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@Mr_Green I was thinking about something with ul:empty:before, but that is garbage, because you never get the li back
@OliverSalzburg seems not possible as you said. stackoverflow.com/q/13240310/1577396
@bitten js2.coffee doesn't seem to transpile to es6.. decaffeinate does.. but i don't use either... just threw in some random files..
@GNi33 Hahaha, breathe. You'll read them all, one write-up at a time :P
What's sad is that a lot of them are incomplete
(At least in the 2016 repo)
Is there any alternative to a foreach loop
Yes, there is an alternative
@RowanHarley for loop, while loop, do while loop
I need to do something like foreach(client in clients)
for(var client in clients)
I'll try it
@SomeGuy I want to actually do those challenges instead of just reading the writeups
I want to too, eventually. Most of them have been too difficult, though
@RowanHarley You may actually want for ( let client of clients ) // replace let with var for IE
for..in gives you the key. for...of gives you the value.
@SomeGuy after OTW I've laid my eyes on this -> exploit-exercises.com
maybe they'll be a good thing in the middle, I don't know yet
Ooh, neat! I had Protostar bookmarked
Along with crackmes.de
Have you seen this guide, btw? trailofbits.github.io/ctf/index.html
I've got too many bookmarked now
@GNi33 Haha yep. Way more resources than I need for a long time. I'm focusing on just finishing what I've started
yeah, I stumbled over the first one
yep, me too
but wow, some of these CTFs look incredibly hard
Haha yeah, it's kind of incredible how skilled people are
and I can't even figure out what the hell grub is doing :P
You might want to look for CTFs in your area too ctftime.org
I think I want to participate in a CTF and absolutely suck at it. Sucking at things is the best way to learn, methinks
hi guys
I've been reading the FormData docs on MDN for like half an hour now. I am curious of something
if I have
<input type="file" id="fileInput" />
I want to submit that file via an AJAX post request. So I should do something like:
const fd = new FormData();
fd.append( 'coverImage', myFileInput );
@SomeGuy I guess I would read the challenge descriptions, crouch under my desk and weep softly for the duration of the tournament
is that right? or isn't the file input the one I have to pass?
@GNi33 Hahaha, the only reason I haven't done it yet is because I'm afraid being too useless results in that :P
@SomeGuy that page is kind of horrible
the calendar part at least
@Victor See this MDN example, line 7
@SomeGuy that looks good -> securitytube.net
Ooh, yeah, it is. Fairly disorganized at times, though
Have you already seen this? reddit.com/r/netsec/wiki/start
@Sheepy oh so the file itself
okay guys, a weird question
can i open a file and scan through it character by character?
a friend claims there is some hidden unicode/spaces in this file but i cannot find it
@Victor Yes. See MDN doc for the append method, 2nd parameter
@bitten Use a hex editor is the safest way to make sure.
Note that bytes can also be inserted or removed by other backend filters.
@Sheepy I hate IE. it should be illegal
@Sheepy any friendly ones you can recommend for osx?
never dug into hex editing before
@Sheepy, could you please check this out and tell me why does that image run so fast on drag? codepen.io/victorbarbu/pen/rLOqZw?editors=0010
returns from lunch, "what? you people still here?" :)
@bitten You see a Windows Sheep looking at you sheepishly.
@Victor Sorry, got a fire in my yard for the moment...
@Sheepy oh dw
hexfiend looks good
and i found it!
there were 3 hidden characters >.>
E2 80 8B
@bitten bless
@bitten That's one zero width space, in UTF-8. Congrat for catching it :D
@littlepootis :3
@Sheepy what does it mean?
huh.. hex to text converter made it out as â
Unicode has many spaces of varying width. One of them - this particular one - has zero width.
If it has zero width could it still be considered a space?
The hardest questions are the ones we ask ourselves.
why does it even exist?!
The zero-width space (ZWSP) is a non-printing character used in computerized typesetting to indicate word boundaries to text processing systems when using scripts that do not use explicit spacing, or after characters (such as the slash) that are not followed by a visible space but after which there may nevertheless be a line break. Normally, it is not a visible separation, but it may expand in passages that are fully justified. == Usage == In HTML pages, the zero-width space can be used as a potential line-break in long words as an alternative to the <wbr> element. However, the zero-width space...
yep I used ZWSs in the old Adobe PageMaker software eons ago for identify-ing some types of linebreaks in text.. like just before inserting an image or chart.
@Paran0a It's pretty useful. For example, pure Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK) don't have space between words, and zero width is useful for manual wrapping. I also prefer narrow space in mathematic formulas.
typographically handled by the software auto-magically
Q: jQuery focusin event not focusing input field

