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Google researcher anyone ?
@rlemon Luckily it depends on the device, whether they can concatenate messages
@BartekBanachewicz yeah I heard mechanical watches aren't as accurate as quartz crystals. but to be honest, a watch isn't for telling time for me. It's for style
@BenFortune Still takes up 2 messages
how long does it take for this chat site to fetch new profile information from Exchange?
@SterlingArcher An "I sell drugs" watch is not for style :P
six to eight minutes
@littlepootis Yep, the protocol doesn't support more
ok thanks :)
SMS is so outdated
@littlepootis adds weight to his backhand when bitches step out of line doe
@littlepootis lmao I want to get that flashy diamond watch now just to throw people off
@rlemon lmao
I have a bad feeling I'm going to spend too much money on watches over the next few years
I have a jsfiddle here, but i dont know how to stop it animating
can someone please help me? i just want it to go from 0% to 87% and stay still
but it keeps on going crazy -_-
@KarelG LOL
@rlemon hangouts. Need advice
window.clearTimeout(); That's not how that works.
It requires an ID parameter which is returned from setTimeout
it doesn't animate at me tho
Remove all those extra (demo?) lines
youtube.com/watch?v=5QvWd1mvK3I lol he ded, shoe came off. Totally ded
sorry Im a backend developer and have not touched front end for a long time
How would i make this start form 0% ?
ah the ASI failed. Had to add a ";" somewhere
In fact, this is enough: jsfiddle.net/zyu4en28/2
thats great cerbrus, but how would i make this start from 0%?
Not a clue
okay no problem, ill try deleteing lines and see if i come across it :)
@SterlingArcher omg hahaha
okay strange question, but i kind of have a bad feeling i'm being too optimistic that this might work.. any reasons this might fail horribly?
    Object.prototype.forEach = function(iterationCallback){
        if(iterationCallback && {}.toString.call(iterationCallback) === '[object Function]'){
            for (var prop in this) {
                if (!this.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
Have you just tried it, yet?
@ClemensHimmer Why not typeof?
why even testing ?
Oh, I saw Deadpool last night. Awesome movie
So many 4th wall breaks, I loved it
@BenFortune bro, jQuery.isFunction()
future proof
@rlemon :(
@Cerbrus i have, works fine, but i've got the dull feeling i'm forgetting something..
@rlemon lol!
@SterlingArcher It rocks. Big time
@ClemensHimmer do you have to support IE6? toString for function check makes sense only on ie6
@BenFortune actually, no idea, catched this up some time ago and stayed with it.. any reason one is better than the other (stability, performance-wise, i know the thing i use is less readable)
@BenFortune any ideas on renewable energy? played with wind turbines or solar cells?
@Cerbrus the baby hand killed me
@rlemon Almost none. I have a mobile solar power pack that I tried on my RPi once
That's about it
typeof thing === "function" is the standard readable test. typeof is meant to be used to check type, that's your intent...
@AwalGarg actually i'm just fiddling around, don't have to support anything.
@ClemensHimmer Readability and speed
@BenFortune damn, I'm building a small workshop/shed and I am trying to think of power without having to bury a cable 18 inches
@SterlingArcher The opening credits killed me already xD
@SterlingArcher "For those who haven't seen 127 hours, spoiler alert"
there is a tree next to where I want it, so I don't think solar alone will cut it. I'll need to put a wind turbine of some kind on the roof
@BenFortune speed would have been good enough, i already mentioned the readabilty ;)
@ClemensHimmer well that's some horrible code right there, then :-P
@DenysSéguret well okay :D
@rlemon What's it powering?
Are you storing it?
I'll store it
will power small tools
and a light
I guess it depends on where you live, maybe a mixture of both?
but even then.. I won't be able to run the welder
@ClemensHimmer In my opinion it's a bad practice to check the type of a provided argument when your API only expects one type
I'm going to have to dig :(
Pft, just run an outdoor extension lead :P
if I'm putting a solid line I'm tapping it to the box
so it has to be underground
@DenysSéguret well i might just let JS throw the TypeError, eh?
wait so
We were kinda puzzled right here with my coworker
then he said "there's indexOf"
but what I'm realizing now is that it doesn't solve the problem
there's also includes
you probably want Array.prototype.find?
that's what I wanted but apparently it's not in 0.12
yeah, node 0.12 is super old
I have an array of objects and I need to compare my k to some obj.k
it's actually EOL
tell that to all the people using it
@BartekBanachewicz and get the object?
@BartekBanachewicz still EOL, no matter how many people are using it
@BartekBanachewicz looks like you want Array.prototype.find, polyfill it if you don't have it, it's easy enough
people use C89 too...
