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that's not a real car.
it's british
or french?
@KendallFrey and what is that, an Ariel Atom?
@Luggage british I think
Why do french give birth to cars?
The Reliant Robin was a small three-wheeled car formerly manufactured by the Reliant Motor Company in Tamworth, England. It was produced in several versions (Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3) over the course of 30 years. It is the second most popular fibreglass car in history, with Reliant Motor Company being the second biggest UK-owned car manufacturer for a time. == History == === Mk. 1 Reliant Robin === The Robin was first manufactured in October 1973 as a direct replacement for the Reliant Regal. These models feature a 750cc engine, but in 1975, the car gained a number of improvements including an engine boost...
@littlepootis because with a vagina measured in acres, you can give birth to whatever the fuck you want
@littlepootis aliens
Kendall Space Program is available for Linux too. Nice.
Did something happen @JanDvorak?
I got an email saying that the meeting was canceled, but it was bad English and yours is seamless :P
Given that I gave everyone my email it might as well have been littlepootis
If it wasn't you: since the students are understandably lazy and delays happened, let's meet at the same place at 8:35
Since you're not answering this and I don't know whether the mail was yours or not, I'm only going to wait until 8:40. Sounds fair? I guess you could come early and meet the crew if you wanted to
Do you work with Jan, now?
just hold up a sign that says "its' they're fault" - he'll show up in no time.
Chrome and Opera sometimes crash on our website.
I don't have any idea and its a large codebase and it happens once every to days to me.

What the possible approaches to get a solution, where should i look?
Define 'crash'.
*two = to
look for memory leaks
run the profiler
make chrome save the output?
Let me send the screen shot.
But it happens every two days, i can't reproduce it.
@amin Does the site load then crash, or doesn't load?
@towc lol, my english is not that bad.
@SterlingArcher cute
@Waxi i loads completely and i can work with it for hours but sometimes i crashes.
here is the website webtrader.binary.com
@SterlingArcher so they named him lil Dicky right?
I hope his name is dickbutt
*i = it
Any one had a similar issue with webkit crashing on your pages?
Is there somewhre Opera stores crash reports so at least i can send it to them?
@SterlingArcher those are better with buffalo sauce and bleu cheese.
buffalo puppies
I'm not sure how you would approach the issue if you can't reproduce it intentionally. Is there anything in common before the crash, certain pages accessed, certain buttons clicked, etc.? There has to be a pattern of something, especially when you say it happens every 2 days.
@towc maybe you did some grammar mistake and ignored his correction so now he doesn't like you
Omg @AwalGarg XD
I can actually see him do that
@AwalGarg lol
Guys. Apparently the keycode for the command key is 91, but when I use String.fromCharCode(91), it returns ']'. What's the deal with that?
> 91 133 5B 01011011 [ [ Opening bracket
keycode.info, why have you deceived me so?
keycode from keyboard events is not the same as the number in the utf character series
I need some conceptual help. I have 2 rows in a table, one has input boxes and the other has text loaded via js based on previous user actions. I need the user to fill in either row completely. The problem I'm having is what the "or" statement would look like. For my row that has text loaded, I put a 'required' class on them and loop thru looking for no text. I'm not sure how I then loop through the other row without mixing them up.
@Waxi Can you make a jsfiddle of what you have?
I hate him.
he sparked my interest
What's the best way to parse a mm/dd/yyyy field in a form? Should I use date.parse or regex?
@corvid This is what I have so far. The user is not supposed to put data in both rows, just one of them, and then I have to check to make sure everything is filled out in the row they're using. The top row you see calc-total gets text loaded when they input values in the rows above it. The bottom row gets values when they input directly.
@Programmer if you have to deal with dates, just use moment.js. If not, the date constructor accepts a string
which rows are the intended to fill out?
@Programmer if that is the one and only format you have to take with constant widths, then regex. but that sounds like a weird requirement.
@corvid Sorry, let me put the entire structure so it makes more sense...
small function which captures with regex and validates range of numerals
@Waxi have a guard variable boolean/ or int with 2-3 valid values to state if your first pass thru row 1 okay and it has data or not ... and a state variable to keep tract of where user is enterting data based on on key down?