gskemaI have a very large form (5000+ inputs). On focusing on an input, I need to wrap it with a div and append an autocomplete list. The problem is that I lose the input focus, because I change the DOM tree by wrapping the input field (I assume this is what happens). What I've tried to do: after wr...

"I have a very large form (5000+ inputs). " 'Scuse me , what?
problem number 1 - 5000 inputs on a single form
@Sheepy Oh , makes sense.
well thanks guys for explaining ^^
so why does a zws convert into ‚Äã?
@bitten The bytes you gave is a single three bytes UTF-8 character. If it is NOT processed as utf-8, you get rubbish like that.
hello guys

good eve
am trying to call watch inside a button click, right now am calling it inside the select could any body know how to achieve this
Hey Guys :)
Anybody available to give me little bit of help?
every body is busy I think so, am also waiting for there help :D
@Sheepy is everything alright now?
@MBalajivaishnav That didn't make much sense. More context needed
When anybody available, I'd like help trying to find the smallest value from 3 input fields. So If I had input fields of the values 3, 20, 5. I'd like to highlight the input field with the value of 3. Does anybody know how to achieve this?
@Sheepy so it's appearing as ‚Äã, and this is because where it's appearing isn't encoding to utf-8?
Add these two lines below `position.y += ...`:
start.x = e.clientX;
start.y = e.clientY;
brb, lunch :3
@OliverSalzburg am having a select box in that am having some couple of values, if that value is changed am getting that value in run time using watch, instead of this I need to get the value on a button click, if the value is changed user will click a button at that time I need to call the watch so that it will not get the value on change of that select box
@Victor Problem is you were not moving the picture by the amout of movement between this event and last event. Without the update, you are moving it by the total movement.
@OliverSalzburg you are there ?..
@ChrisBeckett give them same className,
var iE; iE = documents.getElementsByClassName('thatClassName');
@ChrisBeckett sorry for early enter, 1 minutes sooner
var iE = document.querySelector('.thatClassName');
how to get value of angular material datepicker
i got stuck in this thing
use md-datepicker
I have used
but i want to get value of this datepicker
when user selectes date i want to get that value
1 message moved to Trash can
@ChrisBeckett Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
can u be more precise
No textspeak, please
I have used md-datepicker. Now user has selected todays date
i have assigned id to this md-datepicket
now i want to get value
which user has selected
1 message moved to Trash can
@ChrisBeckett Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I have an Object that contains two objects where each of them contains two properties which I want to render in JSX?
How do I have to use the .map() function to do that

This doesn´t work:

