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MooTools is retarded framework
idk why it exists
that was around ~2000
tell me one reason why jQuery sucks
apart from one I've mentioned above
$(), $.fx, $.ajax, $.fn.data, $.fn.on('magicstrings'), there's probably more, but it's late :P
$(), $.fx, $.ajax
Why are they issue?
TBH, every libs frameworks languages have features that must be depreciated at some point
you can't build something that is so perfect that nobody can point out an issue about it
we got the native selectors that didn't exist before, $.fx relies on it's own tweening that frequently blocks for more than >60ms and we should be using fetch() straight up
you have look at the big picture. jQuery code that you've written 10 years ago
can still run on your latest Chrome browser
that's a big thing in software develoipment in general
it proves that jQuery is backward compatible
I used to write CoffeeScript, but I don't anymore
As long as browser's specs regarding to CSS selection, ajax do not change
jQuery code will be compatible with all the modern browsers
oh hai der masters
@EnglishMaster why would you build upon tech that was developed for another era?
I wouldn't build an full fetched app in jQuery
I'd build it in react or angular
jQuery, I'd use it for prototyping an small util or tool
and you gotta consider most of websites are still heavily relying on jQuery
don't get me wrong, I used jQuery, underscore, Backbone, but that was way back
I'd recently built an app in jQuery, underscore, backbone
it's a plugin of an app
the app was using jQuery
today I run into React apps that throw in jQuery attached to the kitchen sink just because they want to do network requests via $.ajax
but I needed to sprinkle some structure in the code so I brought in Backbone and underscore
worked pretty well
this is like the IE story: why invest time developing for a platform that's going to get deprecated?
Yeah I guess it's about money and expectation as well
Need help in solving this problem using dynamic programming: Write a function that returns an array which has elements multipled except the one itself i.e. if [2, 4, 1, 10, 8] is passed to it, it should return [320, 160, 640, 64, 80]. Here, first element is 320 since 4*1*10*8 = 320 (2 not included in multiplication)
Damnit wish I joined SO sooner when I first stumbled upon it in 2010. The early days seemed great
Memes of Meta
no clients nowadays would expect to pay 1000000 on an app built in jQuery
their children would know how to jQuery
I still use jQuery for $.ajax in my code, too. I just never bothered changing to something else.
One day I will.
The hint is to multiply all the elements on left and then on right.
All my $.ajax usage is in one file. Nice and organized.
Trying to figure out an O(n) solution
I think it has to be O(n²)...
is performance a goal?
@JesusErwinSuarez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage yes
my gut-level feeling is it can't be O(n).
@RahulDesai multiply all of them
then go over the array and divide that number with each index
doh.. yes.
@Mosho Thats 2 for loops, so isnt that O(n^2) again?
that's two passes
on the array
O(2n) which is O(n)
which is O(n)
n^2 would be going over the entire array n times
like a nested for loop
wow, thats really an elegant solution!
When you gave the answer, @Mosho I was just looking checking my result from my nested loop version and thinking "I can just multiply by 2, then divide by 4 to get the next one". I didn't see that staring me in the face :(
happens :P
The interviewer gave me a hint to use dynamic programming. Memoize the values accessed already and something more which I dint quite get it.
@Mosho what is one of the values is a 0? :)
if there is more than one, they are all zeroes
the result
and if there's one, then everything except it is zero
and if one, then each is (x ? 0 : x)
so no problem
but yea.. what you said.
Vagrant is awesome
I agree
do you use VM sync folders or FTP
or git
I have this massive unstructured CSS
I need to organise this shit
so shit
2 hours later…
@EnglishMaster git
round trip goodness
I just folder sync
then use vagrant push
I use shared folders with Vagrant
I wanna buy raspberry pi to set up my staging site at work
do you think it's a good idea?
Wow. I didn't know there is a sort called "Bogosort", nor have I heard of its friends Gorosort, Badsort, or Worsesort on the wiki page.
And there's more not on the page. I never imagined there are so many sort worse than bubble!
Hilarious. And it's not the worse sort...
Heh.. I'm setting up my Raspberry Pi with node as we speak.
I hope paypal unit tests their Magento and Woocommerce plugin
I found a bug and they told me to I have to fix it
I asked them for unit tests
because plugin source does not include them
unit tests > documentation
okay, dev-2-dev...whats the deal with module.exports and exports? Why use exports?
good morning! @rlemon apologize if the goofy came over
Anyone knows how I can do CSS profiling? My page seems to be slow on some action. And I want to know what the reason is..
