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wow @ssube those logo ones wtf
those are pretty badass
damn you can add whatever you want as an image/pattern?
@Loktar yeah, it's an 80px long single row of RGB LEDs
that is really awesome
so you put in square/rect images along a timeline
and then swing it at the right speed
it's like those old toys you spin and they draw words
so you set up a series of images and transitions and then time it to music, typically
they have MB of memory, so you can put in thousands of tiny BMPs and play an entire movie
that is fucking cool
I've never seen something like this
i.ytimg.com/vi/rlbSCTnKgG8/maxresdefault.jpg Truck with LEDs on the wheels
put them on wheels
omg yes!
(if you have no taste)
lol pizza tires
possibilities are endless
ok, pizza wheels might be cool, especially for a pizza delivery place.
if can be an image of YOUR pizza.
waka waka waka
@Loktar Fuck that, put little hamsters running on it, the faster you go, the more frantic they look.
omg pacman ones I would totally do
LOL @Megaplex that is a great idea as well
I think we have a business opportunity here
leedle leedle leedle lee
Once you get to like > 50mph, they sometimes slide up the wheel and fall off.
@Loktar if you skew the images right, you can put pacman on the visual poi
time it out so the pacman bmp is a little later each revolution and have it move across the ring
a pacman on the rear wheel, a ghost on the front
I have that gridded out somewhere but never made the pixels
@SterlingArcher I forgot to charge my FitBit, now it's ded :(
@ssube so you own those?
@Loktar my roommate does
I wear a squid hat and occasionally glove, he has a wolf hood and spins
haha nice
yeah I've seen your pics before
@Loktar So that Cyber Demon fight...what the actual fuck.
@Megaplex haha
have you beat the whole thing yet?
I dont want to mention spoilers otherwise
but there was a fight way harder for me
pretty sure it's after the cyber demon
that part was cool though, how he throws you in the room
@Loktar Oh yea, I beat it. I found the Cyber Demon fight harder than the Mastermind though.
hardest one for me were those damn worm knights
I killed the first one.. then 2 more pop up. The first one took me a few tries
@ndugger what's up bro
@Megaplex nuuuuu
Just you wait
but also, can you just like sit down for a while
@Loktar Wait, Worm Knights?
they were the little worms that slithered into an exo suit
/me finds link
lol I move a lot at work bro
Dude, yea, THOSE were like...the hardest fight.
I was so happy when I killed the first one thinking it was over.
yeah, I beat the first and was like good finally!
then 2 more pop up, I was like wtf?!
hahah yea
I wish we'd have gotten to play with the crucible though. :(
Like have it replace the chainsaw.
@SterlingArcher Jordan eh
that would have been cool actually @Megaplex
I rarely used the chain saw because I was worried about lack of fuel
I always end up doing that in games though.. saving stuff until the end, and then never using it
@Loktar There was always so much fuel, and at most, it took...five I think?
id see canisters and be reminded lol
after a fight usually
Until I got the rune upgraded for increased BFG ammo drops, I was SOOOO stingy.
Like, I'd almost only use it with Barons or a bunch of cyber Mancubuses.
Pinkies and specters though...I definitely was okay chain sawing those bastards.
yeah the BFG was amazing
there was quite a bit of ammo for it surprisingly
Oh I know, it was really surprising once you unlocked it. But they really made it clear it was needed.
But man, the siege mode on the gauss cannon....
@FlorianMargaine I got Sparky and the Miner in CR
Now I have 3 legendaries :D
Hey, does anyone have experience load testing an AngularJs app?
Our normal loading testing tools assume a GET and POST paradigm... and we'll that's not how Angular works.
Is make clean supposed to clear everything except the source code?
Or just clear the binaries? In other words, should my make clean also clear my recovery files?
@thepiercingarrow make clean does whatever it wants
@ssube How should I write my make clean?
@SomeKittens inb4: Fuck timezones.
@thepiercingarrow however you want? What are you using make for?
@AwalGarg Hahaha, yeah, read about that when I was studying for my Computer Networks exam
@ssube to build my C program
have you tried asking the C room?
@thepiercingarrow make clean does whatever the makefile says.
it's like a gulp or grunt file.
ohh, I misread. you already got that.
make clean typically deletes all generated artifacts. binaries, object files, etc.
So, like: rm -rf obj/ && rm ccalc ?
git reset --hard
yes, both of those.
lol okay
git clean -f
git reset --as-hard-as-your-mom
git reset --hard --now-soft --hard-again
That everyone's fuck up is our viewing pleasure? Yes.. great times. :)
i want to be able to use webpack along with expressjs framework and angular2
No that we're testing jetpacks :D
Then do it.
