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@ChiefORZ just so you know you have the worst fucking avatar ever in the history of avatars
What difference does it make if websockets is restful or not?
@AwalGarg the avatar achieved, what he should achieve :D
> //$d['start'] = 1463943600000 Javascript displaying date 24/05/2016
@BenFortune javascript display 24/05/2016 and passes same date timestamp to php. When that's converted in php It outputs wrong date...!
what date?
@BasheerAhmed No, your timestamp goes to the correct date.
!!> new Date(1463943600000);
@BenFortune "2016-05-22T19:00:00.000Z"
Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping into the future
@BasheerAhmed It's wrong.
Well, the timestamp isn't. But what you're matching it up with is.
@BenFortune I'm using twproject.com gantt chart
@rlemon what did he expect?
@Neoares not a few broken ribs and some slipped discs
@Loktar have you watched rebecca in your rift yet? :D
I think he thought it would break and he would look super cool
what an idiot x)
@rlemon Holy shit just watching that winded me
his shirt is dirty as fuck
I guess it was the 4th try
I mistyped a website in the url bar and went to this: html.hu. The webfig page takes me to some login page. mildly sneaky.
@rlemon wait really?
is it not shit?
dunno if it works for you
it's that rgb 3d crap
@rlemon you're not fooling me! That's a Rebecca Black link!
@rlemon no, it's a stereo video
The thumbnail seem flat and I don't care to visit the video page
@KendallFrey not for me. I get it all overlapped
Just because you encode the same image for each eye separately it doesn't mean it's 3d.
Q: Did the U.S. Army put the U.S. President into a gas chamber with chlorine?

LoongSeveral texts on the history of chemical warfare mention the story that in May 1924 the U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) treated President Calvin Coolidge for a severe cold with chlorine. For example: In May 1924 the CWS sealed President Calvin Coolidge into a gas chamber and pumped ...

that's because anaglyph in the default 3d option for youtube
it also appears to be the only option for that video, for some reason
@Abhishrek chlorine kills all disease, ya know
Including Humans right?
damn, youtube used to have like 10 different ways of displaying 3d video
what happened
Google sucks
yea, fuck those fuckers for providing top notch free software for the last 20 years.
@Abhishrek especially humans
@Neil Ah, must use
owait, @SterlingArcher is at the beach today.. so he wont be online.
top notch? They don't even have a "don't like, stop shoving me this" button with every recommended video
everyone should ping him so we wakes up tomorrow to 100 pings
lol "omg this free video service which tops all others in scale and quality has a couple things I don't like,. crap!"
who would want to ping @SterlingArcher?
@KendallFrey I'm not sure, but I think @SterlingArcher would want to hear what they have to say
morning everyone, I have no idea how to into javascript
@JanDvorak I'm pretty sure it's not the same image, it's some kind of shitty 3d
For authentication, what does a token mean? Like routes that return a token and user id to the client, which are then attached to subsequent HTTP requests on the header
hard to say until i figure out how to watch video not in dome mode
@corvid token is something you can store locally
if I'm right, you store for example account data (on android you store email and password) in a token, so users can auto login if reopening the app
@KendallFrey just eye-diff the two halves of the thumbnail
what do you mean by "store in a token"? Is there some logic that can decode that hash of letters and numbers into something understandable?
I only know this from android development. maybe this helps a bit of understanding: developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/backend-auth
Does anyone know a website with designs and tasks for web developers? Like you get provided with a .psd with the design and instructions what needs to be made.
you can use CSS templates for site designs
but tasks ? Not sure what you mean
@JanDvorak yeah, it's definitely 3D, but about as good as you could expect from converting a 2D video it's pretty flat and has some disorienting glitches
@Loktar you really need to try this
@KarelG Yeah but CSS templates are already finished designs. I mean like; you get a .psd file with basically pictures etc which need to be developed into a website.
"flat projected onto a weird surface and encoded as 3D" != "3D"
Please will you help me if i explained my issue ?
@KarelG But more complex like-- Make a Twitch like interface which parses streams from the Twitch API etc.
checkpoint reached: imgur.com/gallery/uhmFN
@JanDvorak it's not the same image, it's been processed to look 3D
it's obviously not recorded in stereo
Also, I don't think my error handler in express is working correctly :\ you just make an app.use middleware with four parameters, right?
and i did figure out how to watch side by side videos
@JohnDotHR try to google "psd website templates"
@KarelG Jesus, yeah..
I'md umb.
Projecting onto a preselected surface doesn't count. Pulling off features from the video and projecting onto that counts as 3D conversion, but the results often suck and the thumbnail doesn't even demonstrate that
i cannot help on the task issue since it's an open question
@JanDvorak idc if the thumbnail doesn't demonstrate it, it's there
I'm. Not. Going. To. Open. The video.
that's fine, you wouldn't watch it in 3D anyway
So i have a div which acts as a container for my html, i empty it and then load some other html, and some javascript as well , problem is when emptying it the javascript events stay . In my case i call a "setInterval() function " , my interval is 10 secs , when i load another page which has another setInerval function , the first instance of that it is still executing. So i end up with it being executed almost every second .
HELP ME figure this out please
When i empty my div, does it not empty all the JS inside it as well ?
Is there a way to use a database in nodejs without using Express ?
demn google keeps leading me to express
I used mongo without express
pg doesn't require express
Aah, how? I'm testing a setup with node + mongoDB for work.
import {MongoClient} from 'mongodb';
import {ObjectID} from 'mongodb';
import Promise from 'bluebird';