@ZuseeWeekin Don't put two questions in one SO question. Ask two separate questions
@DenysSéguret okay I will seperate them
greetings, programs! \o/
@choz It may be CSS that's slow, or it may be the layout that's slow. Try Chrome's various tools.
@deostroll Don't use the latter. That's all you need to know
I want to write an OneLine if-condition that disables the inputfield. But I don´t know what to write in there if true, because actually nothing should happen. Maybe it´s really banal but I don´t know how to do it now :P
{requestCanBeMade ?  : disabled="disabled"}
what do I have to put after the "?"
@elsololobo "" maybe?
perhaps {requestCanBeMade ? "" : disabled="disabled"}
ok^^ I knew it would be sth banal :D thanks
i'd personally set it to a real 'true' statement... {requestCanBeMade ? disabled="enabled" : disabled="disabled"} just in case you need it again elsewhere or could refactor it to make more sense. doing a "" as true is kinda unreadable
ahh... that was what i was original searching for... somehow I forgot how to enable a field ^^ I googled even for it. Omg too early :P
requestCanBeMade || (disabled = "disabled")
requestCanBeMade (condition true) || (condition false) (disabled = "disabled")
var a = a || b
or.. you know..
if(!requestCanBeMade) disabled = "disabled";
write an actual if statement, really?
we need a new type of if statement
ifnot(requestCanBeMade) disabled = "disabled"
unless(requestCanBeMade) disabled = "disabled"
Learn from Ruby. Ruby is awesome.
just for fun
programming is meant to be fun
1 message moved to Trash can
@EnglishMaster Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Fun fact: you can do unless ... then ... else ... end in Ruby. But I'll still shoot you down.
reminds me on .lua.
Caprica Six is better garbage collector than Java garbage collector
Given Java is still around...
@Sheepy Thx, I've actually gone through that already. And it looks like the culprit really is on the css. CSS' blur effect takes much cpu usage on android browser.
I am the only person in australia using Lycos.com
as primary search engine
@EnglishMaster Lycos sucks.. I searched for stackoverflow and gives empty return
I love it due to simpleness
I use lycos.com at work
askjeeves.com at home
You wanna talk about simpleness? How did you compare that simpleness to google homepage..
But hey, they got updated news already on their homepage.. which is okay..
singing up for their email is a checkout process
lycos is still online ???
Which software is most popular and loved for automated testing JavaScript ?
@DenysSéguret Of course, they even had TV advertisement back in the days
we were all using lycos
and askjeeves.com
# I don't get it
It's built in PHP
@Maurice The design is shitty.
@Mathematics doing it yourself and not replying on automated software that will likely not test things the way you would like things to be tested! :D
@Maurice Look at the orientation of the watch's display
Imagine how you would go about seeing the time
I can't sign up for their email
@MadaraUchiha ha, true. Good eyes, mr.
Askjeeves is still alive
I'm not sure whether they are just printing google search results
or they actually have crawlers
askjeeves uses google tag manager and google analytics
Lycos.com is broken
this company owns Lycos
> Unlocks phone with no password, just a Tap of the band
rip security
they have 501-1000 employees
don't underestimate it
well if all the phone apps have username/password start screens, then the only thing you worry about are your SMS's and phone logs.
@littlepootis just don't call your other girlfriend with that phone :D
This shopped model looks like an android
I would say she's from India
That's like a CGI..
how can I remove this string from href and update it ?
Example: localhost:21088/WcfDataService1.svc/Clients?$top=20&$select=Name,Products/Name,ID,People/FirstName,Products/Price,People/LastName&$expand=People

 var stringToRemove = "Products/";
 var href = $("#queryUrl").attr("href");
     href =
href = href.replace(string, '');
point is I want to remove this,

Products/Name, Products/Price
but I only have Products/
@Mathematics Regex it..
or maybe href = href.replace('Products/', '');
probably can chain it altogether on one line like: var href = $("#queryUrl").attr("href").replace("Products/", "");
@MadaraUchiha If I can help, I will.
@choz not so good with it :(
var url = 'http://localhost:21088/WcfDataService1.svc/Clients?$top=20&$select=Name,Products/Name,ID,People/FirstName,Products/Price,People/LastName&$expand=People';
url.replace(/(Products\/\w+,)/g, '');
// returns "http://localhost:21088/WcfDataService1.svc/Clients?$top=20&$select=Name,ID,People/FirstName,People/LastName&$expand=People"
thank you, going to learn it
In a performance critical environment, is Symbol() significantly more expensive than using a random GUID or something similar to that?
@MadaraUchiha you can test, right? Use a Math.random() ID :P
I mean, is your database very large?
