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@Anil i h0pe i am watching it
@rlemon Ah, however, the UL inside another LI (did not show you that because I thought it would work) but now it does not work
@Viper nvm i'm talking out my ass.
i have two different menus in my page
left menu and top menu
in that menu i have a tab named Styles
post you entire layout into a fiddle.
I see much CSS nono's
ID's are for DOM Manipulation, Classes are for styling!
people need to remember this shit
@Abhishek if a user visists the site and wants to change the style of the menus
he go's to style tab and selects the style he wants
css files are not supposed to be full of #this, and #that.
@Abhishek did u get it nw
@Anil I've seen you repeat your question twice now - you realize you can link back to old posts right?
5 mins ago, by Zirak
Not if answering stupid questions hurts :P
That's a lie!
It isn't your old post!
also, you are asking a conceptual question which is not answerable. I can tell you how to achieve it. but you wont like my answer.
@rlemon can u provide me any exmples
first you need to create a HTML, CSS, and javascript parser - then you need to create a web browser - for all of this I suggest c/c++ but I know you'll use Go/Dart. Then once you have a fully functioning web browser akin to Chrome or FireFox you can learn how to program, open up @Zirak 's example, realize it was a stupid noobish question, and go away.
..only half.
@rlemon It is nothing more than a ul -> li -> ul -> li, the part I gave you was the inner
No CSS is applied on the outer
ok remember inheritance
if you specify a rule like #id li {} only that li child from the #id get's it.
use classes and define more reusable generic rules.
And I added this to the stylesheet just for the record of the conversation: html, body, ul, li {
height: 100%;
look at that
much cleaner and more understandable CSS
@rlemon I've been meaning to play with the new sass feature on JSF.
yea I can't get into SASS
to me it looks powerful and all, but feels like coffeescript type of hacky workaround to css sucking.
@rlemon So you only use ID's on elements that you need access to with JavaScript?
the world gave me lemons, i'm making lemonade.
@Viper in a perfect world. yes. (with one correction, i'm only using classes to define css rules)
When are the reasons for ruining the perfect world
id's can be used for a number of reasons.
@Viper limitations can crop up anywhere
but as a general rule of thumb, you should design you pages to use primarily classes to define style rules.
I will try your example in my code
look at something like twitter.github.com/bootstrap and you'll see that classes are much better suited for defining styles, and they tend to keep your css files smaller and more readable.
does anyone know how you prevent console.log() statements from causing errors when run in a browser without firebug ?
apart from wrapping each log statement in if (console { console.log() }
@rlemon The difference is that the outer li is not floated
(1)Removing `console.log`
(2)`if ( typeof console === 'undefined' ) { console = { log : function(){} }; }`
@rlemon Only the li in the inner ul is floated
if (typeof console === 'undefined') {
window.console = function() {};
damn @Zirak
@Viper so change it up lol
Me ninja
whaddaya mean "Removing console.log" ?
thanks for the replies
but it doesn't work :p
is this a joke ?
If you have console.log in your code, you select that piece of code, and remove it.
@FlorianMargaine haha cool you did that fast!
OK, it's a joke, lacking only the crucial element of humour
I can quack like a duck, if you'd like
he speaks the truth, Ive seen it!!
really, you've done enough, take the rest of the day off
I'm already pantless and near a stash of viagra and booze, are you sure about that?
@Zirak i'll be over in 15 minutes!
go nuts
intended pun?
however sarcastic his first answer was...
if ( typeof console === 'undefined' ) { console = { log : function(){} }; } is the answer you wanted.
look @Zirak has boobs for a forehead!
^my nuts happy about permission to go nuts
yes, there is an occasional nugget of wisdom to be found in his mountain of manure
even a blind squirrel......
armorgames.com/play/13047/space-is-key-2 Waste time playing games, hooray
thanks rlemon and zirak (reluctantly)
@Don I hope that wasn't euphemism
@Don you do realize the smarter they are, the less social skills they maintain.
