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@SterlingArcher Straight. Up. Savage.
@HatterisMad didn't notice much difference besides updated mark particle and refillable potions
oh and breaking a tower gives more poro treats
@ssube travis-ci.org/MadaraUchiha/screeps-ai interesting failure
"Local gulp not found"
@MadaraUchiha ah fuck, it's running deploy from a clean container
@ssube But why, you install gulp globally, and gulp is installed because it's in package.json and npm install passes without problems
Why does it matter if it's a clean container?
@MadaraUchiha in the build container, not the deploy one
everything gets thrown out when the build script completes
Why does nobody care that System Shock is getting a remaster? Maybe @Loktar will care with me
I think its fantastic :)
what is system shock?
jesus dammit all to hell. the device says it is online, confirms it is getting the new firmware, reconnects fine, even fucking verifies the connection.... gives me the function signature but times out running the method.
@SterlingArcher I have a longbow for hunting
Wasn't deleted by mods
@KevinB one of the best old-school shooter RPGs
think proto-Dead Space
but more scifi shooter
A game that every person needs to have played at least once in their lifetime
Doom Space The RPG
ah, only shooter i played long ago was ut99
System Shock 2 and Deus Ex 1 are the best spooky scifi shooter RPGs made
@ssube We can probably shove it in after_success
Ah no, but that would mean we can't build other branches
Who did @MadaraUchiha ? I don't care about the rep, curious because I thought only mods or the community could do it
@MadaraUchiha yeah, it's dumb. This is my suggestion: github.com/ssube/screeps-ai/commit/…
so if it wasn't a mod, it must have been OP or the community
Hmmm. Thought OP couldn't delete a question with an answer or is that just an accepted answer
@ssube Aha, I see
PR that against master
I've gotten many of my accepted answers deleted
in gitlab's CI, you can define multiple steps and put a filter on each
And I'll merge into stable
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/bpsaywD.jpg
@MadaraUchiha I don't have a great way to test it before the merge
ps4 controller for scale
so you didn't think I was just bullshitting ya ;)
@ssube It's currently set to deploy on a crap branch on Screeps, and I have backup
So I don't mind if it screws something up
@Loktar do you have your VR set up yet?
custom left handed bow, since I shoot left handed yet do everything else right handed
@AndrewL. then it must be the community. Simple deduction
@VeronicaDeane no actually I still need to
come on dude
@Loktar That's a good sized bow
I took some cool 3D panos yesterday at an abandoned building (school?)
I loved doing bow&arrow training as a kid, so fun
@MadaraUchiha thanks its 6ft
taller than me lol
@MadaraUchiha ooh, now that you have a build set up, it will run before merging: travis-ci.org/MadaraUchiha/screeps-ai/builds/140619574
@Loktar As it should be
I should make a bow.....
@ssube Right, but it shouldn't deploy, because it's not a commit on stable
@ssube Failed on the decrypt
Pull from upstream
And merge upstream/master to your branch
@rlemon You should not make a bow you intend to seriously shoot
Why not?
Else it could literally explode in your hand, if you don't do it properly
So I should do it properly then
Aye, and don't let your cat walk on you while you do
Friend of mine got a bow exploding in his hand, nasty.
@rlemon that would be badass
I mean something to at least try and learn idk
I probably shouldn't use any of my tools then.
@MadaraUchiha that might hurt a bit ;)
I tried to make a bow once.
Because you know, what if right
@Loktar It didn't hurt at all thanks to shock
He did need an ungodly amount of stitches though
@MadaraUchiha I did. It's claiming it's up to date, but something went funny.
Around 50 splinters, blown blood vessels, etc.
It sucked, and wouldn't shoot more than 15 feet.
@Trasiva How large was it?
@Loktar problem is sourcing good wood without cutting it myself. and cutting it myself around here I need permission from the land owner
@ssube Odd...
@MadaraUchiha The one I made? Probably five and a half feet tall. I tried to make it as tall as I was. I think the bigger mistake was I made it out of birth, since we had tons of birch trees at great granddad's.
Things I want to make in my life so I can fulfill my native heritage:
Necklace of enemies ears
@rlemon That last one might cause some issues for you.
maybe, but think of the issue it will cause my enemies
You're going to cut off the ears of your enemy, and let them leave?
That's a terrible idea. If you get the advantage on an enemy, you wipe them out completely and totally. Don't give them the chance at retaliation.
no, you leave them to return and tell other enemies of your wrath.
that's your problem. leave no one alive and they keep trying
@rlemon That's what the totems made of their skin and bones are for.
If you want to send the message, lop off the head, pack in dry ice, and send it to 'em.
skin rots, earless grandpa's stories get told for generations.
Teeth, teeth last forever.
your grandpa has no ears?
