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Deep knowledge you got there. Thanks :)
Been using linux since I was 8 :)
22 and still on windows :(
but.... must move to linux this summer
(and programming since 8, too)
@qaispak Why? No! That's sad >_<
Sad indeed. I got into proper development last October.
So now as soon as I build my PC, I'm getting arch linux on it
Windows needs a proper package manager
And a powerful shell language cough
sick of windows! I have 3 months of nothing (except for my internship) so I should really get used to linux
Why arch?
People tell me it will force me to learn more about linux
since I'll be forced to read a lot of documentation...
Not really..
why not? I am also not 100 % sure.
I'd advise against it. Installation is too hard for a beginner.
hmm... yeah installation does look daunting.
It's better to install a Debian derivative (like Ubuntu) and then switch to Arch after a year of using Linux.
I just feel like Ubuntu has too much software on it.
You can start with the mini.iso, install the base and then install what you want.
It's even slimmer than Arch base.
I don't know. I use Windows. I simply pick up linux concepts whenever I need. What makes linux more real than Windows, what are you trying to develop?
Ubuntu too heavy +1
The default thing that you download from ubuntu.com is.
Ubuntu at its core, isn't
Yeah. You can install and run barebone Windows Server without GUI too.
well the thing I was discussing: what is a REPL, what is a console etc. I would have liked to have tried it out right now. I am sure I could do it on windows ... but trying it out on some bash commands would be fun.

Then there are so many things that are easier with linux. Rails development on windows is hell. Android stuff on windows sucks.
@Sheepy Server Core. But it doesn't do much.
@littlepootis Ok.
Ok towards me? :O
:P *
Even the website says "The first thing you do after installing Server Core is install GUI and stuff because hey, you can't really live without it"
It has a GUI
@qaispak Anything that you can type command in can be a called a console. Not necessary an REPL. But they usually are.
@Sheepy "can be called a console". That part is...confusing. But I'll leave it at that.
If I search console on wikipedia
It gives too many options. There is no tight definition.
Think how wikipedia call Bash a command language but it can also be called a programming language. Or how XSLT is arguably a programming language while HTML is definitely not.
/me smiles, sits back, and watches qaispak overheats
my brain processor is intel inside pentium 3 with 512 ram. So I need time.
to drive the point home of bash being a programming language, I just found a FPS in 3d made in bash..... how.
Welcome to programming :)
I tried to become author and wrote this story. any suggestions/feedback? uxrim.com/journal/2016/05/12/she-gives-a-damn
@qaispak using curses library, I guess
@Mr_Green Hmm. Find an editor. It'll help you a lot.
ok thanks how is the story? :|
@Mr_Green haven't read the story yet, but you could work on the editing/grammar bit as suggested :)
A good editor will help you bring a better focus to your story, too.
@Mr_Green What made you write this?
a personal experience?
lol no.. just like that
some are my personal thoughts
Are you from AP?
Same. Hyd.
btw, how is it?
@Mr_Green Well I think that is the problem. The story seems like a scene from a bollywood movie. I don't feel personal passion in it.
however, that is just my opinion.
I understand. thanks
> like a scene from a bollywood movie
will remove it after 5 mins. will edit and republish
I thought to make it more like Sin city's movie narration
@Mr_Green Think about your life. Think about your journey. Put something in your story that makes me stop and think.
@Mr_Green I think it would be cool but personalize it. Also, maybe add more character development. Like the girl: what is she like? Slim/heavy blonde/black hair skin tone.
yeah thanks for inputs they are helpful
was part of cycle and ak47 was a lot?
@qaispak ^
@littlepootis ok. how was it though?
I think your story may not be that bad. You said you wanted to go for a sin city feel, but you didn't make that clear in the story. So as a reader, my mind was thinking of a normal day in the city. You need to make it clear to the reader what kind of environment we are in