Babies must be geniuses
@Zirak may be a BOFH but he knows his shit (sometimes)
@Zirak ever see baby genius?
lol @Zirak owns the starred comments
;) Lesson leaned: Me + fever = awesome
hey @Incognito anychance I could see what your using to interview with? I have mine tomorrow with a candidate
"Ratings: 2.3/10" :3
@Zirak yea I don't trust those.
"The Stupids" only gets 3.8
Classic Tom Arnold.
The wikipedia article completely trashes it
I'll give it a watch just to see how horrible it is
going back to my original question about preventing console.log() from causing errors, there are a bunch of methods on console, e.g. console.info(), console.error() etc.
is there a way to prevent all of these from causing errors when running without firebug?
it seems like if ( typeof console === 'undefined' ) { console = { log : function(){} }; } will only work for console.log()
Does there exist a jQuery function that returns the height of an element with margins and paddings?
Or do I need to manually add this?
@Viper no but there is a DOM API function
What is that?
so why in the hell would you need to add it again.
if ( typeof console === 'undefined' ) { console = { log : function(){}, info : function(){}, error : function(){} }; } ?
@rlemon And then I suppose there is a width equvialent too
What is it?
I am a server programmer trying to get around in JavaScript:p Sorry for asking
I've a little question. I'm using Jquery dialog, how to to i set position it? and appear effects?
Ran the output through jshint, but double-check to be sure
@Viper element.offsetHeight
but does not contain the margin
only border, scrollbars, and padding.
@Zirak thanks
!!/tell Viper mdn offsetHeight
So the margin I manually need to add?
@rlemon I made an update to my page test. I think I'm getting better at it ;)
@Delarn good man.
I solved a problem added text and an image
@Loktar Yeah I was in the middle of cleaning it up and stuff, I'll have it shortly.
I just don't like the shrinking animation of the menu block how can I remove it ?
anyway not in the good chatroom for that
@Loktar: thanks! if I want to get started with developping js app like yours, do you have any good resource?
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of null
I hate PDFs!!!! grrr so slow and heavy for nothing ... chm are the best ...
Always f***ing crashing
@Delarn if you have time watch a few of these vids. youtube.com/playlist?list=PL20115B23208B1033
they will help a lot.
@Incognito awesome, yeah whenever is fine, noticed your tweet and figured id ask
I plan on asking fizzbuzz too, I was worried itd be to easy so I was going to make them do it recursively
I have 3 fizzbuzes on there, but I use them in screening emails.
Upsetting: I said bonus points for computational efficiency, nobody showed any attempt at that.
what are your fizzbuzzes ?
@Zirak: what do you think about By.id('menu').dataStyle instead of By.id('menu').getAttribute( 'data-style' ) Any reason why you'd like one better than the other?
Write a function that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
Write a function to find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
Write a function that accepts an array of integers and returns the second largest value of that array.
I generally ask the second question.
I don't ask them all.
I don't ask the first question to be honest.
the last one seems the hardest
@FlorianMargaine Whichever came to my head first. elem.dataset.style should've been the way to go.
@Don You're serious?
yes, I didn't say it's hard, but the hardest of the 3
I don't know if anybody has linked this yet, but... holy crap
The super easy inefficient code for any of those problems is 5-10 lines max.
again, I didn't say any of them are hard
The way to do them in a computationally efficient way is hard.
@Zirak: k. As long you need only strings I'd rather use .dataStyle seeing the perf.
for the last one would you sort the array then pick the 2nd last element ?
"Solve however you want, bonus points if it is computationally efficient"
@Don Lots of people sort. You don't need to sort.
actually, that wouldn't work
@Incognito: arr.sort()[1] for your third exercise :p not always efficient, but one-liner :-)
You can just iterate and have two variables
@RyanKinal awesome!
@FlorianMargaine Surprisingly, you're not correct.
@FlorianMargaine that won't work if more there is more than one value tied for highest
@FlorianMargaine That's the second smallest
