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@Trasiva ?
// i'm confused about this usage of the var `connection`.
// it seems like circular logic, like it's using `connection` to create `connection`
var connection = new mssql.Connection(/* config obj here */, err => {
  if (err) {
    console.log('error == ', err);
  var request = new mssql.Request(connection);
it's just a callback for when the connection is open.
the connection object is returned immediately and assigned to the variable, but the callback isn't called until that connection is ready.
@Luggage oh right, functions are lazy, duh. thanks.
also, i feel like my variable names are getting overly pedantic, things like createObservableFromMssqlConn or getCrtTestResultConceptsForStudentTest. 1) am i just imagining that, or it ok? 2) how do i counter that? i want to keep a function's purpose clear, but maybe it's clear enough without it?
...or i could just read code complete (is that kind of thing in that book? idk)
hi is anyone familiar with json web tokens and linkedIn authentication?
@user125535 shrek
@littlepootis what?
I don't think he knows about LinkedIn auth though
to be honest, it doesn't have to be linkedin just be familiar with passport
@Abhishrek ping ^
sorry im not sure how to ping someone on here
@user125535 bring it on :D
@littlepootis :D, making me do more work? I just wrote a blog-post reply to a customer c: explaining how to use facebook api :D
@Abhishrek :p
Sometimes I wonder do people never even sniff the fucking manual?
hey @Abhishrek, i'm trying to authenticate using json web tokens and passport but it's telling me:

"AuthorizationError: You need to pass the "state" parameter
at Strategy.OAuth2Strategy.authenticate"