Necklace made from the teeth of your enemies.
@MadaraUchiha can you try a merge and then checkout your previously encrypted file, maybe?
@SterlingArcher when memes collide
Hey ya'll! Any of you having any experience with Angular 1 and TypeScript? I've ran into a problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/38061475/…
screeps looks awful
@MadaraUchiha how does the deploy have no output at all?
I have no idea
maybe we should just set up two normal builds
I'm gonna mine all of your screeps for bitcoins
They all make the same jokes and think they're original...
@Peurr do you need to call super?
@ndugger I'd mine your mum for bitcoin but everybody has gotten in that block chain already.
( I don't use Angular or TS )
@rlemon Hmm, I'm not sure. I've done a big project before which was working, so no clue what's happening atm. I see examples with like: static $inject['$scope']; but that doesn't seem to fix it
@MadaraUchiha would you rather call out to a shell script and if on the branch env var or try to get the deploy thing working? (in light of github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/879 )
the shell script one can definitely work, I'll just copy paste some stuff around
Yey for complex bash script deployment....
Because that's how we do it in 2016 :D
- if [ $TRAVIS_BRANCH = 'develop' ]; se-interpreter test/selenium/interpreter_config.json; fi
I'll throw two of those in, for stable and master?
@VeronicaDeane @SterlingArcher >_> youtube.com/watch?v=-3PjnaiBDgo
- [[ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" = "stable" ]] && gulp commit-master?
Currently, credentials.json only supports one branch
So I'll need to change that too, but sure, that could work.
can gulp tasks take an argument?
@rlemon kill me now
you can put in two creds files and I can pass it to the task
My coworker is telling me that doing for (var i = 0; ... ) is bad because it could confuse people since i is hoisted to the top of the function, so he would rather I declare it above the for...
or we just set up two tasks
@ssube Yeah, via command line
hang on, lemme put together a PoC
Then I can Object.assign() it to the JSON config and all is well in the world.
@ndugger use let, show him
@rlemon We can't in this legacy chunk of our app
Guys I need help, would a logger like winston be appropriate for my situation stackoverflow.com/questions/38050030/…
also, if you don't understand JS is function scoped at this point, you are probably not the person to talk about code readability
He's usually very smart... this is a weird issue
I basically just said, I've never had anyone be confused over that before, so I'm going to keep it the way it is
Anyone know if this is even possible and how to fix it?:
> console.log(CheddarString.prototype.Scope);
< Map {
  'slice' => CheddarVariable { ... some stuff ... }
> console.log((new CheddarString).Scope);
< Map {}
@ndugger It's a matter of preference
If the app currently has a policy of declaring all vars at the top, keep that unless there's a good reason to change
If something is on the prototype, how can it not exist on an instance of the class
If it doesn't, no point in starting it now
Consistency > personal preference
@Downgoat constructor changes things
@ndugger It manifests itself when you do async things in the loop
Maybe you shouldn't do async things in the loop
@ndugger What kind of a response is that?
I want to make HTTP requests in a loop for pagination
Why wouldn't I?
@MadaraUchiha It doesn't. I think he's concerned about if you need another for loop, declaring i a second time would throw an error
@rlemon oh okay, yeah. Any idea on how to fix it? I feel like this is a problem with babel itself >_>
But that's not a valid concern until you actually need a second for loop, which we do not
@Downgoat dunno, depends on the exact case and code
@ndugger Declaring twice with var doesn't throw
Declaring twice with let might I don't remember
I thought it did... disregard my tardness
Ah yeah, let throws
not var
My ES5-fu is getting rusty
With let it makes no sense to declare variables at the top
Because it goes against the very point of let as a no-hoisting operator
But with var?
Totally a matter of style preference.
ESLint even has an option to enforce that, (or enforce that no one does that)
@MadaraUchiha how do you feel about this: github.com/ssube/screeps-ai/commit/…
@Downgoat see if this helps.
or even is relevant
class Poop {
  constructor() {
  	this.plop = console.log.bind(console, 'not plop');
  plop () { console.log('plop') }
new Poop().plop() // not plop
Object.create(Poop.prototype).plop() // plop
you can create the object without calling into the constructor, but then you miss everything done in the constructor
so yea.. probably gon break shit
@rlemon ohhh, okay, I see now what my problem is >_> with the constructor. thanks for the help!
@ssube I'd prefer it if you took the same credentials object, but Object.assigned it a different branch
@MadaraUchiha what do you mean?
have {stable: {username: ..., password: ...}, master: { ... }} in credentials?
const commitTask = branch =>
// ...
.pipe(Object.assign({}, alreadyRequiredCreds, {branch});
Then you pass the target (screeps) branch name
Screeps has a branching system, that's a bit awkward
oh, we don't need different credentials?
