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WARNING in ./~/handlebars/lib/index.js
require.extensions is not supported by webpack. Use a loader instead.
That @Luggage ^
I am using the loader for actual templates
but for strings I can't
oh. weback is trying to follow the require() in a 3rd party lib.. hm..
you're doing something very strange
How so @ssube?
how do you have modules set up?
ssube which is your favorite language for web development & why?
@ssube How do you mean?
This is a known webpack issue it seems with handlebars. noone seems to have posted a solution
@Tuvia I'm pretty sure you don't need to do this; most template loaders return a function you can call with the context to render
@Tuvia I've used that a bunch of times
@FilipDupanović he's not using a template loader, we've been over this
Thats my webpack config
ohh, you are using a handlerbars-loader.. but still.
@Tuvia Have you seen this comment? github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/issues/…
@Luggage ugh... its fine for templates... I am talking in code strings
and a couple comments above that is an alias
I want to do compile("I am {{name}}")
yea.. that's the way I interpreted that..
If I do that, the code works fine but I get that warning
hm.. looking at my own webpack config I wonder why I ever added this:
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    "require.specified": "require.resolve"
wasn't someone mentioning recently a warning related to require.specified
Doesn't ring a bell. :)
@Luggage ring ring
@Tuvia just ignore the warning and move on
it was require.extensions chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/17?m=31296027#31296027 so unrelated likely
yea, the conversation we were JUST having.
and the reason I thought my random webpack config find was worth posting.
i must be going crazy, i thought that was hours ago
I think there was one earlier about the same topic.
Venezuela should deprecate jQuery :(
i have another dumb question: what are the benefits of Map over object? i don't see the need for Map
@NathanJones Map can take non-string keys.
And I believe that map returns keys in order they were added to the object.
Hi, any 10.000+ reputation user here who could have a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/37974250/… and tell me why it has been deleted?
It was a question about XSS filter bypassing which I found interesting
Hey guys I have a cool demo
jsfiddle.net/patrob10114/Lwd2he5t/show image to ASCII using the full range of printable characters
made a memoized quadtree to get closest luminance combination y todo
@le_m I don't know -- I wouldn't have deleted it.
(I've been watching too much George Lopez)
@JeremyJStarcher Thanks! Can we undelete it? Or is that bad practice? First time I encounter something like that
I can vote to undelete, but I'm not sure if it would do any good.
@JanDvorak ...I just lost The Game by looking in the sidebar
@PatrickRoberts Tried your ascii demo, somehow it does produce strange results: imgur.com/HNmYt8n
my company filters imgur, can you put that on stack.imgur?
@JeremyJStarcher Did OP leave a comment whether our answers to that question helped him? I am curious :)
looks like OP deleted the Q
what the crud
@le_m what did you set "width" to?
hey whitebeard o/
perhaps because of that: Chrome 49 32 bit / Ubuntu
Do you know Java?
no, not the crypto APIs
@PatrickRoberts I did not change anything, just chose a picture. Width was per default 1000 I think
: ) this is better than :)
What say?
it's cuter
@le_m did you click the ascii image? it automatically opens in a new tab at full size. What you see on the right of the program is a canvas and they're notoriously bad at antialiasing thumbnails.
@FilipDupanović Paint me an idiot -- I didn't realize it was the OP who closed it.
@GandalftheWhite but your Node.js algorithm is incomplete
please help me complete it
@PatrickRoberts It works well with smaller sizes, and the resulting ascii txt was correct in both cases
That is what matters the most
@le_m it's Lena!! :O
fuck Java
anyway htm is basic for Java
^^ You have heard the story right?
@le_m when you use large widths, just click the ascii image when it's done to see what it really looks like
yeah, I know the one
Hi neoares
well, looks like you're missing the KDF in Node.js
anyway, gtg
okay and what is that?
bb Patrick o/
what does 'o/' signify?
!!urban o/
@FilipDupanović [o/](http://o.urbanup.com/1231695) high five.

appropriate response is \o
Hi Caprica
Caprica won't be upset if you don't say 'Hi.'
