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certbot generated my pem files
tells me to use fullchain.pem
all these SO answers want a key and a cert separate
ayup, you need the chain
Hi there, how I persist the session using openID connect from Google? After I decrypt the ID token on the server, what do I need to return to the client as an identifier to store in the session storage and persist auth on a SPA ?
@TaoJS Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TaoJS look up bearer tokens
Ok, thank you!
@ssube like... what is fullchain? I gather key is my private key, and cert is the cert.pem file
@rlemon for example, go to https SO. Click the green lock, details, cert details, certification path.
It's the chain of trust from the root CA (that the browser already knows) down to your leaf cert.
the intermediaries?
In case the browser is missing some of those, you want to combine them into a single file and serve that as your cert.
  key: fs.readFileSync('privatekey.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')
}, app)
so where does that come into play here? I don't care about it here?
the full chain is just a bunch of certs literally catted together
so... just do what I have above?
the ca option would be where you put the chain i think
if you omit it, it'l use several well known ones
I think you want cert in this case
if you have a PFX with everything in one file, use that
it generated cert.pem, chain.pem, fullchain.pem, and privatekey.pem
iirc, {cert: 'cert.pem', ca: 'chain.pem', key: 'privatekey.pem'}
fullchain? or chain?
just making sure
or, cat chain.pem > combined.pem && cat cert.pem >> combined.pem and {cert: 'combined.pem'}
it really depends on what your CA is
you can include both
ca accepts a string/buffer or an array of strings/buffers etc
more certs can on rare occasion be bad
if they don't perfectly match what the browser already has
what's in the files?
do you see -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- bits?
Verizon's software is stupid.
If their messaging app isn't the default messaging service, it disables messaging from it.
They're trying to tell me that's the default behavior of all Android devices, which is false.
I can change my messaging app with no issues
However, the fact that android needs an app to be default seems to be the real issue. There's no good reason for it, just let me open an app and send from it. It shouldn't be complicated or magical.
@ssube last question.
Well I can understand the need for a default.
in my nginx conf it is defined as an upstream app
upstream app_poop {
server {
	listen 80;
	server_name poop.poop;
	location / {
		proxy_pass app_poop;
		proxy_redirect off;
@Trasiva sure, but forcing you to set a default before being allowed to send from it is the weird part
would I just have a second one listening on 443 and passing to the https server?
@rlemon if you have nginx, then only nginx should have https
well fuck man :P
using https for intranet stuff is almost never useful
all nginx does it proxy to node
so I figured I'd use nodes https
@ndugger That I agree with, yea.
nginx (or haproxy or an F5) should be your SSL terminator
within your vhost/docker/LAN, you don't need https
yea this is an actual website
if you're doing payment stuff, sure, SSL to the application
I just am lazy with nginx
the only reason I need this is because chrome got tight on security and you cannot get the users webcam without https
but if you're not in a secure datacenter with at-rest encryption on your databases and stuff, then SSL to the app is silly
at least, getUserMedia is no longer accessible over http
right, so cat your cert chain together (or use the fullchain.pem, that's probably what it is) and put that in nginx
bounce and done
and because localhost is a secure origin, I didn't notice till I deployed it
@ssube okay :D :puts on vamp hat:
how do I put that in nginx
those first four lines in the server stanza
actually, that article is really good, they explain what the chains are and how to view them and everything
you'd think that was a good place to start, but I already have it open and it's not being clear about the keys
    ssl_certificate     www.example.com.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key www.example.com.key;
like... if they mean my relative path.. then ??
should be relative to the nginx conf, I think
so ssl_certificate /path/to/my/cert.pem and same with key?
that might work?
sorry, I know I should be just trying this but I'm nervous about borking the server
nginx will tell you
I've .. uhh .. done that a few times now
god fucking dammit! ssl_cerfificate_key
I didn't see that for a solid 7 minutes
@Loktar Feeling fierce, as my profile picture will show.
aaaand nothing
@rlemon did you check your conf?
what's systemctl status nginx say?
what's telnet on 443 do?
no errors anymore. my typo was causing those
wait holy shit it works.
@ssube thanks bru
SSL and LDAP were two of the most annoying things I had to learn
RPM was pretty bad too, terrible docs
god dammit. new bugs. but at least https works :D
also, protip: keep your configs in version control
check out a git repo to /opt/server-config and symlink everything to the files there
(assuming you're not using puppet/ansible)
aaaaahhhh big gifs
I should make them smaller maybe
anyways.... once the service is 'done' -- 5 second webcam burner gifs.
> Who has two thumbs and wants to destroy your butt ^
@rlemon Pretty great quality on the gif too.
that is lowered
highest quality the gifs are 100 meg
@rlemon is nginx caching for you?
well the site kinda works.. I need to optimize the gifs still and I'll be killing it periodically tonight
I got a 304 not modified back, potentially from the proxy
@ssube yea, should be
anywho... the site kinda works.
it is taking your webcam, recording the frames using Canvas, and putting them into a gif, then sending that blob to the server where I save it and serve it back to you
gifs only live for 30 minutes before they are deleted
Can... can this work?