const url = 'connection-string';

function getDb(callback) {
	return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
		MongoClient.connect(url, (err, db) => {
			if( err ) return reject(err);;

export default getDb;
then just getDb().then( db => db.collection('poop').findOne({size:'big'}))
is that with this library: github.com/mongodb/node-mongodb-native ?
uhhh, looks so
I followed this while setting it up
@KarelG Yep, for what reason? You just gotta create a server
check the next comment after that :P Google points me to express. But i don't need it
You could use just plain connect, if you want to go one level lower
you can probably promisify MongoClient now that I think about it
and not have to use the Promise constructor directly.
@rlemon MongoClient.connect is promisifed, IIRC
@corvid without callback yeah
if it is, documentation is bad
At least, in my app, I use MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost/test').then(db => /** ... */) and it works fine for me (and I didn't promisify it)
okay, probably documentation lacking then. I'm very very new to mongo so I can't argue :P
their documentation is probably just a bit behind
@corvid inexcusable. *looks at own documentation* tolerable
looks at own documentation oh wait... I don't have any... welp, guess mongo is doing alright
I'd argue no documentation is better than wrong documentation. limited documentation is one thing, but telling users wrong information about the api is damaging
documentation should also include best patterns and anti-patterns. Bluebird docs <3
!!xkcd 1343
But documentation that is far behind is also damaging. I had once a documentation with methods that were non existent
@Neil Something went on fire; status 403
It got removed more than a year before i consulted that online documentation. It was not updated since then. Had to look at the source code to know which methods to use.
One thing I really don't like about mongo is it's not entirely clear what you're supposed to be doing, which annoys me because SQL is very well-defined with how it's meant to be used
that was time-consuming. So i forked the project and re-generated the documentation. But the owner didn't want to merge it :P
ah NoSQL ...
i don't have much experience with it
It's really bizarre. It says you're supposed to denormalize everything, but it lacks some necessary tools to create fully denormalized documents
@corvid it would have helped them a great deal in their documentation to draw direct parallels between a typical sql query and how you'd probably go about it in mongo
Then maybe it's just because I think with sql
@KarelG this is why I recommend to people to learn how to read source code. you may know how to program, but reading someone elses LARGE codebase can be intimidating and frustrating to the point where you rage quit.
Hi :D
if you are into that masochism thing, I recommend reading the jQuery source code instead of the documentation :D
@Neil After a night out: DROP TABLE [stomach_contents]
I got asked to 'cut out a country of google maps and ad styling to it'.
I was wondering if that is possible :)
@rlemon yes, but it is hard if the project is large and you don't have a clue where to start.
Has anyone worked with making custom errors? I am trying to invoke a custom type of error in an API
Final result should be something like this: static1.squarespace.com/static/51bd28cce4b092e6df797e7f/t/…
But with some Google Map Markers on int
Aug 11 '15 at 14:15, by rlemon
function MyError(message) {
    this.name = "MyError";
    this.message = (message || "");
    this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
MyError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
@corvid ^
Could you do the same thing by subclassing Error?
try it?
class ApiError extends Error {
  constructor(statusCode, message) {
    this.statusCode = statusCode;
    this.message = message;
Seems to work
Hmmm can't find any documentatoin yet for showing a specific country in gMaps
So, apparently Douglas Crockford is the opening keynote for MidWest JS
@Josiah @SomeKittens ^
Is there a way of creating a stream which compounds inputs from two streams?
@Abhishrek why not?
Not trying to come across as snobby. I meant what difficulties might there be?
@Neil don't want to lose the nodejs's good stuff
like managing backpressure etc
Hmm, you'd require twice the buffer, but otherwise I don't see any issues
But I just want to hide all other stuff except the red area
@FlorianMargaine Happy Friday!
@KendallFrey did yours come??
@Loktar lol you have a lot to catch up on
I probably pinged you 3 or 4 times yesterday about stuff
bah, yeah I was out most of the day
was stuck in a planning meeting
I have no notifications though :/
/me searches @loktar
but first and foremost, watch rebecca on your rift
in 3D
> hey @Loktar know how to hide the warning about not meeting specs?
there is a registry setting to do it
what don't you meet though?
I left my warning on it didn't bother me enough (all AMD CPUs say they aren't compat)
A: How to replace div with another div in javascript?