Hi Jeremy
looks like you used PBKDF2 in the Java algorithm
I didn't use shit
The third party service had that code in their documenation
this Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
the node.js part is similar right
how are you getting the key bytes in Node.js?
given that padding is by default set to true
according to documentation
Honestly speaking
I am using the same piece of code
I used buffers and all yesterday
let me fetch the code for you
really? I mean... I don't get what the algorithm parameters are for AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding
 var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-128-cbc', 'abcgthdbgfhyjhuy');
    var cryptedBuffers = [cipher.update(new Buffer(str))];
    var crypted = Buffer.concat(cryptedBuffers);
I think aes-128-ecb does the trick?
OpenSSL has most of the standard crypto algorithms outlined in the docs, I'm not really familiar how Java configures the algorithms
that is what all the answers on stackoverflow had
Q: Node.js Crypto class returning different results with updated version

wdhilliardThe following code produces HTML output for a single-sign-on button that gets added to a page. In node version 0.5.x the key is accepted by the server on button click, but after upgrading to 0.10.x it does not work and produces a different output. No errors. Has the crypto class changed? Note, th...

I am trying something else
give me a minute
@JeremyJStarcher Thanks for pasting it!
Whitebeard I have to warn you that it's super easy to fuck up setting up the crypto algorithms
I know right
I have tried like 25 different things
and I am fucking it every fucking time
I'm not sure what you're using this for, but aes-ecb isn't secure if you're run the cipher over the same input twice
@FilipDupanović You would be shocked if I'll tell you what that fucking firm is using it for
@JeremyJStarcher ah, thanks
I guess what cipher.doFinal might be doing in Java is using a random seed and the input string to derive a key and feed that into aes-ecb
did you try decoding the base64 string and checking if there's any algorithm metadata inside?
I tried decoding that base64 thingy on an online decoder
and mostly got some gibberish shit
the one I got from JAVA code
Should Cap link that^ each time somebody says "fuck" twice in the same comment?
cap link?
what is that
That's a noun and a verb
yeah, it's gibberish
it's the same as "should filip do x when y happens"
link that == do x
Whitebeard, I have found an ancient tome in one of the ruins; it says we must seek out "Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation" to reveal the algorithm information
Deep magic
that is pure gibberish :-D
Hi everbody
I have a question: I am currently developing a node application
I have my frontend, runnung on localhost 3000
setup with an express server
no in parallel i would like to setup an api, running on a different port
@FilipDupanović I am done for the day will check it tomorrow mate. Thanks a ton for all the help and thank for lending your ear. It is 4 AM here.
also setup with an express server
is there any way i can make requests from client to api locally ?
does anyone know this ?
@386er look up "same origin policy"
@GandalftheWhite nn o/; looks like you need aes-128-ecb, maybe we can look at it tomorrow
I am using aes-128-ecb : )
@386er google dnode
I heard something about that
I am not sure though
Damnit, gulp. I want your to clean THEN build.
does anyone here use mocha? it looks like it has a memory leak (EventEmitter)
@RoyMiloh Do you have an example of the memory leak?
@GandalftheWhite let's have a look at how you're constructing the key bytes when you get a chance
I will keep you posted
@Meredith: basically, this is the error
... and I'm using watch, so it's not so fun :)
@386er sure you can just make sure to have the other app running on a different port and make the req on the correct port.
@UnuSec Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RoyMiloh Post the code that triggers the error if you can
no, this is not working
@Luggage gulp.task('hello', ['clean', 'build']); ?
@386er why not, what exactly happens, I'm running the same thing on my machine
no way to do that form the commandline? well... gulp clean && gulp build
@Luggage gulp hello :P
@Meredith it's weird, a simple watch with one dummy test
the watch is by gulp, not through mocha's cli. but I can try that as well...
jquery.js:5 XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:3000. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.
yeah, so research the same origin policy.
like I said ;-)
you're not trying to run something from file:// right? it shouldn't have given you a protocol scheme error..
i am running express server
@Meredith, well, looks like it does not happen through mocha's cli but within gulp
@386er why didn't you setup a router for the API requests and mounted that on the development server?
You mean, I would run the application on localhost:3000/index.html
and then get data from localhost:3000/route1
or whatsoever
yup! you really don't need to run your services on multiple origins
jquery.js:5 XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:3000/hallo. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.
