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Datsik is the same audience but has very little talent
What teams are you guys on in Pokemon go? Nobody seems to answer my question. Should I post a SO question?
Speaking of Excision... youtube.com/watch?v=mlCgIk7Mu_A good song
cc @ssube
@rlemon He baconed that motherfucker
@SterlingArcher is this another one of your drum solos?
why don't you just go learn YYZ?
@William I told you, we're on team autist
@ssube because I don't need to make zipper nubbins
cc @Zirak
you guys wanna see a shitshow in comments: stackoverflow.com/questions/38465849/…
@Trasiva She baconed that motherfucker
@ssube Can't see :(
@ssube screenshot for us plebs
@Zirak She turned him into a puddin' pop.
@ssube picture for non mods please
the question was about using a class before you declare it
can't see the deleted comments
by somebody who has no idea how JS or hoisting works
A: extends class after declation (existing in minified library)

Abdennour TOUMIAccording to @PatrickEvans,Veh.prototype[methodName] is working : Object.getOwnPropertyNames( Veh.prototype ).forEach((methodName)=>{ // How to get the parent-method itself , not only the method-name as string //--- Anyway, ..... // Suppose Object.getMethod(Class,methodName...

@ssube What a shit show.
@Trasiva original is closed, second one is closing+flagged
@ssube I dv, haven't decided how to flag it yet.
i think chrome is getting slower
it's a word-for-word repost of the Q that was closed
Have you considered not using antipatterns like this? — ssube 3 hours ago
I actually prefer safari to chrome on the iphone
@ssube you interacted with him this morning
@rlemon yep :(
Just watched a movie called Circle stupidest movie ever.
Hye. Do somebody know what is the difference between using "swagger api handling and express routing"?
any moderators?
swagger never heard of that
@Trasiva I use HAHA as a service provider as well
@JossieCalderon if you want the mods, you probably need to flag something
I'm talking specially about that "api.json" config file where you put down the "routing" config
i did flag it three weeks ago and nothing happened
check if it was denied then
@JossieCalderon check here to see what the status is on the flag
Was it a chat message that you flagged?
there is no point in debating them. I've had a moderator tell me my flag was valid after it was declined but nothing was done in the status
why the fuck do i have to scroll chat manually now
it doesn't even show
Alien power rangers?
they say it will be dark like "dark knight"
just not as dark
is that Natalie Portman?
not as dark knight i like it
the dark knight was dark because baman wore black
rlemon i flagged it but it doesnt show up in that link.
yeah and the black guy from iron man
@JossieCalderon in chats or on the main site?
never mind. it's actually been pending for a month now.
im really annoyed.
what is the flag? chat or main? did you find it on that list?
@JossieCalderon post on meta
yeah i found it its on a question
OHHHHH you flagged your meta post for deletion but it has answers
it is now public domain.
deal with it
@William and that last guy? suspiciously looks like that engineering dude from Star Trek
@William I thought that was RJ Chris?
@JossieCalderon no, that is how the system works.
Don Chealde isn't even credited for Power Rangers.
there is no point getting upset over it. META votes mean nothing
Make a meta post that asks about your other meta post that you flagged but you want it deleted, but then you're gonna want your new meta post to be deleted, and now we're back to square 1^2
yeah but you mad, people who arent mad dont tell others to deal with it.
lol okay bud
@JossieCalderon you a dank memer?
@ndugger square 1^2 is still square 1 tho
I'm telling you to get over it. you said you were annoyed.. there is nothing you can do about it
not sure who RJ Chris is and google doesn't know either but that is possible
so deal with it
whats a dank member?
@ssube I know
@JossieCalderon you just blew it!
@JossieCalderon enough to break the ice
@William RJ Cyler*
how do i do a regex to get everything between opening closing tag even if its on a new line? this regexr.com/3drge gives me everything including opening and closing tag how can I exclude them?
@Trasiva looks like Don Cheadle to me
He's not credited on IMDB.
hmm, incompatible eyelashes
boy and gurl! I use autocomplete JqueryUI. how to force the autocomplete only field and not custom text?
@William no he doesn't
he isn't on his back in this picture
but Dacre Montgomery looks like a young Zach Morris
RJ Cyler eyelashes are closer
that, or they didn't use L'Oreal's mascara in Iron Man :P
dwitter.net This is kinda fun
will have to fuck around with it later
i hate that google now does this base64 stuff
@towc ^^ check that out, you might enjoy 'playing'
whoa, nice oneliners
hm. anyone know how to force autocomplete field?
@Jean-philippeEmond honestly don't understand the question
cool ^^
I have an autocomplete field. like.. a dropdown.. but in my case.. I'M able to write "banana" and it works even if in the dropdown.. the "banana" doesn't exist..