{ this.props.items && this.props.items.length &&
this.props.items.map((item) => item.map((item, i) => <li key={i}>{item}</li>))}
1 message moved to Trash can
@ChrisBeckett Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@CapricaSix How is it any differently formatted than @elsololobo code?
just hit ctrl+ k
@bitten It's because something process it as ascii (so to speak). Then that something may pass the data out as ascii (which you can fix by changing browser encoding), or it may convert those three ascii characters to utf-8 (which cannot be fixed by changing encoding).
I have hit ctrl + k
every single time
@ChrisBeckett Y U NO learn js? jsfiddle.net/6sqeydwL/1
@Sheepy I would like to make it not go beyond the borders (something like facebook cover crop feature)
@Victor Looking forward to your good news :)
@Maurice Sorry I pressed enter before typing haha. Thank you for the answer, I'm learning javascript. I don't know everything yet but I'm sure I will one day :)
Graze time. Bye everyone~
@Sheepy I am looking for good news too
@ChrisBeckett Hope it helped! ;)
guys could any one give solution to my problem plzz
@Maurice It really helped thanks :D
If you stop using "plzz", I might take a peek
@MBalajivaishnav Sir, please do "plzz" never again.
@MBalajivaishnav I thought I saw the last of "plzz" 5 years ago!
Lol..sorry guys
I can't tell you how much 14 year old teenager girls use "plzz" and "xoxo". I'm just like: "Nope, I'm too old for the internet. Time to die."
or time to help me with my map problem :)
s/plzz|xoxo/I'm desperate/g
@Maurice These days you don't know if they're 14/15 or if they're 18/20. That's the problem with the world now!
Problem? ;)
'pwease' if you want to be kawaii..
Yea problem
@Paran0a Oh god! hahaha
One is legal, the other isn't. That's a problem.
I mean that kinda depends where you live. But let's not go there.
Okay let me reformulate my question. How can I perfom the following for-loop
in JSX using the map function. I just don´t get it.

for (var i = 0; i < this.props.items.length; i++){
The one have their second teeth, the other doesn't. That's a bigger problem.
sorry, forgot their second. Now it sounds much more legal.
How does the items object look?
here is an img of it
@Maurice in the Math.min(...numbers); what does the "..." mean? why can't I just put the Math.min(numbers);
@elsololobo What's wrong with the for?
I React Doc´s say´s I should use map if possible
and I want to understand it ;)
!!mdn map
@Cerbrus Something went on fire; status 403
yeah i have read this
@CapricaSix Still? Sheesh.
@Sheepy thanks for explaining ^^
but i´m to dumb to get it working. Always says "item is not a function"
and it seems that a for-loop can´t be used in jsx
What exactly is that loop supposed to do?
render list items
@ChrisBeckett Spread operator: developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… - Its not necassary
 return (

                <h3>Meine Aufgaben</h3>

                    { this.props.items && this.props.items.length &&
                    this.props.items.map((item) => item.map((itemx, i) => <li key={i}>{itemx}</li>))}
                        ? <h3>Sie haben noch keinen Todo´s angelegt</h3>
                        : <h3>Ihre Ergebnisse</h3>
var ItemsNodes = this.props.data.map((item) => {return <div>items.id</div>});
hm, could you do this in the same syntax as mine above. I´m really new to jsx, and while trying your solution i´m running into further problems :D
Well for starters are you using map on the right props?
El Germano
i guess ^^
don´t had any output so far, therefore I can´t definitely say
are there any errors?
as I tried @Paran0a solution "item.id" was rendered on the UI
So whats the problem?
the word item.id was rendered not the id itself
Re-Write your render function they way you want it
ahh here we go
perfect! thank you very much buddy
No problem!
@Maurice Cheers :) I've got everything I need now :)
I wish all the docs were in es6 :(
@filipDupanovic i had read that (a little bit :P), but it doesn´t explain how to render an object in an object.
is it possible to auto complete a name?
here in chat?
@elsololobo yes, I got pinged; here's more help github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
ah thanks
@elsololobo the img you posted says it's an array of objects.. not object in an object..
@cswl woops... this could then probably be part of my initial problem
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/nAUEcbB.jpg snek
@Paran0a I wish they all could be California girls
@FlorianMargaine Neat
coffee was bees knees
Why with "unknown arguments"?
Can anyone help me convert this coffeescript code. It's simple but I it's giving me errors:
conn.send = -> return
@RowanHarley best buddy of the guy who invented typescript
@RowanHarley if I had to guess, it is just a stub that does nothing
I suggest we bury both
that would be smart
after we played the game of course.
someone tell coffeescript to kill itself
die ("go jump off a bridge, coffeescript")
Oh wait that's php
Hi, I need little help

