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and atom-typescript is a joke compared to vs code
there are no tabs in vs code though, took a bit to get used to that
no tabs?
I think they are coming at some point
what kind of tabs? file tabs, tabstops, what?
file tabs
in panes
One of the biggest issues on github
yeah, gonna stick with atom then
you have a workspace thing
and ctrl+tab
Fucking shit, I have to make some sort of schema.xml??
@SterlingArcher You're in Java now, mate.
solr search will make you want to die
good luck
God dammit
They didn't give me a schema file
That's not a schema, this is a schema.
They schemed about not providing a schema
oh thank god they did
Java is a conspiracy by big XML to force us all into using their product
once we're hooked on XML, then they control the supply of tags and found the New World Order
Jesus this schema is 1200 lines long
I hate XML
you are XML
@SterlingArcher no
Hail Satan!
@ndugger can you give me tips of how to avoid overlapping of two rectangles on to each other?
so in Mongo to auto increment I have to have a second collection for the counters?
Or you have any code related to that?
@Learning collision detection
@rlemon want to increment atomically/transactionally/reliably? lolnope
@Learning Nope, I'm done giving you code. You need to actually put in some effort of your own, now
What do you want to auto increment?
Ok I will search for it
if it's an id, you're probably better off just not doing it or using another db system
mongo does have the internal _id, but those aren't always stable (exporting and importing data can change them and it does nothing to validate the relationships post-import)
@KevinB "just not doing [mongo and] using another db system," you mean :D
I have no idea how much we spend on mongo support and their answer is always "um, well, that's not well-supported and we don't have an alternative yet"
@KevinB literally just a unique identifier for access later because no other field is guaranteed unique
the only reason I'm using mongo for this is to get exposure to mongo
it is not the correct application and I'm aware of that
is the _id not unique enough?
does _id auto increment?
it can, sometimes
er, it is always unique?
and I can just rely on it?
you shouldn't use _id unless it's a brief reference to a specific record in mongo
(all I've done is read the first like ten page of the node driver docs)
it's internal, not a long-term relational ID
I'm confused on OOP vs Procedural. I understand making objects, but don't you still have to write code procedurally for those objects to do anything? I don't get how you compare the two, isn't one inside the other?
we used it somewhere and respun the cluster and they all changed :D
I have a form where I can edit every value of the record. I just need an ID to reference for the update
so I was going to make a new id field.
should I use _id?
you should not
can you use a GUID?
I can use whatever I need to use
I figured a simple auto-incrementing number would be perfect
in any other database, it would be
Q: Create GUID / UUID in JavaScript?

Jason CohenI'm trying to create globally-unique identifiers in JavaScript. I'm not sure what routines are available on all browsers, how "random" and seeded the built-in random number generator is, etc.. The GUID / UUID should be at least 32 characters and should stay in the ASCII range to avoid trouble w...

@ssube so ( I assume you have mongo experience ) how should I handle this in your opinion? create a counters collection and findAndModify on it?
I don't use it directly a ton, but most of our work data is in it.
looking around, it sounds like they recommend having a second collection to track the counters
so, the awful way you started with :(
A: How do you implement an auto-incrementing primary ID in MongoDB?

Dennis BurtonMongoDB is intended to be scaled horizantally. In this case, an auto increment would lead to id collisions. That is why the id looks much more like a guid/uuid.

or use a GUID
Does anyone here understand typescript? Angular 1.5 - I'm trying to define a components bindings but don't understand how the bindings object should be formatted?
bindings?: {[binding: string]: string};
because "mongo isn't supposed to be used like [useful thing]"
I'm not entirely understanding mongo atm, does collection access cause any io? or is it all in memory from the start? does the io happen when I access the db?
what point should I be not caring ?
@rlemon yes and no, to all three
@rlemon two days ago, approx.
typically, mongo will keep everything in memory
most databases strive for that
mongo's weirdness comes largely from the lack of transactions and the tendency to lock unrelated things
postgres will lock the row you're working with and maybe the table's auto-inc counter. Mongo will lock the entire table, sometimes, or the whole cluster on rare occasion
yea, I'm making a shit CMS which doesn't need a relational db if I play with it
Hi guys,
I have the following error trying to use import in node 6.0.0 `Unexpected token import`
I was thinking node 6 was es6
basically because I needed to re-write this page anyway, and wanted to play with mongo
@ant modules aren't in any browser or node yet :(
@ant Use node's require
so I probably will not use mongo in the future :/
you still need webpack or something for those
but it is nice to have somewhat of an understanding
Ok, thanks
@ant bootstrap with babel-register


