Hi there, how I persist the session using openID connect from Google? After I decrypt the ID token on the server, what do I need to return to the client as an identifier to store in the session storage and persist auth on a SPA ?
@TaoJS Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
However, the fact that android needs an app to be default seems to be the real issue. There's no good reason for it, just let me open an app and send from it. It shouldn't be complicated or magical.
it is taking your webcam, recording the frames using Canvas, and putting them into a gif, then sending that blob to the server where I save it and serve it back to you
gifs only live for 30 minutes before they are deleted
@VeronicaDeane Okay, cool. I gave up PC gaming around 2003. I used to build them back then, but I'm out of touch on things such as the video card slots
I just want to build something that will play Battlefield 1 on high settings, as well as Titanfall 2, Rocket League