var a=2, b=5;
// Do something with a and b
delete a; // not working
// main code (a should not be available here (like it was never created), while b should be available here)
basic code: assembly, app code: C, web code: ecmascript
@kill.yourself 'Coffeescript'
we actually only need three languages :P
@VarunAgw a is not a global variable
@VarunAgw delete a <--- problem
maybe try a = undefined instead?
@Neil The lines after a can still access it
delete removes properties, not local variables
ok delete is wrong approach. What is the right approach then?
@VarunAgw yes, delete doesn't work like you expect
What do you want? Garbage collect it?
a = 0, you can't get rid of a variable
@VarunAgw scope
a = null;
local variables and formal parameters actually are properties of an object.. but, unreachable nonetheless from ecmaland
@VarunAgw The right approach is outside your question. What are you really trying to do?
@elsololobo not using Component.propTypes is scary! you often mess up application state and send the wrong data down the component tree; rendering is scheduled to execute on it's own call stack and if you run into any issues in render() you can't trace back where the data came from
didnt think of that @Paran0a !
Can I get this chrome exception anyhow (VM416:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: a is not defined)
Why would you want that?
I just want to get rid of this variable
just don't declare a if you want to achieve that
vanish a;
{let a =2; console.log(a)}; console.log(a)
@VarunAgw But why? What problem are you trying to solve?
Seems like an x y problem
data-ajax-failure = "some('code')" // guys, don't ever use MS's unobtrusive ajax
@Paran0a that's like using a goto to leave a loop. That fixes his semantic problem, but not his conceptual one
I guess I can set it to undefined
@Neil I know , but what is his concept? We still don't know.
Any ideas how to fix "client.send is not a function" when it is clearly defined as a function?
@Paran0a true, we don't know
We can talk about fixing it once he presents it...
@RowanHarley define it as a function rather than whatever it is
@elsololobo try to add ESLint and npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-react to your tool chain; it will analyze your Component lifecycle methods and warn you if you're reading a property from this.props that isn't specified in Component.propTypes
@RowanHarley getting into the right context I guess
I am injecting a script into all web pages. I don't want to add random variables in it unless the one needed
It is not that important though
Just asked in case it is possible
So use scope
Sound really dirty.
@ChrisBeckett sorry for late returning
I've declared it inside another function. Should I put it outside
Use {} and let, or use an IIFE and var
Ok! I try them
short answer is you can't get "rid" of a variable declared by var, let, const, formal parameters or function declarations. Those are all part of the local "environment record" and will get vanished from the engine once the context can get garbage collected
you can only override those values
@ChrisBeckett @Maurice s answer is best i think
@VarunAgw your friend is asking for a hammer and you're inside. You could smash the window open and you would be able to hand it to him, but you should probably strive towards doing the more proper solution and open the door instead
What if there's no door? Only the window. Dig a hole?
@FilipDupanovic yeah I should read further on that specific topic. But haven´t understand the outcome of this yet.
Ah good hint, I will add this!
If you have a minute, you could take a look at the complete code of my Child Component I
have posted previously. I currently have included one PropType, but don´t know if it´s