I still run into this problem
so i have defined the following route : app.get('/hallo', function(req, res){
app.get('/hallo', function(req, res){
now, in one of the javascript modules, i make a get request to localhost:3000/hallo
i get the error shown above
can you dump your self.location from there please?
from the js module ?
yeah from the client, let's see the hostname and port from the location object
@user1199409 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone still here ?
Location {hash: "", search: "", pathname: "/", port: "3000", hostname: "localhost"…}
ups, sorry ;)
well basically Im looking someone who can understand from from twitter API for java.. I made an app but there is a problem which im stuckl
this is javascript chat mate not java
I know but maybe someone knows ? Other channels arent active
!!urban arent
@JanDvorak aren't are not
huh, strange @386er, you should be making requests to the same origin :\
ok, and I am not ?
now i got it :9
you are, at least everything seems to be good
Ok ,the problem was :
In the get request : the url was localhost:3000/hello
however, since my origin is already localhost:3000
i have to omit this
and just make a request to /hello
huzzah! perks of running all your services on the same origin!
Alright, that was really helpful, thanks everybody, bedtime
So, what happens if a mod gets chat-banned by the flag system?
why is it that in my mongodb update function, it returns a { ok: 0, n: 0, nModified: 0 } when I have upsert: true?
@386er while you don't need the hostname, you COULD include it as long as you have a protocol. IT got confused and thought "localhost" was the protocol. Use ://localhost:3000/ or http://localhost:3000/ (or not host at all, which is the best)
@MadaraUchiha Looks like someone finds that the PG13 rating of the chatrooms is offensive. :)
Snitches get stitches.
Madara's message only got 3 flags, while mine got up to 5
and the message two lines above mine did not get flagged
49 mins ago, by Gandalf the White
and I am fucking it every fucking time
hey, someone got flagged for using a single character today...
The turd emoji, I guess?
Why is it even in Unicode?
apparently using 💩 can get you flagged
May I test that on your message?
thou shalt not beg for permission!
"reverse hand with middle finger raised" is in unicode, too, and even affectable by the skin color modifiers
and not many more gestures
but... BUT... if you begin combining them
I can't even read that.
Is that a ... white flower? That's racist.
no new rifle emoji :(
@JanDvorak touche ♣
There is 🔫
no, a new rifle one. That's a handgun
hey guys, having my page divided into 3 parts (each 100% height), im looking for a tool to always keep these parts centered. so if user scrolls down and has already 3/4 of 2nd part on his screen, it automatically scrolls down form him so he can see whole part
@JanRad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
they added bacon
vegetarians opposed that one
> How do you tell if somebody is a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you
Dwarf Fortress would be easier to understand with Emoji.
that would be cool, there are lots of fixed-width fonts with emojis
it's not really character-based, though. It's just sprites.
you mean it's using a rasterized font?
no. just sprites that are mostly letters and symbols.
you can replace them with other sprites.
I guess you could say that's just a rasterized font, but it's not character-based. It's opengl.
oh, really, the default client?
yea. it's graphical.. the graphics just happen to look like characters
TIL, I would have sworn it was a text buffer
but it's meant to be like a terminal.. it just isn't really a terminal app.
it might be like a text buffer at some level..
However, I prefer Typescript
Holycow!! ES7 changed array.contains to array.includes because MooTools use this already!!
MooTools have the strongest power on Internet
What's a MooTool?
My lecturer used it to build his website. He's 81 years old
he teaches algorithm and data structure
it was built in 1999
they should've just
MooTools = undefined
Array.prototype.contains = your implementation
and at the same time as
//If browser < IE 7
//page die();
7? user.die().
if( User.isUsingIE() ) { window.location.href ="www.meatspin.com" }
if( MooTools.isNotNull() ) { window.location.href="www.google.com/?q='why people use MooTools?'" }
These two lines of code is needed in ES7 source code
Don't break the web yo.
if (Object.keys(self).includes('jQuery')) throw new Error('YYYYYYYYYYYYAI PLS?')
At least MooTools doesn't sound like Jake Weary
jQuery is alright
you can still use it
very good for prototyping
only problem with jQuery is it's selector and lack of modularity
but you can overcome this modularity with Typescript
selctor is an issue because it saves states in DOM
nah, did npm uninstall --save jquery, didn't look back
I use it in my web scraper
pretty good thanks to chain methods

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