Or a small regex that validates and captures
can't validate date range with regex TMK
Or maybe to make it extra clear both rows are disabled till i choose thru some other UI how I plan to enter the data - thru first or second
@AwalGarg ah
@corvid jsfiddle.net/aamxdu0d This is what I have going on. They either input data in a bunch of rows that automatically sum in a row, or they can input the sum directly in the bottom most row. They only have to do one method, not both and I have to make sure it's filled in completely.
@tgkprog Not a bad idea, didn't think about that...storing the state of their actions.
@AwalGarg also.. tmk?
@tgkprog I thought about this option as well, but was feeling lazy and decided to let them enter both if they want and when I take the data, just use one of them, but what you're saying might be best.
@ndugger found a girl on OKCupid that says she has the dankest memes. Testing the waters to see if they're dank
!!tell little urban tmk
@little tmk To my knowledge, assuming a conclusion with insufficient data on the subject, and usually creating a doofus out of oneself
my great jobs suggestion is catching down votes :( meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/322921/… well at lesat i thought it was great. i want this feature! save so much time not going thru jobs that are physically to far
@CapricaSix lmfao
!!define tmk
@AwalGarg My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
It is possible, but too much kode
Not really, but still
yeah it is definitely possible. construct a DFA and run a tool to convert it to a regex. can't imagine someone writing it by hand, though.
Or just
!!google regex mm dd yyyy javascript
Oh... google..
@corvid i.imgur.com/jfC4rts.png This is what I have, they just need to do either the calculated total or input total, not both, and whichever they choose, it all needs to be filled in. Not sure what the JS needs to look like.
Hey everyone! How are you doing?
would we never get googling with cap back now? :(
I don't think there's a way to make this sound right... but I wanted to check out your portfolio pages for ideas... but it either makes me sound like a desperate HR or a desperate designer, of which I'm neither.
@SterlingArcher ask her "do you know what is funnier than 24" if she replies with "6 million" you make an honest woman out of her you hear me?!
probably shouldn't have said that... @CapricaSix save me plz!?
@SterlingArcher :(
I just sent you the dankest of memes
@SterlingArcher Keep me informed
I think I know what I'll do. I'll loop through each row separately seeing if there are values in them, and if they do have, give them a warning saying only to use one, also while I loop make sure they actually filled them all in. Sounds like another case of me overthinking it greatly. Sorry!!
I paid $1 to boost my profile. Let's see how dissaponted im gonna be
@SterlingArcher You're trying other sites too right?
1 message moved to Trash
lets not
Why did you trash that? There was a follow up. :(
or at least move the convo somewhere more appropriate
You shit in my cake.
@Loktar imgur.com/a/vWul2 any idea?
(or any other ST user)
tl;dr how to make ctrl + d when highlghting a term only select the ones it has already visually notified me are the same
(the ones which are boxed)
@Waxi Bind event listeners to the inputs that need to be summed, and if they have no value, use 0. Sum them together, then if the value of the other input is a falsey value, use that value
@rlemon "Select some text and press Ctrl + D to add more instances. If you want to skip the current instance, press Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D."
node-gyp issue that happens during bcrypt installation
that requires visual studio and all to clear it
can we directly shift the module files in the folder to solve the issue?
@corvid Thank you.
@rlemon I don't think it's working as intended. It shouldn't select things it hasn't highlighted.
@GandalftheWhite just use the built in bcrypt
as in how
all I know npm install bcrypt
and that shit isn'
isn't working
I have done a dozen google search
Irritating as fuck
I think it's bcryptjs
I use npmjs.com/package/bcrypt-nodejs (sync variants of this) but I know it is not scalable when dealing with more than 50k requests per second.