No, just different branches
On the same set of credentials
oh shit, ok
I was working on totally the wrong direction
(credentials.json includes the email, password, target branch, and whether or not we're deploying to the PTR or not)
so just merge the $TRAVIS_BRANCH var into what we load from credentials?
We could do that
Just take note that (currently) screeps branches must be created manually from within the game
not sure that will do any filtering, so we might end up deploying topics and stuff
They are not created automatically when you push to them if they don't exist.
if you only create two, the others will fail?
seems good enough for now
So we should still only deploy to branches we care about, for now.
Because I do want the others to pass the rest of the build (linting, maybe testing later on)
good point. Not sure the best way to go about that, tbh.
Same as the proposed one
Sort of a switch case for branches
Since we only have 2, I don't mind
in gulp?
In .travis.yml
 +- [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]] && gulp commit-test
 +- [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "stable" ]] && gulp commit-prod
ohhh, keep that, clean up the gulp thing?
if we're going that way, I think having a single gulp task might be better
and read the travis branch from the env within gulp
That's doable, sure.
but also means you can't run the different tasks from whatever branch you want
that separation is quite nice
@phenomnomnominal Those tasks are only intended to run for specific branches anyway (for deployment)
@Loktar have you played much Stardew Valley?
It doesn't run for arbitrary branches (yet)
not at all
@rlemon I have
still, I like travis knowing about travis stuff and gulp being stupid
it is pretty addictive
@rlemon Where'd you get?
I think we can combine those two
I thought it would be like farmville and that is it, GF got it on the steam sale.
watched a bit and got it as well
9/10 would recommend
@phenomnomnominal After meeting a girl from NZ, I take back everything horrible thing I've ever said to you. Your country is a wonderful place, and I'll make sure when you need another set of velcro gloves, I gift them to you.
who is she, I probably know her
@phenomnomnominal no, she is a person not a sheep
so probably not
you've met our women, see why we would never need to fuck a sheep?
sheep are people too
@phenomnomnominal Dear god, do I ever.
@VeronicaDeane wake up
@Loktar I'll just assume you own it because I'm too lazy to check. store.steampowered.com/app/236850 any good?
@ndugger might interest you github.com/RaoulSchaffranek/…
@ssube OK I see why your build fails...
@MadaraUchiha my history is absolute garbage but the final changeset might be ok: github.com/MadaraUchiha/screeps-ai/pull/2/files
Because pull requests from external forks don't get the decrypted file for obvious reasons
the only place gulp cares about travis is the env var, but I figured that was better than screwing with cli args
yargs and gulp commit --branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH would work the same, but seems heavy handed
so @AwalGarg @littlepootis decided I'll switch to debian to ease my possible transition into arch
@rlemon lol
I own it
but its part of the 74% of steam games I havent played
@ssube Can you disable the decryption for pull requests like here docs.travis-ci.com/user/…? It's not going to be used in the PR build anyway
and it breaks your build
@MadaraUchiha it will be used cause the require is at the top of the gulpfile :(
right... shite.
So we can move the require inside the task.
we might be able to put in a garbage one
or that
It's sync, so won't cause race problems
do you care if it's Object.assign({}, ...} vs Object.assign(require(...), ...)?
@Loktar looks interesting
@ssube Does it matter? The first one won't mutate the result of require(), and require() is cached, so if called again with the same file, we get the altered version
If I could I'd {...require(), ...config}
@MadaraUchiha no, just line length
@ssube const defaultConfig = require(...); ... .pipe(Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, {branch: ...}));
Hmmm @ssube
I was just informed that there's a basic GitHub integration in Screeps
It can automatically sync the master branch to the default branch in Screeps
(But that's all it does, no building, no bundling, no nothing)
oh, that's not very good
Yeah, it won't run the build step, forget it...
Right, I'm going to watch GoT now
@ssube Looks like you've made the change to travis but not to gulp (you're still requiring credentials.json in all cases and it fails)
why is travis such garbage?
oh, I made it, I just didn't save it
@MadaraUchiha the PR is passing.
Hey guys
Lovely jQuery question plz halp plz
When does it fire if you invoke a function like $(function() {...?
Vs. if you did (function() {...)()
@Jhawins $(function is shorthand for $(document).ready
Can anyone explain to me where the sliding animation comes from with the error messages on the form elements here? codepen.io/anon/pen/jrBqPM
so whenever that fires. Pretty sure DOMContentLoaded
I've been replicating that setup in my own code and there's no sliding and I just don't see where it's coming from
@rlemon That explains it lol
We had an issue in the legacy code because things got run out of order and someone had swapped some calls from $(func... to (func...()
blindly changing code. sounds awesome :D
!!afk home
Lmao right
No he's one of our good devs actually. The stupid part is that code that needs to run last is before the other code which was in a IIFE..
and none of the people reviewing it did something like maybe checking the docs?
