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Hi Good Morning @AshuKumar @ankitagrawal @brahmyadigopula @Dude @Hans1984 @PriyankaMinhas @osimerpothe @rekire @RaajaSN @Sarah @SweetWisherツ @TheLittleNaruto @TheNightKing and all
good morning every one.have a nice day..you too bro@Sanjeev
@brahmyadigopula I am generating listview with web service with name , school ,and list of friends for a student now i want to show list of friends with image where i am getting image from urls i want add imageview dynamically in list adapter
good morning everyne :)
Hi @@AshuKumar
i am getting this error The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.
@AshuKumar can you please go thorugh my iisue
I am generating listview with web service with name , school ,and list of friends for a student now i want to show list of friends with image where i am getting image from urls i want add imageview dynamically in list adapter
you are making view dynamically ?
yes @AshuKumar
@AshuKumar hi bro..
error meant u must not add parent to a view that u already set the parent @Sanjeev
@brahmyadigopula good morning
morning bro..how is last day
last two days, i was in toooo much pressure to complete the project
do not ask :(
yes i know am observing you coming asking something going again
yes can you check the line no 19 i have added it to memberViewHolder.cardView.addView(image); and at the end i was again adding dynamically so that is why i am getting error
Ohh me tooo @AshuKumar yes i dnot see you much time in Chats :(
ok what else @AshuKumar @brahmyadigopula
lets have some fun
bro..you are adding same image to cardview and layoutview why?
that was my mistake now i got it
that the problem bro @Sanjeev it's taking prent view and can not assign to child view
thanks @brahmyadigopula
it's okay bro..have a good day..
wowwwww i did it yahhooooo
no on onBindViewHolder it is repeating the friends list the count how to do it now
@AshuKumar @brahmyadigopula any suggestion
in ur code there is no onBindViewHolder
check out the loop you are using to load the data in bindview.
or else you added that twice.
I am doing it in recycler adapter
@AshuKumar @brahmyadigopula
Gm all :)
@brahmyadigopula know this error better then me :D
Hi @HitCat
@HitCat god morning
@Sanjeev @AshuKumar VGM :3
ok @AshuKumar
@HitCat did not answer me yesterday :(
where is a ? @Sanjeev
for(int a =0; a < len; a++) @AshuKumar
Hi guys @AshuKumar @TheLittleNaruto how are you?
ohh my bad
where is temp?
int len=temp.length;
String[] temp; Line no 12
:( sorry i m not good today, sorry
please do not mind, can not help now
@Sanjeev use "pos" to get the data into get(int) that is....in get(i) use get(pos)...you are loading data to "i" but using pos to process.
@brahmyadigopula i didnot get you
use members.get(pos).gettitle().. instead of this using member.get(i).gettitel()
ok @brahmyadigopula
no @brahmyadigopula it is still repeating after few rows
what is repeating repeating exactly.
Q: Malyalam & Manipur supported languages/locales on Android?

Mehul PatelUsing below code i m finding supported language in Android. for (Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) { Log.d("LOCALES", locale.getLanguage() + "_" + locale.getCountry() + " [" + locale.getDisplayName() + "]"); } The Result was like below. af_ [Afrikaans] af_NA [Afrikaans (Namibi...

GM guys !
@brahmyadigopula yes dude... but there is no support for mentioned language
for that you have to create values-languge referencename manually.@MehulPatel
@brahmyadigopula yes, you are correct