@Mathematics You may also want to look into unit testing, which can be automated and should be the first line of defense.
Will, first line apart from writing simple code.
@Sheepy yes, thinking about selenium but yet to investigate more
is .replace(/(Products\/\w+,)/g, '') faster than .replace('Products/', '') ?
(regarding Mathematics' problem above)
@MadaraUchiha probably not
@thedigitalmouse I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the "premature optimization" hum
ha! Jan said "premature"... :D
Yeah, that's a flaggable offense. Go ahead.
I was perf testing and.. my browser crashed.
!!flag Jan
@thedigitalmouse That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@thedigitalmouse They replace different string..
!!vote flag Jan
@thedigitalmouse vote registered
@choz eh? looks like the both replace occurrences of Product/ with a blank or empty string
@JanDvorak It's not premature in this case
I'm very limited by how much time the entire program must take
So anything that takes more than a few microseconds has impact.
Why so?
@JanDvorak Screeps
Milliseconds I could understand, but micro...? wow
@thedigitalmouse I'm currently limited to a total of 30ms
Do they shut you down after that while, or just suspend until the next turn?
So if Symbol() takes 0.1ms more than Math.random(), I can't use that.
@JanDvorak Anything past the limit is just not executed
" a statement of fact that is not true" legalese is so weird. — PyRulez 7 hours ago
@thedigitalmouse Nah.. The regex approach can also replace Product/WhateverTheStringHereisWithTheNextComa, with an empty string..
@MadaraUchiha Math.random() is faster.
.. on average
@choz whoops! ok I see it now, after re-reading Math's original need. I thought he was only wanting to purge the Product/ part. nevermind! move along! nothing to see here!
@MadaraUchiha At that precision that may very well be implementation dependent, so better test on your platform.
@Sheepy Node 6.2.1
@MadaraUchiha Don't forget that Node has both V8 and Chakra engine :p
@Sheepy Go away
@JesusGonzalez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Does Node use V8 and Chakra as well? I didn't know about it using Chakra engine
@JesusGonzalez Node use V8 by default. Microsoft released an open source bridge this year so that it can run Chakra, also open sourced. But I think they still only run on Windows.
Repo (Note that this is nodejs repo, not ms): github.com/nodejs/node-chakracore
what's your most favorite feature of ECMAScript 2016?
da name
@Dreampuf Is it limited to new features, or does it include all the features in the spec?
@Dreampuf (() => console.log('everything'))()
Why would you use arrow functions for that..
To show off ES2015?
Are these the only features in ES2016? Array.prototype.includes, and Exponentiation Operator?
@LayZee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak 'da name'? because it is close to the sound of a skin condition, Eczema? :)
@LayZee Yes.
Eczemascript 2016! a new rash of problems to worry about! \o/
@Sheepy Thanks
@thedigitalmouse :)
@littlepootis hate you soooo much
@Mathematics You can use RegExp object instead if you want to do it like in your SO question :)
@littlepootis what the frell was that? o.o
@littlepootis It's the art of lazy typing..
@Sheepy Yes, that too.. And most of codefighter use that now to save character on their solutions :)
!!> [].includes
@Sheepy "function includes() {\n [native code]\n}"
!!> 3 ** 3
@Sheepy "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '*'"
So. Caprica supports 50% of ES2016 new features already. Since before it is released!
What are the other 50% that he hasn't supported yet?
*she, **
Just that?
@littlepootis gg
Let's see
I personally think ES2016 is a waste of global JS developer's time and attention.
@bitten thx
!!> void 0
@choz "undefined"
is this SO's new feature?
@SamundraKC Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> [...new Array(5)]
@SamundraKC no, it's half as old as I am
@choz ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
@choz ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undef‌​ined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","un‌​defined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined",‌​"undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefine‌​d","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","un (snip)
@choz ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
i never new about chatroom though i used to visit SO daily :D
@SamundraKC well, welcome
To me, this chatroom is to find and ask Sheepy a question
Thanks @bit
@Sheepy imo, It's not a total waste of JS. OOP is almost coming..
JS has had that forever
With lots of scoping issue..
I mean, I'd rather they delay the two new features into ES2017... assuming we'll get more than two features then, that is.
@choz what kind of scoping issues?
@littlepootis inheritance? With this and self
@Sheepy they're not even features. An operator and a... method
@choz prototypal inheritance
@littlepootis getter and setter for parent class?
@littlepootis I think the same, indeed.
But most devs don't know how prototypes work. So they emulate classical inheritance using prototypes.

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