no, i don't want to webpack the server javascripts.. i just want whenever i run webpack-dev-server to have my files see the api part of the expressjs /users and /index etc...
Anyone have experience with mongodb? I'm trying to use a find function but haven't been able to get it working in my JS file. Which is strange, because it works as expected in the mongo shell
@WaterlessStraw Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yes, they're slightly different. I use db.usercollection.find({},{"_id":0,"mcr":0}) for the shell, and
for the driver
I'm seeking validation of an idea of mine, I've hardly used Angular (1.4) just this year, and have only written one custom directive so far, because of the use of other frameworks on top of Angular, including formly....
What I've got is an ng-if test for whether there are validation errors and then an ng-repeat to loop over them if they exist, and I'm thinking this is a good candidate for being encapsulated by a directive, as it is sprinkled around over a dozen html files, and if the class changes for instance it will need to get modified in all those places....
@RyanScottCady Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so now you have a whole extra problem where your UX is tied to whatever the browser wants to do
and apparently FF and Chrome do it differently today
so it's unpredictable and potentially blocking, which is enough (IMO) to consider it conclusively Bad. Neither of those attributes are something you want in your code.
I've supported Club Penguin, but they took it in-house to save money
yeah, I don't know either, though. I've seen their SAP guys in LA when I was on contract for IBM. They were working on "project tomorrowland" which was some sort of billing thing. All in cubicles in a non-descript LA building near BET's office. Culture looked boring
@bitten I've been shooting studio. Stopped in 2013 or so. Gonna do a location shoot. I was wondering about power for lighting at location shoots. About to run to a photography rental, but might buy from Amazon if cheap enough
I don't plan on shooting much. I already have lights, just need power for location shoot
@ssube I could do that, just don't know how. I'm guessing I'd need an inverter, but I don't know enough to want to risk that without some input from an expert
@ssube I wish I could do that. Unfortunately 99% of my job -can't- be automated. Only thing I've managed to automate is weekly reports for alerts and unit errors.
we're pushing towards having truly (per-build) ephemeral environments, so a commit runs a build in a new env, unit tests, AAT, and makes a build for QA to run UAT on
Pffht, unless you're a small company like ours. We don't have unit testing. We just build and then QA it ourselves, and then merge the changes and push the update.