The ak/cycle thing is fine. Details are good I think.
<div class='foo'>a</div>
hmm thanks
<div class='foo'>a</div><div class='foo'>a</div><div class='foo'>a</div>
wth is .foo:nth-of-type(1) { stuff} not working?
sorry in css
.foo:nth-of-type(even) works but not numeric
I personally think you should start with small details. Grammar, choice of words, etc. For example, is it a serene smile? A passionate smile? A beaming smile? If it's a emotional story, that'll tell us more about her than hair colour. It may be better if you start with shorter stories, polish them, and work up from there.
@Hybridwebdev :nth-of-type doesn't work on class selectors, I guess.
It only works on elements, afaik
@Sheepy sure thanks
So, you'll have to do div:nth-of-type(n)
@littlepootis thanks
@Mr_Green asking me my opinion on stories is like asking Donald Trump his opinion on ES6 classes
But yeah, as the others have said, it needs more description of the atmosphere.
I read an article on it a few years ago.
do you have link? may be that could help me
@Mr_Green Try this exercise: Cut your story's word count by half. Once you are done, take a day off, then cut it by half again. And keep it interesting. A successful attempt should make it a much better read.
@Mr_Green I wish I did.
@Sheepy noted. thanks
@Hybridwebdev :)
Hi guys
Why this => doesnot work in visual studio javascript?
This operator does works in this fiddle:jsfiddle.net/ur37dvzt/1
then why not in visual studio javascript?
@Learning It is ES6 and its support depends on the js engine. Node and Most browsers support it, but that's it.
How do i use it??
And I think it's not exactly an operator. You may call it fat arrow.
is there any js for it because when i use it in my visual studio i get syntax error on it
@Learning It depends on what you are exactly doing. Saying "not work in VS" is not unlike saying "not work in notepad"...
@Sheepy:I am trying to use this code:jsfiddle.net/ur37dvzt/1
You already pasted that. It works in browsers like you said. VS has many components and languages. It would work in a TypeScript project, for example. If you don't know what you are doing, it's hard for us to help.
@Sheepy:I am trying to do animation like animating my div
but with above js bin code memory consumption is very high and my animation is also not smooth
i have already hang my client machine with above js bin code
So this guy @ndugger suggested me to use canvas and created this demo:jsfiddle.net/ur37dvzt/1\
and so i am trying to integrate this fiddle code in my project
@Learning If it is slow, first thing to do is profile your code and see where the time is spent.
ok its working when i run it although it is giving me syntax error but working in browser
I'd also ditch jQuery and cache the elements.
What is your VS version?
@Sheepy:Its because of animation
This code is devil:
                top: newY,
                left: newX
Micsosoft visual studio ultimate 2013
We didn't have (formal) fat arrows in 2013. Try VS 2015.
@Sheepy:ok thanks
but can you tell me the reason why memeory consumption becomes so high with my code???\
@Sheepy:ok thanks
@Learning All major browsers come with cpu and memory profiler. Use them. Sorry I am busy now :(
@Sheepy:no problem
@JanDvorak today will be my last day in Prague. I don't need to meet you, but it could be nice
When do you leave?
Sorry for the double ping, they changed the way mobile works again -_-
Tomorrow at...
We wouldn't have time tomorrow I don't think
I'll be passing through I.P.Pavlova cca 45 minutes from now but I can't afford to stay for too long. A better choice would be after 5 PM or 6 PM
Let's go with the better choice
I think they're letting early on us today to make sure everyone gets drunk at least once
Where did you say your area was again?
I'll be around Nuselské schody.
four stops from I.P.Pavlova or six from Muzeum
Seems easy to get to
Will you be online later today? I'm heading out to work right now, sorry.
Is there any questions with four options open source project?
Oh to bed guys. Later!
Sure @JanDvorak
good morning :)
any good open source online quiz project?
Hi guys,
I am quite new to js
I just testing some things
and faced a problem
1 message moved to Trash can
@simba Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
var x=10;

