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i swear everytime i work on something with web dev i come across at least 3 new frameworks/stracks/plugins or something each day
how does one keep up?
and for each one there's someone claiming it's the best thing since sliced bread
@WaterlessStraw you don't
and you don't really need to?
its the first time ive heard of babel
i don't think you should be learning the newest frameworks, but the ideas in programming
@WaterlessStraw don't. Wait for the good ones to rise to the top and use them.
@WaterlessStraw You're pretty new to the industry, right?
There are a dozen or so good, useful frameworks around right now
it'll get better over time
stuff like babel, react, angular, etc, that get a lot of attention
Im an intern, doing just a little web dev for a bit
Awar was even talking about this last week
you don't need to follow all the small ones, because they will be dead by next week
i've done front end for a personal site and thats it. graduating with a compsci degree in december
@WaterlessStraw the tool you are learning today will be outdated in a year, so learn the principles behind them, learn how to write code regardless of a framework
of course, you could learn a framework and learn techniques whilst you get familiar with the framework, that's possible too
but don't get stuck in frameworks
@bitten I mean, yes, but the tools now are the ones that have actually lasted a few years
you're not wrong, just learning jQuery will ruin you forever
but gulp and babel aren't going away any time soon
sure, but you can also extend this out to apache you know
if anything, we're getting to the point where the tools that are still around are starting to be the ones that will stick around
yeah, learn JS well
whats wrong with jquery
@WaterlessStraw everything
this was a point last week, learning how to configure an obscure part of apache
ooooh, you're one of today's lucky 10,000
sure you know how to configure it, but it's useless in the long run
@bitten apache is still pretty prevalent
lol i know its pretty bloated, and i try to avoid using it as much as i can. but its pretty hard to completely avoid it
@WaterlessStraw jQuery apps cost O(n^2) to maintain - as they get bigger, they get WAY more comlicated.
@ssube here i am not saying apache is irrelevant, just the idea of configuring an obscure part of a popular piece of software
also, it's imperative rather than declarative
excuse my semantics
@WaterlessStraw not really. I haven't touched jQ in over a year, since we use a recent, reasonable stack.
whats the alternative in front end? just write everything yourself? you lose access to a lot of plugins
@bitten thanks to their config format, every part of apache feels obscure :P
@WaterlessStraw react or angular
@ssube xD
they do jQ's job correctly
yeah true. it was so hard to move over to nginx :(
@WaterlessStraw Angular (1 or 2), Ember, React (especially if you want lots of plugins)
don't mess with the DOM directly, that's a terrible idea and will not go well
all good choices
use a proper template thing
see now I thought i was getting somewhere, now I gotta completely change gears
i learned how to do a ton of animations and whatnot using jquery and plugins, now I gotta go learn something new haha oh man
yeah, that'll be you for at least another 1-2 years
@WaterlessStraw but you can keep the techniques, and the aesthetic
just comes with the territory
now you understand animating with the dom and in a browser, and you understand hopefully by now what animations are working and which aren't working so well
so it's not all pointless
Guys, opinions please:
Edits on there significantly changed an _old_ answer's contents, a few days ago... I rolled them back. The first editor rolled back my rollback with as comment:
@Cerbrus learn how to read a change log. — Evan Carroll 51 mins ago
Errors are Red, IE is Blue,
If you are a web developer,
God hates you
Was my rollback so wrong? Or is that Evan just being a <redacted>?
and if it was all pointless, you've learned a valuable lesson in overfitting your skills to a library
I can't stackoverflow is broken for me, due to the dns updates
ipconfig /flushdns
I knew not rely heavily on frameworks. I stayed away from wordpress and bootstrap when first getting into web dev
sudo service <WHATEVER DNS SERVICE ON YOUR *NIX> restart
@Cerbrus You dun goofed
I used the skeleton framework, far more minimal and easier to understand what the framework is really doing
ooh, I like that one
@KendallFrey How's that?
@WaterlessStraw i'm working on a project with bootstrap at the moment and the only problem for me is that it's a bit boring :_;
You wanted to rollback to r3, but rolled back to r1, wiping out Evan's edits as well as Lukas's
I felt like using bootstrap was kinda "cheating"
so i used getskeleton.com
yeah that doesn't fix our network dns
Bootstrap is great for when you don't want to care about looks for the time being (happens a lot in RAD)
> Hi! This is my own personal section of the void that I like to scream into.
heh :3
but isn't it bloaty? a lot of those kind of sites lag a ton when scrolling and just feel slow in general
that's usually a dev problem, not a library problem
@WaterlessStraw i haven't noticed much, but it could not be the framework's fault
also you can just compile bootstrap to only include what you're using
maybe they're just using 100 jquery plugins? good to know
Damn I reloaded chat and now it's broken too, on mobile now
@KevinB rip
Guys quick question, how can I get an error message from ws using ws.on('error', function(){});?
@RowanHarley which websocket library are you using?