Well... yes.
i get it working only when i have webpack.config.js is within the public folder
!!afk walkies @ndugger peer pressure go walk
but this can't see the api urls that I have made for expressjs in app.js of express
@SterlingArcher LOL wth
all i need to do is within my expressjs, webpack will still run and see the urls in app.use and app.get etc...
er.. are you webpacking the backend?
there doesn't seem to be something that comprehends both frontend and backend
What do you need it to do to the backend?
no, i don't want to webpack the server javascripts.. i just want whenever i run webpack-dev-server to have my files see the api part of the expressjs /users and /index etc...
define "see". I don't understand what you want it to do.
when i have ajax calls on my html file, they are not coming
webpack runs it's own server to serve the files it's working with right? said server doesn't have his routes.
ohh, I see.
yes exactly, that's the words i wasn't using
You want to use webpack-dev-server as middleware in your express app instead of using the standalone version.
i want to have routes seen in my webpack-dev-server
is this possible?
At least, that's one way.
Another use use webpack-dev-server but use the "proxy" option in the config
i'm running angular2 and that's why i'm using webpack to do the transpiling and bundling but unfortunately it doesn't see my backend routes
@Luggage I'd love to see some benchmarks on that JS proxy, just to laugh at it for a bit.
it's for development, who cares :)
Anyone have experience with mongodb? I'm trying to use a find function but haven't been able to get it working in my JS file. Which is strange, because it works as expected in the mongo shell
@WaterlessStraw Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage the underlying lib doesn't seem to be: github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy
@WaterlessStraw yes. My advice is don't use mongo. It's utterly, thoroughly, fundamentally broken.
ahh, well, the only reason I'd use the proxy option in webpack-dev-server is for development, though
@WaterlessStraw you're using syntax for the driver, and not the shell, right? they're quite different.
1 message moved to Trash can
@WaterlessStraw Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Luggage that's what i wanted
thank you thank you
    Yes, they're slightly different. I use db.usercollection.find({},{"_id":0,"mcr":0}) for the shell, and
for the driver
and, the callback isn't triggering at all? or is it not giving you results.
It isnt giving me results. I get a status 200 and no errors...I have no idea what the issue is
you appear to be ignoring the error message it could potentially be giving you.
why find({}, {...}, cb)?
{} find all, {_id:0} says don't give me the _id column
I would see that in the console with console.log(e), right? console.log(e) returns null
and console.log docs gives empty array?
I'll try that, one moment
It returns all the fields, including the ones that I am trying to specify out
The _id and the mcr field
so it's working, but the projection is being ignored
that's useful information to have
what version of the driver do you have?
mongo? 3.2.6
no, the mongo node driver
should be in package.json
ah, ^1.4.4
I've been asking around the office (I'm an intern) and my mentor wasn't able to figure it out...so I've gotten quite desperate
documentation is a bit unclear, but deep in one of the examples i see this for the 2nd argument: {fields:{_id:0}}
i'm thinking it's just passing the fields into the options object along with other options
@kevinB hi sir
the fields object as you had it should have worked
yeah, i just tried it and got an unexpected token error
fields: {
guys i have small problem i am using this function to trim and this can not trim a string paste.ofcode.org/8eDy7dSeQrrc8LNLWLgauy demo is here jsbin.com/zegaciw/edit?html,js,console,output
@WaterlessStraw you forget to insert :
good catch @ssube
Make sure he's not driving and chatting again.
weird. when someone you have ignored is in the room it messes with the spacing in the user avatar list
So it returns correctly with console.log(docs), but the webpage is empty with res.json(docs);
@WaterlessStraw what does the console show?
GET /list - - ms - -
[ { info: { test: 'test' } } ]
huh, that should be valid JSON
yup. have you checked the network tab?
Yeah, not sure what is going on. The web page is still blank. A lot closer to getting it working, though
Got it working. Thanks a lot guys! I've been banging my head on this all morning.
@WaterlessStraw what did you do/end up with?
I'm seeking validation of an idea of mine, I've hardly used Angular (1.4) just this year, and have only written one custom directive so far, because of the use of other frameworks on top of Angular, including formly....