@rlemon what is wrong with you
@SterlingArcher clearly they don't
@VeronicaDeane didn't you see my awesome kendall tats? I'm showing them off in the pic
@ssube Oh my god, my sides.
!!afk Er...servers aren't supposed to do that...
@ssube so that cert doesn't work on chrome mobile. Strange.
@rlemon probably the root CA
I'll muck with it later I guess. Kinda works. So yay
@Trasiva such hydra
@Loktar Trasiva is afk: Er...servers aren't supposed to do that...
@SterlingArcher LOL omfg
@SterlingArcher posted that to the work chat
then chickened out
saw the word fukin
right under the icon with the person and +
@Loktar dude. Mspaint takes care of that and slack takes images from memory.
Don't even need to save it.
ty @rlemon
Nice, the power rangers reboot movie is going to be all dark-knight like.
Im excited. Power rangers came out when I was like 7
@rlemon the power rangers movie was the first film i ever saw in theaters when i was like 3
@NathanJones twas the show I watched while eating cereal as a kid before school. At least for the first two seasons.
Then I remember the ratio of cool fighting ninja shit to life lessons tanked.
@rlemon you know you can just use WebRTC to do that for you?
it will give you an WebM that you can upload and transcode to gif
using ffmpeg on server, right?
Damn it I always messup the terms
It isn't p2p, it is p2me. I can use the MediaRecording APIs as well. None of these are issues really. It's a toy.
oops again MediaRecording has nothing to do with P2P
@rlemon yeah IK (: uploading non-compressed data seems pretty crazy to me
I never said media recording api was p2p, webrtc is.
Media recording api has crap support
Yeah sorry
err the page I linked works on Android :-|
probably on that he does the same thing you do vOv
anyway awesome quality gifs though :D
If I could consume the stream via websockets. That would be better.
No clue how or if possible.
Man searching for code stuff on mobile sucks. Stop auto correcting me! These are real words in my world.
D: That is not, it totally forbidden!
.requestData() kills it
You can do it with webrtc... but everywhere I see about it admits they have to do crappy things to fake it.
And I'd rather not
Fuck it.. I'll use flash
anyway do you support switching the camera yet? planned :D?
@rlemon The words of a desperate man
so :( no phone
@Loktar dude, flash supports everything... nothing supports flash.
haha that is a good point
I don't even have flash installed anymore
Flash was amazing
Ugh. 5% charge.
Waiting for gf to finish her hair cut
that Flash image makes me sad for Flash
Its very nicely done =|
Flash reminds me of that ^
So if Meteor is now officially supporting NPM modules and planning on dropping atmosphere, why should I use Meteor over Express?
@neet_jn you shouldn't
Express / Koa FTW
The only thing Meteor seems to serve as anymore, is a Mongoose middleware solution.
Is there a better way to 'ping' a node app rather than running an http server and POSTing a meaningless bit of text?
does anybody here know about video cards?
When I meet someone w/ SUPER ADVANCED RegEx skills I can't help but assume they've had a hard life. It's the coder equivalent of facial tats
One of the most amazing near-disasters made into a movie that's sure to be an amazing disaster.
@SomeKittens ok...
@taco Most of us
@VeronicaDeane Okay, cool. I gave up PC gaming around 2003. I used to build them back then, but I'm out of touch on things such as the video card slots
I just want to build something that will play Battlefield 1 on high settings, as well as Titanfall 2, Rocket League
@VeronicaDeane what do you think of this build? pcpartpicker.com/b/xLNG3C
Every computer should have an SSD
will disk speed affect the fps?
probably not
but in general it speeds up the computer so damn much
ok, cool. I can swap out with ssd
My old laptop reboots in about 15 minutes. My current PC reboots in about 30 seconds.
Much of that is due to the OS being on an SSD
8GB isn't much memory
It can effect video when loading textures off disk, but it's subtle most of the time. You can upgrade later, but I agree SSDs are awesome.
recommends 16
I plan to never use a spinning disk again.
agree on the 16gb, too.
But you can always plan to upgrade that if you need to. you can get by with 8. many games are 32 bit, anyway
@taco Depending on your budget, it may be best to use a small SSD for the OS and maybe some select games, with a HDD for everything else
SSDs really aren't that expensive anymore
The good ones are still more than a decent spinning disk
oh yeah for sure
but magnetic drives are super cheap now
As for optical media, I don't even have one installed on either of my PCs
I have one sitting in a box that I can plug in when necessary
heh only my son and I have one on our main machines
yeah that's the best route now
I have one usb dvd reader from years ago that should be the last one I ever own
I don't think I've ever used it aside from installing the OS
just get an external one
dude and now you can get that on a thumb drive
last vs of win 10 I bought was that
@Loktar it's not an external, it came with my work PC
yeah I have a USB dvd writer for my kids PCs
DVD and usb drive means you didn't need another computer to make a usb stick. That part was nice.
But I just use it on whatever I need to
the mac will, supposedly, boot from ROM and d/l the OS from the internet with a completely blank HD
I don't plan to test.

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