I want to force user to get 1 value into the dropdown.
hi all
@Jean-philippeEmond it sounds like you want to use onvalue or onsumbit and check the value against an array. Reset the field if not correct
@William google does what base64 stuff
yeah its an option. thanks @William. I'll work on it.
@FilipDupanović oui mon cheri
ouch man cherry
@taco go to google images type in anything right click on first image open in new tab and you get this shit
g images
I didn't get base64, i got encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/…
@William that's only for their thumbnails...
You get that with thumbnails because most people scale on demand...
yes it may not do the bas64 stuff except for chrome not sure
need to go thanks @William. I try it and comeback
@William I wonder if Google is serving base64 images based on your connection speed? Maybe try going into DevTools and emulate a slow connection
Google images result for "anything" 2nd result: "anything but clothes party"
@taco do you know what option to change potentially I just google devtools goolge and don't see very many options
It's the mobile button i think
oh wait, network tab
^This is also a good way to fuck with someone at work lol
lol that's super evil ^^
will do it. no throtttling is already enabled should i go for wifi
I think they could have been more creative on the names
regular good lol
yeah, but it's 2G/3G/4G @William
India (1000ms, 25kb/s, -12kb/s)
yeah they should have named one india
wifi didn't change anything
ohh, there it is. they misspelled it, "Offiline"
China Regular (1ms, 40Mb/s, 40Mb/s)
@taco thank you for the help but I tested all and only offline changed anything
@FilipDupanović low latency is easy when you're hitting a local server
Unless you get 400ms just to your router
corporate network?
move to a house with less lead paint?
no, just shitty router
is that one of the original mechanical routers?
@William ok hmm, weird
@ssube lol
@taco did you test it yourself?
unfortunately no, i am trying to focus on some work and its not working
also this isn't a universal setting is it?
is just changes it for the page you are on
not really that bad of a prank if all they have to do is open a new window
it's a dev tool so yeah
generators don't work in jsbin? :(
ohh, it does in "react (jsx)" mode but not "es6 (babel)
@ndugger do you end up with lots of {someCondition ? <Component /> : null} in your code?
the first person to prove that there is a porn site using nodejs i will give them $15 dollars
who cares?
I would but I'm on my work laptop
me and the person who wants $15 dollars care
for example, one that uses it to build it's js/css files?
or uses a library that did?
@William what counts as proof?
@KendallFrey error page or credits citing such. can't create you own must be 15 days old at least.
what about HTTP headers?
@KendallFrey hmm I guess there are some fairly unique to nodejs so that should wokr
transfer money through paypal
I don't want your $15
charity then
to be honest it was never about the money. Just trying to figure out how mainstream nodejs
Anyone here use Babel? I am having a difficult time using Rollup as a plugin.
rollup? what is this strange non-webpack device?
could you use webpack in babel?
babel in webpack
but yes.
Just to clarify, does webpack flatten imports? (I am new at module loaders and the like, be patient)
it bundles into one (or a few) files.
yea, one compiled file. That sounds perfect
Does a map file have the ability to show a mapping between multiple files?
ie. all the imported files combined with webpack
devtool: 'source-map' in your webpack config will enable sourcemaps. the babel plugin will automatically use that.
ugh.. $300 to replace a wire
cars are a waste of money
yea, i'm ready for post-car.
@SterlingArcher Where the fuck did you get a tangela lol
seriously... brake lights went out -- took the car and they found the problem was a wire burnt and caused a break in the electrical. "so what caused the wire to burn?" "ohh, we don't know. but it won't happen again"...
looked the guy straight in the face and called him on that bullshit
meh. it can happen, but my instinct is also to look for another source.
@rlemon do you not own a car
@William nope
@rlemon do you work from home?
I took my boat in for its brake lights to be fixed.
I was gonna say helicopter.
@rlemon wtf do you live such that you drive a boat to work
2 mins ago, by rlemon
seriously... brake lights went out -- took the car and they found the problem was a wire burnt and caused a break in the electrical. "so what caused the wire to burn?" "ohh, we don't know. but it won't happen again"...
can you not read?
I'm getting my ultralight license trying to find a place I can fly one to work
well, that rules out almost everywhere.
a boat?
@William you're going to fly a boat to work with a busted brake light?