but for Malyalam & Manipur language which is valuse folder keyword
you can use your own or check the phone supporting language list in that also you find......before all find out Malyalam & Manipur languages are in the list of google suporting languages.
@brahmyadigopula Ok
@brahmyadigopula if suppose we are using checkbox in list view we get the issue if we check one checkbox it also show another checkbox is checked in scrolling
the same is happening here
then clear the recycleview.clear() in where you are loadin it...
where should i use recycleview.clear()
where you are loading the list of info to show in that loop
under the if condition..make that first statement in it bro
Hello guys, i want to ask you something. I have a chat room made in java. That chat room has webcam feature. It uses red5. I want to show the cams from that chat room on my website. Is it even possible to do that?
or else remove the loop if not necessary.
but here i need to pass recycelerview to adapter
@Shubham Hi I am good. How are you ?
@TheLittleNaruto awaken
@TheLittleNaruto I am good too
@Sanjeev morning
VGM @TheLittleNaruto
@ShubhamNishad Glad to know that.
@TheLittleNaruto good morning
I have issue in Recycleview. I am getting name ,schoolname, list of friends from webservice in recylcerview everything is fine but list of friends are changing as i scroll initially every student has 5 friends but after i scroll friends list we will be double another 5 is added as you might me know issue list with checkbox in listview the same thing is happening here like if we check any checkbox it show other checkbox check as we scroll .
@Sanjeev then bro add else condition to stop adding
do we need permission for camera to open camera in android M or above ?
i checked in android 6.0 i did not took any camera permission and camera is opening
is this ok @TheLittleNaruto @Shubham @brahmyadigopula
@AshuKumar AFAIK you need permissions
Note: if you app targets M and above and declares as using the CAMERA permission which is not granted, then attempting to use this action will result in a SecurityException.
i m able to get run time permission for contact
Good morning guys
@Shubham ^
@rekire a very good mornng
@AshuKumar you can get runtime permission for camera as well.. Sorry if i didn't get your question
@TheLittleNaruto I have issue in Recycleview. I am getting name ,schoolname, list of friends from webservice in recylcerview everything is fine but list of friends are changing as i scroll initially every student has 5 friends but after i scroll friends list we will be double another 5 is added as you might me know issue list with checkbox in listview the same thing is happening here like if we check any checkbox it show other checkbox check as we scroll .
GM @Sanjeev
Good Morning @Sarah
@Sanjeev did you use mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
No @brahmyadigopula
use it then
i am writing all the code in adapter
where you are adding recycleview to adapter ther use it
hey @brahmyadigopula I have cleared the layout before the adding then my problem is sloved
memberViewHolder.linearLayoutImage.removeAllViews(); before adding in onBindViewHolder
Thanks for your approch
okay....but i told you to clear recycleview before only.@Sanjeev
any way..got solution good..
@brahmyadigopula Thanks for your help
give me hi-hi
okay..good day
@AshuKumar It's not ok.
@rekire vgm
@TheLittleNaruto i must take permission ?
@Sanjeev show me your code. use hastebin.com to share.
@AshuKumar what is your compiled and target sdk version ?
11 to 23
@brahmyadigopula OK
to use that it's necessary
@AshuKumar Then put runtime permission check. Use this class : gist.github.com/TheLittleNaruto/… . At the bottom you'll see how to use it.
sure, i will go through link, but i m able to get contact permission at run time :)
!!Alive ?
@CapricaSix dead
!! @Ashkumar
gm all
where are the cats fox panda s
!!summon 53839
@AshuKumar no gm today : (
@Sanjeev gm
lol @TheLittleNaruto
what is that summon command
@ankitagrawal was not feeling good so did not say goood morning to anyone
and no one said good morning to me :D
@AshuKumar gm @AshuKumar
except u and @Sanjeev @brahmyadigopula
Gm bro.
hope u have nice day
!!caprica what's wrong with you? What do you take to chat again ? Will I have to sacrifice a goat for you ?
goat? :D
Happy eid :D
today ? @Shubham
nope tommoro @ashu AFAIK
nope tommorow
hwo do you know ? did see moon on morning ? :P
sultan will relate tommorow or today?
i am not wating for sultan i am wating for goat :D @brahmy
hi can i share a joke with you
@TheLittleNaruto @AshuKumar
Go ahead
@TheLittleNaruto LOL
dont take this personally my serious appologies if that goes wrong
