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They're roommates?
The way they hate each other, I was sure they were brothers.
@VeronicaDeane Oh my god, have you watched the Just Married one? The ending...
They might be brothers based on that one, I dunno. Does seem like they live together though.
@VeronicaDeane Dude, you have to watch more of them. This guy takes things just a little too far.
Hello it's me
Hello it's me
Isn't it night time in india
no judging just curious
@William If you're curious you should call the FBI, they might be able to fix that for you.
hahah so funny I'm never going to out live that am I
at least the FBI office was nice
I'm probably on some watch list now for calling them
Nah, they have a party van keeping an observation. If you bore them for another couple weeks they'll back off.
one of my family I think works for the CIA so I bet I will be fine
I am probably on a white list actually
....you aren't cleared just because you have family working for one of the three letter agencies.
Portugal vs Poland goes to penalties
No one watches football?
FML - I lost question asking power again
soccer or football?
Football for me Soccer for you
I don't watch that eggball game
i like arsenal other then that no opinion
It's just that you don't watch football
please call is futbol or soccer
otherwise it is really confusing
Why? To him it is football, we can't demand he change the name.
@Trasiva all my soccer friends follow the teams call it futbol in messages and them call their teams futbol teams. It makes it less confusing. I can't force anything but futbol is 100% clear
Congratulations for your friends being dynamic.
if someone in a codebase used the exact same spelling of words to refer to 2 different things I would complain period.
Welcome to the non-programming world. Same thing as corn hole, some places it's called dummy boards, bean bag toss, dadhole, doghouse, Baggo or Bags.
We are in the matrix everything is a program
Names change based on location, if someone is speaking about football and they're not in the US, you can probably safely deduct they're talking about soccer. You have this (hopefully) large mass of gray matter between your ears, use it to its full potential.
in requireJS, is there a way to override the config.paths value of a module that has previously been imported?
Trasiva is smart, learn something William.
anybody know where i can get ramdom data sample ?any tool? so i can add to a test table , want to add a table with atleast 10k records for testing
There are any websites out there
let toInsert = ''; for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++ { toInsert += 'INSERT foo INTO bar;'; } insert(toInsert);
I used one to have demo json object
found it: undef
mockaroo.com @anatp_123 - Try this
I used this one
Cheers Nathan!
@GandalftheWhite answering my own question, btw
@GandalftheWhite :D
I'm brain farting, what's it called when you use a div for a listening event instead of a bunch of elements. Delegation?
Oh duh, event delegation. Derp.
event delegation
@KevinB Yea, haha. Today I've been going through a whole mess of really terrible jquery event listeners that were set up for 10+ objects on some pages, and instead wrapped the elements in a div, and wrote a javascript event listener instead without all that overhead.
I'm writing up an email for the other two individuals regarding using the event delegation, and discourage writing jquery when it's not really applicable just because it saves a small fraction of typing time.
@SomeGuy go read your mails
!!>'INSERT foo INTO bar;'.repeat(3)
@CSᵠ "INSERT foo INTO bar;INSERT foo INTO bar;INSERT foo INTO bar;"
@KevinB ^
@Trasiva make sure you make the point though that not everything should be delegated... i've seen the opposite extreme of that before too and it isn't pretty
the app had hundreds of events being bound to the body up front, so every click that happened it ran through all the delegated events to try to match a selector
@KevinB No right, I'm standardizing our rule of four or more elements in the same section should be delegated.
how do you deal with react router when you're trying to serve a /assets with some images in it?
serve /assets with nginx
we can't get a hold of anything in there without router being like "i don't have a route for that!"
what's nginx?
a webserver, node should almost always be fronted by one
getting a bunch of results for some sort of proxy something
hmm ok cheers I'll look into it
nginx, apache, iis, whatever's applicable to your situation
unrelated, why is one of my comments stuck on the side of the screen
what are stars
"try setting crossDomain as true" omg why does almost every jquery ajax cross-domain question have that as an answer
finding good duplicates is hard
@KevinB Yea. But did you try setting crossDomain as true?
actually doesn't that kind of... defeat the purpose of the entire security measure
well, no, the problem is that that parameter's default value is true when the request is cross-domain
so setting it to true... is kinda pointless
it's only usage is to be able to send a JSONP request to a same-domain resource.
Hi team
Good morning
trying to extract date from a string using regex .. could you help
Jun 23 03:16:30 Woody-2.net.yale.internal 1,2016/06/23 03:16:30
(^.{0,15}),(=?\d{4}/\d{1,2}/\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})
what am i doing wrong
@KevinB Mmmm, working smarter, not harder. I love it.
thanks ..
but i would like to go with regex as the string is too big like this
Jun 23 03:16:30 Woody-2.net.yale.internal 1,2016/06/23 03:16:30,0008C100885,SYSTEM,general,0,2016/06/23 03:16:30,,general,,0,0,general,informational,Content image transferred from peer,917838,0x0
are commas valid in a uri
want to extract each field
starting with the first 15 chars timestamp
and then second timestamp
I would still start by splitting that into an array
then you could use new Date() to see if you get a valid date, or you can test it with a regexp
yea. split the fields.. THEN parse numbers, etc.
ok .. let me try it
note though that things like new Date('0') will give you a date, so regexp prob the way to go to be sure
after splitting
right .. whats the regex to check for date
That string looks like it's gross JSON.
(=?\d{4}/\d{1,2}/\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})
You can just use Date()
like new Date(bigFatString)
csv maybe, but strings aren't quoted.
and if you get "inValidDate" or whatever, you know it wasn't a date
new Date(0)
Don't tell me that works...
why wouldn't it
moment.js with its parseStrict is one way. It's a heavy dependency for one function, but moment is quite useful for anything date-related.
if now is represented by 1467325834718, 0 represents a date too :p
!!> new Date(0)
@Trasiva "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
@komali_2 Just in case you needed evidence
Hold up do we have a built in repl here
!!> NaN === NaN
@komali_2 false
hoh boy hoh boy
Ok but an actual angular question: If I've got a factory with a $rootScope.$emit in it, will that work?
I remember the initial demo being posted here a few months ago
Like can I do that from factories?
just for learning .. what did i miss here
(^.{0,15}),(=?\d{4}/\d{1,2}/\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})
Also what's your guys' best punny Agile team names? Like !!(my baby shot me down) I want to prove I'm the funniest guy in the office
Jun 23 03:16:30 Woody-2.net.yale.internal 1,2016/06/23 03:16:30
I have learn object and prototype
@komali_2 That's clearly not the case if you're coming to us.
@Trasiva I can accept that
I don't care if I know my whole life is a sham, I just don't want everyone else to know
@SomeGuy dunno about 'soon' but you'll see it eventually

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