I just want to test it
I will have to deploy it on cloud for real work
so that wont bother me
Okay thanks guys
I will use the other module
by the time installation takes place
@AwalGarg abandoned
@rlemon press ctrl+k, -then- press ctrl+d
ctrl+k skips a selection
@littlepootis yes but still works :P
@littlepootis IIRC it is some rick rolling thing
not falling for it again, fuck off :D
1 message moved to Trash can
@Nomad Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@AwalGarg so you fell for it :D
1 message moved to Trash can
@Nomad Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
damm again
@Nomad it prints "why don't you try it yourself?"
i did
then why are you asking us
doubt with it.. but i cant format code
at least 4 spaces at the start of each line. ctrl+k does that automagically
var vin = function (){
    var counter = 0;
    return function(){
        return counter++;
var tt = vin();
it print 0
so if you fork a private repository on github paid personal account into a free organization account, it stays private and has its separate commit history and issue tracker in the fork. github now offers unlimited private repositories for personal accounts on $9 a month, but quadratic or higher charges for organizations. hmm...
and... you can have as many collaborators as you want, on your personal account
@Nomad Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
yes exactly
so a small business could just as well have a single user with a primary account that allows everyone else to access it as collaborators
:30505244 no, because counter++ returns counter before incrementing it
but the thing is when you fork private repo in an org, it automatically gets all the features of organizations too. I just tried it.
Nice catch pootis
those features are not available on personal accounts
Which is a better function:
function fillString(n){while(n.length%4)n+='\0';return n;} or
function fillString(n){return n+'\0\0\0 '.slice(0,-n.length%4);}
This is not C
What are you trying to do?
Make sure a string has a length divisible by 4 by adding nulls to the end
i dont get it how can it return counter before incrementing it?
you told it to return before incrementing.
@Nomad use a pre-increment, not a post-increment
@Nomad because that's how it's supposed to worm
@Nomad var temp = counter; counter = counter + 1; return temp;
same result with preincrement
it doesn't actually return "before" incrementing. the x++ increases x and evaluates to the original value of x. return returns the result of that evaluation.
I get 1 with a pre increment
@Nomad Are you sure?
Worked for me
@AwalGarg im in mobile, so i coukdnt talk about expression evaluation
yeh sorry my bad
Oh i just did
lol what a waste of a $1. "906 people saw you!" No likes, no visits
Bleh, this is making me depressed. I need a beer
promoting a post on facebook? or what.
Dating app :P
Don't judge
Now that you told not to..
@SterlingArcher you're better than I. Don't get sucked into shitty online dating. Go out and live. Be the memer I could never meme.
hmm, if you delete the original one, the fork gets deleted too :(
Iunno. Every girl I've met at the bar has been crazy
@SterlingArcher Don't meet girls at bars
Even I know that
and I know nothing
That's the only place I go :(
Go to a museum
Bar? What a shitty place to meet your kids' mom
I love museums
I'd love to go some DC museums actually
Or camping
Nobody wants to go camping anymore :/
I fucking love camping and hiking, but yeah, it's hard to find people that want to actually go
so I've gone alone a couple of times
and will continue to do so
@littlepootis fork the repo I added you to
I can't be alone in nature, my mind isn't safe alone when I can't drown shit out with memes
Just get a meme patterned tent
@SterlingArcher I do
@AwalGarg from mobile..?
@littlepootis sure
When the tent's a shakin, don't come wakin'
@ndugger you should go all primitivetechnology style
build your own hut
take nothing but your camera and some water
@littlepootis fork from the org not from awalGarg/
I'd love to, but I don't even know where I could legally do that
> Local dank memer dies from having sex with a pinecone
Where could I legally go out into the wild and build a hut
private property
^ if someone isn't aware yet - awesome channel
It's a perfect opening liner
Wanna see my mud hut?
I know how to weave baskets, how to tie various knots, how to bake clay, how to etc. I could pull this off... or I'm over confident in my survival skills and I would probably die. Who knows
@AwalGarg github pages thing? Forked to my account, forked mine to an org, and yours to another org.
you'd be surprised at how people will let you use their land if they know you are not doing anything other than legit stuff (think like that guy does, metal detecting, bottle hunting, etc)
Well shit, now I really want to go camping
they are for the most part just glad you asked and didn't take the liberty
@littlepootis make some changes to the one on your account?
@ndugger wanna come to VA and go camping with me in the shenendoah valley?
@AwalGarg did

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