true, but even arr.sort()[arr.length - 2] is wrong
@FlorianMargaine no job for you
!!/tell FlorianMargaine mdn Array.reverse
how to set position Jquery ui dialog?
too bad! have to apply for project chief then.
@Zirak Command Array.reverse does not exist.
@Incognito how do you solve it without sorting ?
@Zirak: yeah, don't worry, I just didn't remember the order of sort()
@Don You iterate over the array, keeping track of highest and second highest, is the easiest way.
2 mins ago, by Zirak
You can just iterate and have two variables
cevab veremediler, türk yok mu?
@Zirak @Incognito oh...I was hoping you had something awesome up your sleeve
@Incognito: to display fizzbuzzes, I'm thinking about using var arr.length = 100 then iterating over the keys with a triple check, would that be the way you call computationally efficient?
or is the triple check the "computationally efficient" there is to work around?
I don't see how you can. You need to select a value between a range, and common clever techniques just don't apply here.
Lots of people made an array with 100 elements in it for some reason.
awesome thanks @Incognito in case I didnt say thanks
damn id be nervous answering these questions in an interview :?
and if they said "and dont use JS" id just walk out
just picture the interviewer in their underwear.
troll them and use jQuery
then id definitely walk out! lol
@rlemon: nope, picture him pooping.
whats funny is I get more nervous when I interview people
its so annoying
im nervous as hell about tomorrow.. I always get this way idk why
Hi all
@Loktar get a fake boogie and hang it out of your node during the interview - half way through as the candidate looks down you switch the nostril it is hanging out of.
@Loktar if you're actively trying to fuck with the person you won't be as nervous.
yeah my boss will be there too though :?
get him in on it!
Ask your boss to pull your finger
this is the question I want to ask
you want someone who will mesh well with you're 'relaxed fun working environment'
ask your boss for a threesome.
I think I pasted it here
haha dude.. this is not a fun working environment
everyone is > 45
Im the youngest one here :?
but yeah I want them to tell me what should happen, what will happen, and howd theyd fix it
The government sure does sound like a relaxed, fun place
it is if your not a contractor
reduce save by 1
I got the correct answer.
do I get the job?!?!?!
yeah im not giving them a fiddle :P
going to be printed off
unless they have a pc
im going to make a new fiddle today
thats just one answer btw, somebody figured out a diff way
give them an abacus and make them show you the bit patterns.
oh nice is this yours @Incognito?
hi folks
This is what I made/use.
nice thanks man
In hind sight, a lot of devs, perhaps half that passed the fizbuz, couldn't deal with it.
Nobody who submitted messy code in the fizbuz was even able to deal with it remotely.
Here's a suggestion: jsfiddle.net/AvBEM
Example is contrived, but you get the idea.
Neat cache.
Oh wait, what if the value is 0?
Error is more javascripty. It's a little subtler.
Actually, I don't think you can make a float that does it.
Not algorithimcal one, a syntactical one.
@Zirak: your anonymous function is never executed
It's a bug I had in the bot today :P
in Room for ChatBot, 2 hours ago, by Zirak
@Zirak function (b,c){function d(d){var e,f;d.result_type==="no_results"?e="Y U NO MAEK SENSE!!!???!!?11 No results.":(f=d.list[0],e="["+b+"]("+f.permalink+"): "+f.definition),a[b]=e,c&&c.call?c(e):b.reply(e)}if(!b.length)return"Y U NO PROVIDE ARGUMENTS!?";IO.jsonp({url:"http://www.urbandictionary.com/iphone/search/define",data:{term:b.content},jsonpName:"callback",fun:d})}
@Zirak function (b,c){function d(d){var e,f;d.result_type==="no_results"?e="Y U NO MAEK SENSE!!!???!!?11 No results.":(f=d.list[0],e="["+b+"]("+f.permalink+"): "+f.definition),a[b]=e,c&&c.call?c(e):b.reply(e)}if(!b.lengt
yeah, I totally like to read uglified code.
oh, I see, that's what the bot printed out
why don't you simply use commands.urban = function() {} ?
instead of commands.urban = (function() {}()) ?
I needed the cache
var cache = {};
fucking ninja'd me again!
giant smirk
no, I thought about hoisting, but it's in a different function scope...
@Incognito Here's another idea: jsfiddle.net/AvBEM/1
function imNotTooCreative ( blah ) {
@Incognito would this count :P
Q: Storing data offline with javascript