Here's the function that works:
router.get('/list', function(req, res) {
    req.db.get('usercollection').find({},{fields: {"_id":0,"mcr":0}},function(e,docs){
Although, I'm no longer getting a status 200 code. I'm getting 304
that's ok
What is 304?
not modified
GET /list 304 14.122 ms - -
What I've got is an ng-if test for whether there are validation errors and then an ng-repeat to loop over them if they exist, and I'm thinking this is a good candidate for being encapsulated by a directive, as it is sprinkled around over a dozen html files, and if the class changes for instance it will need to get modified in all those places....
Am I on the right track? (TIA)
@RyanScottCady Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
doesn't sound like a bad idea... but i don't use angular enough to know if that approach has any downsides.
Kinda what they're fore, encapsulating reusable functionality
Some strikes me besides the possibility of moving this into a directive, is that while I"m refactoring, I possibly don't even need the ng-if
reading a book online says such a simple use case might even be accomplished with just ng-include
is there any site / git for angular2 best practices?
When I use the code below, the alert box keeps displaying after clicking OK.. help
alert(\'Reply successfully flagged!\');
a) don't use alerts
b) you're alerting, refreshing, alerting, refreshing, etc
What's wrong with alerts?
Alerts are the herpes of JS.
use console.log
It's there, you know it's there, but you don't want to see it.
alerts make the browser do stupid things and are unfriendly to users
they also make your scripts do stupid things
I'd say they are just as unfriendly as any modal
like teenagers with a baseball bat, they break everything and apparently have herpes
more specifically they block execution until closed
@JanDvorak modals at least you can switch tabs while they're open
enter some info wrong and a modal pops up? switch tabs, get the right info, switch back
alerts don't let you do that
Not even prompts?
Firefox lets me switch tabs while an alert is showing
alert, prompt, and confirm boxes usually don't
Chrome doesn't allow that
This might get ... interesting ... with other tabs. I guess you can observe memory changing in Firefox while showing an alert
so now you have a whole extra problem where your UX is tied to whatever the browser wants to do
and apparently FF and Chrome do it differently today
so it's unpredictable and potentially blocking, which is enough (IMO) to consider it conclusively Bad. Neither of those attributes are something you want in your code.
You're a slave to a browser's whims when using a file input or any HTML5 input, too
true, and you could argue that you shouldn't use any blocking input like that
however, you can't replicate the file input in JS, so that one is kind of a moot point
You don't have a way around the quirks of beforeUnload, though
You could force drag&drop instead of an input element, but ... don't.
Chrome will obnoxiously move to the offending tab and hold you there as hostage, until you clear the alert/confirm box
that would be a decent idea, except drag and drop isn't super accessible
At least an input (even file) is something that's activated only upon user input
Of course, you could have an opacity 0.01 file input
@MadaraUchiha typically yes, although scripts can still .click it
@ssube Yes, but if a script does that unexpectedly I would not bother coming back to that site...
Can they click it in a tight loop?
@JanDvorak Worth a test
@JanDvorak that doesn't affect the dialog it opens :P
I had to test it though
@MadaraUchiha assuming you can ever leave... #hotelcalifornia.com
@ssube Worst case, kill the process
Even worse case, shutdown PC
You can open any file you like but you can never leeeeave
I don't mess around, boy.
Anyone got a browser process to spare?
depends on what origin you want to use
I want someone to test the permanent file dialog exploit
while(true) fileInput.click()
I hit run and it promptly froze
it never has a chance to get out of the loop and even start showing the input
hold on...
Do I get any event if the user clicks cancel?
Just got an email from a recruiter from Facebook. Pft; move the company to MN, then maybe.
@ndugger How unfortunate for you.
Why would I want to work for Facebook?
> Hi, do you want to PHP? We can have it for doing C or JS, but all is PHP. Thank you for your tiem.
Job offers still indicate that you have desirable skill sets.
Nah, it was fairly personalized; talked about my github and twitter accounts--was for JS dev.
@Megaplex or your email leaked to a recruiting list
@ssube I suppose, yea.
Disney emailed me two weeks after I accepted a job offer. I wonder what they're like
I've never heard anything about Disney's dev department.
I've supported Club Penguin, but they took it in-house to save money
yeah, I don't know either, though. I've seen their SAP guys in LA when I was on contract for IBM. They were working on "project tomorrowland" which was some sort of billing thing. All in cubicles in a non-descript LA building near BET's office. Culture looked boring
Do browsers hate trailing -- in tags? I want to use that as a cheap quantum comment terminator
Is anybody taking the coursera's lates angularJS course?