nduggerI'm not particularly pleased that I have to answer this question, due to the previous answers perpetuating bad practice, but, here we go. The best way to do this would be to not use innerHTML, due to possible unforseen side effects. The best way to do this would be to: First empty the main div...

nothing, it's not my fault
I hate answering bad questions
i ran the compat check, it said it can't detect my CPU or GPU
oh lol wtf
it's stopped bothering me
SteamVR lets you run other games outside of the rift
yeah i installed that
What games/apps did you end up getting?
Virtual Desktop is my favorite non game for sure
hah so you like it then? Just trying to read through the transcripts
@Loktar I've played InMind, ETS2, and LFS so far, I've got dreamdeck, virtual desktop, steamvr
I've got DCS and Lucky's Tale installed but not played
oh racing game
Do you know how to watch side-by-side videos in Virtual Desktop? it took me a bit to figure it out
@Loktar yeah it's the best experience of all the games I tried
too bad there's not much content
no, I've only tried an mp4 had to paste a link in and it downloaded it first
eh, is it true that using module.exports can lead to multiple objects at one variable ?
farlands is pretty cool, and free
Partyin partyin YEA!
also Blazerush is really fun
@Loktar yeah, if you play a SBS video fullscreen and hit F7 you'll get 3D
oh nice
@KarelG You mean like an array?
bit of a hack, but works nice
Hello Guys
@PushkarJaju Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
alright I need to head to work I'll hopefully not be so swamped today
I have 1 question for JSON , Is it the right place to ask ?
glad it finally came!
Found a video of somebody's wife playing a zombie attack game on the rift. Was not disappointed
> If there's something attached to module.exports already, everything on exports is ignored.
One annoying thing with ETS2 is it doesn't have an option for audio output device. Do you know of a way I can tell it (via Windows setting maybe) to use Rift audio but keep my headset as default?
@PushkarJaju you can just ask
Okay Thank you Corvid
On tab click i want to display all data on tab form which is coming form sql server
@KendallFrey remember, lock the door for pornvr, you won't hear their screams of terror when they walk in if you have a headset on. :P
i am using Ajax call to get the db data into JSON
i am converting data into json in DB side only
@rlemon lol would it display on the monitor?
so if any column has long text with single/double quote it throws an exception
how to handle this situation ?
@KendallFrey yea
go to your playback devices
Rift should be listed in there
@KendallFrey until you forget you tabbed to a shark week video and now your mom thinks you spank it to shark porn
friends had the best plots.
I think it's listed as a TV or something
just set that to default before you run the game
@Loktar headphones
@Loktar that's what I've been doing, I want something more permanent
just asking myself if the following is a bad habit or not
// currently using
const mongoDB = new (require('./MongoDBManager.js'));
// should i move to this below ?
const MongoDBManager = require('./MongoDBManager.js');
const mongoDB = new MongoDBManager();
@rlemon that was a friends plot?
const MongoDBManager = require('./MongoDBManager.js').MongoDBManager
@KendallFrey does it run through SteamVR?
@Loktar no
import {MongoDBManager} from './MongoDBManager.js';
hmm, damn then I don't know
only game that does that to me is BlazeRush
ANy help ?
On tab click i want to display all data on tab form which is coming form sql server
i am using Ajax call to get the db data into JSON
i am converting data into json in DB side only
so if any column has long text with single/double quote it throws an exception
how to handle this situation ?
but it's on the devs to fix it I guess
ohhhh it is the default....
nvm me
@KarelG latter
SteamVR lets you set a default audio device anytime you're in "VR"
so it fixes those issues at least
Oculus home doesn't have that yet
yeah SteamVR works fine
oops. I need to rewrite my previous node js projects ^^
ETS2 does direct to Rift though
import isn't supported without a plugin/preprocessor
I bootstrap with babel-register atm
@Neil how would you actually code it?
as in this is what I am thinking atm
const mixer = new Mixer();
at any time either of the sources can be shut (so thats kinda bummer)
I thought of doing
const mixer = new Mixer(mp3Source, micSource);, but that just doesn't feel right.
man this is weird, it seems the the Rift has given me a heightened sense of depth perception IRL
any suggestions?
@Abhishrek I like your first idea. You could have n streams that way
@Cerbrus That was awfully shit of you
@Neil but they must be in object mode :P
and node won't allow me to have that x_x so thats a bummer
And I would keep the interface as similar to the stream as possible
although it does make sense cause there will be different rates in both streams
@Abhishrek object mode?
@Neil otherwise you cannot time sync
@ndugger Submit an issue.

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