which requires session middleware. That defeats the point of token based auth no?
state has nothing to do with Token based Authentication
you can pass anything as state even Math.random
right... ok
but when I pass in state: true
it tells me i need the session middleware
can you share the minimum reproducible?
hmm not sure what to share
the route? or the linkedin auth
both ?
whats the short cut to add code here?
Don't paste it here. Put it in a gist or a repo.
pretty good
The best so far was preaching someone to not use Meteor/Parse OSS and use firebase instead :D
@Abhishrek what did you use to dissuade them? i work with a meteorite
well they were very close to using parse :P
also @NathanJones why is half the stuff in Meteor NOT DOCUMENTED!
and how can i install meteor 1.2.1?
@FlorianMargaine get the domain paste.yourBrokenCode.com
for pastie
There's a worm on your face
Very confused here.. can anyone shed some light?
@user125535 do you have any data associated to the user
or any sort of state that you would not want doomed?
if not just send uuid.v4() as state (:
@Abhishrek sorry what do you mean? the user is just the user schema, it shouldn't have anything else associated with it
well the user contains the linkedin fields
The ideal use of state parameter is to mantain the current state in your application
for example say you are at /foo/bar/222/03002/ in your application
the user has filled a form :D
now you want them to login before they can post this form
so what you would do is create a nice string for state
@GeorgeJempty thanks you i will try that.but i don't see any documentation for it?
and store your apps current state in localStorage. Then ask LinkedIN to give you this state back
@Abhishrek isn't the point of json web tokens to have it stateless?
when the authentication is done
Stateless on server.
The second use is to avoid cross site forgery
so that only your app can ask the user to login
Just curious
ah this was much easier with sessions
did you read this
> The state param is used to prevent CSRF attacks, and is required by the LinkedIn API.
@user125535 you are confusing sessions and stateless :P
with this state
would i need to serialize and deserialize if using json web tokens?
@user125535 where are JWT's coming in this scenario?
because I would need session to not be false right?
to use the state param
If you are using JWT's you are issued a token it is validated with a shared secret or pub-key
@user125535 I still don't understand where are JWT's coming in play
what are you exactly trying to do?
Login with LinkedIn and issue a JWT?
Anybody here good with MongoDB/Mongoose?
@user125535 right, you know you can simply just send a random string as state
without needing sessions or anything?
also auth0.com does that for you OTOB
i just tried doing putting state:true in the params
but it tells me I need the session middleware
Not true
ok gimme a sec
state: (Math.random() * 100340203).toString()
AuthorizationError: You need to pass the "state" parameter
at Strategy.OAuth2Strategy.authenticate
ignore that
@user125535 Curious, Why are you not using Auth0?
Error: OAuth 2.0 authentication requires session support when using state. Did you forget to use express-session middleware?
at SessionStore.store
Oh wow lol
well auth0 requires sessions right?
lemme read the source :[
@user125535 Auth0 will just give you an id_token
and profile at the end of authentication flow. No questions asked
but it requires you to serialize and deserialize no?
id_token is a valid JWT
@user125535 nope
the id_token is by design a valid JWT
when using Auth0 as an id provider you would use express-jwt to authenticate requests
so ok i'm very new to web development if you haven't figured it out by now. But I recently looked into jwt. to generate a jwt I use jwt.sign, what do I do with a token that linkedin gives me?
If you need it store it in db
If you don't need it, let it be garbage collected by the javascript runtime
linkedin would give you a different token each time you authenticate right?
User-agent switchers are a satansend.
Sorry to interrupt, but does anyone know how I would go about creating a readable stream from a MongoDB document
without saving it to the filesystem
That doesn't work as it should
Only sends one piece of data, not a stream
Not sure why though
What do you mean "one piece of data"?
I'm trying to create it such that it streams it as a normal fs.createReadStream would
The nodejs mongodb driver apparently returns readable streams by default.
It streams it such that one data event is one document
@Jasch1 That's exactly what it returns, no?
I am dealing with large-ish binary data and would like to stream that individual document in smaller chunks
I don't know Mongo or mongoose, but, I don't think it can split a document.
Is anybody in here really experienced with Mongo?
Thanks for trying to help
@user125535 yes
you use that token to make requests to LinkedIns APIs
passport does this under the hood for you when it fetches you the profile
I'm pretty sure you can create a stream that gets data in chunks.
Anyone know of a good ssl/tls implementation that is hackable?
I mean.. by writing that yourself.
@deostroll OpenSSL
It has been hacked many times before
Looking for a small app that would help me learn ssl
Openssl is a library
I want something like a mock implementation...
Ah, an app.
openssl has a cli
Have anyone used this dotenv module
for node.js
ughhh this isnt working..i feel like im just gonna have to resort to session cookies
I might have forgotten
what is the correct way to handle a promise if it has resolved?
@Abhishrek are you using js inbuilt promise api?
@deostroll yes
nvm its just the then
var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);
p.then(function(str) {
    console.log(str); // prints foo
@Abhishrek thank you for your help by the way :)