@PritamBanerjee No but that sounds interesting. Angular2?
hate = anything worse than adding a bogus attribute to the tag being terminated so
anybody here a photographer by chance
@taco kinda
amatuer, anyway
under a very loose definition of photographer, sure
I carry a camera with me
@taco I have a real camera but not real lenses
who doesn't
@bitten I've been shooting studio. Stopped in 2013 or so. Gonna do a location shoot. I was wondering about power for lighting at location shoots. About to run to a photography rental, but might buy from Amazon if cheap enough
I don't plan on shooting much. I already have lights, just need power for location shoot
@taco batteries
buckets of em
how big are your lights?
Lights? I'm a point&clicker
@taco i've only had experience with profoto.com/int/products/…
@ssube 160W , 130 volt if I remember right
but it wasn't my shoot, i would say i'm more of a street photography
I plan to use two
if you wanna be janky, run them from your car or something
I've heard good things about dragging an optima blue with you
@taco Nope.
@ssube I could do that, just don't know how. I'm guessing I'd need an inverter, but I don't know enough to want to risk that without some input from an expert
Previouse version
deep cycle marine batteries can go upside down and can drain fully without dying next time, so they're good for that sort of thing
@ssube hmm, thanks
those are as much as an actual kit made for photography
yeah, they're really nice batteries
I used a redtop in my e30 with a voltage leach during the winter and it would still usually start
@SterlingArcher so jelly :(
@FlorianMargaine SterlingArcher is afk: walkies @ndugger peer pressure go walk
zuckerberg's hacked password is so easy and funny: dadada!
@ssube That's why I only automate the worst of tasks.
@ssube I knew a network engineer like that. He got laid off the same day as me last year
@Megaplex it's why I make the robots :D
you can't automate the automator
I went back to sysadmin from software dev, since the pay was 30% higher and my stronger suit
@ssube I wish I could do that. Unfortunately 99% of my job -can't- be automated. Only thing I've managed to automate is weekly reports for alerts and unit errors.
@Megaplex never misunderestimate automation
@ssube Well, probably 30% of my job is looking through alerts, errors, and trying to triage them by hand.
@Megaplex can you learn a machine to do that?
do it by hand for now, set up ML to learn your answers, let it take over
Or a monkey
1.6.9 - two fixes
1.6.10 - two more fixes
1.6.11 - fix I thought I did
Are any of you software devs in SF?
@ssube Hmmm, I haven't done much with ML, might be a fun side project!
@WaterlessStraw ask @SomeKittens
@Meredith Monkey Learning is the hot new field in csci
@ssube i'm in QA and yes you can automate most tasks (unit tests especially)
... unit tests are automated by definition
Im an intern, graduating next semester. Im curious as to what the other side is like
that's why there was a reform, we are now involved when discussing requirements. We create an architecture for the devs and provide unit tests
if the unit tests fail, the software should never get to QA
You can do manual unit testing lol
just don't write tests--problem solved
lol. why should i do that?
we're pushing towards having truly (per-build) ephemeral environments, so a commit runs a build in a new env, unit tests, AAT, and makes a build for QA to run UAT on
Yeah I don't bother writing tests. The users will tell me if there's a glitch
Pffht, unless you're a small company like ours. We don't have unit testing. We just build and then QA it ourselves, and then merge the changes and push the update.
Ok.. why does Github cache raw files? It's definitely not the browser caching
For quite a while, even
Worse, the fancy view is uncached
hi guys
it's so ironic: a progammer's job is to provide an automated solution for a problem with little user interactions as possible
but you can get fired if you automate most of your work
@JanDvorak unpacking repos is expensive, surprisingly
It's been five minutes.
Plus they do it for fancy views
yeah, that's odd
maybe cause the raw files get fairly little use?
@JanDvorak you can probably see the CDN details if you check the headers. Maybe make it miss the CDN by adding vars to URL?
It's a userscript update URL, continuously changing the URL won't work
@JanDvorak it could be to discourage people from doing that exact thing :P
Hosting their userscripts on Github?
It did work before
@JanDvorak hosting anything on GH
it's not actually a CDN
have you tried using GH pages, though?
those ought to update more quickly than the raw files
Q: Why does Underscore.js implement a map function when JavaScript already has a native one?

meetalexjohnsonIs there any reason to use _.map() when JavaScript already implements .map()?

cv opinion?
You can objectively point out that the underscore function predates ES6
Is it ded?
I ... guess so?
any other module better than ngMessages for messages
sorry for validations*
@Megaplex nah, looks like snow
@ssube Ohhh, so it's running even cooler than they thought!
But only for a while

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