@FlorianMargaine no, get if it's in the array or not
I'm using node 0.12.9 at work
But, better than no node
@BartekBanachewicz ?
can you please speak english, motherfucker?
@FlorianMargaine I want find
s/get/check/ probably
if it's s/get/check, then you want Array.prototype.some, and it's in node 0.12
@BartekBanachewicz ^
@FlorianMargaine oh cool
@BartekBanachewicz there's a reason I asked you to speak english.
because part of voldemort lives inside harry?
okay so I don't need to cast to boolean as well
@SterlingArcher : worth to watch if you have time: imgur.com/gallery/DEXGS
if JS didn't have all of its functional methods, it would be such a dirty language... :cough: java 7 :cough:
JS is designed to keep your code as short as possible on all costs.
@BartekBanachewicz and the loop stops as soon as a match is found
@AwalGarg no.
@AwalGarg Yea, nope.
@ndugger implying it's not dirty is funny
Not short.
it has absolute FP basics
@BartekBanachewicz more dirty...
like, the sticks and stones of FP
@Cerbrus that's DOM, not JS
@FlorianMargaine function(x) { return x; }
@FlorianMargaine getElementsByClassName is not JS?
@Cerbrus not in ECMA
@Cerbrus no, that's part of the DOM standard, not of the ECMAScript standard
Pfff, purists ;-)
@BartekBanachewicz x => x
@BartekBanachewicz x => x
(Also: Oh shoot, I had no idea)
@Cerbrus Purists? Try running that on Node
Pfff, "Node".
@FlorianMargaine @ndugger do you guys really think I don't know about that
may as well say "hipster"
@BartekBanachewicz yes
you suck
@BartekBanachewicz that's inbuilt: Boolean
@AwalGarg uh, that's not what Boolean does
We're just proving you wrong, even though we agree with you. Nothing wrong with that.
@AwalGarg he wants #'identity, not Boolean
Well, my argument at least proves that ES<6 wasn't designed "to keep your code as short as possible on all costs."
@BartekBanachewicz I thought you were talking in context of .some. If not, ignore that.
@FlorianMargaine oh lol I remember using LispWorks
isn't that thing dead yet
@BartekBanachewicz it's hosted by this company, but the link is CLHS
Common Lisp HyperSpec
Meteor behaves super weirdly sometimes :|
the spec via hyperlinks
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, ES5 is sort of verbose. ES6 does bring a lot of features to promote compact code, though. Either intentionally or not.
@AwalGarg meh. No currying and sections
inb4 unreadable
@SterlingArcher His hand writing looks too good to have such bad engrish.
Hi guys
I didn't say it brings everything that could ever exist for compactness of code...
@ndugger:sorry couldnt able to thank you for yesterday help
6 mins ago, by Awal Garg
JS is designed to keep your code as short as possible on all costs.
actually you kind of did
well, the only other way out of that is that JS designers are just incompetent
which is funny on its own I suppose
@BartekBanachewicz Do I not understand currying? Of course you can curry functions... or is there something that I don't know about in other languages?
@BartekBanachewicz you really interpreted that seriously?
@BartekBanachewicz Ignore Awal; he likes to think he's superior to everyone else and then gets mad and ignores everyone when you prove him wrong.
JS is not designed to do anything. Infact it is not designed at all.
@ndugger In Haskell all functions are curried by default. This makes partial application super super easy
@BartekBanachewicz Can you show me a super simple example? I'm clueless
combine that with operator sections and you get really terse code. Almost too much
@ndugger Sure.
   add a b = a + b
   addOne = add 1

   print $ map addOne [1..5]     --  [2,3,4,5,6]

   -- you can also do
   map (add 1) [1..5]
   -- or even
   map (+1) [1..5]
I can't read that... That's way too terse to be useful.
@ndugger what? This particular example is extremely readable
So, I get that add is a functiopn that takes two arguments
addOne returns add and you pass in one argument
what does b equal, then?
@ndugger addOne b = add 1 b becomes, after eta-reduction, addOne = add 1
(they are equivalent)
That's not immediately obvious
It is if you know what eta-reduction is
I'd have to write some code to better understand it
it kinda is considering the next line...
but that's a hard concept to get use to
@Shea I found it one of the easiest ones in Haskell tbh
but even w/o reduction addOne is really terse
I suppose that would account to personal experience
Ohhhh.... I totally understand it now. I just had to stare at it longer, and no, I'm not being facetious.
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
addOne :: Int -> Int
(add 1) :: Int -> Int
I didn't understand that you were mapping... even though it says map
yeah, if a function takes "multiple" arguments that's indistinguishable from a function taking one and returning a function
that's what curry-by-default does
That's also why Haskell signatures look like they do; a -> a -> a is equivalent to a -> (a -> a)

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