@Abhishrek Something like that... ^
@user125535 np ^^
2 hours later…
So.. I wanted to find out if Facebook is really liking pages on my behalf. So, I used a chrome extension to unlike all Facebook pages I've ever liked, unfollowed all of my friends, revoke access to all apps except these:
and ... ?
My feed was empty for a few days, and then I a Ramadan post by a page magically appeared on my feed. It was not a sponsored post. It said I liked that page....
wtf facebook
This is some serious shit
Facebook = Cancer;
@littlepootis tinder? ;)
morning guys
want to ask, what is the code equivalent for this in js classes.
var UrgentTask = function(name, priority) {
	Task.call(this, name); // <<<<<<<<<<<<< is this similar to super in js classes
	this.priotity = priority;
why not though. because its calling Task which is a parent class function. and then applying the name to Task.
It doesn't inherit from Task
actually, what is the purpose of doing that line then?
i dont really know
why not just this.name = name
I don't know either, but you'll have to do that in ES6.
I don't really know about ES6 "class" extend and super.
All I know is that it'll throw an Error if you don't invoke super.
i thought that classes are just sugar for function classes
They are. Almost.
oh i know what it does now.. the Task.call(this, name)
var Task = function(name) {
	this.name = name;
	this.completed = false;	// <<<<<<< this does not get called
if you do not do Task.call in your child function.
no wonder
Oh, wait. It makes sense now
do you know what does this does?
@littlepootis Rectangle.prototype.constructor = Rectangle;
it from the link above.
yeah, it's useful sometimes
any idea how to solve this problem
BaseObject.prototype.actions = function() {
	const numbers = []
	function appendNumbersPromise() {
		console.log('i should appear first in the console')
		// appending a list of numbers to numbers
		// this function is a promise function
	return {
		num: numbers
var obj1 = new BaseObject()
var numbers = obj1.num  // <<<<<<   get the list of numbers after promise has done appending them
i want to get the promise to run to completion, append the numbers then get the nubmers from the function.
but always, promise function running async. so numbers ends up []
any thoughts @littlepootis
@Ming why are you having another function inside an function... ? if you return a promise from the actions function, they you could await on it.. but you need to make place where you call it an async function.. it won't work on the constructor.. if you're doing that...
@Ming this does what you're saying.. but it's awkward... bit.ly/29i6bcH
good morning
got a random skype chat with a girl (not sure). Sent me a link to a privat webcam show. my answer: bit.ly/1epIvAQ
Skype bot
@Maurice it did crash
Pokemon GO is out????
I want to determine that a click was on a particular rectangular area then I can use either of the clientX/clientY or pageX/pageY
just play dayz
just don't play. do js
Heya Guys
I am not sure what does it take to make Caprica talk in a chat room.
I tried asking her:
in Java and Android era , 4 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
!!caprica what's wrong with you? What do you take to chat again ? Will I have to sacrifice a goat for you ?
But she didn't reply.
!!help summon
@DenysSéguret summon: Say boopidi bee and in the room I shall be. /summon roomid
@TheLittleNaruto ^
22 hours ago, by TheLittleNaruto
!!/summon 19132
@DenysSéguret ^
Last time too, she was not talking.
But suddenly she started talking after 2-3 days.
I think there may be number of rooms limitation written in her script.
@Abhishrek pong
Oh hello Bartek!
@TheLittleNaruto yes, you'll have to sacrifice the goat.
are you in the mood of either teaching me haskell
or debugging a lib?
@littlepootis Damn!
I have to build Furniture simulator. Which JS library would you recommend?
It will be mainly inside Canvas and settings will come from html input fileds
Is someone able to explain why this doesn't work? jsfiddle.net/14a74yob
you pressed the wrong key?
it works for me
Works for me
I'm using goggle chrome
click in the right window and press return
Click on the output tab first..
don´t forget to press 'run'
Yes I run it
but no, it doesn't work
have you clicked on the OUTPUT TAB????
Click on the output area
Hey anyone suggestion?
Ok it works now
but why not with the delete key?
Because in my application I have to do something when the user press "delete"
Ok I have to use keydown
:/ :| :\
hey somebody read my question above?
we would answer if we had sth to say ;)
noobs :P
@Vlad you're gonna build that from scratch?
Probably yes, but I will have assets given
3d or pseudo 3d?
pseudo 3D
oh man
Flash still in hearth :D
The back part which simulate 3D could be some sort of spritesheet
Or I draw them dynamically with math calculation, the angle
How would that work? How could I draw that area with different color
Hard to truly draw 3d on a flat monitor I would say
So you want to say hard to simulate 3D with 2D calculation?
Maybe WebGL is best bet, no
I'd probably try a 2D canvas library with WebGL renderer
but I'm not sure tbh
why can´t is run .toString() on the blockedDays array? fs5.directupload.net/images/160706/ydsgtgha.png
Any idea how I can fix the issue, that an embedded Google Maps in a Hidden div isn't displayed when I make the div visible?
The GM UI is rendered but the map tiles are only rendered on resize od the page
trying since a hour to push since values into another array, but everytime if i run string it is undefined. If I just push it into the other array it generates an array in an array which is unreadable for the module i´m using oO
@elsololobo use concat, not push
const blockedDays = departmentData.blockedDays;
        console.log(blockedDays); //["2016-08-10", "2016-08-11", "2016-08-12"]

