery plugin in bootsrap tabs it works only in one tabs not in others??
What can be done?
I'm in the middle of changing it to a flexbox layout, but this would mean some work to be done. And I don't think it's a good idea to just throw a flexbox layout in for one page / usecase on your portal to be honest
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm going to eat now. I'll send you a message here (/email?) once I'm back.
@gdoron cool, thanks
@TahaDhailey to know the answer to that, I have to know what your plugin does
@gdoron What I would do is.. wrap them in a container and set its background color to white.
@littlepootis that container won't go down to the bottom either though
@TahaDhailey so you switch tabs within one of your panels and it doesn't work? What does it do instead?
Or are your panels inside a tab?
it just displays the images improperly
@TahaDhailey how so?
@GNi33 set the height to 100% (and that of parent too (body, html)).
u can check this code but it does not have the files
@littlepootis will break out of the window though
@GNi33 100vh then
@TahaDhailey seems like just a css issue
can u tell what i will have to do?
@FilipDupanović that will still break it, because it's down the page. If the body is 100% and the page content won't fill the page itself, there's not really that much of a difference between % and vh
without flexbox, this design isn't really an easy task
@GNi33 yeah
@TahaDhailey the painstaking task of forcing css styles until it looks right, then change the included stylesheet accordingly
should i use resize jquery function?
The less you have to change, the better for you ultimately
@TahaDhailey you shouldn't need it, no
@littlepootis this is pretty much a prime example for what flexbox was intended to do
@TahaDhailey so you say it "displays the images improperly", could you elaborate? I can't really see the problem
the plug does not work at all in the second tab
u can put the plug in in bootstrap tab
@TahaDhailey well technically, if you didn't have your layout in the second tab, you wouldn't see anything
since there are files thats y i am not able to put it in jsfiddle
i do havwe
You can link to files on jsfiddle if the resources are public
@TahaDhailey maybe my browser's screwed it up then, i'm not really seeing anything resembling 'tabs'
check bootstrap tabs in docs
Off topic, but it's hard to code when it's this hot in the UK- 32C
@harley_woop Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It was almost always 32C to 40C here for a few months.
89.6F, that's nothing
@GNi33 oh, found the OP's question... hmm, flex-grow for the item encompassing the dark area should work, no?
Until it started raining.
@Luggage may be for you, but this is the UK here - very rare its this hot for any amount of time
do UK people even own short clothes?
I just lost my shorts :(
or just go naked at that point?
I'm wearing nothing, we just go naked, yeah.
@harley_woop 9 hottest years in a row, the planet looks like a Uruk-Hai pit, the current geological epoch has been proposed to be named after men... what's the surprise ^^?
@FilipDupanović Kinda not that upset, just hot ;)
The last 3 summers were crap in the UK
I'm young and the seasons have changed already in my lifetime, best we get used to it
and you best get ready for those 15 meter waves in the coming decades
20+? I'm 19
starts waxing surfboard
How'd he do that?
Google Data Highlighter makes firefox chuuug what a POS
@harley_woop then leave, you kid
@harley_woop spend the summer in a hot and moist area, you'll never complain again afterwards :P
@FilipDupanović oh my god. I did that this year. It was just 4 days and I literally died thrice.
Anyone else know the pain of being forced into a proprietary system where you have no control? I can insert Markdown/HTML into product details on my new companies CMS,but no more.
Need a meta tag- have to call, need anything changed- have to call, and the support staff are morons
haha, yes
it's running on IIS7.5 and stuck on TSL1.0 dammit and this is an ecommerce site
The guy I usually speak to has 0 knowlege and happily tells me their whole network infrastructure more or less just to justify not making a simple change that I even sent him the so link for
@littlepootis could you sleep at least :D?
@FilipDupanović I spent the summer in your mom's hot and moist area...
you wouldn't have made it out to live and type, that's a trap
@FilipDupanović Yeah, thanks to the air conditioners
somewhere in India? your weather is scary
It was Chennai.
@KendallFrey spa? That's a wonderful place to relax
My city's fine. It's at a higher elevation and has a dry weather, so not that bad.
The UK is great apart from Weather, we even have some sea separating us from the Heathen Savages
In south carolina, the humidity made the heat twice as bad
I was in Kolkata, March/May-ish, went from freezing in the morning to dying by 9 AM in like 10 days
In fact, in south carolina, they tend to overcompensate with 14 degree building temperatures
It's 33 outside and a comfortable 22 degrees inside
22-25 is the sweet spot (y)
@FilipDupanović yes, with a little bit of work around it.
but I think it's wrong to introduce one flex-box container and component into a vastly diverse page built on "traditional" box model just because of white background spacing to be honest
flexbox was intended for doing layouts, meh
is flexbox OK in prod now?
Yes, don't just use one flex-box. You have to be more flexible
@FilipDupanović yes, the layout of this page isn't based on flexbox now though
So If IE doesn't matter to you, yes.
@GNi33 I got somewhere by setting display: flex on the body, the containers and setting flex-grow on #mainBody
and you checked other pages?
I always found flexbox to be a little hard to understand because of the "old" syntax and the "new"
@harley_woop Do you know what happens if IE matters to you way too much?
because that change will probably break something and the guy is right before launch
this happens
@littlepootis ooh, ow ow
@gdoron it'd probably help if you grouped your content elements under a common ancestor; all the containers are now children of BODY and then there are some siblings that have nothing to do with the actual content of the document
tbh, it's happening with Chrome. so many sites are just a bit broken with FF/Gecko and work perfectly in chrome
Lazy devs
> If you could just have that ready for me on Friday, that'd be greaat. Thanks!
It doesn't work on anything other than IE9 on Windows 10.
Literally. I doesn't even work on IE11 on Windows 10.
@Neil did you say friday?
Sure, it passes the user agent detection test, but you can't focus the input fields.
@rlemon I was sure I knew what that was
@rlemon I don't want to consume all my mobile phone bandwidth, so I am just going to assume that that is a Rebecca Black link
@Neil jokes on you then
@Neil it's totally one of those
@harley_woop I've been having a lot of luck the last two, three years; it was all just quick changes here and there to get a consistent presentation
whoof hit 34C
brb going out
I usually only have issues with IE, but I blame it on the fact that no one ever bothers to get a free copy of Windows to test
@rlemon it's a YouTube video so it'll consume bandwidth in any case, so back to ya ;)
@FilipDupanović you're assuming someone would actually want a free copy of windows to test
Anyone can share machine virtual with IE6?
I remember that @copy still use IE6
I feel bad for you
That's like wanting to drive a car with square wheels and a strong tendency to crash for no apparent reason
Microsoft publish machine virtual with IE8 (free for 90 days)
And you can renew that after 90 days.
I use them at work.
It not know because miss only few days...
I am curios for IE7 or IE6...
@FilipDupanović Which siblings?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, Can you email me the tables columns and example data and what kind of output you expect?
is there a shorter way to write: [...document.getElementsByClassName('name')].pop()
Without jQuery, there's still querySelectorAll
Why pop?
to get the last one, I guess

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