My click functions in jquery aren't firing, tried addEventListener, onclick, etc. Nothing happens, Trying to click span, to quite electron app and not even console logging executes.
$("#quit-btn").click(function() {
var remote = require('electron').remote;
And #quit-btn is a span with a bootstrap glyph. My other click function with a span works great, but this one won't execute anything
Can anyone take a look at this? I have no idea why there's been virtually no activity on my question, but any advice would help:
@barron Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i'm trying to switch phong materials for a .obj loaded model on keypress, However for some reason it is only taking the first element in the material array on key press
@CSᵠ no answers, I'm going to keep referring to it as TabManager in my code
and on that note, what do you call a system in which one part of the page is greyed-out until you complete another part of the page?
lockSystem? obfuscateSystem?
say input forms, the rest of the inputs maybe depend on the previous input, but you'd still like to display something
say a town in a country, first you display a select with all of the countries for a certain event, but only after that is selected you can tell what cities to put in the next input
so using import, does it reinitialise whatever you are importing? or does it check if what you are importing has been initialised already, and pass that reference to it?
as in, i'm used to initialising each component or module in javascript, and then passing them along to the constructors of other modules if that module needed it
so in a way import solves that by letting you just reference things you need in the top of the file.. right?
This part `function(){console.log('second')}` is user defined so i can't use that part there for example in jquery you use `$(elem).click(f)` where f is the function to be executed on click, and f is user created
switch (selectedRenderModeValue) {
case "0": //Only vertices
gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0, squareVertexPositionBuffer.numItems);
case "1": //Want to have the rectangle filled here.
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, squareVertexPositionBuffer.numItems);
case "2": //Here I want only the outlines
gl.drawArrays(gl.LINE_LOOP, 0, squareVertexPositionBuffer.numItems);
Problem is the rectnagle is only filled using the above vertices. While if I want to draw the oulines of the rectangle I have to change order of vertices like this:
You can reach something like this pretty easily in general, give all elements that are matched by selectors incremenetal class names and then change the selectors to those names
Like - if you have a selector that does .foobar convert it to .c1 and change all the elements, if you have a selector that does #el li just find matching elements and convert it to .c2 and give it class, etc.
Honestly I don't think css preprocessors are that important. Having clear componentization for example is a lot more important.
bem is dumb
If you want something fun, I've been enjoying MobX + React a lot. It's the same thing as rivets but with React driving the view and having no special template syntax.
Some selenium, some unit tests (which are easier with React) but manual UI is very hard to test because a lot of things break in browsers in very subtle ways.
There are tools like applitools but they're also of limited use if you're not an enterprise. There's also (which a friend made) which is nice.
I test everything that's not UI with unit tests heavily. I wrote over a 100 tests today - but testing UI doesn't really work for us very well.
We have many applications & i am involved in all i want to setup a good base system Most backend is in PHP & nodejs, i have complete controls over server & code
So - Unit tests, they are hard to create i there any way ?
Few tests needs some one time code, if i really want to unit tests
Read a lot of code, think about how to break your app into components and only do things that make sense.
Never rewrite stuff unless it produces significant business value and never write too much code in advance.
I spent most of my day today apologizing to my boss for writing code that is too complex. It worked and it was elegant but I still feel like I was solving the wrong problem.
Remember that as an employee of a business your professionalism dictates that you put the needs of the business first. People who write code that's elegant but doesn't produce business value are terrible programmers to have.
@m11404 Well, you can do both, I'm just one person and my opinions are based on my own limited experience.
If maintaining the code takes a lot of your time then it makes sense business wise to improve the code.
Technical debt is expensive, you lose money when you write bad code that's hard to maintain. It's important to leave the code cleaner than you found it.
There is all the regular stuff, components should be explicit about their dependencies, do one thing and do it well, and do it well.
@m11404 that's a situation, not a problem, what's the problem?
For example - adding a new service is hard because a lot of things might break, adding a new service is confusing because there is no clear orgaizational structure and so on.
Right, so I would start by decoupling them and making things modular one by one.
When you need to report something in section 2, only then I would make the code that reports something in section 1 modular and allow that functionality.
@m11404 no one ever starts the right way, not a single programmer worth their salt likes all their old code. Programmers are in a constant "wtf was I thinking" state.
React worked for me, I can recommend it but by all means try some alternatives too and form an educated opinion about which tools work for you and which don't.
CI is nice, I used it in a few projects, it saves time and makes sense sometimes. If you don't have CI I would not start adding clutter with CI at this point.
How many developers are you? Do you have build issues and merge conflicts and that sort of thing?
The important take away from our conversation is not to do things like CI or "test everything" or "do fancy arch X" unless they solve real business problems you have.
All developers should be able to deploy and run the code they work on - that's just common sense - otherwise it's shotgun debugging.
Situation is like : We have a client, this chart needs updated data in this format, & few more issues, All needed next day Other developer commits & i pushed to server
I will have to fix...
this process.
But how you manage configuration, server specific database updates etc ? This was my question
my current employer practices 'immutable infrastructure' where we never update code on a server. Rather, we spin up a new server every time we want to update code & switch the load balancer over to the new servers.