        var customCSSclasses = {
            schoolHolidays: [
            blockedDays: []
        console.log(customCSSclasses.blockedDays) //[]
still not working
Please use pastebin.com to share your code
for this small lines it should be ok... never had a problem in this room when doing this.
it's ok
About your bug: concat returns a new array, it doesn't change the one you call the function on. Do it like this instead:
[].push.apply(customCSSclasses.blockedDays, blockedDays);
Okay, strange, I got annoyed comments on a 5-liner..
hm, what does the first [] represent in my example?
@DenysSéguret customCSSclasses.blockedDays is an array, you can call push on it
but it'll push an array inside an array, not what he wants
hence my suggestion to use concat
@FlorianMargaine reread my code
ah, apply, not call
nice trick :)
but i´m still not aware what the first [] is :/
@elsololobo It's an array. [].push is just like Array.prototype.push
!!> var a=[1,2,3]; [].push.apply(a, [4,5]); a
@DenysSéguret [1,2,3,4,5]
I just used hyperdev to answer a question. It works... Do you guys found a use for it ?
is this what you mean then?
 var customCSSclasses = {
            schoolHolidays: [

            blockedDays: [].push.apply(customCSSclasses.blockedDays, blockedDays)
good, because it doesn´t work^^
but why not just
var customCSSclasses = {
            schoolHolidays: [

            blockedDays: blockedDays.slice()
(assuming you don't want just blockedDays but you need a copy)
i need the same structure as schoolHolidays, but dynamically
but the problem is everytime i put in one of your ideas the const blockedDays = undefined
and i´m confused, because the line i added is running after the console.log(blockedDays)//undefined
Stop make us guess, reproduce your problem in a fiddle and tell us the desired result
Wait.. you can't refrence property by name in object literals... or do you have blockedDays defined somewhere else..
it´s from my redux store
if I perform the same shit without react jsfiddle.net/sk1gczuv it works
pastebin.com/P74AS662 the component
is possible to get the selected option before change event fires?
Why are you using both import and require?
guess bad copy+pasting
@Maurice change event should hold old value
Or you could just make a point of saving the current value after each change. .
@BenFortune but this can´t be part of the problem. anyway i changed it
It's not, I was just asking
I accepted a translation job from a friend at work and though he offered to pay, I told him not to worry about it. It is a medical study twice the original size that he had claimed. ..
the name made my day
@David Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why do I do bad things to myself?
because you are a nice guy ;)
good morning guys
If nice guys finish last, I am still running and everyone has long since celebrated and gone home
Haven't reached the starting line yet
Where is everyone?
you want conversation?
pm2 is a godsend
I expect more from a chatroom
I'm expecting more money for my work... but hey, this is life.
True. Congrats on the win by the way
I don't know about a win..
I thought Italy was lucky to have gotten to the end with an even score
Germany did some serious mistakes.
They never let go of the ball, hallmark of superior playing style
@Neil Zaza. FFS ZAZA
My heart stopped for felt 1000 times at the end
@GNi33 yeah he was way off
@Maurice what are you talking about
@Neil such a joke. just like the guy that mocked Neuer before taking the worst penalty kick I've ever seen
Fuck that, guys like Buffon deserve better than that
@MadaraUchiha You use pm2?
@Paran0a Yes
Did you ever had troubles with memory leaks with it?
@jAndy Elfmeter
ahh :P
Buffon cried after the loss, but really there is no way that a goalie can stop such a close kick without some serious luck on his side
Also do you run it on windows or linux system? I run it on windows so I'm having trouble creating a scheduler that would just start my server on startup :[
the game was alright, however way too much respect and tactical behavior on both sides. Penalty shooting was a joke, but I guess even millionaires do show nerves
@Neil he was so good, nearly always got the right corner. Just went unlucky in the end
@Neil good guy Buffon: cried and congratulated Neuer
And do you use the logging that comes with pm2 or do you also run your own logger?
I'm really afraid the game tomorrow between France and Germany will be very similar to the Italian game
@jAndy kind of weird to think about, but it's true. We pay money to watch multimillionaires play soccer
Which naming convention should I use instead of '_name'?
function MyFactory() {
  var name = '';

  return {
    setName: function(_name) {
      name = _name;
@Neil that's why they're multimillionaires, yeah
An interesting question:
Q: Using splice to empty an array with Chromium

Gwym HendawyrI am translating a program from c++ to typescript, and I face a strange behaviour trying to empty an array using the splice technique (How do I empty an array in JavaScript?) to empty an array. Here is an excerpt of my code in typescript "use strict" class UniformGridGeometry<ItemT> exte...

@GNi33 ok, but that doesn't make it any less strange, at least for me
does it feel weird to go to concerts too?
don't get me wrong, I'm totally with you on this. It feels wrong
but it still is football, and I can't help but be excited about it
@MadaraUchiha Do you run it in fork or cluster mode?

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