!!afk somebody find ja rule!
That was easy.
How would you recommend adding a UI to insert into a list? Trying to get it so if you between to lines it would open a space between them for you to insert into the middle. Right now considering creating a dummy div that goes under each element to collect click events but that seems messy jsfiddle.net/115wvuns Thanks :)
@SpencerFleming Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SpencerFleming take a look at google keep
you can append and move items
Hey is there any admin or moderator that. I can ask him questions about Question bans? And things like that?
@DeBanana Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DeBanana that's what meta is for, usually
Is there a chat for meta?
Google Keep is really cool, never seen it before thanks!
@DeBanana maybe, but you're probably better off opening a question (or finding one that's already been asked)
there's some kind of tavern,
but not really for that kind of thing
The meta is the place to go to ask about your question ban. If you ask in the Tavern, you're most likely to just have your question washed out by all the background noise.
It's extremely likely that your question has already been asked and answered.
Can I please get an advice from some one here? Do you mined? Its not a general question about bans...
don't ask to ask, just ask, !!
Jesus christ, spit it out then.
Though why you'd ask here of all places is beyond me.
Well maybe someone here can help me.. Recently I saw that I got unbanned from asking question and so I asked a question :P.
I got a good positive reaction to the question but I looked at the "ask a question" and it blocked me again... Anyone know why and whats the problem
@DeBanana the rules are complicated. Check meta.
Sometimes rules does not make seance
...yea, that's a meta question like we said. Ask there, someone will clarify.
well... are you banned, or does it just tell you that you have to wait n days/hours to ask again.
(Or down vote it)
it's complicated.
!!tell DeBanana why
cap pls
Its said You have reached your question limit
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more.
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
sounds like you can't ask more Qs right now
but if you want a real answer, go ask on meta
K thx
But also, don't ask bad questions anymore. Learn from your mistakes.
and deleted questions still count against you.
In fact, deleting too many questions is a red flag, and you can get your permissions revoked simply by doing that
it depends on the questions
I know all these checkout my last question
I posted it today
It was perfectly fine
We don't know how the formula works. If you want real info, you're gonna have to ask on meta.
Posted a thread here:
Q: Got unbanned from asking question and good positive reaction to my next question and still got banned again

user3180983Recently I saw that I got unbanned from asking question and so I asked a question... I got a good positive reaction to the question but I looked at the "ask a question" and it blocked it to me again... Anyone know why and whats the problem? Why would it block it to me again?

Upvote hehe :P
Ok but thank you guys anyway!
@DeBanana because you touch yourself at night
@DeBanana Oh, you want upvotes? Congratulations, now you got downvotes.
They closed the question with no reason
it's definitely possible that the one closevote on your new question is counting against you. Since we don't know the actual formula used all we can do is guess
> This question was marked as an exact duplicate of an existing question.
No, they did, it's a duplicate, which is linked.
Oh, and one of your older questions was downvoted today. so that could have also pushed you back into the banned state. (far more likely than the closevote)
Older question?
the one that is now -6
plus, you're not banned-banned from that message, you're just rate-limited until the system feels good about your questions again
so just go around making good answers or something
you'll be unbanned in no time
Why people look at them I was newbie at the time thats not fair that they do that...
the max auto-ban length is 6 months at the moment. after 6 months you'll be allowed to ask one question, and if that doesn't put you back above the threshold, you'll have to wait another 6 months.
@DeBanana It's their site, they get to control the quality of the content. If you think it's not fair, you're welcome to use a different website.
@rlemon His accent
> I just had the urge to throw it against the wall and say "Silly fuckin' lightbulbs".
fuck fuck fuck
spent half an hour writing a post on KSP forums, and it's gone
hmm.. did chrome undo the change to the backspace key?
Some time ago someone asked how to create a class in Javascript, i answered him with the ES6 way of creating a class and i did receive a lot of downvotes...

But... Why?
@darkndream Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Holy wow that GoT episode
And I thought s06e09 was good :o
Sometimes people downvote good answers with no reason and sometimes it is just unfair to see people with 500 upvotes because they answered how to create an onclick event in Jquery :'V
@MadaraUchiha I can't believe they killed all the dragons
Guys, I know this is not JS related, but let's say I need to setup 3-4 gmail accounts with a custom domain and a web host... How much would you charge me for that? :D
@darkndream Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. You don't like to have like 'em, but you can't change them.
@phenomnomnominal I know! Right?!
@MadaraUchiha And what about those wizards showing up and melting the Wall? What were they thinking?!
@Frondor Me? $10000/hr bank transfer or PayPal?
You won't charge that even if the customer is Obama xD
@Frondor I would charge even more if the customer was Obama

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