@WaterlessStraw dont include everything
you can get pretty specific if you pull it down from npm
I think they even have a builder on the site as well
you need to give that function some arguments
you can just include the grid for example if you want
@Loktar yeah they do
you can also edit the colour scheme, so you don't need to 'overwrite' anything either
yea that is pretty nice
what @SomeKittens was pretty much on the mark
although I've used it in production and barely any of their default styles
@RowanHarley What's wrong with using the error handling that the readme demonstrates?
using the less implementation
+ what somekittens said
forgot a word
didnt want to reping with an edit :p
@Loktar Yeah, using SASS/LESS it's really easy to customise
makes me look good
haha yeah exactly
I also like how it sets up a good framework for expanding it yourself
much easier to maintain good practices if you start out with 'em
lol, our devs managed to make a collection they don't even need
but they didn't bother to write any batch cleanup
so now it's 398GB of completely unused data
posted on June 07, 2016

Two-Factor authentication is practically mandatory in today’s world. The attack surface presented to malicious actors means that a short string is no longer sufficient to prove our identity. We can double down on effective authentication by centralizing it via OAuth. This decreases the attack surface, putting our precious identities in the hands of a few highly-skilled engineers instead of a

that was delayed
Hi guys
How do I share content on facebook without open new window?
I want to display share dialog in my lightbox on my page
srry @bitten I'm using ws
@RowanHarley That page explains how to do error handling. Did you even read it?
In React, how should you reference dom elements on a page? EG, I make a couple of components via myData.map(s => <SomeComponent key={s._id} ...s />)... Now I need to find where they are on the page. What do?
I've read it but I'd rather use something like ws.on('error', function(){});
@RowanHarley Where is the documentation for that event?
here: github.com/websockets/ws/blob/master/… . Give me a sec. I'll see if they have anything on their wiki
@FilipDupanović ah, okay, that makes sense then
@RowanHarley give your callback an argument
@RowanHarley nothing on that page mentions an on error event
@corvid refs?
you mean like external components need it?
@Loktar I have a scroll event, I want to scroll to that element when a mousewheel event is fired
I would make a new component
like a scroll component or something
wrap everything with it
and have some trigger/anchor components that have your normal ones as children
idk something like that
Would ws.on('error', function(e){console.log(e)}); work?
then the overall components takes care of the scrolling, and the components you already have don't care
@RowanHarley Well... does it?
something like that @corvid
then you can add as many components in there as you want wrapped with anchors if need be, or whatever you want to call them
@Loktar shouldn't that be like this.props.children.map(c => <anchor>{c}</anchor>) or something?
or is that not how react do?
It says socket not opened. I'll have to look over my code for a fix
But then, how do you know where they are relative to the page? That's the main problem
you can grab the position within the anchor, should be able to
like where it is at on the page
scroller would be wrapped around the entire page
you just have the anchor component, and have a global native mousewheel event
and it just listens to the mouse wheel... but that would be tricky with more than one
@corvid after the component is mounted to the DOM, you can get it's DOM element and get it's position
@ssube you don't have to do that
that would be like if you were adding that after the fact
and cloning the children with modifications
Pretty much my whole question, to make it more simple, is how do you get the dom element after it has been mounted?
@corvid using the ref callback
Outside of the current component? Store it somewhere outside using the ref ^
that's where some sort of flux implementation would come in handy, you basically need something that the other components outside of the current tree are aware of
if your tree isn't too deep you could do something like this.props.getComponent, and pass that up
but that is pretty messy
you can also call methods directly, like have a method called getElement, that just returns this.refs.yourthing
and call that directly. element = Component.getElement()
@FilipDupanović Oooh, okay, sorry didn't quite get it at first, now it makes sense
@Loktar do you not need an anchor for each child?
@corvid you don't control when the component gets mounted; a HOC that adds the component to the tree can use the ref string or callback to get the DOM node of the component
@ssube if you do it declaritively you already have it
oh, ok
man I am getting throttled so hard core
I thought it was a generic container with an array of children
this.props.children has everthing passed to it
so in the anchor components render its as easy as doing return (<div id='#anchororsomething>{this.props.children}</div>)
@Loktar Hey! Phrasing!
along with any other logic you have.
@KendallFrey lol
@SterlingArcher man I am getting so hard core (source)
Wait, dammit... core.
Who gave Loktar cocaine
You know he has an issue with cocaine god dammit
what is drugs!?
probably Josiah
@Josiah explain yourself >:(
my sons fav video
<section ref={section => {
  this.setState(Object.assign(this.state, {
    position: this.getYPosition(section)
This appears to basically be what it was
@SterlingArcher that's hard to do on cocaine
Thank you for the help, @Loktar and @FilipDupanović
np, not sure I even helped :p
glad you got it
we should refrain from using LOC then
@KendallFrey that doesn't seem right
Neither does making love to your mother, but that doesn't stop me, does it?