function test()
var x=9;
is it ok now?
when I am running the test function
it gives
can any one please explain
why it is not giving
1 message moved to Trash can
@simba Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
coz variable hoisting and function scoping
function test() {
  var x;
  x = 9;
so u redefine it..
ok thank you sir
@simba don't write code like that in general. It needs to be clearly an internal var or an external var. Don't override if you can help it
what are the interview questions that can be asked in a nodejs interview, not a beginner one
Otherwise, you get what I call "clever" code
@shortCircuit what? You mean expert level node js questions?
yes. expert or maybe medium level difficulty
@BenFortune U ask a question and immediately go away ?
@shortCircuit hmm, maybe what is middleware and why would you prefer it?
What are the differences between promises and callbacks and which do you prefer (callbacks would not be a wrong answer mind you with sufficient reasoning)
regarding why prefer middleware, is it because it helps writing a pipe like functionality , so there is some form of data immutability ?
What libraries do they prefer to use for midrange type web applications (if for no other reason to see that they are familiar with a few)?
@shortCircuit I don't know about data immutability, but the pipe thing is flexible
@shortCircuit I think you should focus mostly on idiotic responses more than "wrong" answers
ok :D , thats a good tip
If he or she has a strong idea on the matter, he or she probably is experienced enough to become strongly opionated
Likewise, you can have a right answer with all the wrong justifications
40 mins ago, by Mr_Green
any good open source online quiz project?
hm, that would mean either lucky or he/she read it somewhere and didn't bother to understand
in which I think the candidate should say it straight, instead of making up answers
@shortCircuit right, or simply telling you what he thinks you want to hear
That said, don't be too harsh if they admit that they don't know something
It takes balls to be honest
Ask them if they have projects on the side
yeah, no issues with not knowing , I ask a few basic questions and then try some logical problem solving . I fail at the part where I have to check if he can be made to learn ..
If so, it is a big plus
yeah, but getting candidates like that is difficult :D
@shortCircuit you can ask him to write a short fizz buzz algorithm
Maybe that is too well known, but something similar
@Neil So, some guy recently moved to Switzerland. He mentioned he was unable to comprehend anything they said, but their flag was a big plus...
If you give the infamous fizz buzz test and they fail, it's a no hire for sure
I love the part where they make the mistake, they write %3 %5 and then get stuck on %15 when asked to dry run .. its fun to watch
@Cerbrus I thought about that joke as I wrote that ;)
Every new programmer should know the fizz byzz test, and if they didn't take the time to at least memorize the algorithm, very very bad
brb xD
@JanDvorak turns out I can make it there at ~6:30
18:30? I can work with that.
ah found it invm
Set a place and I'll be there
@JanDvorak ^
I'll have enough time to travel a bit. What place do you want to visit?
I just thought of maybe getting some coffee together and talking about life
The main things that I wanted to visit in Prague have already been walked through
Where will you be at 18:30?
@DenysSéguret Huh?
Around the area that you told me about
Around the area that you told me about, nuselske schody
Oh that, sorry. It came back up after I asked, then I couldn't get on Miaou
My mobile network is playing with me
There's a nice place right next to the tram stop, U Kašpara
Sounds good
Any shortcut I could take to shorten the time from revolucni street?
That doesn't take 30 mins?
"30 minutes is a long time to wait. In the meantime why don't I... Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm late."
G2g. Mail me at [email protected] so I can make sure I get a notification
@towc Signed you up for mermaid porn
@towc You could take 24 to Ostrčilovo Náměstí, in which case I suggest U Pastýřky or Pohoda pub
Have you tried czech beer yet?
Is towc old enough for beer?
G2g. Mail me at [email protected] so I can make sure I get a notification
@DenysSéguret Aye
var str = "Look at this tomorrow it will be really cold all over the country in Cape Town 9, in George 7, in Port Elizabeth 5 and in, Johannesburg -1";
var remove = str.replace("Look at this tomorrow it will be really cold all over the country:", "").replace(" in", "").replace("in ", "").replace("in ", "").replace(" and in", "")
I think someone needs a regex
Will that help?
@littlepootis it's not 21 in Europe
I'd guess it's 16 as well in the Czech Republic for beers?
@FlorianMargaine In the UK you can drink at home from the age of like 4
well, you can do that pretty much anywhere I guess
@BenFortune is it 18 in the UK for beers?
@BenFortune not legally
@GNi33 In bars, yes.
@Neil Yes legally.
I was in Liverpool and London last year, they asked me for an ID. I was kinda offended
> It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to a child under five except under medical supervision in an emergency.
@BenFortune out of sight and legal are two different things
@Neil Children Act 1908
that's weird
@Neil I tried your suggestion you gave yesterday
but it didn't helped really
it doesn't seem to be working backwords
It's 18 in the Czech Republic
I turned it into a question on SO now
Q: How to reflect URL back to query builder

MathematicsI am using this library for generating Query Builder, https://odatasamples.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Tools/ODataQueryBuilder/Scripts/odata-query-builder.js Above helps me to generate adhoc reports, but what I want is to save the URL and then using this URL recreate OData Query Builder ...

@JanDvorak no "the" for Czech Republic, or does it not matter?
> except under medical supervision in an emergency.
What possible medical reason could there be to give alcohol to a kid under 5?
> Trust me, I'm a doctor
That law is pretty old
@GNi33 It is, but it's still relevant since it hasn't been changed.
Most of the laws in the UK are pretty old
they did a lot of weird things back then. Hey, remember when cocaine was medicine and sold in pharmacies?

Me neither, but that must've been a swell time
@Cerbrus Treat shock?
@JanDvorak doctors are like programmers, that's why I don't trust them
I guess that explains my handwriting
Laws are stupif
@littlepootis That is one of the most stupid thing I ever hear
@Mathematics k
Laws are there for your safety..
> It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament
@BenFortune There must be a context to that
I need to convert a {string -> string} object to a sorted fold in form of k:v\nk2:v2\n..., where k, k2 are keys of the object in order.
@BartekBanachewicz don't see anyone here stopping you to do that :|
> In the UK a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet
@Mathematics Well, I was asking for ideas
@BenFortune assuming she can obtain the helmet somehow?
Hey, So I have recently found out that safari doesn't support localstorage in private mode. I cannot use cookies as my application has too much data for them. Anyone come across a walk around?
@Will display a base64-encoded string and make the user remember it
@Mathematics laws exist to keep the peace

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