Hi Good Morning @AshuKumar @ankitagrawal @brahmyadigopula @Dude @Hans1984 @PriyankaMinhas @osimerpothe @rekire @RaajaSN @Sarah @SweetWisherツ @TheLittleNaruto @TheNightKing and all
@brahmyadigopula I am generating listview with web service with name , school ,and list of friends for a student now i want to show list of friends with image where i am getting image from urls i want add imageview dynamically in list adapter
i am getting this error The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.
@AshuKumar can you please go thorugh my iisue
I am generating listview with web service with name , school ,and list of friends for a student now i want to show list of friends with image where i am getting image from urls i want add imageview dynamically in list adapter paste.ofcode.org/…
yes can you check the line no 19 i have added it to memberViewHolder.cardView.addView(image); and at the end i was again adding dynamically so that is why i am getting error
Ohh me tooo @AshuKumar yes i dnot see you much time in Chats :(
Using below code i m finding supported language in Android.
for (Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) {
Log.d("LOCALES", locale.getLanguage() + "_" + locale.getCountry() + " [" + locale.getDisplayName() + "]");
The Result was like below.
af_ [Afrikaans]
af_NA [Afrikaans (Namibi...
you can use your own or check the phone supporting language list in that also you find......before all find out Malyalam & Manipur languages are in the list of google suporting languages.
@brahmyadigopula if suppose we are using checkbox in list view we get the issue if we check one checkbox it also show another checkbox is checked in scrolling
Hello guys, i want to ask you something. I have a chat room made in java. That chat room has webcam feature. It uses red5. I want to show the cams from that chat room on my website. Is it even possible to do that?
I have issue in Recycleview. I am getting name ,schoolname, list of friends from webservice in recylcerview everything is fine but list of friends are changing as i scroll initially every student has 5 friends but after i scroll friends list we will be double another 5 is added as you might me know issue list with checkbox in listview the same thing is happening here like if we check any checkbox it show other checkbox check as we scroll .
do we need permission for camera to open camera in android M or above ? i checked in android 6.0 i did not took any camera permission and camera is opening is this ok @TheLittleNaruto @Shubham @brahmyadigopula
Note: if you app targets M and above and declares as using the CAMERA permission which is not granted, then attempting to use this action will result in a SecurityException.
@TheLittleNaruto I have issue in Recycleview. I am getting name ,schoolname, list of friends from webservice in recylcerview everything is fine but list of friends are changing as i scroll initially every student has 5 friends but after i scroll friends list we will be double another 5 is added as you might me know issue list with checkbox in listview the same thing is happening here like if we check any checkbox it show other checkbox check as we scroll .
@TheLittleNaruto @ankitagrawal i m going to heir android dev , he said that he had good exp. but did not work anywhere , so how much will be monthly salary for him, it is my first decision to start my company, first employee
Well I have an application in android (my java skills are not that good)
but it stucks at the nullpointer error
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String nl.bla.blablabla.okhttp_login.NewOrder(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
When I call it with this: String donut = OkClient.NewOrder("No string"); it gives me the error.