the door within, seek you must, young Luke
@Paran0a build a door ;)
**exception: The global environment record. For Browser implementations that is the window object which is it's own local record. For that special case, you indeed can go like a = 'the game'; and then call delete a;
What is this door issue?
Do you have a door in your room? Now if I give you the hammer would you break the door for the window so your friend can take it.
@caglaror we're having an issue with windows
Guys when I try to use a function called conn.send, I get the error: "TypeError: client.send is not a function". It seems to work fine in other functions but when I try it inside a for loop, it gives me the error
first of all...conn.send !== client.send
@Paran0a you just lost me
The array is filled with conn
Build a windowed door and find yourself within.
the let client in clients changes it from conn.send to client.send
however, at the time you're calling client.send it is obviously not a function reference. I doubt anybody in this room owns a cristall ball or something, so nobody can really help there where this reference gets changed/overwritten
@RowanHarley type errors are thrown when you're calling a method on a object that doesn't exist; either the property is unassigned or client.send is not a function
you're probably calling the method on the wrong object
@Neil i see :)
@FilipDupanovic one Question to the configuration of the esLint-plugin. Where do I have to put this in? in my webpack.config.json or?
I declare it as a function towards the top of the file
We literally cant see your code man.
inside the function close(which closes the server)
@caglaror ;)
Should I post the code on pastebin.com ?
let me check your code
MS with their bold windows 10 installment strategy...
> Microsoft really take over someone’s computer without warning and install a significant chunk of software without explicit permission? That’s what malware does ...
pastebin is outdated, crystallbin is newschool
I have function and I declared some variables, why isn't my code working?
> Since then Microsoft has gotten increasingly aggressive in getting people to upgrade to Windows 10. It began stealthily downloading the bits required for the upgrade to PCs automatically without telling people.
> And then this spring Microsoft sprung a trap. When the upgrade app appeared, if someone clicked the X in its dialog box in order to close it and cancel an upgrade, Windows did the exact opposite of what the person intended to do: It upgraded that person’s PC to Windows 10.
@elsololobo uhh, you might be interested in eslint-loader then github.com/MoOx/eslint-loader
lol @jAndy
> And if you try to stop the upgrade by doing what Microsoft tells you to do with every other application — click the X on its dialog box — it installs anyway. Sounds like malware to me, malware that forces a Windows 10 upgrade sauce
@KarelG It's not malware, it's a dark pattern often used in malware
@FilipDupanovic I do :) thanks buddy
it's a fine distinction, and imo what MS is doing isn't morally acceptable, but that doesn't make Win10 malware
Hey @jAndy is this the site: crystalbin.com
@jAndy he's been here since this morning, trying to convert existing coffeescript code to working js code.
server.on("connection", handleConnection.bind(this));
@KarelG AFAIK Stallman has been calling Windows malware, since Windows Update was introduced, at least
@StephanMuller in a loose definition of the word malware, maybe
@RowanHarley yeah... that was a joke, you know?
I haven't been here all morning, I've been gone for a while
i'm not saying that Win10 install is a malware, but the behavior appears same as malware
I know @GNi33!
Where is your conn ??
good, I wasn't sure
@KarelG agreed
line 39 is where the send function is declared
Guess again
I see it on line 39
There's another function on line 113
You see a declaration of send method on conn object, but where is your conn object declared?
my gaming pc still has win7 cus i have disabled auto updating
I just updated to win10 1week ago
from win7 :(
conn is declared on line 28
@KarelG you didn't upgrade :(?
Guess again
You're passing conn object to the handleConnection
So line 27 then?
But what are you actually passing? Nothing as far as I can see , your conn doesn't exist
i'm still busy with two playthroughs. I'm lazy to install the game again to play further
i've time until 30 july :P
I'm passing in the connection when the player connects to the server
maybe i will install. Maybe i won't
On line 27 youre setting context for handleConnection function ,besided adding event listener to server
I think youre actually over your head , and you should take on easier stuff.
well, that's one good thing about Steam at least, you can keep games on backup storage!
I like going for the more challenging stuff
Who are you challenging ?
Youve been asking questions for more than 5 hours
I think it's better to learn some basics
@KarelG dude... multiple desktops xD
Well I'm trying to help ye learn more javascript...
By asking all these questions
@SomeGuy I can't help it, but your country comes up with the best headlines -> reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/4n4o0k/…
@FilipDupanović my laptop has win10. I know what it offers
system support for multiboxing games, finally :)!
Meh , if you can't see why your approach is wrong then there's no point in actually trying to convince you.

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