whom did this ping ----- > @bra
@AshuKumar not moon..the crescent
it's okay bro..
did this ping u
thanks for the smile on my face @brahmyadigopula
hope i can hear your joke too
or i am mad laughing alone on my workstation
go on
i am ready to die
sir you came!!!1
who is sir here
@AshuKumar you did not tel to @Shubham that @ankitagrawal is sir here
lol well i have no idea
ok sir
@Shubham please check and tell me
@Shubham @ankitagrawal is now sir of our :)
@brahmyadigopula :)
where is cat
and @panda
@Shubham u did not tell me
yes man i was AFK
u know who was that right ?
Sacrifices a goat for making Caprica talk again! boopidi bee! boopidi bee!
i don't know who is whom !
let me cut the goat @TheLittleNaruto
Cut it
I love Holiday.
Sitting at home.
Talking non-sense
What a life!
cut...... bold is everywhere .. goat dead
good afternoon
because u already did ur part of work :) @TheLittleNaruto
@ShaileshLimbadiya good after noon :)
@AshuKumar No Man! I have personal client's work too.
i have one problem please help me
@TheLittleNaruto Cool
@ShaileshLimbadiya sure,
when i initialize one textview in getView() method in first adapter then it's work
but when i copy that code and paste in another adapter then it will send me an error
@TheLittleNaruto no holiday for me today :(
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
same here @ankitagrawal
@TheLittleNaruto @ankitagrawal i m going to heir android dev , he said that he had good exp. but did not work anywhere , so how much will be monthly salary for him, it is my first decision to start my company, first employee
You can host your own bot.. if you want.. @TheLittleNaruto
@cswl how ?
@AshuKumar wow cool
bot! help
@cswl Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
no holiday for me too
@ankitagrawal thanks but i m not able to assume how much should i pay him, any idea
@AshuKumar 1Lakh/month
@TheLittleNaruto my project is not that much worth
@cswl I dont have own server. Will localhost be fine ?
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@TheLittleNaruto me have
@AshuKumar was kidding Man!
@TheLittleNaruto The bot is hosted in Firefox.. you copy paste a script
1 lakh...???????????????/
@cswl Ohh Let me try.
@AshuKumar please help me
bot! help
@cswl Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
i want a bot too
@ankitagrawal if possible then please help me
@ShaileshLimbadiya post a SO question you will get help surely
what is error @ShaileshLimbadiya
yeah @ShaileshLimbadiya
this is my code
in second adapter my textview not initialize i don't know why
catbot meow
@cswl That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@ankitagrawal how to open image on notification click
intent with extras
in first adapter work but problem in second adapter
both code is same
i m getting image url like @ankitagrawal
should i pass this url to intent
@ShaileshLimbadiya may be tv_count is not initialize
why not u initialize it in second adapter
yes pass it in extras
no i check it and it was initialized
please write full adapter code @ShaileshLimbadiya to check
which textView is giving error @ShaileshLimbadiya
in onclicklistener
line 139
why u wrote this View view = (View)v.getParent();?
then how to initialize textview
you have already view reference bro in onclick
use that
@ShaileshLimbadiya use have to use itemview to initialize that bro..try that
morn cat
cat ! :3
Hi, can I ask here a question?
lol no!
of course you can :)
oke bye
it was a joke
Well I have an application in android (my java skills are not that good)
but it stucks at the nullpointer error
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String nl.bla.blablabla.okhttp_login.NewOrder(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
When I call it with this: String donut = OkClient.NewOrder("No string"); it gives me the error.
okclient is null
Hmm I also used the assert for it
View vv = (View)itemView.getParent();
viewHolder.tv_product_count = (TextView)vv.findViewById(R.id.tv_lastOrder_row_count);

@brahmyadigopula i try but not work
viewHolder.tv_product_count = (TextView)itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_lastOrder_row_count); try like bro
@ankitagrawal how to avoid okhttp become null?
It worked in another activities too.
where you init it check
@brahmyadigopula my textview initialized but its text will not change
are you using same code for two adapters?@ShaileshLimbadiya
i mean same values for both?
yes but control and is value change
no its values different
@brahmyadigopula hello
debug it properly some you are using same adapter values.@ShaileshLimbadiya
ok i will check it

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