import poop from 'not-poop';
then compile for prod?
@rlemon Yes I was doing that before bit I tried to remove it with node6 and it didn't works
@ant node 6 has good es6 support, just not modules
Will need to wait for import :(
they have a spec for how the module API should look, but haven't decided quite how it should work yet
so nobody natively supports it
I like the bootstrapper approach because when I get import I can just change what main points to
er, the start script
> Below my codes. I want my solution please
Ha ha ha
I guess this is a new stackoverflow user who doesnt know how to ask questions though
Teach him.
*who chose not to read the FAQ
@ssube exactly
So as a result getting down vote
it's also a fairly mediocre question
"I want X, I'm getting Y, here's me doing Y"
@littlepootis actually that user should really learn from me as I got up votes on my question every time I ask new question
So you are absolutely right
!!stats 4927379
@BenFortune Learning (http://stackoverflow.com/users/4927379/learning) has 90 reputation, lost 4 rep today, asked 97 questions, gave 4 answers, for a q:a ratio of 97:4.
avg. rep/post: 0.89. Badges: 0g 1s 22b
What a leech
Your question:rep ratio is impresssive
90 points on 97 questions is impressive
you know who else got a score like that?
@ssube is that vikram betal or some english version of that?
@Waxi That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Actually just before 2-3 weeks I was having repo of 180 but I due to something dont know what my repo has now come down to this 90
I r slow
@Learning upvoting yourself eh?
Ha ha ha
someone (which we will assume is yourself) upvoted all of your crap
the system caught it
and reversed it
But I have notice 1 thing that whenever I add bounty to any question then I get some upvotes
I wanna be a script kiddie when I grow up.
you didn't find this suspicious at all?
seems legit
when skeet answers a ques.
@KendallFrey :(
> got lost in space
One of my programming fan might have done this
Dont know which fan
you're always your own biggest fan
@Learning k bro
> Mom, when did you get a SO account?
hi jungs
@Learning With your bare capabilities? If you have fans, they must be developing with crayons, and still having problems coloring in the lines.
lines? LINES? screw the lines!
coloring is like driving: so long as you can see the lines, it's all a matter of opinion
@Trasiva lines? LINES? screw the lines! (source)
who rewrote cap in php?
@Trasiva thanks for such a sweet compliment
PeeHaa did, methinks
@ssube Opinions are like assholes, everyone has ones.
Don't know if he made a bot independently or if he wanted something like Cap, but he's got a bot in PHP
his Origin story isn't as fun
doesn't involve christmas eve or hangman
hi guys, i think Safari 6.2 is barfing on this line:  $('div[id^="thumb"][class="contentThumbnail"').each(function () {
That jquery selector.
I was wondering if you could help me track down a reason
that selector
all criticism welcome
@rlemon Haha, what does it involve?
@littlepootis Fuck you mang, I was fixing it. :(
Why would you do [class="contentThumbnail"] instead of .contentThumbnail?
lol cannot remember if i wrote it or someone else
Sorry guys I was just kidding
@SomeGuy not hangman so I stopped caring
Haha, of course
Now to be honest I am really fan of SO and some users of this
ya... I guess I will just KISS it then
Like one is jon skeet
unnecessarily specific
strip it down to [id^="thumb"]
or .contentThumbnail
Depending on how it's structured
ya, let me take a hack
why does every thumbnail have its own id?
just for shits?
common class them and be done with it
But that's just me.
probably for passing to a preview click if needed
or some other form then or keep the id and add a common class and don't fuck with id's
makes sense
assuming contentThumbnail is common to more than you want to select
if not, listen to everyone else
If you use the querySelectorAll, just keep in mind you'll need a bit of code at the top of your javascript in order to use for...of. Which is NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = [][Symbol.iterator];
Sometimes I just wonder that how complex this SO website is and who all have created it
@Trasiva Jesus Christ. Or just $(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).each(function () {alert("Holy shit");});
Seriously hats off to all that guys for creating such an amazing thing
@littlepootis That's if you want to use jQuery, I offered an ES6 solution. Calm your tits.
He has jQuery as a dependency apparently and wouldn't want to use bable.
he is using jQuery with C#
@littlepootis That's his prerogative, I'm still able to give alternate solutions that are just as useable.
@Trasiva Array.from
@BenFortune You could do that, yea, but the prototype just makes NodeLists iterable by default.
hey I have a "dumb?" question. but I know you love to discuss
what should I learn so that I have (very) good career chances? (frontend, backend, java? .net? node?, react?, machinelearning?deeplearning?computervision?) on what should I specialise myself? I have 1 year time.
Learn all of them, but focus on only a few of them.
I'm focusing on every thing.. I want to learn everything.. I hate this characteristic of mine