Did help, because I didn't even think of making this a component (which is totally the right way)
@SterlingArcher Explain what he needed a pick-me-up yeesh
I'm curious what would happen if you actually fed Loktar some good ol fashion country coke
besides his heart popping and the obvs
@Loktar did you ever listen to that VIMIC song I posted?
He literally turns into Rebecca Black if you give him coke
On a Friday
but they don't have coke in whatever state you guys work in
We don't work in the same state anymore
@SterlingArcher no
I'm so busy dude
I can barely do anything else
I just randomly type here between meetings haha
/me is in a meeting right now
once I get fully moved hoping things calm down
Oh that's right, you're moving still
ugh my condolences
Dammit @Loktar you left so quick we didn't get to expense any UI team outings
We could've said we were team building
Paintball lol
yeah man, that would be badass... maybe there could be an outing in another state
lol my home is over there anyway we would just have to convince Adam to go
lol yea
/me saves link
I saw your beartooth message too
@Loktar are you thinking you'll go to MWJS? We could all do that
eh idk yet
Adam should totally though
And go to the hipster raves in twin cities lol
cool, chat's back
@KendallFrey I actually wanted to roll it back to R1.
um, why?
Significant change to code: should be suggested as a comment
> ... vocal stress caused by repeating lines for some video games has created medical problems for actors.
How is R2 "significant changes"?
(quick link to the rev. history for your convenience)
and, what's wrong with the edit again?
@Cerbrus I already have it
ES6 syntax, ugly as hell header, removing demo on how to access the "current" property, if(!x) continue;
I would have just edited it again, removing the ugly header and putting the alert back in
@Cerbrus yeah, those are pretty significant changes
Some of those things are an improvement IMO
(but as a console.log)
have you posted it on meta to get them edit-banned?
It's an answer with 2k upvotes. That edit is pretty darn significant, it changes the compatibility of the answer.
Modflagged it
rewriting that answer is pretty bad
But he just rolled back my rollback, accompanied with an ad-hominem comment.
So, obviously, I'm SO TRIGGERED
And what about R3? Is there a reason you rolled back that as well?
Collateral damage.
@Cerbrus yeah, wtf. Added a couple flags to that.
@KendallFrey Could've edited that back in, I agree.
that's straight up sabotage and attacking people for fixing it
@ssube Hence my asking a second opinion, here
ping a mod
I already modflagged it. Don't really want to @ping a mod on here for everything
no they like it, they don't have much to do without pings
@MadaraUchiha blame @ssube
*Prods @MadaraUchiha (Blame @ssube for the ping)* Interested in having a look at someone applying a dubious edit to a 2k upvoted answer, then rolling back my rollback of said edit, followed by an ad-hominem comment? (Link)
well now you're going to piss them off
@SterlingArcher Wha?
@Cerbrus Link?
Read u sum context son
Beat ya to it :-)
just ping the mods as much as you can
just all day, pings
Jesus that's a tiny gif
jpg whatever
it's not the size of the gif, it's the content of the whitetext
meagar is quite the ninja... He just rolled back the edit o.O
he rolled back a lot of edits
@Cerbrus watch that guy get into a revert war with a mod
those are always gold
Holycrap, he edited a lot of them
Well, a couple
just how much has that guy defaced?
3 of the top 4 answers
I mean to other questions as well
if he vandalized a half dozen in that Q...
just clicked through a few random revisions of his, didn't see any others that were as significant
They seem to be okay, for the rest
can't remember the title of the xkcd with a designer trying to exit vim
why trim function is not working ? code:
var lname = "test test test22 t est 33 ttes ";
lname = lname.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g,'');

demo : https://jsbin.com/mizube/edit?html,js,console
@Cerbrus a few others messed with the title, but yeah, nothing else that was intentionally wrong
oh my jesus christ
@towc The "real programmers" one?
Exactly, @ssube.
no, @cerberus
that one's about butterflies :P
this one went something like: "the best way to generate a random string is to get the output of a designer trying to exist vim"
Doesn't sound familiar
@Phoenix It is working.
no its not
it gives me spaces as in string
Yes it is :-)
You haven't even said what you're trying to accomplish
@Phoenix It removes leading and trailing space.
wouldn't it be easier to just trim the string?
@MadaraUchiha @BenFortune Neither of you are in Tel Aviv, right?
@Megaplex Not at this moment, but I usually am.
Heard of this shitfest though
I appreciate your concern
@KevinB i tried everything $.trim() .trim() ..
String.prototype.trim is in IE9+.
lname.trim()? works just fine here.
Speaking of which, @BenjaminGruenbaum @Mosho @Zirak all safe?
I didn't realize Zirak and Mosho were in the area too.
They got one suspect, the other is still on the run.
inb4 Zirak is the suspect
Well that's the last time I visit that site
For those of you who are out of the loop: ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4813768,00.html
Hope all our israel friends are ok :(
@SterlingArcher wait, you might like jewishes
@SterlingArcher First it's Hitler, then it's the Jews. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND

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