WalkerMy question is about storing data offline and potentially whether I will need to bring in an outside programmer or could this be learned within a few weeks? The website I am working on will have an interface where users will login and go through a series of quizzes in the form of checkbox, drop ...

function secondLargest(vals){
    return vals[vals.length-1];
Yeah that's fine.
only prob is dup numbers
so its technically not always the 2nd largest
It's up to you really, the purpose isn't to pass a test, it's to have them demonstrate ability, thinking, and communication.
anyway cool question
its hard for me to resist programming questions
they are fun
Yeah, euler is addicting stuff. My problem is OCD for elegance.
Write everything in Perl. Boy, is that language elegant!
Lisp is elegant! It's just unappreciated elegance!
And it uses (, not { :P
Woah woah woah, what's the rush there little guy? Throw some more {s and }s in there.
But actually, I had a nerdgasm yesterday: Io. iolanguage.com/about/samplecode
@FlorianMargaine I hate you. I really do. I think Io is going to be my favourite language.
Oh? the book hit you?
@Incognito the jQuery one stumped me a little bit.. I was just like ah screw it
var len = data.length-1,
    i = 0;

while(i++ < len){
    var div = document.createElement("div");
    div.innerHTML = data[i];
and did that instead
I wouldnt normally do innerhtml but the data has <hr/> :?
anyway I swear ive seen that before
still stumped me though with the each a little bit
I know "why" its slow but don't know how to make it faster with jQuery
@Loktar: can't you create documentFragments instead of Elements? Then you add it all at once out of the while
weird because like 18 months ago id say the total opposite "well I can make it faster with jQuery.. no clue how to do it with pure js though"
... not sure that's what you meant :/
@FlorianMargaine yeah thats what I was thinking with the each.. but it seemed like itd just be a giant string id add
still seemed like a bad thing to do
but.. since im doing innerHTML anyway
According to twitter.github.com/bootstrap/components.html#navbar I need to integrate bootstrap-dropdown.js into my website, for dropdowns to work. However, they stop working when I add the dropdown plugin. Anybody here experienced the same thing?
well it depends on the size of the data array
if it's not that much, adding all the dom elements at once will always be way faster than adding them one after one
Well, first of all, he selects the same element 10000 times instead of once.
everytime you're calling document, you're doing something highly computative
Also, he sets the text, not the html
And each is a poor alternative to for
@Zirak ah yeah the selector confused me
oh, and data[0] doesn't exist
I like these concepts at the end
good idea
@Loktar There were two jQuery ones.
yeah I saw the ajax one too
that ones a bit easier to figure out.
recursion <3
I mean the other wasnt hard, but doing it in jQuery lol I got that damn anti jQuery bug now :P
I wonder how a recursive guitar riff would look like
ask the guitarist for dragonforce
yuck, that'd be 400 nested loops
crazy, crazy, guitar skills
He's bitch technical, got no soul.
Gilmoure or Hendrix probably wrote one
does anyone here use git? I have an open pull request on a repo, and the code in that request needs some corrections. After I have made these corrections and merge them into my repo, how do I update the pull requests with my new changes?
this good way to get fps? jsfiddle.net/rlemon/87QqZ
@Loktar ?? ^
seems a bit overly complex
one sec
I guess yeah, idk something seems odd to me though
like the fps should be way higher
I'm so sick of plugin developers
@rlemon yeah thats correct.. but wth
I swear I used to pull 120 fps
max I can get is 71
lol, but my implementation is correct?
I was messing with it alot
but thats what I came up with
/me looks at original implementation
yeah I was mostly confused by this
fps += (this_fps - fps) / fps_filter;
I just do, fps = 1000/(fps_now - fps_last);
fps_filter was also set to 50 not 1000
so thats what threw me a little
lol cool i'll look at what you changed after i'm done eating
looks much better on my end already though.
more understandable.
I threw in reqanimframe just to test if the fps was correct
since I know it should run at 60 fps
USB 1.1 Grawwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
took over 2 hours to install xp
@rlemon: what does that do for your fps? render.call();
is it the same as render()?
essentially yes.
gaaah, the jQuery trolls even spam the questions not tagged with
A: If any textbox on page is changed, call function

ScottWith jQuery: $("input[type=text]").change(function() { // put your code here });

why are you using .call() instead of render() then?
Q: context to use call and apply in Javascript?

jQuery zorroGuys can any one explain context to use call and apply methods in Javascript? Why to use call and apply instead of calling a function directly ?

currently it serves no purpose. however this is a starting point for many projects / games
so it is a kinda way to remind myself
@ThomasShields this has been occurring for years
@MattMcDonald I know :(
The reasoning is so inherently flawed. I think it might come from the philosophy in schools these days: the just-pass-the-test philosophy, instead of actually learning. Like someone said earlier in here, the common thought is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". It should be "if it ain't broke, break it, and then fix it again, until you've exhausted all possibilities"
so they just provide jQuery answers because it solves the problem, for now.
well, vote for good answers then :p
I've spent the past few days re-learning high school math (thanks Khan Academy)
@FlorianMargaine yeah
Khan Academy is awesome. I'm so glad my math teachers weren't monotone test-passing types.

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