!!wiki ultralight
@William No definition found for ultralight
Ultralight aviation (called microlight aviation in some countries) is the flying of lightweight, 1 or 2 seat fixed-wing aircraft. Some countries differentiate between weight-shift control and conventional 3-axis control aircraft with ailerons, elevator and rudder, calling the former "microlight" and the latter "ultralight". During the late 1970s and early 1980s, mostly stimulated by the hang gliding movement, many people sought affordable powered flight. As a result, many aviation authorities set up definitions of lightweight, slow-flying aeroplanes that could be subject to minimum regulations...
@ssube you can't fly a lot of them in bad weather so that makes it rather complex
if you want to fly planes to work, become a flying type pokemon trainer
then it's a good thing it's also a boat.
I have caught 282 flying type pokemon
@William everybody knows boats have problems when you fly them through airplanes
@rlemon I'm actually going to see what happens when I fly the pokemon go app next time I take flight
30kph + it doesn't do shit
it might show the map but it will probably just be loading
@rlemonworks on the interstate for me
same as it is on the ground :(
i.imgur.com/wPnG58F.jpg @SterlingArcher sikh gains bro
@William if your little dude is the running animation and not the walking one you are gaining no kms and you can't catch pokemon. they only appear when GPS glitches or you slow down
source: wife plays my phone every morning on the drive to work
I get so many pokestops on the bus to work
@rlemon thanks
you are like macgyiver
bus would be awesome because of all of the slow moving traffic.
bus is awesome, can confirm
Yeah I get like .5 km each way
although my route only has 2 dozen pokestops
but I have caught a bunch of good ones
and you drive through the city so all the stops
mine has like 5
I wish pokemon go was out when I took the bus for 2 god damn years
I wish it was out when I was a college student
I drive back roads to work to avoid as much traffic as possible.
I gotta go to campus to get good pokes
@rlemon so we have this magical invention: skywaymyway.com
@SterlingArcher that's a helluva commute
that means the only stops I can hit are the back lots of the few churches I pass
it means I can walk around downtown without going outside
and get a ton of pokemon
You still run a risk of being peed on by a hobo though
@ssube that's neat.
@SterlingArcher or seeing dead people
What does the pokemon's weight matter btw
It doesn't matter at all
I think
there are achievements for catching small magikarp and rattatas
My vaporeons are identical except 1 is like 10 kg lighter
I haven't noticed a difference in attack speed or anything
@Meredith ok
My Jolteon lost to a Vaporeon of equal CP
2 messages moved to JS trash
Jolteon is underpowered as fuck
Electric and fire are both underpowered
Cuz attack speed is worthless in this game
good thing I have all psychic/ghost/poison ones
which evee should i make then? Rainy?
If you have a high level venosaur and vaporeon, you can wreck everything
high level being... 1k? 1500?
Like 2k
Venosaurs have a lower cap than vaporeons though
I haven't even broken 1k :(
I have an Ivysaur but it's 627CP
@Meredith I think you're right. All the gyms I see seem to have Vaporeons if it's an evee
I have 3 pokemon over 1k CP and 4 in the 900s
Vaporeon is the 3rd best pokemon in the game I think
And easy af to get
o hai, almost forgot about this guy
imgur.com/gallery/qhwQ5 he's almost done
fucking impressive
walked LA to Boston
my pokemans are not v.good :\
Just keep leveling
better than mine
& don't waste stardust
Um, my highest is like a 520cp golbat :/
I am reading the tutorial on integrating webpack with babel (github.com/babel/babel-loader), under the usage step it mentions: "Within your webpack configuration object". (1) Is this webpack.config.js? (2) Do I need anything under .babelrc to tell it to use webpack with import flattening?
@Meredith am i wasting stardust on power ups?
i cant evolve anything
@Meredith define waste
im at 0 stardust :x
As in using it at all
@jakebird451 yes, webpack.config.js. Use .babelrc to set all you babel options. webpack does the "flattening" be default
Cuz you'll get higher level pokemon as you go
but what does conserving stardust have to do with that?
@jakebird451 skip the "query: {}" on the babel-loader and use use a .babelrc file instead for all babl options.
You need a lot of stardust when you start hitting the level cap
I wasted almost 15k stardust the other day
stardust is the limiting factor later - why spend several thousand getting your pokemon from low to mid level, when you can catch them mid to high later?
I pumped a ton into my venosaur
yeah, I burn 6-8k on various natural 600+ mons
@Luggage Thanks. Is transform-regenerator the plugin to enable webpack?
I don't spend dust on anything that starts under 500
@ssube my Haunter is better :D
no. transform-generator has nothing to do with webpack
@Meredith I'm putting my 100 cp's into battles at gyms just to try battling, as I'm too low level. I then transfer them for candy with 1 HP lol. Do you have any better ideas for me on that. Seems to work out ok
@SterlingArcher yeah, well I've got something purple and spiky you can suck

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