Wanting to learn everything is not bad at all.
I guess java and nodes js
But you'll not be able to achieve what you wanted to do.
But wanting to know it all right away won't happen.
at least you won't be GOOD at all topics right away
Nowadays this 2 are very powerful and in demand
java or javascript?
want to sit in a cubicle? learn java. Want to sit in a coffee shop? learn JavaScript.
Want to live on mars? learn anything; Sitting somewhere does not dictate what language you use.
@Luggage That statement is false. I did Javascript, while working in a basement in a cubicle, occasionally forgotten by my unit.
@Trasiva that is cool :D
@User555 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Learn about programming languages. Learn different programming languages. Learn paradigms, patterns, DS, algo. Learn about low-level stuff, Networking, CV, AI, ML, Databases.
It's certainly doable in an year.
If you're determined.
Learn js, then find a cross compiler
Other languages are lame
learn JS, one of us, one of us, gooble gobble gooble gobble
deos anyone know some good open source java or js project to contribute to ?
Oh, yes. Wanna write tests for my project?
@User555 Make your own, don't ride on someone else's coattails.
@littlepootis why not ? give mi link to repo
@Trasiva that is bad advice. Contributions to open source help you become better. And you benefit from not having to think of a project.
I'll write my Bachelor thesis soon.. I work as springMvc developer at the university ( and also some frontend knockoutjs ..) but I want get a really good job, and have no idea what I really should be a guru in.
"java or js" argh..
@littlepootis just now I'm writing tests with mocha
@Trasiva It's always good idea to contribute to some projects
@PomeGranate ah, I use Jasmine
I learnt jasmine at the school, and used it once at working
@rlemon Normally, yea. But this guy just strolls in here, and then uses Java and Javascript in the same sentence like they're the same thing.
@Trasiva they are not??
My life is a lie
@PomeGranate I hope to whatever deity you believe in you're trolling. Because I don't have the time, nor the crayons to explain to you the stupidity contained within that statement.
@Trasiva a "faux pas".
@Luggage Or straight up ignorance, either way it's a clear lack of knowledge between the two.
getting a "good job" is about the work environment, your freedom, meaningful tasks, etc.
@littlepootis i will look up your project and give response back
@User555 that thing is too big..
There's no documentation
with good job I meant "big money"
Sell crack
meh. once you have 'enough' money, go for a nice place to work.
@littlepootis @littlepootis this is your project or you are just contributor ?
@Loktar ^
Good song
@User555 It's my project/
It's like jQuery
@SterlingArcher you are on your phone while driving way too much.
Stop being a turd man
RIP Jordan
shoes off
@littlepootis it looks cool
@SterlingArcher Put the phone down while driving, asshole.
@KendallFrey beat me to it
@User555 thanks
I'm not beating you for anything
Typical Kendall
yeah typical straight me
@KendallFrey Usually people have to pay extra for that sort of thing.
Notice the red light ._. I wasn't moving guys
Doesn't matter bro
Still on your phone while driving.
Your the guy who makes me miss my advance because your looking at your phone.
Meh, I didn't upload it while at the light I just took the picture
@SterlingArcher Your mom was though
@SterlingArcher Your phone belongs in your pocket, or in the center console while driving. You're slinging a one ton death machine down the road at fifty miles an hour. You don't need your phone while driving.
Although, I still condone road head so that's okay.
I was slinging a one ton death machine at 0 MPH at the beginning of a red light
@FlorianMargaine I thought about you, I just wrote an answer where reduce is the elegant solution
Guys, could you answer that ?
Any js book that you can recommend to me reading Denys Séguret? Thanks! — devwannabe 36 secs ago
(I don't read programming books)
@SterlingArcher All it takes is you accidentally taking your foot off the break or hitting the accelerator thinking it's time to go broseph. Don't make me drive to Fairfax and beat the stupid outta you.
@SterlingArcher still not paying attention while operating a vehicle. You are taking risk and potentially making people wait for your ass to finish your picture.
@SterlingArcher Your mom was slinging my "one ton death machine" last night.
Bro. Put the phone away
Gotta love Michigan weather, supposed to be 75 today and 40 or below this weekend.
@SterlingArcher Let's rephrase this, Lemon and I are being the voice of reason. That little voice in your head going Oh shit, maybe I should listen? Yea, that's your common sense breaking through.
Um, google just captcha'd me because it "detected unusual traffic" from my computer
@SterlingArcher Quit looking up yaoi at work then.
@SterlingArcher It probably noticed it in that picture
@KendallFrey lol
two tons. No car is as light as 2000 lbs these days
@Luggage smart car, 1800lbs
my favourite car, 1400lbs
My car: 0 lbs
reliant robin: 950lbs
9/10 would drive
If ._. were a car

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